Did anyone else experience things being really spicy all of a sudden while they were pregnant? I’m about 14 weeks and everything is so spicy. My husband keeps telling me things aren’t but I can’t even eat certain things anymore. I’m usually not so sensitive to spices.
Yes and after my last pregnancy it never went away . Things I have eaten many times and added more seasoning to is now spicy . My sense of small is also extremely sensitive.
yes i believe can change.
Yes. I didn’t like pickles or orange juice with my first. Took forever to like them again.
And nothing is ever spicy enough when I’m pregnant.
I was opposite, went from not being able to handle much hot spice but after that first pregnancy I craved hot spicy foods.
Yes your taste buds change throughout your life so what you liked before can become a food you don’t like and foods you don’t like can become foods you now like
Yes. With my first son I couldn’t eat anything even slightly spicy. Even pickles were spicy so I had to stop having them on my burgers. It turned out my son doesn’t like spicy stuff. With my second son I could eat all the spicy stuff I wanted but couldn’t stand onions, most beef and no pork at all. Those things automatically sent me to vomit.
Chocolate I ate it constantly biting and after my last child it just became not as good
definitely will change & you may have start loving odd combinations of food
I was not a spicy food person until I got pregnant with my daughter about 6 years ago. Then at about the 6 month mark that is all I wanted. The spicier the better. Now I’m down as long as it doesn’t t melt my face off lok
With my first, out of nowhere pickles made me gag even the thought of them. She’s turning 7 in less than 2 weeks and I’ve never had a pickle since she ruined them!
Spicy is the only thing that doesn’t give me heart burn after my 2nd pregnancy (3rd kid) with my first I couldn’t eat anything besides kraft Mac and cheese and chicken noodle soup with crackers. Anything super sweet gives me agonizing heartburn and milk makes it worse.
Milk I used to love milk but with my son I couldn’t handle it and even now 4 yrs later milk still makes me sick.
Yes, your senses are usually heightend. A lot of strange things happen to you during pregnancy. I’ve never ate a tomato until I was pregnant and now I can eat them like candy. I also still, cringe at cool ranch Doritos because they made me sick during pregnancy and used to be my favorite! I remember sitting on the balcony thinking the air smelled like apples…for days I kept saying I could smell apples outside - found out our neighbors had a green apple tree and the husband ran over the fallen ones with a lawn mower!
I couldn’t eat any kind of chicken when pregnant . Taste made me gag and throw up. I love chicken
Yes! I could taste the difference in waters! I couldn’t even drink my fridge water bc I thought it tasted like chemicals. After the baby I couldn’t tell what water I was drinking!
I craved more spicy things while pregnant that I definitely couldn’t eat now that I’m not. So I’d say it’s possible
Lol duh. Everything changes. Your favorite foods may becomes disgusting to you…even after you birth the babe
When I was first pregnant everything tasted off, like I had a cold or something.
Yes they can change. I used to love cilantro now it tastes like soap. I also hated most foods, everything tasted terrible while i was pregnant.
Your sense of smell is way stronger everything you liked before will probably taste gross everything smells bad my baby is 2 years I can still smell everything so strong I hate it lol
my first pregnancy - nothing was ever spicy enough & I learned to love food.
This pregnancy- I hate food & it ALL gives me acid reflux issues.
Pumpkin spice tasted like poop. Usually like pumpkin flavored things. I just blamed the baby when food sucked. #iveoffendedthewhitegirlnation
Hmm no, can’t say that’s happened to me or have even heard of that.
Just assume that every single thing about you is going to change when you’re pregnant. If you’re lucky a lot of it goes back to pre pregnancy “normal” but not always. I cannot STAND root beer…drink it all the time while pregnant. Now can’t even stand the smell
With my last everything was hotter than normal, and I really enjoy hot foods, but it gave my bad heart burn (which I had never had…) and it make even Pace salsa hot lol . Now a year and a half later, everything is still very hot to me and I get heart burn just from the smell of hot food lol
For example I despise salt and vinegar flavored anything. When I was pregnant I’d devour salt and vinegar chips. (Turns out craving salt is a sign of dehydration) so once I upped my water intake I disliked them again lol.
I ate spicy food when I was pregnant. Never had heartburn or any problems. Now I have occasional reflux but my daughter still loves spicy food
Opposite actually. Couldn’t handle spicy hardly until I got pregnant with #2 and that was all I craved haha!
Some things taste like mold to me. Things I used to love lol
I didn’t experience things being really spicy, but your taste buds can change during pregnancy and they change differently. Things that tasted good will taste disgusting and vice versa.
100% I couldn’t eat chicken for the first 5 mths