Can teething cause fevers?

My baby girl is 1 and she’s been teething really bad, and drooling a ton, she’s had a low grade fever on and off that I think is from teething but she woke up from her nap today with a 101.8 fever, she is in daycare so I’m not sure if that’s to high from just teething or if she’s getting sick. Does anyone know how high a fever can get from just teething? 

My son always had a fever while teething. It’d be 102° or less. A sure sign of a viral virus is a fast spike in fever.

Would keep a close eye on that , if it keeps going over 101 , should be checked out , many times teeting causes ear infections

that’s common! alternate between tylenol & motrin.

Absolutely could be from teething my daughter always got a low fever and a rash on the cheek of the side the tooth was coming in🤷🏼‍♀️ definitely keep an eye for other symptoms but teething can cause a fever for sure!!