I don’t feel like it’s necessary. I think it’s okay for adults who need help sleeping, but not for children. Just my opinion though, I may not be right!
I tried it for a week but caused really bad nightmares. On the other hand my nephew took for a longer time and it helped him fall asleep faster.
My ex husband was given melatonin from a young age till he was older and now has an extremely difficult time falling asleep as his body doesnt produce the natural hormone on it’s own aswel anymore.
That being said, if it’s used correctly and not excessively I dont see an issue with it if your child struggles with getting to sleep
There is melatonin for kids and I do recommend this if your child is not on a sleep schedule or they are not sleeping well as this happened to my children in the beginning of the pandemic when the kids were out of school and we were on lockdown basically. Its natural and you just give the right dose 1/2 hour before bedtime. You do this for a few weeks and your kids are back on their schedule and I its very important a child has good nights sleep and wakes up early to start the day. My childrens sleep schedule is to be in bed by 8pm every night and they are out by 8:30 or 8:40 and they wake up every day around 6:30am or 7pm. They sleep well and wake up rested. Its important. Dont let your child go to sleep at 11pm one night and then 10pm the other and wake up late. Start your kids on a routine now so as they grow up, they grow up with a routine in life and thats important in my perspective and I have 6 children and Im a single mom. Im on my own with them since I separated from their father 2 years ago.
Not all the time, only when they have trouble falling asleep after 30min. 1-3mg is okay occasionally and perfectly safe. 2mg is pretty standard in children dosing.
Absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done for my son. I resisted until he was 3.5 and I was broken. What a difference, his life changed, my life changed, I got my beautiful son back. Do it xxx
I gave it to my son with doctors orders when he was 4. Thank god I have a security alarm. I woke up to my security alarm going off and my son was in my front yard sleep walking. To each their own but I will never recommend because of the side effect my son had and I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone else.
Ive been using melatonin for my daughter since she was about 4ish…i was advised by her pediatrician to do so.
Our bodies produce melatonin naturally…some ppl more than others.
My daughter could go days without sleep but she would be an emotional basket case. This momma was exhausted. I dont give it every day but a couple of times a week is ok
Ive heard long term use can cause brain and heart problems when theyre older. I wouldnt use it…
Try Dr Teals 3in 1 kids bath and body
There is also a spray and a lotion work wonders.
My son was put on a melatonin schedule by his pediatrician and psychologist as a toddler. We were abused and because of it after we left he had difficulty sleeping.
I would talk to your pediatrician. Mine actually recommended it for my son as opposed to putting him on a prescription medication.
my son used to take it when he was 2-4 as we would have a hard time putting him to sleep
When my baby sister was born she wouldn’t sleep. When she was 3 months old our doctor said melatonin. It’s a natural chemical our body makes, can’t accidentally OD.
I don’t give mine melatonin but my husband takes two kids gummies and he’s out. The kids ones are super strong. I would let them run and burn off energy they’ll crash
I use it on my 1&2 year old when they’re fighting their sleep. It helps them. (I DONT GIVE IT ALL THE TIME THO.)
I feel if you establish good consistent , routine sleep patterns should be enough without medicating
If needed yes. But get it approved from your childs dr to make sure you give the correct dosage
My daughter has ADHD shes also going on 13 and doesn’t sleep much her pediatrician said not sleeping was worse than the side effects of melatonin. Some night we dont need it. Some nights we do. She also told me some times it makes her belly sore.
Most of the ones in the chemist are too low of a dose to do anything. Unless you get a script it won’t matter too much. A 3pm park play where you let them go stupid playing, and bathe and feed them quickly will usually do the trick when they’re littler
good but only at 1mg or 3mg doses and ONLY if it is short term use to help them get into a sleep routine
I dnt like it. I keep my kids on a schedule. They go lay in bed at a certain time whether they are sleepy or not. Eventually they fall asleep!!! FYI tired kids go to sleep!
My daughter gets it on school nights to help her wined down. I hate giving it to her but at least she’s getting a good nights rest.
I have given my three and four year old both kids melatonin. No regrets . Dr said it was ok
No ,it messes up the natural cycle of melatonin naturally produced especially for young children who are still developing
I give it to my child when I’m really tired and she doesn’t wanna go to sleep it works pretty good. I get to sleep lol
I just started giving my oldest 2 kids (5&6) it like 2 days ago 30 mins before bed bc they weren’t wanting to go to sleep at 8 for school in the morning. I tell them it’s a vitamin but the days they r wore out I won’t be giving it bc they won’t need it… I’m scared to give anything to my 2 yr old even tho she is almost 3… I feel bad for giving it to my almost but everyone recommended it and they weren’t wanting to get up in the morning
Consult your Dr. I work for a pediatric neurologist who states there is nothing wrong with it. I’ve never used one toddler but my 9 years old has adhd and will tell me when he is struggling. But consult a Dr. Each child is different and most are I’ll esuxated on it.
If it’s prescribed then why not? My daughter was on it she had the opposite effect it made her hyper
As a mother of six I let these hyper children of mine run off that energy during the day and when it’s time for bed their out just like that which means fun time for me, cleaning the floors, doing dishes, putting the toys away, & vacuuming ect. Lol
My son has been taking it for about 6 months he just turned 3. Best thing we ever did
Yes but I called my sons doctor first he is 2 so better safe than sorry but it is safe but call the babys doctor first
Yes melatonin is ok for toddlers…my granddaughter takes it every night…it’s very safe
I give my 3 yr like 1/4 of a melatonin gummy on his bad days the down side is there is a window in there that if they don’t sleep it has the opposite effect and oh boy it’s rough till they crash
always talk to your GP before giving them anything herbal/not prescribed .
Best thing you can do is talk to a pediatrician for information and make the best decision based off the information you get. But my son is 8 and uses it (5mg)
I give my daughter who is 4 a 3 mg almost every night otherwise she is up until 3AM and momma just isn’t built to go to bed at 3 and wake up at 7… I give it to her an hour before bed and continue with our routine. It helps INSANELY
I would talk to the pediatrician to see what’s best for your child. All children are different
oh yes and I’m the grandma to these kids and when they’re at my house spend the night or whatever take a nap I have because they don’t want to take their naps
Yes they can take it, consult with their pediatrician first. My daughter started out taking 1mg at age 2.
Damn if there was cons I’ve been buying it since my child was two and he takes one every night for 7 to 14 days and then will take a month or two withdraw
Yes they can but it can cause night mares, id use an organic dark honey
As long as its not storming me and my grandson are outside playing. And sleeps 10 hours at night. Get them active. On days we are stuck inside its harder to get him to go to sleep. Gotta get their energy out
Just don’t use it regularly because melatonin is naturally produced in the brain and that could mess up their natural balance
I give my son 1mg off and on when he’s super wired. He’s a night owl like his dad and he would stay up all night if he could fighting sleep. He’s 5 and in school full time. I need to make sure that he is well rested. Some days he crashes out without it, but if I know he’s fighting sleep, I’ll give him a gummy.
Homeopathic medicines are not recommended until 3 years old.
Talk to your pediatrician. Ours recommended 1 mg for our then 1.5 year old.
My 3 yr old son has it but that’s because hes waking up every night in the horrors due to trauma, but it never worked for him, so to answer your question yes they can but if your child doesn’t have any real reason to take it then don’t give it, see
Your gp first
Absolutely not it is not FDA approved take your child outside let them run and take him off the damn sugar. You truly need to go online and type in melatonin side effects
Regular routines and healthy parenting approaches are encouraged first.
My son did, we did it with our doctor through. It was great to get him to sleep but not to keep him asleep.
They recently came out with it for children .but I have not tried it or I don’t know for what a gets its good for.
His pediatrician suggested it when he turned 2 years old. 1mg gummy. Always ask a dr first.
It’s your kid do what you feel is needed. If you let them play hard and they don’t want to sleep then a teeny bit won’t hurt. My 5 yrs old is rambunctious but now she is going to school waking up early, then plays outside till dinner when 8 PM rolls around she is ready for a book and bed. Most of the time she falls asleep while I’m reading her a book.
Ask your pediatrician but I didn’t start using it until my daughter was in 2nd grade.
My son has sleep related epilepsy, and as a toddler it worked miracles for him!
He’s not been on it for years now though.
My sister in law gives it to her 6 and 2 year old and my adult brother it’s not something I’d give my kids a warm bath and pepermint tea works for mine
Give my daughter 1/4 or 1/3 of a 1 mg gummy every night, if not, she’s straight up mean at bedtime.
I gave my 4 year old some… he ended up having a migraine! Each child responds differently.
It worries me that so many people are of the belief that just because its natural that its safe.
Go to a bloody medical professional and ask them.
1mg is safe and not every night. use for nights where the day has been chaotic or not routine. Its nit a sleeping pill. more of a sleep aid that helps calm the body. it may or may not work. my kids are great examples of it lol.
No, it’s not advised to give a child melatonin. This can cause their bodies to not produce it naturally.
No!! There is a new study out. It causes issues with the ovaries and testicles. Also, extreme nightmares.
I’ve heard it isn’t safe for anybody as it is a supplement and not regulated by any government agency so the dosage from pill to pill even within the same bottle can be drastically different
Zarbees makes melatonin for toddlers
There are gummy melatonin that you can buy.
I give my daughter 1mg every night. Otherwise she doesn’t sleep and when she finally does fall asleep wakes up 4 to 5 times a night. She is 4
Your body makes melatonin as you age it decreases
I gave some to my toddler because he wouldn’t fall asleep until like 10 or 11pm and it helped him fall asleep very fast, but he was waking up at 4:30am every time so I stopped.
My daughter takes it with no side effects
Ask your dr first. Most are ok with it. Just beware some are having nightmares on it.
Yes. My son’s neurologist suggested it when he was an infant.
My son is precribed it but he just refuses to take it. He will not entertain it at all.
Yes. I use it with my 13 and 5 year old if not its midnight before they ate asleep.
Yes I give it to my almost 3 year old son.
I use it for my 2.5 year old
Why would anybody want to give a toddler a sleeping pill. That is not smart even if the doctor tells you it would be ok.
If your hearing more
Cons then pros there’s a reason for it! Find other solutions to the sleeping issues.
Personally I don’t use it since your body has enough.
In some states it is considered druging a child.
I know zarbees makes some, and I’ve been curious as well. Following.
Sleepy melts is great by winx naturals and it’s all homeopathic
Only if u wanna give ur kid animal parts in pill form
ask a doctor. none of us here are qualified. end of story.
Hey sweetie I have seen plugging that have lavender in them that may help?? X or maybe a lavender bath at bedtime? X
Please talk to your childs doctor before you give them melatonin.
Why don’t u ask your doctor?
After this pandemic I did to get my kids on a routine again it helped to get them up early for school
Why do people have to be so judgemental, they asked a question. I’d probably talk to your Dr
Ask a pediatrician to be safe.
I give mine the kids gummies
I ask my pharmacist and he said no way.
Speak with your doctor. Only with a doctor recommendation.
Consult with Pediatrician just to be safe
I do. If I don’t, they are up all night
I wouldn’t give it to my tot. I wouldn’t want my baby’s body to be dependent on that stuff. I just wouldn’t feel like it’s a safe thing to do
No! When in doubt contact your pediatrician.
Its not going to hurt them
Ask a doctor not Facebook lol
Yes. Ped DR., N.D., and my sanity all agree