Can Vyvanse cause birth defects?

I’m an RN and just recently went back to school to become a Nurse Practitioner; I have ADD and have been taking 70mg of Vyvanse for the past eight months. I just recently found out I am pregnant (probably around eight weeks) and am weaning off the medication as it’s not safe for pregnancy. I’ve done a lot of research, but I want to hear from moms who have gone through this, will this cause birth defects? Will my baby be okay?


I would definitely talk with you ob about it and if your office does the 12 week genetics testing I would do that because it can tell you if baby has certain birth defects or genetic disorders


I think you’ll be fine. Think of how many people drink alcohol and take meds before they find out they are pregnant. Don’t make yourself sick with worry.


Whatever you do, don’t google it! WebMD will have you believe that anything and everything will cause every birth defect and adverse reaction in the book. Whenever you go in for your first prenatal appointment mention it to the OB/midwife they’ll be able to tell you more.


Y’all… I’m just saying but there are SO many types of nursing and nurse practitioners… lemme tell you I was an ICU nurse and a mama and fell down some stairs with laundry ON MY BACK and still rushed to the ED freaking out when I was pregnant… Whole different thing when it is your child! Also we know some meds are unsafe but not always if and what birth defects they can cause… I agree with Mary! Stress makes everything so much harder!


Some of y’all need to chill because she said in her post that she is aware of its effects during pregnancy but wants to know if any who found out in the same time frame and stopped taking the medicine and the baby didn’t suffer birth defects, I myself take a strong medicine that connot be taken during pregnancy while some have and have been fine it is not a guarantee


Im a nurse too! I took vyvanse 50mg until I found out I was pregnant at about 7 weeks, I was weaned off as well, my OB gave me the option to continue it but I did not want to put my child at any risk——I was completely vyvanse free by 12 weeks. My son is 2.5 now and no birth defects, completely healthy!


I am almost 19 weeks pregnant and this is my SECOND pregnancy that I have taken 70mg of vyvanse. My son is three and he is as healthy as they come! I had the genetic testing done at 12 weeks and everything came back normal- no birth defects or genetic problems. No where have I seen any problems with babies born to mothers who have taken vyvanse- a am also on other medications as I suffer with a lot of mental health issues. My OB and my psychiatrist have both said that they would like me to be healthy and mentally stable during my pregnancy and keep me on my medications during my pregnancy. If you would like to have a chat with me about it, I am more than happy to chat with you! Think about YOU and what you need to do to be happy and healthy for you and your baby during your pregnancy! :heart:


Not the same medication, but I was on lithium and didn’t know I was pregnant until about 8 weeks. That medication was unsafe for pregnancy and I was weaned off of it which took a little bit of time. My daughter is 2 1/2 and healthy as a horse!

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I was on adderall the first 2.5 months of my pregnancy and everything was fine. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was on cymbalta which is a no no for pregnancy. I slowly weaned off of it, it’s not one to do cold turkey. It took me 3 months to come off and my kiddo is just fine. He’s 2.5, smart as a whip and doesn’t have any health problems.

As long as you taper off it. Don’t continue taking it but work with your doctors to come off it properly. I was on adderall and the second I found out I was preggo at 4 weeks I immediately stopped. Being on any kind of stimulant medication is not good for the baby bc of the increase of heart rate and blood pressure. But don’t worry girl. Vyvanse is more mild than adderall so I’m sure the effects aren’t as serious. Just make sure to come off it with doctors guidance

I took myself off my vyvanse when I found out I was pregnant. I was probably 6 weeks along. My son came in november 2020 and was perfectly fine.

I have taken vyvanse since i was a freshman in high school i am now 19 and just had my daughter a little over a year ago. i’ve always suffered with severe BPD as well as ADD when i found out i was pregnant my first concern was the meds i was on. i asked my doctors about the risks as he didn’t want me to quit taking my meds but he told me that my daughter could be born with heart defects but there was a super slim chance, he told me that a lot of women continue to take it during pregnancy but even that slim chance was enough for me to quit taking it. i recently just started taking it again and got prescribed a new anti depressant. i really didn’t feel all that different not taking it during my pregnancy but starting to take it again was a little difficult getting used to being on it again. i could definitely feel a difference in my self being on it vs not being on it.

Idk about Vyvanse but I weaned off Adderall about 4 weeks to 8 weeks into both my pregnancies and while they both came out with genetic issues (like ADHD, obviously) there were no diagnosed neurological or physical defects attributed to my medication use. Idk if that helps or hurts. Just take your prenatal everyday and you’ll be fine, but please do prepare for your child to be neuroatypical and a handful just like you. You gotta prepare yourself to love 'em anyway. :sweat_smile:

I was on adderall the first month of pregnancy! No issues here

Yes. I had a miscarriage and was taking adderall but wasn’t warned. I had/have ADHD,also

My daughter was on the 70 they put her on a lower dose n my grand daughter come out perfectly healthy

Maybe ask a real dr and not the internet drs

You actually don’t need to wean off it. The withdraw is that adhd symptoms will return, which is expected. Many people are advised by doctors (I was too) to take med holidays. I know many people don’t take it during weekends or summer. You can safely just stop taking it. Of course run it past your doctor first. I had no issues with pregnancy after stopping.

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