Can we take a second and talk about 11year old girls and tampons?

I don’t understand… what exactly could get out of pocket? Like what do you think using tampons would lead to? My main concern would be how mature she is as far as making sure to remember to change them often enough as kids that she still tend to be very forgetful and i would worry about that. Other than that though i really don’t get what other crap you are even going on about. It’s damn period products. I’m still a good ways away from having to deal with that with my daughter but i fully plan on just getting her period undies and a cup if she’s comfortable with it from the get go :woman_shrugging:

Tampons aren’t sexual though? and TSS is rare. I would say maybe she shouldn’t wear them in situations it would be embarrassing for her to be reminded, or she can’t be reminded. Once she’s good at remembering by herself though (which won’t take long) who cares?

She could also try a diva cup which is less risk for TSS if it makes you feel better.


Are you comparing a tampon to a dildo? Or a dick? Either is weird to be honest. Don’t sexualise looking after herself during her menstrual cycle, it’s creepy AF!!!

This is how I was raised. No tampons! How ridiculous. And when I tried to self teach I used them wrong and left upper cardboard applicator in. Caused pain and leakage and humiliation.
And then, in Christian summer camp another girl had a bunch of us naked in the shower teaching us how to insert. She later came out as gay. I feel that if my mother would of educated me in the privacy of our own home I would not of been subjected to all things mentioned earlier. I should of have the tools and knowledge I need from my parents whom I trust and have my best interest. Education is key. If you don’t teach them, someone else will and you don’t know exactly what they are taught or how. It’s your job to empower your children with the knowledge they need to make decisions. (I’m not against anyone’s sexual preference)


I never used a pad. My periods were too heavy from the start. Just explain that it’s for her health, and teach her how to properly use them. Have her read the pamphlet that comes inside the box, and explain the difficulty of using them improperly

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What are you on? Are you… you can’t be serious. Wow. I don’t think it’s your daughter who needs to grow up, it’s you. Serious, who thinks of their own kid that way? Next period, walk her through their use and let her try them out ffs. If she prefers pads, ok. If she likes tampons, remind her to change them every 4 hours, or as needed more frequently. Good grief, lady. Your daughter isn’t a pervert for hating pads. They suck.

You…. YOU are what is sketchy :flushed: sweet Jesus poor child


Why are you wondering like I know as a mum ur concerned etc but do what I did with my daughter buy her the guide tampons the pads 4 different types plus a couple of other meds etc let her as the one with her ladies decide and perhaps mum should also realise it is also embarrassing for such a young lady to start her ladies so hopefully she can not see you on here asking a question you should be asking her :thinking:

Um what.

I was 11 when I started using tampons.
It has nothing to do with anything sexual :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


If she wants to try an use them let her. It’s her body and her period. It may be better for her

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I started mine with pads and they chose tampons, both of them. Tampons aren’t introducing them to sex. Life does that. But making a big deal about tampons is just going to make them wonder. Which is where you’ll be in trouble.

Good grief … if she’s comfortable with tampons, it makes life a whole lot easier. I HATED using pads as a teenager. It’s not sexual. She won’t “enjoy” it.
If she’s unhappy with either choice, perhaps some of the period pants might be an option.


Ummmm, TF??!?!? :flushed: tampons is absolutely NOTHING sexual so might wana stop that!

Too young IMO but each child is different. My oldest didnt use them til about 13 and I couldn’t at all until after I had both my kids.


I think you need some educating as well. The fact that you think tampons will somehow equate to sexual deviancy at her age is disturbing ? I don’t know a single women who out in a tampon and thought yeah I’m gonna wanna do this with everything now :roll_eyes: they are uncomfortable to put in and come out like you’re popping a wine cork out. The ONLY concern you should have is TSS and in that case you should be EDUCATING her on the signs and symptoms to look for. As for her sneaky behaviour do you ever think it comes from the fact that you treat her like this on simple matters such as basic feminine hygiene? If this is what your opinion is of her , could that be the reason she’s “sneaky”. Parents like you create sneaky kids.

They are convenient if she’s a swimmer or doesn’t feel like wearing a diaper. Not to mention she may be finding pads highly uncomfortable due to the heat rash and allergic reactions the material could cause. You are raising a young woman. Educate her and let her choose the way she feels comfortable in dealing with her cycle. Treating her like she’s nothing but a sneaky baby, will do more harm to your relationship later in down the road and I promise you when she does finally get to the age of wanting children, she will be vowing to be nothing like you when it comes to this issue when she’s dealing with her own kids.


Must some of you feel the need to judge? Some of you are extremely rude. Its a question not judge jury and execute.

…you don’t want her getting into the habit of sticking things inside herself?!? Hahaha it’s not a piggy bank. So after you first tried a tampon yourself…you just started sticking random things inside yourself? Lol I’m guessing not. Or hoping not lol. Tampons are not a gateway drug lol. Today it’s tampons. Tomorrow glue sticks, candles, Red Bull cans :joy: I think it will be okay lol. …might wanna lock up your curling iron though … Just to be safe!!! :joy:


All girls that age are curious about tampons. My daughter is 12 she tried using the tampons at 11 and couldn’t get it in there of course. So she gave up and has never mentioned it again lol.

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I dOnT KnOw I wAnT hEr To GeT iNtO tHe HaBiT oF sTiCkInG tHiNgS iNsIdE HeRsElF
Jesus Christ shes 11 years old, and NO ONE puts in a tampon and becomes a nympho.


Don’t think tampons are a gateway drug to sexual activity;)


Stick to pad for now


Jesus can you put on your sandals and come down? It’s an emergency


Why are you making it sexual? She’s 11. She’s not thinking about fingers, dicks, or vibrators and whatever else is in that mind of yours. I think this is just gross of you to even think!! Gonna make her feel weird or ashamed honestly.


How about have a sex talk and masterbation conversation with her. It’s her body. Tampons aren’t sexual but if you think it will entice her to masterbate then explain to her the safety of it and the proper way. It’s normal. Her body her choice.
Educate don’t belittle.

Tampons and sex are two different things. If she’s comfortable wearing a tampon there’s nothing wrong with an 11 year old using them. They’re more comfortable, pads suck. They get the job done, but sitting in your blood is nasty. Depending on the pants she’s wearing to school, they can be noticeable, and also harder to hide. You’ll have to remind her she needs to change tampons. You don’t want her to forget about it inside her for hours. I wouldn’t allow her to wear one to bed for sure, pads at night. If this was summer time, you’d probably let her wear one just so she would swim in the pool or go to the beach.

I wasn’t allowed to use tampons for a lonnnng while. I think I started using them at 17…and I’m fine… If I had a daughter I would probably do the same. Pads just feel more innocent. Strange, I know but I understand

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We really out here sexualizing tampons now?:woman_facepalming:t3:


This is your child so if you are not comfortable with the thought of her using a tampon than u have every right to feel that way. Its normal for u to not want something going in your young daughters vagina. My daughters with cycles are 15 and 13 and they use pads as well… I wouldnt allow them to use a tampon and they as well dont like the thought of it. Yes its nothing sexual but i get where u are coming from with the thought of your girl putting something in her vagina. Its your child so its your call

Wow. It’s really sad when girls don’t get proper sex/reproductive education then become women with still no clue and pass that mess on.

Is this even real!? Reading this literally made me sick to my stomach. Frankly, your child’s exploration of her body is NOT really your business. On top of that a tampon is a sanitary item not a dildo. Stop sexualizing children. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

I…bro it’s a tampon. Nothing about them feels good or arousing Jesus Christ. Let her try, she might not even be comfortable with one in. And if it works for her…nobody wants to sit in a pile of wet blood all day so let her feel clean and dry dude?


My daughter’s uses tampons because pads make her feel dirty and gross. I feel the same about pads to be honest so I had no problem her wearing them when we was ready to around 12.
There is nothing sexual about tampons and you making it out like there is could create more problems in all honesty


Periods are super embarrassing at that age. Relax, mom. She is simply trying to make her week of hell as comfortable as she can. I say, it’s her body…let her figure it out. If she wants to try to use tampons, let her. It’s a tampon, not a penis.

Um why would u even think that way?? It’s your job to teach her the proper ways to use menstruation products so that she doesnt hurt herself, get infection, get made fun of, gave an accident in public etcc…like… what in the holy hell do YOU do w tampons to be so worried about what she might do w them??? like …something sexual with tampons …come on now!! Craziness!! I had to teach a friend in high school bc her mother never taught her…not the greatest experience…


“I mean I don’t know I want her getting in the habit of sticking things inside herself”
WTF?! It’s a tampon lady
not a jack rabbit toy :roll_eyes:
She’s menstruating so I highly doubt she’s using this week out off all of them to “explore her body”.
Let the girl figure out what works best for her flow without reading too much into anything that’s clearly not there.
I’m pretty much as old school as it gets wi the parenting but I think you’re reaching on this one tbh…


God help her & yourself if she gets the vibe from you that you think she might start sticking random things in her vagina because of a completely normal way of managing her natural period. I find it really creepy & weird that you actually think it will make her curious enough to stick random things in there. Whether she uses tampons or not, she’ll some day end up sticking human parts in there & maybe even some silicone. If you’re that worried, have the talk with her about what’s safe to use & what’s not safe to use when the time comes to explore. I hope you don’t make her feel weird & uncomfortable if she one day soon decides she wants to use tampons only.

If she decides to use tampons please properly explain how to insert and change them… I started using tampons at 13 (without my mom knowing) and I was putting them in wrong for years not knowing why it hurt so much but everyone else would say they were more comfortable. The best way to teach her how to insert is to tell her to aim towards her lower back.


Nothing about this status sounds right… :woozy_face:


It’s her body and her choice. What on earth could “get out of pocket quick” with a tampon?

I’ve got a 12 year old girl, she will start hers any day now, and she can use whatever makes her comfortable and happy.


I’m sorry but no female should feel that a tampon is something that takes your innocence away…it is something that helps with your period!…not anything dirty which you seem to be turning it into and will ultimately end up making her uncomfortable with and she won’t even understand why!!!


Why are we sexualising tampons ? Is this really the day and age we live in… how about she doesn’t find pads comfortable ? Or she doesn’t feel secure enough wearing them? It’s not your choice, there’s tampons made especially for teenage girls for a reason because there smaller and less invasive, listen to what she wants and explain why they need to ne changed on a regular basis instead of making it a weird topic… it’s natural and it’s natural for her to want to take control of her own situation


What about introducing the menstural cup? There are ones designed for younger people are they are alot safer, better for environment n for wallet n with proper care can last for 5-10 yrs.


If she is comfortable using them then you really shouldn’t be sexualising them, they are hygiene products, not intimate toys.

And though this has nothing to do with the tampons, more your general mindset regarding sexuality, you really need to sit with yourself and rethink your stance on it all as it’s perfectly healthy for girls to experiment and explore. If you treat such things as nasty and the like she will never trust you with her private life which is something you don’t want to happen. You should instead have the mindset of being open and honest about that aspect of life so that when she has questions or needs help she can feel comfortable coming to you with them. You making it all taboo won’t prevent her from doing them, she will do what she wants regardless, she will just hide it from you instead as she will know she cannot trust you.

That being said, the only reason I’d tell my daughter no on tampons is if I felt she was not yet responsible enough to maintain them by changing them regularly and such. Otherwise I’d happily let her choose what she’d feel most comfortable using.


TSS is common in young girls. They forget easily. Best to stick to pads until they are ready.


I started my period at 10. I used tampons because of sports. Let me ASSURE you, the first thing I thought about was absolutely not, “oh, well let me see what other things I can shove into my vagina”

If she wants to try them let her I raised 3 girls. She might not like them,

Umm it’s a tampon…I started with tampons and never had one sexual thought about them. I think you’re overthinking this…and this is coming from a huge overthinker.


OP, you fucking pinecone.

Try period underwear. I have 5 daughters aged from 33 to 14 and they all use them. (They each have thier own of course)

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I asked my daughter to wait until she was a little older before using tampons and she was comfortable with that. She was 11 when she got her period

Maybe get her some period underwear instead. Then you don’t have to worry about her remembering to change a pad or tampon. They’re so easy to use and are washable and so much better for her body and the environment.


Omg. Yikes. My mom wouldn’t let me wear pads when I first started my period because she said they were messy and gross. I’d have to agree with her. I cannot imagine walking around all day feeling wet and picking pad wedgies all day.

We should not sexualize women’s bodies like this. Its a tampon ffs. This isn’t a gateway to sex toys or something, she’s trying to stop her flow. That’s it. She’s a young girl who should be able to decide which products work best for her and her body since she’s the one menstruating. Let her live. She’s going to find a way to use tampons whether you continue to control her or not.

Just let her use them and see which she prefers better. I prefer pads over tampons. Just make sure to educate her on how to use them, change them, and which ones to get.

I’m sorry WHAT?! … there’s nothing sexual about Tampons it’s for menustration not pleasure.

It’s important to keep healthy communication open about sex , and the body. It’s not taboo for her to explore either its very normal part of development.

Shouldn’t it also be up to the mother to “replace long before you run out”. I mean I get the girl could always say she is running low but to say you had that “convo” as though it’s on her


Pads are the best option for young girls In my eyes ,yes I have girls 2 of the 4 have periods and they use pads much safer ,up to them when they are older if they want to use tampons I do ,but I don’t want my girls using them until older xx

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She can use them better then a pad

Let her decide, show her how to use it, explain the toxicity and why it needs to be changed often… then let her decide

Yeah no. Super messed up that your so strange about using tampons. Its her body LMFAO. You sound way to stuck back in old times. Yikes🥴 Get with the times!


Stop sexualizing something completely natural and teach her about her own antony and what she has to do to take care of herself.


I taught my step daughters how to use them for the waterpark. They didn’t have any issues.

It’s a sanitary product ffs nothing more. Her choice. I was so uncomfortable using pads when I first started, also I was brought up without a mum role model, just my dad. Tampons way more discreet and comfortable


my daughter is 5 and knows what a tampon is, where it goes and what it’s used for… stop sexualizing something natural and allow her to choose what’s most comfortable in her body.


Well… we definitely understand why you wanted this as anonymous lol. The only thing weird here is sexuilizing freaking tampons


The fact that there are comments agreeing with this nonsense kills me, let’s not instil shame in our daughters over something like a fucking tampon :woman_facepalming:

Hun some girls just don’t like pads I was one of them I
Hate them to this day even after giving birth of my 11 year old wanted tampons I’d give them to her it’s a tampon


I think u have a lot to learn yourself about tampons. They’re not sketchy, don’t make it into something it’s not and don’t assume anything. I was a virgin using tampons and it definitely never gave me any ideas, it was simply more comfortable for me than a pad. There’s safer options now like diva cups but it should still be your daughters choice.


I literally REQUIRE this to be satire

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I started mine at 11 and preferred tampons with applicators purely for the lack of mess. Never occurred to me even once about anything other than the fact that I was taking care of my period.


At 11 surely her buying pads so she doesn’t run out should be your responsibility not hers? It’s nothing to do with her that you’re 9 months pregnant so unable to run out for some… you have 4 weeks before a period so surely 4 weeks to buy some in advance :woozy_face:. I also don’t understand why everything needs to be sexualised, tampons are a natural thing to use :woman_shrugging:t2:. If you feel she’s too young for them still just tell her you’d rather wait until she’s older and stick to the pads for now x


ive never used pads i couldnt stand to sit in it yk? ive always used tampons and if it’s uncomfortable then you 9/10 didnt put it in right. i say let her use them a couple times n if she doesnt like it then she can use pads and if she does then she can use them theres nothing wrong with young girls using tampons i find it easier i can move without feeling like im wearing a diaper


I used them at 11. I prob wouldnt buy CHEAP tampons tho


I used to use them for swimming right from starting. My Mum used to worry so much. You can remind her to check at the end of each period or get her to use pads at night so she doesn’t go to bed with one in which makes them less likely to get forgotten. Get the teen mini ones for comfort. She might decide like I did that pads are easier and comfier.

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I dont allow my daughters to use tampons


Tampons are easier and cleaner to use. And what’s even better is a diva cup :joy: but on occasion I still use tampons and pads in a pinch if I’m out somewhere and it comes. You should show her how to use one. I was never taught by mom. Then, I was trying to figure it on my own and irritated the area which made it painful to use by the end of that experience :joy::joy::joy: … Then I ended up calling a friend, crying, for advice, which was super awkward and embarrassing for both of us LOL oh my god… I still think about how embarrassing it was sometimes…

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So we are sexualizing tampons now is what I’m hearing and mama you are not setting a good example by doing this. Tampons come in all sizes as tiny as your pinky your totally overthinking this one. Educate her and let her choose how to care for her body as long as it’s within reason. Letting her choose tampons IS within reason.


I do understand your concern to be honest i used tampons for years! & when more and more of those story’s came out i kinda pulled away from them and pluss i was getting clogged up if that makes sense tampons are alright for general everyday use and for something quick to use in a rush or like you said had nothing left?i would of let her use them then? but let breath with just pads every now and then if that makes sense?hope that helps x

You know using a tampon is in no way the same as anything sexual which seems to be what you are scared of.

Educate yourself so you can educate your daughter.

There is nothing at all sketchy about her wanting to use them. Make sure she understands about washing her hands before use and about not leaving them in too long because of TSS.

Could also be a good time to discuss all menstral options with her.



Diva cups and other period cups are much better than tampons. There’s no risk of toxic shock, plus its reuseable. Or period underwear and reuseable pads. I used tampons when I was 12, I started my period at 11. I hated using pads.


I think if she’s comfortable and wanting to use them then why not teach her the right way, warnings, etc :woman_shrugging:t2: also I’m not sure where you are but where I am we have reusable period underwear which wicks away the period blood & depending on how heavy they are can be quite good from girls all the way through to woman as can hold between 1-4 tampons full :slightly_smiling_face: I have taught my step daughter lots about periods (she hasnt started yet but I don’t think she’s far off) as it’s a natural thing for woman for most of their lives I’m comfortable if she is with whatever she decides :slightly_smiling_face: she may try something and absolutely hate it but that is 100% her informed choice :slightly_smiling_face: everyone has different experiences & prefers different things


I didn’t use tampons til I was 17 For 2 reasons.

  1. I wasn’t responsible enough/ lazy so my family was worried about toxic shock syndrome.

  2. Nothing going in til I lost my v card. Blame purity culture for that one.

Swimming trip I started my period. My friend handed me one and told me I could swim if I had one.

It’s not gonna entice “masturbation” if that’s what your worried about. That comes from other things :joy:


Seriously? It’s a tampon. Not a gateway to all things sexual and tantalizing :woman_facepalming:t2: if she is comfortable using one, so use it. If she does not like it and prefers a pad, don’t use them. Worrying about her being sneaky because she uses. Tampon is just ridiculous though.


That’s disgusting. You’re sexualizing a tampon. It’s her body, her period, her choice as to what she wants to use.


Give her the exact same advice that you would give an adult. Tampons are safe and comfortable if used correctly. If you don’t give her the information, she’ll get it from somewhere else


This irritates me when I was 11 I started and I literally started using tampons my second day my older sister kept telling my mom I wasn’t a virgin because I could use a super … and I was completely innocent I just hated pads and seen the tampon that my sister was using and tried it … yea it hurt at first but to me was much better than a pad … I needed smaller ones … what option you choose for your period won’t change anything with her other than comfort …. Now her becoming a woman and hormones might but I promise you it isn’t the tampon …. Just buy her a variety to see what sizes are best for her don’t do like what happened to me … just figure it out for yourself either way a tampon isn’t gonna change anything


Nah you’re just sexualising tampons :face_vomiting::woman_facepalming:t2: what’s wrong with you?!!
Educate her & let her decide for herself. Her body, her choice.


My dad used to be the same way. I stuck with pads for years, one day I started my cycle at a friends and they only used tampons, it was so uncomfortable. But learning about both a year before my cycle ever started helped a lot.
Teach her about both and let her decide.

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You’ve literally just sexualized using a fucking tampon …

…. I very much so see your point. And although it’s not factual, it’s your opinion and you’re allowed to raise her how you please. :slightly_smiling_face:

However, I will NOT be allowing tampons until 15 ATLEAST if not longer. I’m TERRIFIED of TSS and what if my daughter forgets it and wears it to bed? Or what if she forgets it and puts another in? I mean, only 11 years old. They’re not geniuses :joy::joy: a friend of mine went to the gyno for a smell she couldn’t get rid of. It was AWFUL and embarrassing… she had what looked to be a 4 month old tampon inside her.

So maybe look into your reasoning and get a few of the points across on how you don’t like it. But also explain how dangerous it could be.


I personally think 11 is too young and so does my children’s pediatrician. Mine didn’t start hers till 14. She uses Blume Organic tampons. They come in the mail…

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Nothing wrong with them though you should have her try the lite ones or teen ones first as they would most likely fit better without discomfort.

I used a tampon my first period. Of course it was an old, Tampax pearl compact, a light, and those things were super small. I always used them until I had my second baby. After him, they hurt like a mother. I didn’t wear one again for probably 3 years after him, well, actually after I had the next baby, and still don’t really like to unless I’m going to be active. But before I had kids, they didn’t bother me at all and I preferred them over pads tremendously because it just created less mess and work for me when I was always on the go. If she’s comfortable with it and knows how to use them properly, I’d say let her go for it. I also see comments about tampon size and being a virgin and blah blah… I also could use super plus when I was in my teens, I had ridiculous periods, fights with bc, ultrasounds to check for endometriosis and cysts because I bled so much for so long at times. I think it’s just trial and error like all the other things, momma. Good luck!

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Nothing wrong with being worried as a mother, I don’t think the topics can really compare when it comes to use of tampons , but the concern would be is she responsible, she could get sick of she doesn’t take care of herself or remember to change them out ect, I’d wait another year or so and then base it off how responsible you feel she is, every kid is different as well as parenting.
I would bring it up to her a comparing time anything sexual, those are not her first thoughts on tampons so don’t put those thoughts in her head


I personally wouldn’t want my daughter using tampons until she was mature enough to remember to change them. Now if it were a beach trip or something requiring being in water, I would let her use them then but not all the time. I can remind her to change tampons if we were doing something like that.


I mean, I personally hate sitting in what is essentially a diaper of my own blood :grimacing: So I don’t think I will ever force my daughter to do so. But to each their own, and my daughters are young still so maybe I will feel differently when the time comes. If you feel she is responsible enough to change it often then I think it is her choice.


It’s a tampon… not a dildo. Very weird . Especially coming from a woman lmfao. I am so lost I have never in my life heard of anyone sexualizing a tampon…… :smiling_face_with_tear: stop being weird and making her period weird. Let’s start there. “Don’t want her to grow up” ??? She has a period. Her using a pad or tampon doesn’t make a difference. I got my first period in middle school 7th grade. I hated pads felt like I was in a diaper and I hated the smell. My next period I asked my mom about tampons & she told/showed me how to use it how it should feel etc and I’ve been using them ever since. Nothing is nasty or unnatural about a damn tampon or a period…

I dont think they’re a big deal at all.

I started my period at 11 and I WISH I had known about tampons and how to use them then!! I was the only girl my age with her period at that time and I was so lost. My Mom gave me pamphlets and educational brochures but none of them had tampon info so I used pads. It was awful! They were bulky and I remember they wouldn’t stick right and kept sliding. I was incredibly uncomfortable and overly self aware and self conscious. Girls have enough to deal with without constantly worrying about if it’s noticable that they’re on their period.

Oh, warn her about “leaks” !!!
That’s another big issue, too. What to do and how to prevent and handle it if/when it happens because at her age, it’s probably gonna happen. You don’t want her going through that in school or not knowing how to handle the situation if it does. If you’re uncomfortable explaining how to use them then perhaps her doctor or nurse or beloved aunt/friend can explain it to her and answer questions.
Tampons are not sexual and are not a “gateway” for sex. They are a tool and have one purpose. Pads are disgusting and messy and can cause odor. I only use them at home and rarely then.
I’ve never used a diva cup but it sounds interesting and money saving.

I started my period at 10, started using tampons at 11 and the last thing i ever thought of was “this is nice i wonder what else i can stick up there” :weary::grimacing::joy::joy::joy: i mean i get being cautious about her getting curious as she goes through puberty but pretty sure tampons make everyone feel like nothing should be in there ever, not the opposite. Especially if you buy her the cardboard ones like my mom did me :joy::joy: dreadful


If you’re worried about TSS, maybe consider a menstrual cup?

Better for the environment and zero waste

I have three daughters, 26, 20 and 14. I let them all choose when they were ready. My oldest went straight to tampons, the thought of a pad was disgusting to her. My middle daughter only used pads for maybe a year then went to tampons. My youngest used pads for 3 years, she just recently started using tampons. I think it’s all about what they are comfortable with.