Your pov was weird but I would worry about TSS as an 11yr might not be that responsible even if u educate her on the topic.
Period undies easier for that age
Why are mother’s trying to control their daughter’s period products?
You think you give them the choices and let them decide they can always switch…
Way to young, My granddaughter is 28 and still don’t like them
I’d be cautious but I’d still give her the option. My mom gave me both and explained both to me how each of them worked. She gave me the option. Granted I was an athlete also, tampons were the first choice. But I kept pads on me. I do get the concern for her not changing it though grown women sometimes forget. I’d just talk to her. Let her decide if she feels matured enough to have that responsibility you know?
My humble opinion is that I would wait a few years before introducing her to tampon use. Give her body a chance to adapt to the changes she is going through. You can discuss the pros and cons with her in the meantime.
The way I see it is mama your scared your baby isn’t a baby anymore. My daughter is 10 and I know she’s gonna start soon I’m scared shitless to be honest but if she feels comfortable with tampons then I’m going to get her the slim ones for teen or just the light ones that are super small but I’m pretty sure she’s gonna do pads because she thinks tampons are disgusting seeing me use them lol.
I went straight to tampons and so did my daughter
My logic is that things are “ different “ during her period
She probably wouldn’t let tampon use speed her up for anything else
You know , we have no sex drive during a period ( especially as kids)
Pads can be so uncomfortable. Theres no reason for her not to use them at 11yo but talk to her about health and hygiene. Buy a mixed box and see what suits her best. Keep some pads around for light flow days and let her choose which she prefers .
I’m thinking that all of these women who are listing their inaccurate reasons to not allow younger uterus having people to use tampons need to talk to an actual gynecologist. I have never seen so many people with uteruses who don’t seem to understand how a period works
Ummm no. It’s a sanitary product. How many times have you gotten turned on by simply inserting a tampon? Like stop sexualizing a girl who’s just trying to contain her blood.
My daughter started using tampons at 15. My other daughters likely the same. I’d be worried them putting up to far getting them stuck or not changing often enough.andcat 15 I still had remind on changing. I know my 12 Yr old wouldn’t change so well stick to pads for now.
Tampons and relation to any thing sexual should never be a thing. Using a tampon is not the gate way to Penis and dildos lol
I you’d my 11yo bd that she could use them once I thought she was responsible enough to change it on time. Idk what age that will be but she is definitely not there yet.
Have you looked into period nickers? I’ve just switched to these and they’re a godsend I use the Marks & Spencer’s ones and they’re brilliant I would have loved if these where around when I was a teenager! Much less messy & no noise at all they’re very absorbent and have anti odour technology
just feels like you’re wearing normal nickers xx
Shes 11, i think thats too young. My concern would be toxic shock and her ability at that age to be mindful of not wearing it too long or forgetting about it. If grown women have made that mistake it would be very easy for an 11 year old to forget.
They also make cramps worse and if they are left on too long you can get sick. Pads suck but way safer for a busy and distracted 11 year old in my opinion
Those of y’all that are turning tampons into a sexual thing are very weird, like?? it’s not a dildo or a sex toy, don’t treat it like one.
It’s a hygiene product.
She’s old enough to get her period she’s old enough to decide which product she’s more comfortable with.
Pads can rub your legs raw, it’s happened to me plenty of times
I still prefer them over tampons since they’re even more uncomfortable, but this isn’t about me.
Explain both to her and let her decide what she wants to use.
It’s her body so let her choose what’s more comfortable to her.
Of course explain the upsides and downsides of each product. Anything she needs to worry about etc.
You’re her mom, you can’t feel her body the way she does. So listen to what she says she wants.
(And Not to be crude but if she wants to put something in there bad enough she can definitely find things a lot better than a tampon to use for that)
My 12 year old uses them, she hates pads and this all started when she wanted to go swimming but was on her period so she asked to use them.
You can buy teen ones which are smaller than the normal ones. Have a talk with her and decide if you think she’s responsible enough to keep them changed regularly
Help her get in the habit of changing them every 3-4 hours by setting an alarm to go off every 3-4 hours or use an app like this one. I have an android. I definitely wouldn’t sexualize them, that’s not proper or accurate teaching.
I’ve never used them. Pads suck but being alive doesn’t. It’s a rare risk but still a risk. My sister did since a teenager and got toxic shock. It’s a real thing. Tampons are laced with chemicals. For me I wouldn’t recommend them to an adult let along a child who may not understand the risk or change them in a timely manner.
I think its her vagina and therfor up to her.
This is such a strange, concerning post. I understand having concerns, but the wording in this post is disturbing
My opinion is…its her body, let her choose. Nearly every person I knew at 11 used tampons, the school gave them out if we did not have anything. TSS is serious though, so she would need to be educated on what to look for but I was perfectly capable at 11. If you are dead set on her not using them, due to her not being responsible enough, then maybe come back to the idea in a year or two.
I started using tampons at that age. I did not like pads at all. I felt like I stunk and people could see my pad. Honestly I would talk to her because she could be getting made fun of at all school for using pads. Girls are cruel at that age.
PADS PADS PADS… Way too young to be thinking about using tampons…
Is this a serious question??? Let her use the damn tampons! If you think tampons are the gateway to exploring your sexuality, I’ve got news for you… They’re not
What a weird thing to even be worried about. Literally the ONLY concern I would have with tampons, is making sure to change them frequently enough to avoid toxic shock syndrome.
Other than that, you’re worrying about nothing.
I was 11-12 when I first got my period…. I used pads for my very first period, the pad leaked and I was MORTIFIED at school, switched to tampons that day.
Had to teach myself how to use them, too.
She’s 11 not a baby or unintelligent. It’s HER body and it’s not like she wants to do something bad to it. She just wants to be comfortable in it while dealing with uncomfortable periods.
Plus, would YOU rather teach her how to use them or would you rather her get one from a friend or something and teach herself.
I started my period in 6th grade. I think I was 12. I was on swim team and played volleyball and my mom just told me that I could either sit out of those activities during my period or I could wear a tampon. She took me in the bathroom and showed me on herself how to use them, and I’ve used them ever since. I teach 4th grade now and lots of girls are starting then. All of them wear pads. I think it depends on the maturity of the kid and what activities they are in.
Tampons are safe. They make slim-fit tampons for just that situation. Inserting a tampon has nothing to do with masturbation, which is also perfectly normal. I find this post rather frustrating. Wouldn’t you rather teach your child how to safely and correctly take care of themself? I hated pads from day number one of my period. Pads made me 100 times more self conscious as well… Please consider your child and her feelings not just your own on the subject!
I actually can’t even handle the tampons-they hurt me. However, everyone is different. I don’t understand the sexual part of it, I would definitely let her know if she is choosing to use tampons to let her know about the risk of TSS as it can be fatal. Make sure she knows to constantly change it!!
You sound absolutely ridiculous. You know how you said there’s grown women who find tampons uncomfortable? Guess what it works the same way with pads!! Who wants to bleed on themselves all day?? Like jeez. Teach your kids proper hygiene and you won’t have to worry about toxic shock. Which makes no sense because it can happen with pads too if not changed properly. If you taught her to change her pads why are you worried about her ability to change her tampon.
Honestly, go over all the pros and cons for each product with her. My daughter has opted for the reusable period panty. She does not have her period yet, but I got the cup, tampons, panty liners, pads, period panty… all for her just to have a look and discuss with me… and she chose what she feels comfortable with.
When my daughter started she was only allowed to use them if she was going swimming. Toxic shock was my biggest worry.
Toxic Shock happens when you don’t use the right absorbance and when you take it out dry it will cause mico tears that can let in the infection. Its very, very rear if you leave a tampon in to long would one get TSS.
The way you worded it make it seem like you think there is a correlation between tampons and sex or actual activities and that makes it seem like you are extremely uneducated. I’ve raised 2 girls and 4 sisters, you have NO right to tell your child or anyone else for that matter what to do with her body cause it makes YOU more comfortable. There is absolutely a place for both tampons, pads, cups, disks etc in everyday life and in discussions with her about her period. It is up to her to use what she is comfortable with, not you. You literally do not have that right as it’s not your body.
However, it is up to you to educate her on EVERY OPTION and that included pros and cons for said products for periods and support her for her choice.
I got my first period at 9 and I used my first tampon at 9.
If youre concerned about TSS maybe look at different options and call your gyno.
I havent ever put much thought into it but I dont see why a girl couldnt use a menstrual cup or like flex discs.
I used pads at a young age and honestly did for a long time until I found the diva cup which I use now. However my school talked to all the girls in 6th grade about the cycle and the different items to use to control it. I would just have a conversation with her about the tampons and the pros and cons of them. Also discuss with her your concerns about sticking other things inside her. The diva cup has been a life saver for me and as long she is taught properly you should be fine
You are sexualizing a tampon. You don’t want her to get into the habit of sticking stuff in her? This post is very awkward.
My mother didn’t allow me to use tampons either. I however let my daughter.
Hate tampons horrible things
My daughter is 13 she tried a tampon last summer cause she wanted to go swimming. I used a water bottle and a tampon to show her how to insert it and remove it, she did her thing and came back and said never mind I don’t like it and that was the end of that discussion. Let her try them and see what she thinks and how she feels. I started on tampons at 12 I never did like pads they felt like a diaper but I let my daughter make her own choice on what’s more comfortable for her.
Also there are multiple choice, in feminine products; learn about all of them and talk her and let her decide.
Just tell her about the importance of changing regulary and what can happen if she doesn’t. You can always take her to a women’s health centre where a female dr or nurse can explain it properly. My daughter found it better for swimming and sport and more comfortable with no blood outside.
We are in the competition dance world and many of the young dancers wear tampons especially when we have a competition and they have 15 numbers. My 10 year old got her period over the summer for the 1st time. She already knew about a
Tampon and just wants to use pads for now. Let’s see how how quickly that changes come March when Comp season starts. There is nothing wrong with introducing them to it. Let them make the decision
Are you religious? Why is a tampon being sexualized? Would you want to sit in a ‘diaper’ of blood? I know as a kid I hated tampons and always felt like I wasn’t clean enough, or the panic of leaking out the back, the tape always got stuck to my underwear, I could go on and on why anyone would rather a tampon over a pad. It’s not like she’s going to be masterbaiting with it. Also there are other alternatives if you’re concerned about her forgetting to take it out, look up other things she can use rather than a pad
I do not think an 11 year old just getting her period is having any thoughts of “oh I stuck a tampon in me, I wonder what else fits up there” and decided to shove random items in herself.
At that age, it’s uncomfortable and girls are very INSECURE
why make their insecurities worse?
Who thinks up this stuff anyways
Menstrual cups have not shown any connection to TSS, yet, in the studies that have been done so far. Although they do recommend emptying it at least every 12 hours. June makes 3 different sizes. My girls and I use them and love them. You also never have to worry about running out and buying period products last minute because you are out.
Also, period products are not sex toys, however, masturbation is also normal. Let your daughter use what is comfortable for her.
I used tampons my first period, my dad had no clue about periods so we bought a box and I read the directions and figured it out
And to be honest if she wanted to explore her body, she is going to and most likely will NOT be because of a tampon
It’s natural to explore our bodies.
Jesus please don’t project onto your child.
It’s not up to you what she used when she’s on her period.
You should be educating her and giving her the space to try all sorts of products till she finds the one that works for her.
I’m genuinely concerned that you are sexualising a tampon and anyway even id she did become “,curious”/l there’s nothing wrong with that. Exploring your body as you grow, develop and become curious natural
Tampons are considered a medical device and therefore not subject to ingredient regulations. Also, we are not ‘allowed’ to know nor are they required to list ingredients. Unless you are buying the very expensive ultra organic raw tampons, they are more than likely filled with toxic ingredients that can leech into the porous walls of the vagina. Not only is TSS a concern for anyone with a vagina and tampons, but I think an 11 year old poses a higher risk just because of age/maturity, but you also have to consider what you are exposing her growing body/reproductive system to with tampons. Let’s be real, periods are NOT fun. If she chooses to feel more comfortable with another option over pads, I would suggest you both do research on tampons and also look into menstrual cups/disks. There are a vast array of options and overall better options than tampons, but 11 years old may be too you maturely to have her using options that go inside her body if she is not willing to take the proper hygienic steps to ensure its being done correctly. In the long run, whatever can be done to make her more comfortable with her period is best.
Had that convo with my daughter. She was curious about it. I told her not at her age. I even stop using it so as to normalize pads instead of tampons. When she married dhe can buy them.
Are you seriously sexualizing tampons right now. Grow tf up. Let her try it. She might decide she wants pads. Also your response when she’s down to one pad and she freaks out sounds like it was a super inconvenience that she had her period. She’s 11 years old and hell many people have to run to the store and get things because they run out. I’m sure your the one who does the shopping. Do you not go around the house and double check items.
My mom said pads only too when I was in 5th grade 10/11 years old and got my period… I asked an 8th grader friend how to use them and then snuck them myself.
It’s like a bandage…nothing sexual about it…my biggest fear would be that her being young, she would forget to change it often enough….leaving her at risk for toxic shock.
My opinion and not everyone is gonna agree but I believe not until they are first sexually active but we all know once they hit adulthood they will do what they want even teenagers do what they want behind parents backs sadly
I think if you make it sketchy and odd that’s what it’s going to be. I don’t think anyone thinks of tampons in that way it’s a feminine hygiene product
Your sexualizing tampons and your daughter.
You need to get a grip tbh.
My daughter is 11 and going to swim on the school swim team… I will probably introduce my 13 and 11 year old to tampons… for swimming!! They may chose not to use them… that will be up to them!
I’m sorry but WHAT ?? to your first half of your question. Please have a medical professional advise her and you. There is a good chance your child could already be “exploring” herself … using tampons does not mean she will start doing anything she wasn’t already doing hun. Just please please have a doctor help her understand what is normal for her body.
This is why sexual education is important in schools lol
tampons don’t “feel good”, so I honestly don’t think they’d get her into bad habits. if she is more comfortable wearing tampons, I’d let her because they are more protective from leaks. otherwise she may lack a ton of confidence during her period because she’s uncomfortable. especially in situations where she doesn’t have pads, because she is only 11 and can’t go replace them on her own.
also, it seems you guys had tampons already in the house? or I’m misreading? but how do you feel when you use them? I definitely get feeling like she’s growing up really fast by using tampons. kind of like when your girl goes from training bras to real bras, so don’t feel like your feelings are invalid.
Tampons are “cool” … that’s why she wants them. She probably already knows a lot more than you think.
Way to sexualize your daughter! It’s a PRODUCT for her PERIOD!! Do you use tampons? Did it lead to you shoving random shit up your cooch? Good grief!!
I don’t think she should use them. I don’t let my girls simply because of the harm they can bring you. If anything I would introduce her to the diva cup
There are many feminine products .pads, tampons, cups, period panties…let her figure out which she is most comfortable with.
You sexualizing tampons is a little concerning.
Jesus lord!!! It’s a tampon! Get a grip
Is this for freaking real??
Ive used tampons since I was 12 years old. If you are making tampons sexual that’s on you not your kid. And at this age she is developing and is going to go through different hormones. It’s all normal around this age. Tampons aren’t the devil lol and idk what woman actually gets pleasure from tampons lol toxic shock can happen minutes after inserting a tampon. Everyone has that risk but educating your child is the most important thing you can do. Letting her know how important hygiene is and how to take care of yourself during your period is extremely important. Education is key.
I mean, I started wearing them at 11 because my periods have always been way too heavy for a pad, I think it’s unfair for parents to force their children to only wear pads, that’s asking the poor girl to bleed through and embarrass herself at school. I started wearing them without my moms permission because I was tired of bleeding through.
Honestly i wouldn’t let an 11 year old use tampons…shes still very young and toxic shock is very real,she may not be able to change it in time or could use the wrong size and it be harmful to her.I remember my biggest thing when i first started was thinking everyone was going to be able to tell that i was wearing a pad.try talking to her and let her know that its not noticeable…Idk why everyone is being so rude on here though,my mom always had a rule and it was no tampons until we were in high school and thats what im going to stick with when my girls get theirs.
Pediatrician told us not at a young age, not till sexually active
I didn’t and still don’t allow my girl to wear them.
It’s pads for now.
And I basically was honest and told her how uncomfortable it would be and why
*im also one of those adults who cramp even harder with them in, so…pads it is:joy:
Toxic shock is a big one. I wouldn’t be letting her use them unnecessarily, like if she had a swim carnival sure but kids are forgetful and you don’t want her sleeping with one in.
I started out with tampons and it was very uncomfortable. I read somewhere years later that it usually is uncomfortable if you are not sexually active. I also had a lot of accidents. I would say start with pads.
I’d give her the option of pads or period panties. There’s tons of options now. Let her figure out what works for her. Everybody’s different.
Y’all don’t understand how hard it is to ask others for advice when it comes to children. It’s sick that she would want to make the right call badly enough to come and ask help and you shame her. She wants to be fair to her daughter and she said that. She obviously isn’t above examining herself and yet I see a lot of people here throwing shame around like there’s a such thing as a perfect parent. Some of you should be examining how you treat your sisters when they’re just trying to be better.
I got my period at like 11 or 12, and was an athlete. I hated pads. So I just grabbed my mom’s tampons, read the directions, and used one. It’s not rocket science, and it’s not sexual. Withholding a (possibly more comfortable and clean) method of feminine hygiene from your daughter because of your own personal feelings isn’t ok coming from a mom with two daughters.
That child knows more than you believe she does. And 2nd…tampons do not “feel” pleasurable.shes a human. When have you ever slid in a tampon and thought to yourself, " Man, I could really go for some penis right now." LOL never right? It won’t even be a thought to her. Anyways she’s probably way past exploring herself. Your afraid and need to come to terms with her getting older. Plz don’t be one of THOSE moms.
Omg it’s a tampon. They make smaller ones for beginners. I knew girls at that age that wore them. Just let her try it .she probably won’t like it.y first time was uncomfortable and painful.
U do have the diva cup, and the panties
It would be a no for me.
I hated pads, but believe she’s to young. Maybe talk to her Dr. Their must be someone who can more pads.
It’s unbelievable that anyone would impose their will upon a menstruating person. If she wants to use tampons to manage HER bleeding she should absolutely be able to. What kind of draconian beliefs lead anyone to believe that tampon use leads to anything even remotely sexual?
This sounds ridiculous
My daughter started and is still with pads …
Just educate her on changing the tampon, doesn’t hurt to try it.
Why are we sexualizing our periods now??? Like is this fr…When I was 11 my mom was more worried about toxic shock. Then me sticking “other things” inside me. My mom gave me the option…
I had toxic syndrome when I was 17 and almost died. I was VERY careful and was sure to change very often. Only used them for 6 months before I ended up getting sick. Now I can’t use them again. With my girls I will be more comfortable using pads.
I dont allow my daughter to wear them right now either… its pads for now
lol im 35 and don’t wear them never have lol
Her body her choice. And she will most likely start having some form of sex around age 14. Get up to date mom. You’re behind the ball. And for pete sake, start trusting her. If she can’t come to you about tampons, how the hell do you expect her to come to you about birth control or condoms? 11 is a lot different now than it was when we were 11. Get comfy with it. Your starting the adolescent roller-coaster!
I HATED and still hate pads. They are disgusting and smell terrible. I wore them for maybe 2 days before complaining ansd my mom gave me tampons. I didnt come accustomed to putting things in my vagina … I was just given a more comfortable, clean feeling alternative.
Not a good idea at 11.and to use pads.morecomfortable than tampons. Well neither are comfortable but pads are healther.
It’s her choice you’re being crazy
I’m going to ignore part of this and skip to the other part. Until they understand the hygiene part of it fully my girls stuck with pads. My 12 year old is very strict on the hygiene side so I think she’ll probably start using tampons way before her sisters did.
I don’t remember when I started using tampons compared to pads. I do know it was before I was sexually active though.
I’ll tell you that since I’ve had the comparison I have always preferred tampons…If I could have used them after birth I would have.
Pads are uncomfortable at best for me. I feel like I’m wearing a diaper…and I always end up sweaty and itchy and physically uncomfortable.
And if you have to wear heavy flow pads (like I did) they most definitely can be visible through tighter fitting pants…and that makes me uncomfortable whether anyone is paying attention or not…I know and I hate it.
And if you get placement wrong with a pad…even just barely…you WILL bleed through.
Maybe you should sit down and have a real talk with your child.
Ask her why she wants to try tampons and why she’s averse to pads.
Really try to hear her out.
Maybe she has similar reasonings as I do.
Then work on finding a solution that you’re both comfortable with.
I’ve been using them since I was 12 and never once got enjoyment out of it or wanted to stick other things in me because it evoked something…if anything it was the opposite loll
In my opinion she’s too young for tampons but that’s just my opinion
I started with tampons and that’s all I’ve ever used
I think she’s too young for tampons. I had a horrible experience with them when I first used them. I recommend waiting.