Maybe try the period underwear?
I waited for my girls to let me know they wanted to switch from pads. Every person is different with flow and maturity and levels of comfort. What I prefer and feel uncomfortable about is likely different from my daughters.
I had to use them at 11 because I was a competitive swimmer.
She just needs to remove them often enough, and not wear them to bed.
You’re weird af for this whole post. Stop sexualizing tampons.
Really you think letting ur child use tampons will make her want to have sex and do sexual things. What is wrong with you I feel so bad for your daughter.
What a weird post! It’s a tampon!! its not meant for that! Why would you be thinking that way anyway! If your daughter is 11 she shouldn’t even be thinking that way. Its her body and her choice. Stop sexualizing tampons!
Just tell her to change whatever she is wearing every time she uses the bathroom. I don’t find tampons to be comfortable personally, but they are useful for swimming or light days at the end of a cycle.
If she’s old enough to have her period and genetically grow a baby inside her then hopefully you can trust you’re parenting & explain to her the risks of tampons & how to use them appropriately. This has nothing to do with sex. My mom didn’t want me to use tampons at first and it just made me angry. I couldn’t/can’t stand sitting in a puddle of blood.
This whole post is is weird af… tampons have nothing to do with sex.
With the risk of toxic shock I personally wouldn’t trust someone that age with tampons. Especially, with periods still being newish to them.
I don’t let my autistic 14 year old because she doesn’t even understand a tampon yet. But my other daughter once she starts. Her body. Her choice. They both come to me and talk to me about stuff. Sexualixing tampons isn’t going to do anyone a lick of good and you want your daughter to keep coming to you? Treat her body with respect and teach her to do so too. Then you shouldn’t have to worry. Tampons keep you cleaner feeling. Plain and simple.
You sexualizing tampons Is the problem, not her wanting to use them. It should be what SHE is most comfortable with, not you. It’s not about you at all. Pads were so uncomfortable to me and I constantly freaked out and got anxious when I tried to use pads. Talk to her about the dangers of leaving them in too long but please don’t even put the thought in her head of making tampons a sexual thing.
I don’t see how a tampon can be sexualized. I think i can speak for everyone but putting a tampon in doesnt “feel good” in any way lol. It’s just way more comfortable than a pad in my own opinion.
The ob brand tampon would be great for beginners! That’s what they offered at school when I was young.
There is also no feel pads. I get them at Walmart might be radiant brand? Bright pink box they are amazing. Going to use them for my granddaughter when it’s time with period underwear.
My daughter is 16 and half, just started 1st period, she uses tampons at school and.for cheer, but pads at home. Yes, her doctor said she is perfectly fine, just a late bloomer.
I was a teen with a very heavy flow and I wasn’t allowed to use tampons. It also so embarrassing as I was having to change my pads multiple times in an hour or 2. She is the one with the period please let her be comfortable with it. Because we all know how awful periods can be. A period cup is another option. But definitely don’t force her to use pads because you are uncomfortable with her using tampons, teach her the do’s and don’ts of pads, tampons, cup or whatever she chooses to wear
I absolutely hated wearing pads. Still do to this day. Get her tampons with aplicators to help her and remind her she needs to change often. Better yet if your worried about toxic shock look into a menstrual cup. A period or something to help that period is not sexual in anyway. U need to speak more freely with her about what SHE and HER body is most comfortable with its not something that should be hush hush etc
She is too young for tampons. Kids use to forget about small things and they aren’t as responsable. It can lead to infections
I personally would not let my daughter use tampons until she is much much older
Pads i wouldn’t let her use tampons until she was older an its not her choice its your choice your the mother
Honestly I don’t think tampons are suitable for very young girls 10-12…but also maybe when you think she is ready only.
If she is more comfortable with a tampon than a pad, then let her use them.
I’ve never liked tampons, at:point_up:t3:nearly 40, so I don’t see the appeal except to be able to swim- I think changing tampons is far more of a hassle than pads. Myself, I would also be worried about toxic shock syndrome, infections, abrasions, etc. She is pretty young, yet, and could be forgetful or clumsy. I think it may be a pressure to meet what the others are using more than anything. For me, I didn’t have my period until I was 15 and never grew leg hair! I didn’t know then how lucky I was But I sure did wish I could shave my legs… because “they were~”. Best of luck to you on your decision.
My daughter is 10 started her period at 9 and we have only done the Thinx period panties and the overnight disposable underwear from Always. I will not let her use tampons as it’s not necessary at her age and it’s not going to be for a few more years at least.
I agree with the OP she doesn’t need to begin putting tampons or even have that idea at a young age.
Try a menstrual cup! They are way more comfortable and safe.
Sticking things inside herself what do you think she’s going to do smuggle drugs or travel sized alcohol in her vagina? Let it be her preference it’s HER vagina not yours. This post is sketchy tf
Yes!!! Absolutely TSS would be a very real concern starting tampons so early….they make so many size pads now days tell her to try several and get what she likes best for her
If she wants to use them she will find a way around you without you knowing especially since you said she was “sneaky” she will ask girls at school for some…I was the same way…I felt disgusting wearing a pad “in my teen years” so I would wear a pad to school get to school and ask for a tampon…I would change it before I got on the bus so I wouldn’t need another one till later in the night…then I would take it out and put a pad on…done it for years…that’s just one side of it…your her mother …your the only one that can make that decision…
Your referring to her using tampons in a sexual way is weird… it’s literally for her period and some people don’t like pads because they are uncomfortable and they can move and leak… just because she wants to use a tampon doesn’t mean she’s going to stick other things up there or engage in sexual activity… lord your saying you don’t want her to use tampons because your daughter is sweet but sneaky?? I think you need to do your research because there is absolutely no link to using tampons as a gateway to sexual activity… kinda disgusting you even think that way about your child.
Try to get the light tampons, I started with those when I was 12 and for me it was better then feeling a pad moving around
I am 30-is and I use the cup, tampons, pads, period underwear…during my period days. I wish my mom or older sisters would’ve talked to me about periods\sex\bfgf stuff, I wouldn’t struggled so hard.
Educate her and yourself so y’all both be prepared.
It is advised that girls that have never had intercourse should not use tampons.
I wanted my daughter to use tampons from the beginning. She got her period at 10. She ended up needing to use tampons for swim. She did it competitively so pads were not an option. Having said that when it isn’t swim season she uses pads. That is her choice. Let your child choose what she wants.
It’s a no from me. Not at 11.
I personally think 11 is a bit young for tampons. But not because I find it inappropriate. My daughter is 10 and her body is still so small I feel like it would just be so uncomfortable for her.
That’s gonna be a personal decision though… and I think have talks about Toxic shock need to happen. That would be my biggest fear because kids that age tend to be pretty forgetful and immature.
I would say No, too much of a risk of infection
I was a young girl 1st day of 4th grade wearing all white… I was also 9 with tampons. In no why shape or form did I find it sexual or want more because of it. I also bled through pads in the matter of a couple hours. So tampons and pads at the same time was a regular for me since I started. Honestly if she really wants to use them she will find a way around it to they’re also more Concealable in a classroom… maybe you’re just afraid she’s growing up and that’s okay. Talk to her about it see why she really wants to use them…it may boil down to comfort
It’s her vagina!! Gawd damn
How is a feminine product sketchy . I didn’t even read past that. It’s a feminine product and most women feel better not looking down and seeing blood in their panties on their periods because of tampons, it’s a nice feeling not having a squishy pad, and she is a little woman.
First of all, remember this is a sensitive subject and hormones are raging high with menstruation and pregnancy. God bless you. I was a pad user, my oldest daughter too. The younger used tampons. I believe tampons are convenient but have heard of women leaving them in or forgetting they have one in, putting another in…educate regarding toxic shock…so glad I’m past all this! Good luck!
I liked tampons better because there was less leaking/mess and there was no oder. My periods started very hard and very smelly. Using perfume to cover the oder sometimes made it worse. Sometimes at the beginning I would need a tampon and a pad. Let her use what is comfortable and what works for her. That may change from the beginning to the end of her period so she may need a variety of items.
How is her flow? When my girls started their periods we stuck with pads. But after talking to my youngest about her flow she now uses tampons . Only of she isn’t home if she is home it’s pad all the way. Her dad will even remind her to put a pad on. She doesn’t really well with them. When your flow is heavy pads can be really uncomfortable. Hope that helps
I don’t think the whole insertion thing should matter, she’s a woman periods and period products are the reality of it all no matter what the product. Plus if she already knows what tampons are and wants to try em I promise u she’s gonna do it without ur knowledge if u don’t allow her or change her opinion.
I used tampons before my mom knew and used it wrong the first time, it hurt and I didn’t know u put em in a the way lol. Save her from that and talk about it if she wants to try it let her, she may not even like em
Period pants all the way.
For me I would go with tampons. Just a whole lot cleaner feeling.
If she wants to use them then let her, it should be 100% her decision, not yours. There is nothing sexual about a tampon whatsoever and is kind of silly for you to worry about, sexual activity is inevitable regardless of her using one. Use this opportunity to help educate her about her body, sexual activity, relationships, her hormones and emotions etc.
I got my period when I was 15 thankfully, I used pads at first but one day asked my mom to use tampons instead and I’ve used them ever since. I do buy pads/panty liners as well.
Ew you weirdo, let your kid wear tampons. Stop sexualizing your child and naturally occurring physiological events
I started using tampons at 12. No problems.
Write her a list of all the options out there and let her pick which ones she wants (pad, tampon, menstrual cup, period panties, flex, ect) and then go into research and details with her about the product.(how often it should be changed, how to apply/insert and removal, risks ect. )
I’m not letting my 11 year old use tampons until she can learn to change a pad better than just forgetting too or not wanting to. I think it’s all about being responsible about it and know the bad that can happen with not changing it out regularly.
That’s a hard no in our home. A few reasons…
She is young and most likely won’t bleed super hard so won’t really need to use a tampon. My daughter didn’t bleed too much until she was 14 (all girls are different, of course).
I popped my own cherry with a tampon. So not fun.
There is a high risk of TSS.
I personally had 6 cysts and tumors removed from my ovaries. I was told to stop using tampons and they should stop coming back. I did and the cysts and tumors stopped too!
At the end of the day she is yours and it’s your choice but these are just my thoughts/experience.
What the actual eff Stop it. Stop it right now.
It’s just a tampon wtf
Geez, lighten up lady. Girls are maturing much faster now. It’s just another protection & if she wants to try it let her she might not like the feel of it or if she puts it in wrong not all the way in, there will be irritation & that might solve it. My 8 yr old granddaughter just started getting her period several months back & she even asked about them. She’s growing into a young woman so you’ve got bigger things to worry about. Ask her if her friends are using them, that might give you a different perspective on this subject. Be grateful she trusts you enough to talk to you about this, many girls wouldn’t.
Toxic shock only happens if she doesn’t change up frequently or she forgets she has one in & puts another one one in which by itself is a rarity. Let her grow up & with your blessing so she knows she can come to you with anything. This isn’t the 60s.
I started with tampons
I get you’re her mom and you are allowed to make decisions for her, but I personally feel this decision should be hers. Also PLEASE don’t make her feel uncomfortable about either method. They are both perfectly fine and as long as she remembers to take them out, I see no problem with her using tampons. There is nothing sexual about tampons and I highly doubt she’s going to start shoving objects in her vagina because of tampons. But if that is a concern you have, maybe sit her down and talk about how only tampons should be inserted and other objects could cause infections.
It should be whatever she is comfortable with.
I’ve only ever used tampons from the age of 9…I only ever used pads after giving birth. I legit KNEW from the get go to never flush them and to change them overnight when I got up for the loo.
If she wants to try tampons let her …… I prefer them. They used to have juniors but just use lights…… it doesn’t have to be weird . There are directions inside the box on how to use them . Let her pick what makes her most comfortable
My daughters are 10 13 and 14 and no way are they using tampons yet
I can’t even with this there is nothing sexual about tampons. AT ALL. If she forgets to remove one she could end up with TSS or an infection. I started using them at 12. Only to swim at first. By 14 they were all I used. Tampons are hygiene products not sex toys. Just the idea that you can even think that is haliarious.
Sex ed and drs will state that girls starting out on their periods need to wait to be using tampons due to the fact they can improperly insert them and break their own hymen…
Hell no my daughter 12 and ill be damned!! Some people are just something else just because your parents could careless what you did as a child and let their young daughter use tampons that on them but it should not happen when she is that young are you people really that crazy!!!
I’m gonna be honest in saying If she wants to use one she will and she will either learn about it from you or an outside source. My mom didn’t think I was old enough for tampons so I learned how to use them from a YouTube video. I would say explain to her how they work and the importance of changing them to avoid tss
Tell her the pros and cons. Be straight up with your daughter so she will be straight up with you. To me, pads are not as clean. It’s between the two of you.
My daughter’s 16 and the only time she wore one was swimming
My mom made me wear pads too and it made me WANT to be sneaky and do it anyway (use a tampon). My mom always gave a flat “no” when I talked to her about it. Trust me, don’t push her away at this age over something that literally every girl goes through. It could cause her to hide things in the future. Just my opinion, but its based on experience. that is a tough age for girls.
If toxic shock is the issue have her set a timer on her phone every time. If it’s not maybe be very frank about her options and your concerns or look up a reliable gynecological site and read up.
My two daughters have only used tampons. I believe it’s Tampax that has a very slim size, that’s a good start. It’s a purple wrapper.
I’d just go with pads. But it’s whatever she is comfortable with too.
My daughter is 12 and she started off with pads (her choice). This was because she didn’t like the feeling of it, but the problem that arose was during the night she’d leak past the pad onto her clothes. Because of this she didn’t want to use them anymore so she chose tampons, she learned that the reason she didn’t like them before was because she wasn’t putting them in properly, it took her a few tries and some messes until it felt comfortable. Her older sister was the one who actually showed her how to use one before she even started a period. She knows the risk of what happens if not changed regularly and everything. My daughter has a heavy flow, enough so that she has to use supers and sometimes still leaks so I ended up getting period underwear (highly recommended it) and then she wears a tampon.
My thing is why are you questioning her putting something up there that is to help with a female problem? Regardless of what you think chances are she’ll turn around and use them in school over a pad. If a pad is not long enough or put on correctly she will leak onto her clothes it’s the main reason I can’t stand them. And frankly they’re more uncomfortable than a tampon for some girls.
My best suggestion is ask her if her female friends use them, how do there parents feel about it. I know everyone is different when it comes to this but what you’re saying your worried about is just down right odd. The only thing you should worry about when putting something up there like this is TSS and how to properly use it.
My daughter started with tampons at 11. I allowed her to choose what was most comfortable for her, not what I “thought”. She tried pads and struggled. She’s an athlete. A year later, she still does a great job of keeping clean. Parents have to teach their daughters how to be Clean and safe. As someone who works with teens, she’ll do it anyway if you don’t allow her. It’s best she gets info from you. Good luck to you.
Let her try them if she wants. She’s the one that needs to be comfortable with her period care.
I didn’t use tampons until grade 9, got my period in grade 6 at 11 years old. Trick with tampons is getting the right size and proper insertion. Me personally i prefer playtex compack or playtex sport, easier to insert and more comfortable, me personally can’t use anything bigger than a regular flow tampon at 36 and after 2 kids, it uncomfortable. Personally I’d make her wait until high school
What do you mean “what could come”. That’s asinine and shameful behavior as a strong female role model for you to think.
Also, your correlation is disgusting. Stop sexualizing everything.
So many things wrong with this post. Gag.
I’ve never been pissed about a FB post until now. How do we still have women in society that sexualize shit and not realize how harmful it is?!
In my opinion, it’s not about the parent at this point. It’s about what makes your child comfortable when it comes to that time of month. I hated pads when I first started cause I felt like it was a diaper. Told my mom and switched me to tampons,plus they’re easy to hide and more comfortable to wear. Yeah you might have your view points. But it’s about her.
You’re sexualizing a child and a normal human function and it’s gross.
Inserting tampons doesn’t lead to sex stuff
or “sticking stuff inside herself”. It’s not pleasurable at all, it’s for function. And I don’t see how anyone, especially a CHILD would think “gee, now that I know how to stick this uncomfortable tampon inside me, let’s go look for a d*ck”.
It’s not about you and what you are comfortable with. It’s her body, she is a human being, and she has a right to feel comfortable and do what’s best for her.
Let her wear the damn tampon.
This post is so disturbing! To sexualize the use of tampons while referring to your 11 year old daughter is disgusting! You fear that she will then want to “stick other things in her” if she uses tampons while your fear should be making your daughter uncomfortable knowing she can’t even come to you to speak about the way of life! She now knows she can’t speak to you about something as simple as her period without you flipping out so what makes you think when she does become sexually active that she will feel comfortable enough to come to you and open up to you about that! This is something any young girl should be able to come to their mother about and not be made to feel like she did something wrong! SUPPORT HER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Her hormones are already all over the place and now you’ve left her feeling like she can’t even trust you enough to be able to discuss female related issues with you! Poor baby!
My daughter is 17. Let your daughter use them.
Pads were actually real trauma for my daughter because of the mess versus tampons. Tampons are NOT uncomfortable unless you insert them incorrectly.
My mother did not teach me about tampons, or pads really. When I was 14 and started my first period I was scared. You’re reaching far with the reasoning as to why you say no. It’s HER body. Educate her on which tampons can cause harm due to chemicals, and that organic tampons are her best choice especially at her age. She’s an active child, wearing a pad you always worry about leaking and it being on your clothes. Sadly girls get bullied for having periods and when they have an issue like that, it’s traumatizing. Teach her before she goes behind your back and terrors to use them without proper education please.
I was never taught about tampons so I don’t use them…I don’t know how either if I’m honest… just always feels uncomfortable…I feel sorry for my daughter’s as I don’t have a clue how to teach them…
Let her decide and just be there to answer any questions…
Your doing well mumma!!
My mom made me wear pads… I hated it… 2 days in my first period, I snuck a tampon from her cupboard… I told her later and she let me use them instead… Only after I gave birth did I switch to pads… Only wear a tampon when swimming…
Thankful while our girls were growing up there was no choice,
I personally was in 6th grade getting mine and hated pads. I had 3 older sisters I started using them without my mom knowing. I think it’s already better she is asking than doing what I did. To this day I still can’t stand to just wear a pad on my period