Whatever she’s more comfortable using mama. Maybe at 11 she doesn’t want to walk around school with a pad on.
I was told pads first, but I was also 14 many years ago. As soon as I was on a trip my 17 yr. Old girlfriend sent me to the BR, tossed a box inside with me and said read the instructions and don’t come out til you have figured it out. I was grateful!
My girls were very young at just 11 years. I wanted them to wait, but it didn’t happen for long. Teach them about appropriate size and need for their body and teach importance of necessary changing.
At her age there are a lot of precautions to consider. Infection due to how often she remembers to change her tampon, hygiene, her vaginal eco system……. I hear ya mama.
My daughter is 12 and I will not let her use tampons
If you’re worried about TSS then you can purchase organic. It doesn’t “introduce” them to anything other than being able to resume regular activities. Trust and believe if I’m busy I always have a tampon because there have been some times I had to be swift and get it done without a pad being such a hassle. Feels like you’re wearing a diaper. People can see it and “possibly” make fun, idk kids are mean. But there’s nothing sexual about it. There’s also other alternatives such as diva cup and disks. Your girl is growing up. I used to be so embarrassed to talk with my stepdad about it and it was a worse experience doing it that way when you should have open communication. He did what he could but he is a man so I didn’t have my mom at the time. Keep communicating about it. Research yourself as well because your opinion is a bit outdated about tampons.
What about period underwear?
What do you think is going to happen if you let her use tampons Like what.
If TSS and infections are what you’re concerned about then explain that to her, but thinking tampon use is going to be some kind of sexual awakening is ignorant and gross.
I didn’t start using tampons until I was 15-16 and started my period at like 9-10. I was told by my mom and grandma when I was that age that you shouldn’t use tampons until you have sex
I hated pads. I was a heavy bleeder and, being new to having a period, constantly had my pad leaking onto my clothes and making me feel so embarrassed. Back then it was only pads or tampons so my mom got me tampons and I only used those during the day.
NOW, I would get her period underwear like thinx. I used them for postpartum bleeding (which yall know is excessive) and I adored it.
If you use them get the cotton natural ones. Not sure if anyone that uses a tampon thinks about it in a sexual way… I mean it’s a bloody crime scene down there in no way sticking a tampon in is “pleasing”. I will say this id try to teach her and she may find it hurt or just not comfortable and will forget about it all together. I tried to show my niece who was 15 at the time and she gave up because it was hurting and she couldn’t get it sooo
I think you’re being weird about it. “I don’t want her to get into a habit of sticking things inside herself”. This type of close minded approach is exactly what you DON’T want to do. It’s uncomfortable to talk to your kids about sexual health, sexual activity, self pleasure, intercourse etc but it’s necessary. You should have these conversations now. If you don’t, she’s going to get her information from the internet, friends, etc and it may not be the information YOU want her to have. And if she wants to use tampons, let her try. Just talk to her before hand about how important it is to change them frequently, TSS etc.
Shes 11… sorry moma but she’s probably already experimenting and putting stuff up there. ITS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF! Don’t make it out to be something bigger than it is. Let her use tampons… its better than walking out of class with blood stains on her pants.
I started at 12. I didn’t like the feeling of pads so I used tampons I use tampons unless after child birth then I use pads until I’m healed and it’s back to tampons again. She may have a “sneaky side” but it’s a tampon… I’m sure she doesn’t think of it as anything other than something to help her from bleeding all over her clothes
it’s too young in my book, they could leave it up there for who knows how long and that’s not good.
First CHILL. Second make her read the whole paper that comes in the box. She’s 12 let her use the damn tampon. I dont exactly like feeling blood gush out of me I’m pretty sure neither does she. HER BODY HER CHOICE also happens to apply here. She won’t lose her virginity because of a tampon. And toxic shock is if she wears them too long. If you’re worried about it tell her tampons during the day pads at night. Just seems to me like you’d rather her be a child forever. Sorry but it’s her choice to use tampons for HER period, not yours. And if I knew your daughter I’d tell her that personally.
No kid or adult is going to think it feels good to use a tampon or sticking on up there it’s very nasty and uncomfortable for me so sex would be the last thing on my mind. I wear pads and I’m 31 I wore maybe 4 tampons my entire life and that was more recently as a adult. So I’d push more for pads while she is as young as 11 until I could trust she knows when and how to take them out and replace them. My daughter is only 6 right now so hopefully I have a while before I have to go through it. But tampons are not sexual
I used a pad one day and I was freaking out because I was at school and it was awful. Next day I wore a tampon because I flipped out on my mom saying I wouldn’t use pads.
For God sakes, the damage you’ll do by the insane control freak coming out in you… my 11 year old used tampons this summer because it was hot as Hatties and she couldn’t swim in a pad. How embarrassing. When I was that age, my flow was extremely heavy and would last up to 14 days at a time and running in pe or anything was so miserable in a pad, you chafe, get galded because you’re literally sitting in it… and it was mortifying to bleed through your pants etc… the fact you’re making tampoms a sexual thing is absolutely absurd, like it makes me want to shake you in disbelief that you would even categorize something like that as sexual. Shes growing up, you can’t stop that, don’t make it uncomfortable or a close minded approach which it seems you’ve already done. Teach her about changing them, tss, hygiene etc.
Um… I think your making a huge deal from this. It boils down to HER choice her body her comfort levels. If your acting like it’s something that should be shunned upon she’s going to adversely react to it.
This conversation is always mind-blowing and weird to me. How can anyone associate a period with indecency? Her using a tampon for ease is not the same as stuffing things up inside of herself.
I HATE pads and my heart goes out to absolutely anyone who is forced to use only pads (some decide to and that’s fine!).
An 11 year old is well old enough to understand risks if you tell and explain them to her. Let HER decide what to use and provide all the information for her. Stop holding her back.
My mom always used pads so she started me on pads. Which was fine. But as I got older I couldn’t handle the mess and it literally had to be changed every couple hours. Eventually two of my female friends showed me how to use a tampon. Well told me lol. If you get the plastic instead of paper it’s much easier to learn to use and after learning how to properly insert it I definitely preferred tampons. Lasted longer and I could put a little pad down just in case. I would show her options and let her decide. Tell her you want her to be comfortable. In my opinion tampons may not be uncomfortable but they don’t necessarily feel good either. And she will be bleeding. I wouldn’t worry about the “sticking things up” when it comes to her period. She’s a girl she has fingers she’s gonna grow up eventually🤷🏻♀️
She is the one who has to be comfortable.i dont understand how a tampon equates to putting randome items in her vagina.this thread is actually kinda disturbing.
I didn’t start my period until 13. I didn’t even know I was going to have one. I woke up and thought something was wrong with me. I used pads first but eventually switched to tampons in the same year. Pads were uncomfortable to sit in. But the first time I did use a tampon I got from a friend, because my mom didn’t teach me how to use them, I used it wrong and left the plastic applicator in. I would just talk to her about how to use all of them and her options. After two kids I can’t wear tampons anymore because I have a very badly tilted uterus so it’s painful now. But I was a lot more comfortable with them when I was younger than pads.
…are you…fucking serious?
Why are you being so weird about something that is completely natural… I think that you need to let your daughter be comfortable talking about her period and teach her all the methods available for women who are menstruating and let her choose what she wants to use for her body. Whatever makes her feel comfortable and beautiful. Just because you don’t prefer tampons doesn’t mean that your daughter has to feel that way as well. Don’t make her feel weird or ashamed about wanting to use tampons
I started at 13, but like I was taught all the risks and what to do before I used them. Teach her everything and then just trust that she will take care of herself. She needs to learn
If she’s responsible enough to remember to change it and whatnot, it shouldn’t be an issue. Do you want to be the person she comes to with these questions or do you want her friends doing your job? You can’t be so closed minded if you want a healthy relationship with your child.
Also, she’s going to be “active” at some point. Do you want her to feel safe telling you or will she be shamed for something normal like she is over tampons?
This is more than a feminine hygiene issue. You need to work through whatever trauma has you thinking like this before you damage her with it as well.
Just here to say, yall should check out lola, the products have no chemicals in them!
I got my 13 yo both and explained the pros and cons of each. Do your research but Ultimately it’s her hooha and she’ll know which is more comfortable for herself
What about period underwear?
There is nothing sexual about tampons. Your daughter should be allowed to feel comfortable in her body and not shamed about her choice of menstruation product. Teach her the risks about tampons, teach her how to insert them, show her the different sizes and when to use them. I don’t think she’s gonna say “wow this tampon feels amazing, let’s stick other stuff up there!”
Normalize periods. Quit making it weird
i got my period at 11 and started wearing tampons at 14 because my homecoming dress was a tighter fit. i changed to wearing those more often and hid it from my mom for YEARS because she didn’t want me to. in my opinion, it doesn’t encourage anything more. it is simply more comfortable and less stressful for me personally
My daughters friends told her tampons are better so she started to sneak tampons and flushed the remainder in the toilet so i wouldn’t see untill it got clogged so when i found out we had a talk and for me and my family who have daughters and all my friends who have daughters we can agree she cannot use tampons until she is older and only pads allowed, i dont think any child should be sticking anything up there at that young age, first of all they aren’t responsible and it could be an issue second it just isnt safe third the fact that they have to have something stuck up there at such young age is just not right!! Im am not agreeing wth anyone else who thinks otherwise, sorry but yall are just being lazy with your child and she shouldn’t be using that shit at the moment period!!! I said what i said
You literally sexualized a tampon that’s used to help girls through something that happens NATURALLY in their body. You’re the issue. Your daughter is 11 and you’re worried about her sticking things inside of her??? COME ON NOW. That’s weird. Shame on you. Shame on parents for sexualizing things like this. It sickens me.
Do a menstrual cup or toxic free tampons.
I didn’t use a tampon until I was 20:joy:not because my mum ever told me not to, I just didn’t feel the need to, but they are better. You can get small ones and as long as she’s very educated on toxic shock and changing them and hygiene in general there shouldn’t be an issue.
Tampons aren’t sexual at all, and periods are something that happens to virtually every woman in the world, if she uses a tampon she isn’t gonna suddenly start having sex.
Too soon just give her a pad for now
Soooo my daughter is 11 and only uses tampons for swimming. She hates it but she’s rather do that then not be in the water. Other then that she uses pads
Risks… tampons aren’t a gateway drug
Ughhhhhh. How is it that in 2021 we still have people trying to sexualize periods? You are a woman, you should know that there is literally nothing sexual about inserting or removing a tampon…
Your being extremely werid and creepy. It’s kinda Making me have red flags. ,
If you make it a big deal you might give her ideas saying things like this. I doubt during tampon use her first thought will be wow this feels good let me try something else.
Tampons should be an option for any young woman on her period. Dont shame her. Wow!
Sounds like your afraid of her growing up, which is okay. But if she wants to use tampons let her try it she can decide if she likes them or not. My mom let me use tampons. You’re a woman you should know that tampons don’t make women or girls just wanna go out and have sex. Let’s be real about it.
I also say stick to the pad for now
If it makes you this uncomfortable it might be a conversation to have with her pediatrician in front of your daughter. Ask questions have your daughter ask questions and then be open minded. My reasons were different for being hesitant but it really helped to have a medical professional talk to is both.
I asked an Dr about my daughter using tampons and she said it’s not recommended until after there older.
Hi there! Something to keep in mind as a mom that no matter how badly we want our babies to stay little forever they grow up. Periods are normal and tampons are not meant to be sexualized. As a woman I’m sure you can relate that there is no satisfaction from inserting and removing a tampon. Puberty age is tough and awkward. If a tampon makes that transition to womanhood less awkward for her and she feels less self conscious about it, then let her wear one. For me personally as I’ve gotten older I’ve become to hate tampons and realize they make my cramps worse. The best you can do is inform her about the risks such as toxic shock and make sure she knows not to leave it in for too long and change it accordingly. And also if she wants them bad enough she will find a way to get them, I think it’s best to support her and make sure she has the tools she needs from her mother so she feels she can trust you and come to you with issues she is having. It is so early to put that pressure of having her not think her mom supports her. Best of luck and hope this helps!
My granddaughter has been wearing them since 12 years old. She was in extreme sports including swim and water polo. It never caused a problem.
I guess I’m the minority here too. I’m not afraid of a tampon being sexualizrd but I also don’t think our babies this young should use them. Just my humble opinion.
I think it is the child’s preference. My daughter is 11, no period yet but patiently waiting. I will teach her about all the different forms (pads, tampons, cups) and let her decide which one she is most comfortable with. I feel like if you teach them how to properly use them then it’s not an issue. Just my opinion though.
Most of you ladies are absolutely THE DRAMA !! Women and their cycles boy oh boy
Be aware. Girls at school are talking about this. Often bullies make fun over a gril who uses pads over tampons. Somehow the 2 are viewed differently. Have an open, non judgy discussion with your daughter now about this. Giver her some suited to her and her flow to try, they make smaller ones for younger or smaller girls. This is not sexual and will not make her want to put other things “up there”, thats what romance novels and online videos do.
I posted this same questing on another page and all I got was “its her body, she can do what she wants”
I’m glad you had the same worries I did, and I’m not the only one. And, there are more helpful answers here than I got from the other page.
“Her getting into the habit of sticking things inside herself” wow this statement alone says a lot. But we won’t go into that.
Let your female child be informed. I would suggest books or pamphlets or even a ob doctor help inform her. For she isn’t given your false information or opinions.
Pads, tampons, menstrual cup.
Yes each product has pros and cons. Each one has hygiene requirements that it followed will reduce the side affects. But over all the best you can do is support her becoming a female. Let’s start erasing the stereotype that come with tampons. Let’s build women and not make them feel less then.
I feel she should have the right to choose. I understand wanting her to use pads. But I hated them at 9 I had periods… pads are awful especially in gym class. Definitely give her options to choose. Let her have a conversation with a doctor about it too
I mean beyond toxic shock issues she’s having problems with her daughters sexuality which should already be being addressed at school. This behavior is more likely to give her daughter psychological issues than protect her from touching herself
Honestly at that age periods are uncomfortable overall, try to make her more at ease on what she wants and be supportive and informative. I tried using tampons early around 11-12 and it was just plain uncomfortable and didn’t end up using them again until around 16. I would just let her try to see if that is what she really wants.
It is a 11 year old girl I’m honestly more worried she doesn’t know all of this information years ago ! Please talk with your children about their bodies and show her ALL options her sticking a tampon in doesn’t mean she’s going to start sleeping with every guy she sees or using dildos so calm down and PLEASE stop sexualizing CHILDREN and that statement “I don’t want her in the habit of sticking things inside of herself” is so messed up !!!
My daughter went right to tampons, 1st period at 12 years old and told me after, they are more educated about these things then we were, I wouldn’t worry about this at all
Pads until they’re older in my opinion!
Do you get off when you shove that piece of cotton up there??? No. You don’t. like you’re going to give her a tamp and she’s gonna go “oh I like that! I wonder how a dic* feels!” My God this is ridiculous. Have worries over tss or bleeding thru, but not over this stupid shit. Stop sexualizing something that’s not.
I wouldn’t let my 11 year old wear a tampon. Yes there is definitely risk of TSS, she’s too young to be 100% sure that she’s being cautious and careful about how to use a Tampon the correct way.
My mom had the same worries when I was younger. I think at 11 it’s a little young only because most (not all) 11 year olds don’t really understand the importance of proper hygiene. Washing hands before inserting and only keeping it in for a certain period of time. That’s the only reason you should really worry about toxic shock. For my daughter I’m waiting a few more years before we introduce them. I think if you take a step back and think about it logically, a tampon isn’t going to make her get “used to” anything being up there. At the end of the day they get curious and start to explore. There is nothing you can do about that. Just be open with her and talk to her about those things.
I used tampons right out the gate— 3rd grade! It was not a “gateway” to sticking other things inside myself. That’s a ridiculous notion. It’s basic hygiene. Especially if she plays sports or still wants to swim… things like that. Educate her, check in with her, let HER make the decision about her own body.
Super weird to sexualize tampons
Let the girl use what she wants. I was so happy the day I started using tampons. Pads are so uncomfortable. You’re being quite strange right now.
When I was 11 using tampons never made me stick or wanna stick anything into me that wasn’t meant to be inserted and it didn’t make me want sex. There was no good feeling from sticking a tampon up there
As her Mom just make sure you have the conversation with her about the dangers of tampons. Like toxic shock and making sure to change when needed. I don’t see anything wrong with wearing tampons as long as she is comfortable and takes proper precautions since she still is a child.
Pads for now. Older for tampons
Why you’re sexualizing your own child is the real issue here.
Yall are ridiculous. If shes old enough to bleed from her VAGINA YEAH I SAID VAGINA then shes old enough to understand how to use a tampon and use it correctly. How tf does someone sexualize using a tampon? Some of you women are the only toxic thing in your daughters lives.
I think she is old enough to have a choice. Just educate her and she should be ok
This is the weirdest thing I have read on Facebook in a while.
I can almost guarantee you (coming from someone who also got their period at 11), that she is WELL aware she can “put things inside her”, and won’t even be associating tampons with masturbation. How you even related the two is beyond me.
Stop sexualising everything and do better for your kid.
I personally find it weird that people sexualize tampons
Also she’s entitled to make choices regarding her body and if she personally feels more comfortable with the idea of tampons or just wants to try and compare to see what works best for her then she deserves that. Also there’s other alternatives too besides the two and if you’d like to show her the other options in dealing with menstruation then make an appt at the organ.
Also omg period panties!!! Those would be so perfect dealing with school and not have to worry about bleeding through I fuckin wish I had those when I first started looking back in it😂
She’s 11… I don’t think she’s going to just start driving tampons up her vagina for fun.
You’re sexualizing your own daughter?
This is super creepy. You should re evaluate the way you think.
I immediately started using tampons. The only time I wear a pad is if I’m sleeping. If you have a heavy period and the feeling of the blood is very uncomfortable. It’s her body. If she wants to use a tampon, let her. Doesn’t mean she’s going to be all around town because she uses a tampon.
Everyone who got anything sexual from what she said or masturbation from it are the ones with issues lol, she never even mentioned any of them. As a child I did not bleed heavy enough to support a tampon. She is still getting use to what is normal for her so definitely a pad so she can see how her cycles are.
I have never done tampons mainly because they’re full of chemicals and TSS can be fatal. I’m not sure if I’d want my own daughters to use them at 11.
If you’re educating your daughter about it and she’s being responsible and hygienic there shouldn’t be an issue.
I was 11 when I started using tampons. Tampa x used to (and might still) make tampons specifically for teenagers. I would look into those.
It’s weird to view tampons in a sexual way like a slippery slope to “sticking things inside yourself”. They’re just hygiene products. If they’re comfortable for her, why wouldn’t you let her use them
I never used pads, feels like a damn diaper, no thanks. My mother gave me both and told me to pick what I was comfortable with. I did the same with my girls. They prefer pads for now, and thats fine. if they run out without telling me (typical kid shit) then they use a tampon. they dont care for it, but they use that they have available. I personally, never got into the habit of sticking anything else up there just because I wear tampons. That just ignorant.
Not old enough for tampons wait till they about 14 or 15
I made one factual remark with no hate speech that i am seeing a lot of on this post, and facebook sends me a notification stating my comment goes against community standards🤦♀️
She doesn’t need tampons unless you’re confident in her ability to A.) Change them regularly and B.) Not forget she has one on YES this has actually happened in girls that have just started their cycles so let’s not act like it doesn’t. In fact it has even happened to adult women.
BOTH of those things are common in younger girls which CAN cause TSS (Toxic shock syndrome). Pads are more ’ free flowing’ and you can’t forget you have one on. I don’t know about all this other stuff these ppl on this comment thread are talking about but it’s rubbish and not factual and frankly a bit disturbing. If she chooses Tampons for herself then simply remind her.
Sexualizing tampons is quite disheartening coming from the mother. It is her body, her choice. She can read the inserts. And you as a mother stress the changing of it due to the TSS. Because that IS a serious complication. Maybe she doesn’t want to sit in her period blood with the pad only option. Did you not think of that?
Frankly your comment about “sticking things inside of her” makes me automatically think you need to reevaluate some of your thinking. Not all 11 year olds wanting to use tampons are leading to sexual gratification. I felt much cleaner/less messy using them during that time in my life.
Why are you sexualizing your 11 year old and tampons? That’s disgusting.
Not everyone prefers to sit in a pad and have blood be all over them. She may try tampons and not like how they feel anyway. But it’s her body, her menstrual cycle, and her choice.
My 11yr old prefers tampons during the day and pads at night. They have ones made for teens that aren’t as uncomfortable for them as adult ones. If that’s comfortable for her who am I to tell her no on that.
Who on earth feels sexual putting in a tampon? She’s probably already in a lit of pain because cramps are a lot worse when you’re young. I’m sure it won’t make her want to "stick something up there’ A lot of people (myself and my daughters included) think pads are disgusting and uncomfortable. Let her choose what’s the difference?
First off it’s not healthy to sexualize tampons ! in my experience (I have a 12 year old daughter) pads are just fine. If they wanna use tampons, buy them & let them give it a try. I didn’t like them at that age.
talking about it really does help. Don’t treat the subject as something bad or sexual. It’s totally NOT! Good luck
I started my period at 12 and used tampons from the very beginning…. Day one…. I never associated putting a tampon in with sticking anything else up there…. I don’t see where the two even connect honestly
I’m grown and my body has changed sense having kids and now I can’t wear a tampon but I still HATE pads!! They make me feel dirty and gross and I feel like everyone can smell it (I’m a heavy bleeder/gusher and have to regularly change every hour)
But I personally feel like you’re being over bearing and making connections that aren’t there…. She might try them one time and decide she doesn’t like them…. Or they might become her go to…. Really during that time what ever makes you the most comfortable is what you should wear
PADS …until they are old enough to want tampons. Girls new at it don’t flow that heavy …
I started with pads and continue to use them I hate using tampons. The only time I use them is when I go swimming which I avoid when its that time of the month.
If she wants to let her. Make sure she understands how often to change them. She is in charge of her body and what she is comfortable with in respect to her period health.
Pads only until older. Dont need tampons until have a heavy flow and can remember to change them out regularly
These women on here saying tampons are mind blowing. She’s 11 probably just hit middle school. I have an 11 year old and I don’t feel comfortable with her wearing tampons. I didn’t start till was damn near 16. I tried it once when I was 15 and it was the most horrific experience and now I only wear tamps if I have to. So I’d wait a few more years at least till high school
My bonus daughter got her first period at 11, we started her with pads, but then as summer approached she asked me about using tampons. I told her to talk to her mom about it first. Her mom then called me and gave the okay especially since we have a pool. She expressed to her mom and I both that she likes to have the choice of what she uses for HER body. I told her that her period is hers alone and we can’t FORCE her to be comfortable with what we want. Her mom agreed. Your daughter may not like feeling the pad. let her try tampons. It’s odd that you are connecting the use of tampons with inserting other things up there. She may just not be comfortable with pads… I personally use a cup because tampons are uncomfortable and so are pads.