Can you breastfeed while pregnant?

I just found out I’m pregnant with baby# two, and I’m worried about my breastfeeding with my 13months old. She’s not ready to wean. And i wanted to know of any mamas had breastfed through pregnancy? And do I have to take supplements to make more milk or? IDK. I need some advice about the mother who did.


Yes ma’am you can plenty of mothers do!

You can definitely still breastfeed! But be prepared, your little one MIGHT wean unexpectedly because pregnancy does change the taste of your milk & production might slow down a little bit. I would take a good prenatal just to support your body and baby, make sure you’re still eating plenty of protein, and you should be fine :purple_heart::purple_heart:

(Also not talking of personal experience, but from experiences I’ve heard in my mom groups and close mom friends)


I breast fed my son until I was about 6 months prego with my younger son. He stopped on his own.

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Best thing to do is speak with your Dr. For some women its safe for some women its dangerous. It all depends on your pregnancy

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Yes you can!! You’re doing great. Be sure your doctor knows but there shouldn’t be any complication! Congratulations!

Yes you can, but talk to your ob/midwife about it as well. It’s fine for most women, but for some it can cause issues with pregnancy.

If you are not at risk of preterm labor, you are fine to continue nursing. Nursing releases oxytocin in minute amounts, if you’re at any risk for preterm labor, I would speak with your doctor. The amount of oxytocin released is so small, it’s not an issue for most people. I tandem nursed my middle son and youngest daughter, no issues.

If you aren’t high risk you can yes. And even then you can under the guidance of your doc. I got pregnant when my second was 8.5 months and breastfed him. However he started biting and refusing to drink it even pumped probably because my milk changed. That’s how i actually found out i was pregnant. 🤦

I’m 20 weeks. And breast fed my 19 month old. He weaned himself a couple weeks ago on his own.

Some can produce while pregnant and for some the milk changes and the baby doesn’t like it anymore.

I’m 8 weeks pregnant and I was breastfeeding my 11 month old. He stopped abruptly and never looked back a week ago, I think it had to do with milk production reduction and change of taste

Unless you have other issues, it’s usually safe to breastfeed during pregnancy. I am 9 weeks and still breastfeeding my almost 12 month old. Pregnancy is hormone based, so you can expect to dry up by about week 20. Although, it can happen earlier or not at all for some women. Some babies dry nurse until milk returns and some self wean. You just won’t know until it happens.

I got pregnant when my baby was 3 months old and he stopped breastfeeding because my milk changed taste being pregnant.

Currently still breastfeeding my 21 month old and I’m 26 weeks pregnant. I’ll say this though… it hurts me now that I’m pregnant and I have gotten her down to naps and bedtime. But not everyone experiences the pain.

Ask your Dr my sister in law was told if you breastfeed while pregnancy you have higher chance to miscarry but I’ve seen other moms continue breastfeeding and have a healthy pregnancy

Yes you can, I did when I was pregnant with my second but, from what I can figure out from personal experience was I should have weened my daughter because when I had my son I had probably producing enough milk for him and with high enough calories so I ended up shifting him on to formula. It can be tricky. Also talk to a lactation specialist

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I became pregnant when my daughter was 8 months. Nursed her my entire pregnancy and now I tandem nurse my 3 week old and 18 month old. Both of my pregnancies were healthy and I didnt have a problem with my milk drying up when I I conceived. My supply definitely decreased but it came back.

I’m 13weeks 1day pregnant and still exclusively Breastfeeding my 7 month old baby :purple_heart::heart:

I’m pretty sure it’s fine.
But I also know that nipple stimulation such as pumping or sucking can induce labor so I’d ask your doctor

Yes you can, I was high risk of preterm baby, all mine were 6/8 weeks early but I was told it was fine to continue to feed and fed both after aswell.

It is possible to breastfeed while pregnant but you should ask your doctor about it

Back in the 1930s, my gram breastfed her first child(my dad) as he was a premie and gram became pregnant with my aunt so there was no other choice. He grew up healthy and so did my aunt

Yes you can . . I breast feed up until I was 7 months pregnant with the last one

I nursed till i was 5 months pregnant. By 3rd was only 6 months when i found out i was pregnant with his sister

U can but nipples r extremely sensitive so it hurts very bad
Intolerable pain😖

I kept nursing, but my milk dried up at about 7 weeks pregnant.
My son dry nursed and still does (I’m 35 weeks) but now I’m starting to leak again.

I had a very large freezer stash so he still had breast milk through the several months I wasn’t producing.

If you are lactating you can breast feed .

I found out I was pregnant again when my daughter was 9 1/2 months old. Unfortunately, my milk supply dropped and couldn’t meet the demands of my greedy breastfed baby so I had to play with bottles and cups again to wean her. It took 2 months before we were successful. I tried to continue nursing, however, my body said otherwise

Yes you can. My doctor told me as you get closer to full term your milk will change ready for the new born. My oldest weaned himself at 12 months, yet my milk stayed around till bub number 2 came along.

Most breastfed babies require a vitamin d supplement as they don’t get enough through moms milk alone. You very much can safely nurse while pregnant but many women naturally will dry up. Talk to your obgyn and see what they recommend

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I breastfed during my entire pregnancy and now I’m tandem nursing.


You can definitely breastfeed through pregnancy. You don’t need to take any supplements. If you notice a drop in supply it’s most likely due to horomones, and no supplements will help. Just be sure to stay well hydrated. You can also tandem nurse safely if you decide to do so. The older child won’t “take away” from your newborn.


Yes. I breastfeed my oldest all the way through my second pregnancy and into my third pregnancy.

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Yes! I got pregnant with my second around the same time and continued to breastfeed no issues. I didn’t do anything extra aside from switch from a postnatal to my prenatal!

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I breastfed my oldest up until a couple months before I had my second. I didn’t have any problems.

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I have friends who had 2 under 2 and there were no issues breastfeeding, but I would ask medical advice. Good luck!

I breastfed until 4 weeks before I delivered again

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My youngest two are 11 months apart. I breast fed my son while pregnant with my daughter and tandem nursed for a few months after she was born before my son weaned himself. Didn’t have to take supplements, just eat healthy and keep hydrated. You are doing amazing mama! :heart::v:t3:


You can, many people do, many people love it. I found it painful so I weaned. Adventures in Tandem Nursing by Hilary Flowers is a good book that talks about nursing while pregnant and nursing a toddler and newborn


I breastfed all through pregnancy and then breastfed both babies for 6 months until I couldn’t take both of them any longer.

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Mine dried up when I got pregnant. That’s kinda how I found out. My girlfriend could :woman_shrugging:

I breastfed through my second pregnancy for 6 months. For me, it drastically decreased my supply but I was able to make it past the year mark for my first then weaned until my second was born a few months later

Yes it will not affect your flow or current pregnancy

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I breastfed through my pregnancy with no issues at all, now feeding 22 month old and 5 month old. Hopefully my toddler will wean soon, its exhausting.

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Yes, but it changed the flavor of my milk after a few months and kiddo 1 weaned.

I did. With my 3rd he was 5months old when i fell pregnant again and i breastfeed him the whole way & then both when i gave birth.

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Samantha Lyons and advice here?

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Yes you can. Check out my video; Breastfeeding while pregnant- Tandem Nursing

Ask your OB. Usually fine. In some cases its not recommended. But generally its considered safe.