Can you date if you are seperated?

If you are separated legally can you date someone else?


Get railed mammi you deserve it!


This is a personal choice I guess. I never did but my Ex husband did.

You can date while you’re married, it even has a name.

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Like legally?? Or for the best outcome ? The only real issue will depend on how amicable the divorce is and what assets you guys have and are fighting over … if kids are involved and you’re already bringing the new person around your kids it may look bad in the courts eyes so if there’s a custody battle it could make the judge say you’re not the best fit … but that’s dependent on lots of things . But if you have no kids and nothing to fight about ( money , houses, cars, other types of assets ) then should be ok

Like separated on paper or just separated? I don’t know why it matters.

Yes you can date if you’re seperated. You just can’t get married until the divorce is finalized.


I did and my ex started not long after

This is a personal choice… I mean, there are people who aren’t separated out there dating, so…

Legally speaking, it depends. My ex-husband and I were separated, he was seeing someone else, got her pregnant and the judge still deemed it as adultery.

I have heard If your in the process of divorce its best not too…


I did; I see no issue with it

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I did; I see no issue with it

Idk but plenty do when they’re not even separated so I guess :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Anymore you can date while you’re married. Who is going to tell you ya can’t?

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There is no legal separation in some states. Check your laws. Dating while legally married is still adultery and can effect the outcome of a divorce. It’s best to consult an attorney


The questions on here man lmao


Awfully soon don’t you think? I believe if you are still legally married then you shouldn’t. And if you are getting divorced why would you want to right away?


No you maybe separated but you are still Married

Who cares tho? Unless you think your ex will use that against you especially if you guys have kids in the divorce then I wouldn’t date until it’s finalized.

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It’s not illegal. But it can be used against you in a divorce since it’s technically cheating. Plus if you would become pregnant your husband is legally that child’s father.