Can you drink alcohol while breastfeeding?

Hello, I have a question for breastfeeding moms. My baby is 17 months now. She never had the bottle so it was only exclusively breastfed. Right now, she only drinks milk when shes going to sleep. So about 3 times a day. One for her nap around 12 and another around bedtime at 830 and another in the middle of the night when she wakes up. I looked this info up on Google but I wanted to know what everybody else thought of it. I started drinking recently. Not heavy-binge drink but half a can of beer every other weekend. But now, I feel like I want to get at least a little tipsy, u know? I find it helps with my sexy times with my husband. Do u think it’s ok to finish the whole can of beer? I read it depends on ur weight. And I’m 220, so I don’t want to drink too much. I have thought about weaning my daughter but I have no idea how I would put her to sleep at night. She knows she feeds off me. When it’s time for a nap she let’s me know by bringing me a pillow and saying “Milk Milk”. I jus wanna know if anybody has experience with alcohol and breastfeeding?


It is absolutely ok to finish the beer.


You can drink as much as youd like. The only concern is holding baby to feed, so if you are so intoxicated you may roll on baby or drop baby they say wait. :slight_smile:


Lactation consultants told me “if you’re tipsy, your milk is tipsy”. I don’t drink so I don’t know for sure but I wouldn’t risk it. They do sell breastmilk alcohol test strips but if you’re not pumping I don’t know that they’d help.

Its perfectly ok to drink while breastfeeding. Even when youre wasted, the amount of alcohol in your milk is like the equivalent of a shot of vodka in a 55gal barrel of water. And any alcohol in your milk will filter out of you milk as it does your blood.


Sober enough to drive, sober enough to nurse.


One can of beer will have no effect on your milk. The worry with drinking and breastfeeding is dropping the baby. But at 17 months old that’s not really a worry.


Omg finish that beer. Hell have a few. Baby will be perfectly fine


You can always express and give the baby that milk if she’ll take it from a bottle. (Worth a try!) and if she does, then when you want to drink, just express enough for a couple of feeds and give her the expressed milk. Meanwhile you can drink, express what milk you would USUALLY give her and dump it. (Pump and dump)

17 months is a little old to still be taking the titty in my opinion :rofl:

It’s completely fine momma! You literally have to have alcohol poisoning before it effects your milk! The concern is safely being able to take care of your child while nursing!


always check with a breast feeding consultant but you shouldn’t drink and breast feed. or express and offer her that…

My pediatrician TOLD me to have a beer to help my milk come in & my husband’s aunt brought me a six pack of Guinness and a casserole when my son was born!