Can you drink while breastfeeding

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


It’s okay to drink wine every once in a while but not too much

They have test strips you can buy to test your milk when you do or if you decide to drink alcohol.


Yes. The alcohol doesn’t go straight into your boobs. Seriously. If you are sober enough to be able to handle a baby…you’re fine. Now…you wanna go out and get white girl wasted? I’d probably express in the shower… Plus you’re gonna be so hellishly dehydrated you’ll never want to again​:joy::joy::joy:


Yes you can drink while breastfeeding!


Yes. If you can find the baby you can nurse the baby :rofl:


I forgot the amount of time needed. But if you pump enough milk for baby then drink and wait the required amount of time and pump and discard the icky milk then you can have a drink or 2. The drink was never worth the effort for me so I didn’t try it. But I know it is possible to do so safely.


Yes. When I wanted a drink I used to have one right after I fed then by the time it was time to feed again it was out of my system


Just pump and dump until it’s out of your system

Just because you can…doesn’t mean you should.


I had 3 glasses of Midori while feeding my first and expressed an hour before so I wouldn’t pass on the booze. 1 hour after having those drinks I expressed again and my breastmilk was green!!! Don’t even try to tell me booze doesn’t affect your milk! It’s was GREEN!!


Pump & dump is a MYTH. Dont let people tell you that. Alcohol works on your blood alcohol content. Meaning one drink equals one hour to leave your system. Dumping milk doesn’t change the alcohol content in your bloodstream. You can drink one or two drinks as long as you know you won’t have to feed them for an hour or two. Or if you have pre-pumped some milk.


A couple drinks is totally fine!

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No don’t pump and dump! Alcohol leaves your milk like it does the blood stream. If youre okay to drive, youre okay to nurse/ give baby the milk. If worried mix 50% with older milk.
The concern with drinking and nursing baby is mostly you being too drunk to properly care for baby.


Yup if you can drive you can breastfeed!


Yes you can, they have test strips you can use to test the milk to make sure there is no alcohol. Pump or feed before drinking, there’s a certain amount of time to wait and the alcohol should be out of your system and the breast milk.

You can but should you ? :thinking:


Join an actual breastfeeding group to get science based info. All the laugh reacts just show the type of advice you will get.


Yes you can and I have

Yes, absolutely!! It will change the taste of your breast milk, so if baby seems turned off by it, that’s why!
You go ahead momma, have some drinks :wink: heck, beer even helps with production! :beers: cheers!


Yes you can. If you can safely find and hold your baby, you can safely nurse.

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Yes a glass or two is fine!
Safe to drive safe to drink.

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Yes! Just one drink or once you’re feeling the affects/drunk/buzzed that’s when the BAC is highest and alcohol two hours after that point are at a safe number to feed. After 9 months my tolerance was shite and I really didn’t need anymore than that one serving to get a nice buzz. Of course you can have peace of mind if you pump the night before and feed baby that milk if you feel like it but you really don’t NEED too.

A glass of beer will actually helps your milk production because of the yeast in it :ok_hand:


Doctors say if you can hold your baby you can feed your baby. A peer lactation consultant once said on a group I follow that if ur black out drunk your milk has as much alcohol as OJ- BUT… I read about one mom in the UK who drank like 18 bourbon or whiskies and Cokes and breastfed her newborn baby and it died. It was a newborn but still that scares the shit out of me. They need more information out there about it.

If you’re concerned don’t do it. Even if it’s just one Just express otherwise you’ll be stressing out and won’t be able to enjoy your drink :heart:


You got to pump and dump if you are going to drink and breast feed don’t give your baby your tainted milk! Pump the old shit out from drinking and then give them fresh milk that you have after you’ve sobered up I’d recommend also pumping before you drink so you can have a supply of milk for when you are drinking and for when you have to dump! That’s what I would do! Even tho I’m not much of a drinker


Yes in small amounts, if youre drunk or to the point of feeling very tispy no. If its one glass of wine there’ll be the same alcohol content as a class of orange juice. Local hospitals offer more info about it as well

Pump and dump is a lie. Anyone who says pump and dump needs to take 15 mins to educate themselves instead of spreading ridiculous information. Thats not how any of this works. Alcohol leaves your breastmilk when it leaves your blood stream. You would have to drink and get drunk to affect your baby. :blush:


It is safe to drink a couple drinks, but if you wanna go for a night out with more than three, make sure you have some extra milk to give baby & “pump & dump”. I’ve heard that your breast milk can become alcoholic if you drink too much. Definitely talk to a doctor & look up the science on it though!

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Yes you can. Dr. Jack Newman addresses this.

Life was so good but it is hard to explain how things changed for the worse so quickly. I first heard rumors that my man is seeing another woman. In a short time, I found out that it was true. When I confronted him, he instead chose the other woman over me and in fact, he later moved out and left the kids with me to suffer. I must admit life became so hard that I visited priests & healers for help. My life was in a mess that I couldn’t concentrate at work. Soon I lost my job and in no time I became so broke. I had no source of income and he refused to support me, not even taking my calls. My friend saw what I was going through and she took me to Mama Baker who had also helped her in a similar situation. He is specialized in solving marriage and relationship issues, cleansing from bad luck, women who cannot get pregnant and many others, but as for me, I didn’t care about anything else he does. All I wanted was only to bring back my fiance and my happiness. That’s what mattered to me at that particular time. So I decided to give it a try. But hey this Mama is amazing. she performed special prayers for me and cleansed me from bad luck. Friends am telling you the truth, in the second week after the prayers, my fiance came back home asking for forgiveness. Oh GOD, I could not believe it. He asked for forgiveness and he said that he wanted to come back home and I thought it was a joke. Our wedding was last year in May. Now, I am married, happy and so excited. I thank you, my friends, for standing with me in my hardships and during my wedding preparations. God bless you all. Many people are asking me for Mama Baker’s number. I am giving it out here in case you are having any problems in your life or marriage or if your man is cheating or if he left you. Give it a try. Here is her contact: +27655918270. You can even Whatsapp her.


Yes, but discuss the details of it with your dr. Alcohol leaves your milk the same as it leaves your blood. Do Not Believe “pump and dump”!

I’m 52 . And I was 22 1990. Gave birth . The driver and my husband said beer will bring your milk down. .I found it to be true .she grew up beautiful. And smart. !


After you pumped 24 hrs worth of milk for the babes :ok_hand:
Its like the same as smoking weed while breastfeeding it goes into your milk. Whatever you consume your baby is consuming it. Its common sense and a lot of people seem to lack that.
Seriously pump milk for the baby and store it before you drink. Your milk supply lasts a good 2 days in the fridge without going bad.


Yes you can. If your buzzed, then its enough. But actually I have found it helps with babies that are colicky.

My OB said the new rule is if you’re sober enough to find the baby then you’re sober enough to feed the baby


Yuuuuuuuup. They make strips to test your breast milk. DO NOT PUMP AND DUMP! Even if your breastmilk has alcohol in it you can use it for a milk bath for baby.


Get the breast milk test strips! It’ll let you know if alcohol is present in your breast milk. Game changer!

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If you get wasted dont breastfeed. But if it’s a couple drinks it’s fine.

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The breast milk test strips show results with orange juice. So i wouldn’t recommend those lol. If you’re worried pump it and use it for a milk bath. If I’m out and get drunk it’s take me a hour to get home. I can safely nurse my child once i get home. Do not pump and dump. You’re literally wasting milk.

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If you can find your baby, you can feed your baby.


Yes you can. I wouldnt go get plastered but you can have a couple. Pump and dump is not a lie. Feel free to ask a doctor.

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Actually you don’t have to pump and dump- that’s a myth. Alcohol affects the milk the same way it does the blood. You should not feed while drinking or intoxicated but once you are sober enough, the milk is not soiled. Besides only 2% of what you consume actually would affect the milk if you did. It takes about 1 hour for the alcohol to hit your milk supply. They recommend that you pump around the same times you would feed to keep up your supply but there is no need to dump.

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If you are sober enough to drive you are sober enough to nurse


If you can drive, you can breast feed


Depends on your definition of a “drink” I guess hahahaha :relieved:

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Pump and dump is a myth. If you feel sober enough to drive, you’re just fine. If you’re getting wasted then maybe pump, but it will leave your milk just like it will your blood. Just drink a glass of water between drinks to stay hydrated so you don’t lose any supply due to dehydration. My lactation consultant told me the only real risk to drinking and nursing, is the potential to fall asleep and hurt the baby. So maybe have someone sober to supervise? But alcohol will not hurt you or your baby. Or even your supply as long as you stay hydrated :relaxed:


Look up Dr Jack Newman, alcohol and breastfeeding. He actually studied this.
The amounts of alcohol found in milk is beyond tiny.
It’s fine.
If you can find the baby, you can feed the baby!


And pump and dump is extremely outdated advice.

My pediatrician said If youre not drunk baby wont be drunk lol basically drink responsibly

I’ve always just gone with if you can find your baby you can feed your baby and my daughter is fine but ofc I don’t ever get super drunk either and couple times I did she was asleep and we both slept for close to 5 hours before she needed a feeding so it was all good

Even if you get drunk there’s less your breast milk than in a glass of orange juice. I drink. I limit myself till shes in bed for the night but if you can safely find and hold the baby you can safely feed the baby.

You can buy the Upspring milkscreen it detects alcohol in breastfeeding. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: you can buy it at TARGET

I’m just guna leave this here :wink: Alcohol | Breastfeeding | CDC

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Why not just bottle feed so you can get white girl wasted ALL the time. Work smarter, not harder.


Yes. If you are sober enough to find baby you can nurse baby


The amount of you I see that breastfeed after drinking is astonishing to me.

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Depends how much u intake. “In general, if you are sober enough to drive, then you are sober enough to breastfeed.” If not you should wait until it is out of you system to breastfeed and in the mean time pump and dump.

Yes. But I would space it out and definitely drink water or something else in between depending on how much is consumed. Unless you are way beyond tipsy you are fine lol

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Never pump and dump. You can have a few alcohol beverages just don’t get wasted.

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If you can find the baby you can feed the baby :joy:


If you can hold the baby you can feed the baby!

Yes, no need to pump and dump. If you can safely hold the baby, you can nurse. Not much gets into the breast milk. Kid will be fine.


As long as you are still able to drive you can breastfeed

I think you can buy alcohol breast milk strips and after you drink, you can pump a little and see if there is still alcohol in it.

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If you’re sober enough to hold your baby your sober enough to breastfeed

u mean simultaneously or drinking alcohol?

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Your body filters it out so it doesn’t go into breast milk. You would have to be really drink for it to possibly affect the milk. A good rule of thumb is to stop if you start to feel tipsy. And then water water water

I heard for every drink you wait 2 hours. So example 3 drinks would be 6 hours till it’s safe to breast feed as the alcohol metabolizes eventually. So pumping and dumping isnt really effective.

Not at the same physical time but yes. Breast milk is largely created on demand so right after a feeding is a good time to. Also, beer promotes breast milk production so it’s good to drink if you’re underproducing or pumping for time away


They sell strips to test breast milk for alcohol. They say build up a supply to bottle feed the next day. In all ask your babies doctor, lactation doctor or your own OB. Not a bunch of ppl on facebook who’s bodies are way different than yours. Don’t trust them. Call you doctor


Apparently it’s very unlikely for the alcohol to pass into your milk unless you consume a very large amount and at that point your probably to busy having your stomach pumped to feed anyway personally I still only ever had 1 or 2 when breastfeeding because I wouldn’t trust myself holding baby if I was drunk and I don’t really know how true it is that it doesn’t effect milk

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Pump and dump is a waste. Dr Newman address this, and found a woman needs to be intoxicated for it to affect baby via breast milk, he compared it to throwing a shot of orange in a swimming pool.
Genera rule of thumb is if you can safely hold the baby you can nurse, and more for the benefit of not dropping, falling asleep with baby and causing a higher risk of sids.
It’s personal choice at the end of the day if you aren’t comfortable then express, but don’t ditch it Chuck it in a milk bath! :slightly_smiling_face:
However. Science is science for all the ridiculous comments above :eyes:

There’s more alcohol in orange juice then a drink; it’s like a shot in a swimming pool, you would have to die from alcohol poisoning before it affects your milk. Just no bedsharing.

Seriously?? If you have to ask, you should not be reproducing.


I questioned this same thing before and I was told “it’s like putting a shot into a swimming pool” unless u are intoxicated of course but a few is fine.

If you have one glass of wine straight after a feed, you will be fine for the next feed

Wait 2 hrs to breastfeed but yes

There’s a blood brain barrier it has to break in order to enter the breastmilk. Every woman is different. It might take one or two shots/beers - who knows. I don’t suggest drinking if you’re breastfeeding. If you need to I would use a breastpump prior to drinking as much as you can. Store it. Go drinking. Wake up, and pump once and dispose to be safe.

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Alcohol | Breastfeeding | CDC.


Check out the information below.

Can you drink while breastfeeding?

Is this a fucking joke?


Man alot of women need to educate themselves before being parents. Half these comments are lies. Smdh


If your in any doubt at all… just dont drink! Uve done 9 months it’s really not that important is it?

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I only had 2 beer at a time when I was actively breastfeeding. If I decided to have a mommy night, I would pump that night and the next morning, freeze it, and use it as bath milk. Just remember to drink tons of water because it will dehydrate you severely.


Someof you are just extremely judgmental and are know it all’s too good for anyone else. I was told by many drs if you can find the baby feed the baby. There’s no reason why a mom can’t have some wine or beer or any other drink she wants. Our bodies change the things that we ingest and the babies don’t get the exact same thing as we do. Hops actually help in milk production btw. I’m not saying get drunk and be an idiot but there’s no reason why you have to continue to starve yourself of alcohol because you’re breastfeeding. I guess by your logic (since everything passes through milk) people shouldn’t take life saving medications either cuz it might go into the milk


Just pump some before hand and then use that while the alcohol filters out your system. You may need to pump for to reduce pressure and keep production up but don’t feed to bubba. It’s not recommended drinking and then breastfeeding baby


My doctor told me when I was breastfeeding that I could drink, but to “pump and dump” within 3 hours of drinking.

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Wait 3 hours for each beer you have.

Pump and dump is NOT what you should do!

They say if you are sober enough to drive you can breastfeed.

They do say dont over do it with liquor.
Id say drink wine or a beer, wait two hours if you feel dizzy for it to pass then breastfeed.


I didn’t because I was more concerned with my baby then being able to drink. Pump and dump is so wasteful.


I personally wouldn’t. That like asking is alcohol for an infant, even in small amounts, allowable.


Yes you can, you can buy test strips, to test your alcohol level. Say you have a few drinks before feeding and all that, pump a bit, test the level of alcohol in the milk depending on how high the level you might have to pump and dump out your supply you’ve got holding containing the alcohol if too high for the baby to drink. If the level isn’t too high, then you should be fine to feed… This so where the term PUMP AND DUMP comes in at.

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As long as you’re well enough to hold the baby :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I used to have a glass of wine and breastfeed with my first son, second son I hated wine but had 7 paralyzers and breastfed when I got home (I wasn’t hammered, I was walking straight and talking normal), third I haven’t had a drink yet… she’s almost 9 months.

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i cant believe anyone would actually drink when there breastfeeding there babies

If only people did their research instead of automatically assuming or judging…


PER MY DOCTOR . “if you aren’t drunk. Or very very close research shows it won’t show up in your breast milk at all”