Can you eat lunch meat while pregnant?

Fan Question


Ok so someone told me with my 1st pregnancy 2 yrs ago I couldn’t eat lunch meat?! Here I am pregnant again and I just want a sub. I have been craving one forever. If I get it toasted should I be ok? Someone said cold lunch meat can have a bacteria on it?


Yes it can! I believe as long as it is warmed up/toasted it should be fine!

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anything can have bacteria on it. Go enjoy

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It is super rare, enjoy your sub!

They say you shouldn’t, but I eat lunch meat all the time and I’m 34 weeks with a healthy baby :slight_smile: just moderations. If your not eating it like every meal you’ll be fine.

It just has to be heated enough to cook the possible contaminants… so like, really hot.

As long as the lunch meat is warmed up it’s ok according to my obgyn subs were all I wanted at the start of my pregnancy! So I definitely had to get the info lol

It’s fine. I craved a roast beef sandwich with my son the doctor said it’s fine

I guess if you really think about it, anything can have harmful bacteria. I ate sandwiches all the time :person_shrugging:


As long as it’s toasted you should be fine.

I ate it alot when I was prego and it was fine ur supposed to warm it up

I’ve ate lunch meat throughout my whole pregnancy im 38 weeks my baby is perfectly healthy

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Girl get you a sub and enjoy it!

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You can find nitrate free lunch meat everywhere these days!

As long as it’s fresh you should be fine. It won’t hurt the baby could just basically give you food poisoning

Subway was what I craved with my first pregnancy, ate it all the time. As long as their sanitation score is decent, I wouldn’t worry about it :wink:

I ate it. And tosted is fine.

My doctor said as long as I try to get stuff from like the butcher of the grocery store, instead of the bags of processed meat it was better. You can always heat it up and put it back in the fridge. But they also say you shouldn’t have sprouts or cheeses or caffeine. Moderation I think is key and make sure stuff is fridge properly and fresh :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve never heard that and I have 3 kids. My Dr never said that to me either

I was told I could have lunch meat just warmed ip


I get free subway at lunch everyday and I’m okay? :open_mouth:

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You should not eat cold lunch meat. It is due to the bacteria. Have them more than meet up. Or just have them toast meat when they toast your bread.

Lunch meat can have the listeria bacteria, but I actually think it is the nitrates and such from the processing the products.

Bull shit i ate lunch it i had 4 health babys thay full of crap

I ate lunch meat and all was good

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Yup you just have to toast it or have them warm up the meat is all. Same goes for hot dogs.

Only buy lunch meat freshcut from deli, no bologna, hotdogs or prepackaged precut lunch meat it could cause listeria.

You can eat meat. Even lunch meat but it does need to be warmed up first. I craved a cold cut turkey but i never ate it cold.

I never knew this was a thing when I was pregnant so I ate deli meat with both my kids and they are fine :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:


No one has died from eating one yet. Get ya one and enjoy it.

You’re likely to get listeria from fruits and veggies than deli meats, if you want to stay on the safe side just toast it or warm the meat up first.

Half the time it’s this younger people who talk the most crap about what you can and can’t eat. If your doctor hasn’t said anything eat it.

My doctor told me for my last baby that lunch meat is ok once in awhile, don’t eat it a lot but its not going to hurt you to have the sub your craving

Lol i have had three babies. Never once was this mentioned to me. I have healthy happy babies.

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It’s cold Turkey. As long as it’s warmed you’re fine!

I ate lunch meat through two pregnancies. My last one, Subway was a craving. Both pregnancies perfectly healthy and healthy kids. Still worried just get it toasted.

I ate lunch meat all the time and always got my sub toasted (even when I wasn’t pregnant) and my son is totally fine

I craved sub sandwiches too. As long as they’re heated, it should be fine!

Yeah if it’s straight from a deli you have to watch out for listeria but just warm it up first

They say to stay away from coffee too but that ain’t happening. Lol. My kids are fine and coffee was never an issue.

Just eat a sub the baby is hungry for one just go with ya craving

When i was pregnant with my son my Dr told me no cold lunch meat but I could have it if he was heated.

I lived on subway while pregnant with my twins. Not toasted either. Never a problem.

Anything can have bacteria on it! Tell them to fry your bologna or buy the stuff at the store and make your own. Or you could take it home and throw it in the oven.:joy:

Yeah just get it well done toasted, like if you go to Subway to get it.

I eat lunch meat a bit did with my first my Dr said it was fine

I ate lunch meat all the time with both pregnancies, never heated it up. It’s fine.

I loved subs when I was pregnant with my babies and I always just got it toasted.

Yes get it toasted and eat your sandwich

They say not to because it can have bacteria on it. Drs recommend heating up thr lunch meat, but honestly, i ate lunch meat all through my pregnancy. Its whatever you decide though

I never heard that…just no tuna or scooping litter boxes


I basically cried when I was telling my doctor how bad I wanted a sub when I was pregnant. She said I had more of a chance getting sick from the lettuce than the meat, and to go ahead just don’t make it a habit. Everything within moderation.

I’ve never heard this used to eat a sandwich at lunch time everyday. 12 years and 3 kids later they are all fine. Certain fish you shouldn’t eat…that’s all over heard.

Its not recommended because sir listeria. I wouldn’t recommend going to a sub shop for deli meat. Go to a reputable deli shop, get some meat and make it at home.

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I lived on subway with both my pregnancies! I never had any issues :woman_shrugging:t2:

I craved an Italian hoagie the entire time I was pregnant. I ate one once during pregnancy and I got the WORST heartburn. But I was fine, the baby was fine and that was my number one request after I gave birth. My parents brought one to the hospital for me. :grin:

Eat whatever you want just in moderation. That’s what my midwife told me.

I got 4 kids always ate subs no issues

I am 23 weeks and my doctor told me not to unless it was warmed up to a steaming point so like a toasted sub lol but every doctor has a different thought about it :woman_shrugging:t2:

If your worried just heat up the meat, the concern is with listeria but honestly eating it cold the risk is so low ive never really worried about it

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I lived on lunch meat all 3 of my pregnancies :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ok dont eat any thing because everything got bacteria on it because its in air this is bull shit back in day people didnt care who ever come up with this shit is full of it

My dr said as long as you have it toasted it will be fine

I ate cold lunch meat oops. I also work at a sandwich shop lol

Eat what ever you want.

I ate lunch meat almost everyday both times :woman_shrugging:

Just heat the meat up if you’re worried

My doctor told me you have to warm it up so I always ate fire house subs if I wanted a sandwich while pregnant but subway heats there’s up too

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you can eat lunchmeat. all i ever craved was BLTs and firehouse subs with both my pregnancies. :joy::sweat_smile:
if you are so worried, just warm up the lunchmeat before you eat it.

Pre-packaged is ok, deli meat isn’t.

I ate it & my babies were healthy and I was also :woman_shrugging:t2: never had issues. Eat the sub!

I couldnt eat any meat except lunch meat. NO COOKED MEAT! I would puke instantly. My dr said heat it up for 30 seconds and it should be fine so toasted will definitely be fine. He told me subway was okay and I get their turkey subs. He said if I absolutely cant deal with it heated then to just nit stress about it. The risk is low. So I say go for it! Just get it toasted if you’re worried.

I always ate lunch meat all 4 pregnancies my doctor said it was fine

I ate it with all 5 pregnancies :woman_shrugging: no issues.

I’ve just been told to heat it up a bit before eating it. I ate it all the time and I have healthy babies.

I’ve eaten lunch meat with all of my pregnancies and my boys turned out fine

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My doctor said you can eat lunch meat. Just heat it for 30 seconds in the microwave Or toast the sandwich.

It’s because of the possibility of contamination from a deli slicer. Just warm the meat first.

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Listen to your cravings. I had horrible hg and I just made sure that the spinach wraps I’d get from the sandwich station at the grocery or subway was toasted. I literly could keep a few select things down…all things in moderation and sandwich meats that are toasted…my husband tried to police this but since I could barely keep down water he gave up quick.

My boyfriend is actually doing serve safe classes with the health department and it is actually true. They say to heat it up. BUT this is my third pregnancy and have had lunch meat in the past. Just make sure its sealed and stored correctly.

I ate sandwiches through all 3 of my pregnancies

I ate lunch meat my 1st pregnancy and my 2nd i still do.

I ate lunch meat all the time with my pregnancies without toasting it. It is just a precaution but you’ll be fine. Toast it to give you better piece of mind

I was told to just heat it in the microwave for a few seconds. Get it. I forgot and ate it all the time.

Im currently 36 weeks pregnant and I’ve been eating subway this entire time!
They told me it’s rare someone actually gets sick from it! I actually got sick from the lettuce rather than the meat! So I wont hardly touch lettuce.
Id say you’re completely fine!

Statistically it’s not that serious. Eat the sub!


Shoot I ate bologna with all 5 pregnancies…no problems.

I was serious about it with my first but I ate it with my second daughter. She is 4 days old and healthy can be.

I ate lunch meat with all my pregnancies

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I ate it with all my pregnancies and my 3 kids came out perfect and healthy

I have ate cold lunch meat all 4 times I was pregnant and we are all ALIVE


My second pregnancy all I wanted was lunch meat and canned meat and had no issues and when I cooked I got sick like crazy. I ate stuff like tuna, spam, corned beef hash, vienna sausage, ham, bologna,and roast beef sandwiches along with vanilla ice cream with crushed up barbecue chips mixed together. Yes< I was weird.

Don’t believe everything someone tells you.
It won’t hurt you

Statisically the risk is small but obviously it does still cause problems for some id heat it and play it safe even if its 1 in a million there’s still the 1

I ate subway my whole first pregnancy toasted it though

I ate it. With all 4 of my pregnancies.

I worked at subway when I was pregnant with my son. And I heated all my meat with the toaster. I maxed out lol

Honestly im in my 1st pregnancy and ive had subway so many times lol

Oh eat what the hell you want