am i okay to eat tuna while pregnant? i’m craving it soooo bad right now. lol
I did and subway almost everyday lol
I’ve eaten a ton of Tuna. Mostly tuna steaks in the air fryer though. Salmon & calamari too.
Yes, under 2 servings a week is no problem
As long as you eat less than 12 or 15 cans a day I think you should be good lol.
Yes but no more then 3 cans a week!
I craved tuna when I was pregnant in 1979…ate it every other day for 2 months…lol…
I craved tuna when I was pregnant with my twins… I had a special day and time once a week solely for satisfying my craving and it was always a tuna melt every Wednesday at 12:30 pm. I did not share with anyone or make anyone else one because that was my one meal for me. I missed it one time and had a full on meltdown lol.
You can eat the light packaged tuna
I had 5 kids and was never told not to, granted the youngest is 8 but I only found out through mom groups on the internet.
Eating canned light tuna, albacore tuna, and yellowfin tuna are safe and beneficial for you and your baby during pregnancy, as long as you limit how much you eat.
I ate the subway tuna sandwich. But my craving while pregnant was always subway in general😂.
I eat tuna once weekly iys very beneficial, just need to watch how much you eat per week due to mercury levels.
I did all the time cause that’s what I wanted🤷🏻♀️
Baby 3 here and I eat whatever the heck I want/crave
My daughter is 12 and when I sad pregnant on her it was my craving all day every day doctor never said anything about it
Yep. I ate whatever I wanted during all my pregnancies lol including lunch meat, not heated.
one can either ask their OB or google this information, But yes, one can eat tuna, but as eveyone has already stated, is limited amounts
I ate whatever I wanted. In moderation anything is ok
As long as you’re not eating it a lot it’s fine.
I think it’s to do with heavy metals in fish especially mercury. I know you can’t eat shark and have to be careful with tuna. You shouldn’t eat sword or tile fish either. Skipjack tuna is the safest bet but you shouldn’t eat more than two steaks or four cans a week.
Well if you do the baby will have gills
You’re supposed to stay away from high mercury seafood.
Yes but not loads (excessively) due to something that’s in it. However I know people that ate loads & there babys are fine
Dumb question actually! Why wouldn’t you ? Of course you can eat tuna!
With my daughter, I ate tuna almost every day. I craved tuna, pickles and pretzels, so almost every day I would have a tuna sandwich/wrap with lettuce, tomato and mayo, mini pretzels and sweet pickles.
I think the only one to limit is albacore
People use drugs while pregnant can’t see how tuna can hurt.