Can anyone tell me do u feel an iud after its placed? I have to have surgery on my uterus next month and then they are going to put in an iud while I’m under I’m scared because I have never really been on birth control except when I was 11 for like 1 year so I’m scared ima feel it along with all the other stuff that comes with being on birth control
I could feel mine. It also ended up embedded into my uterus and caused me tons of painful polyps for a year after it I had it removed.
I never felt mine and I had mine in for 1 1/2 years. I had it taken out early to have 1 more baby before I was supposed to have gastric bypass. I never had the gastric bypass though. It also took me 2 losses to finally have a baby, my losses were NOT because of the IUD
I don’t feel mine. Hubby felt the string of my first one during mommy daddy time and it irritated his stuff.
I had my last baby in 2013 and had a tubal at the same time. After a few years, I was having issues with my period (severe bleeding, horrible cramping, just long horrible periods). I hadn’t been to my GYN in 7 years. I finally went in 2020 and was diagnosed with cervical cancer, along with fibroids and adenomyosis. My GYN didn’t want to do a hysterectomy, in case the cancer had spread. I had surgery to remove the cancerous cells and she did an IUD insertion at the same time - to help with the period issues. Surgery was October 2020. I bled off and on for 73 days. But when the bleeding stopped, it stopped. I haven’t had any bleeding or other issues since. I get some mild breast tenderness and some mild cramping when I should be starting my period, but that’s it. I can’t feel the IUD and I’ve had no issues with it. The only problem that I have had, is that I’ve had to go back to the GYN twice to have the string trimmed because my husband could feel it during intercourse. Other than that, I love it!
I had an IUD for 15 years, worked perfectly and yes you can feel the strings… which are tough at first
Why don’t you talk to your doctor about this