Can you get a false positive pregnancy test?

I have scheduled an appointment with a Doctor and I will see them this week. I was just curious to know if anyone has ever gotten false postives. I rarely have a period so it’s kind of hard to determine whether I can be pregnant. I am not experiencing any symptoms that would give me the conviction that I am perganant however I am extremely tired and am experiencing breast soreness. What do you think?


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Can you include that i have 3 positive tests and the last one was negative

Most like you are pg, i took 6 or 7 this time around all pos

False negatives are more common than false positives but it it is still possible. If thats the case ask them to do a blood test.

Tell them You want a blood test to determine if it’s pos or not.


It’s possible, but very rare.

I took pics of my positives n went to the Dr my Dr is like r u sure they were positive I show him the pics he did a test it was negative did a blood test bam! 4 weeks pregnant lol I think u are ltegnant my only symptoms were tired and sore boob’s false negatives are more common false positive are rare go to the dr

Most likely. Like stated above, false negatives are more likely than a false positive.
So to get two pos and one neg, I’d say that’s prolly a positive

If youre gregnant boob soreness is a symptom for sure.

Breast soreness is also common with ovulation/menstruation due to increased hormone levels. Not just pregnancy, however since you have had so many positives. a blood test would be best in this situation.

Yep I have had 3 false positives without any medical reasoning

Those actually are symptoms.

Both of those r signs I had with my pregnancies