Can you get pregnant 4-6 days before your period?

can you get pregnant 4-6 days before your period? Maybe it’s my body messing with me but I have tender boobs and keep craving a frosty and fries from Wendy’s. Ate an egg salad sandwich at work yesterday and it was gross. Conception would’ve been the 13th of this month


You can but if your getting cravings you might be further along then you think. My mom didn’t know she was pregnant till 3 months and I had a friend that didn’t know till she went into labor. Take a test and go from there.

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You get cravings due to your cycle and for vitamins and minerals your body needs.
It’s not just a pregnancy thing.


I don’t think cravings would happen that quickly to be honest, but to answer your question yes you can get pregnant anytime.


Yes it can especially if your cycle is abnormal or not tracked accurately

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Tender boobs to me meant period is coming and chocolate cravings

I was pregnant for 3 months and had a period. So how do you like that! :heart:

You can get pregnant anytime. My 2.5 yr old was conceived without me even having a period for 2 cycles …


You can get pregnant at any time…
When I found out I was pregnant with my first I didn’t know until I was 3 months in.
Also,cravings don’t come in THAT early.