Can you get pregnant after having a tube removed?

I have a question for all Moms who have had a tubal pregnancy. I had one last June. Unfortunately I didn’t listen to my body and my tube burst. So that tube had to be removed. I still have one tube. How many of you Moms have gotten pregnant after having a tube removed? Was it harder? Did it take longer to conceive? Anybody have any ways to help conceive. I’ve been tracking my period but it’s all over the place. I got a basal body thermometer but it says best to take it after a good nights rest and at the same time everyday. But it’s hard due to my work schedule to take it at the same time. Also I haven’t been sleeping well.
Thanks for any advice.


My mom got pregnant with 3 kids after a tube being removed

I would wait until your body balances out hormonally if you can, make sure you are overall 100 healthy before you try to become pregnant again.

I’ve had 3 babies after having my left tube removed, due to a tubal pregnancy.

I had two little boys after mine, but I had a miscarriage after I had my tubal and before I had my first son and then I had two miscarriages before I had my second son… but right after I had my tubal pregnancy I found out that I have endometriosis

I only have one ovary and one tube left after 8 surgeries for endometriosis. I have had a previous miscarriage. The doctors told me I’d probably need help when I wanted to try to conceive and I am now 22 weeks pregnant! I was not trying the only thing I did differently was recently lost a lot of weight and started taking a woman’s multi vitamin. It is certainly possible!

I had two ectopic pregnancies, which one of them resulted in me losing my right Fallopian tube. I was told by the dr that I would be able to get pregnant but it would be harder due to only ovulating every other month. I got pregnant a year later and have a beautiful baby boy!!!

My ex sister-in-law got pregnant again twice after losing a tube. I tried tracking my BBT for two months and can’t get enough reliable data to chart it. My partner gets home from work between 3-5am so I can’t take it when I wake up around 6am because it won’t be a solid 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I decided to set and alarm for 3am every night but now my son has started waking up most nights between 12-2am so between the two of them I’m getting only 2 hours of sleep at a time. I feel you. It’s frustrating.

I have been temping for YEARS and i work shift work, and have insomnia…never had any issues, i only have one tube as well.

We did IVF after a salpingectomy from an ectopic pregnancy, and we got pregnant from our first transfer. Our doctor recommended going straight to IVF if we could afford it.

I had my right side removed due to ectopic pregnancy I now have 3 little girls. I had 7 failed pregnancies before that after I only had healthy but that’s not always the case

I had my tube and ovary removed at age 19 then got pregnant with 2 healthy sons several years later. It can happen be patient

Invest in a tempdrop if you have a crappy sleeping schedule

I had two children with only one ovary and one tube…no difficulty getting pregnant…no problems at all.

I have had two babies since I had my tubal pregnancy.

My mom had 2 kids and she only had 1 tube.

I had a tubal pregnancy when I was 19 I’m 32 and have never been able to conceive a child of my own. Two years ago I got a phone call about a young lady who had fallen pregnant, and wanted me to raise her baby. 13 days later I was holding my daughter. We weren’t signed up for any agencies, and had not been pursuing adoption yet. My point is if you are meant to be a mother it will happen when it supposed to happen. Have faith!

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Wait, I’ve got a question for her. I’ve had two, one in each tube and they say if it happens again they will just take both tubes. What do they do with the overie?

My mom had both tubes tied and then accidentally conceived my adorable baby brother! Don’t loose hope, It very well could happen, Best of luck to you!:hugs::pray: