This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.
Yes-the chances are slim, me being Murphy’s daughter I went for a partial hysterectomy (kept the ovaries) BEST decision EVER!! I had irregular periods and heavy bleeding - I’m done having kids so I didn’t want to deal with periods anymore. It also almost eliminates your chances of cervical and uterine cancers. Not to mention no Pap smears. Whoohoo!
Just in time for them to start smooching my boobs every year.
Mine were just clamped almost 19 years ago and still no more babies. Depending on the method, there could be a chance.
I’ve had my tubes tied for 10 years and no pregnancies. My dr put two clamps on each tube as extra protection.
My sister was pregnant 10 times before having a successful pregnancy. They tied her tubes but she got pregnant again and miscarried. They again tied and burned her tubes but she got pregnant again and was able to deliver a second child. The doctor then gave her a hysterectomy.
My step daughter also got pregnant after getting her tubes tied after 4 years. The same thing happened to my best friend after 14 years.
Mine worked though.
I got a tubal ligation back in 2013. My OB used clamps on the end. She did tell me there is a very slight chance that I could get pregnant again but it would be Tubal pregnancy. But I’m happy to say so far so good.
I was told it’s not 100% effective. so yes it’s possible but the chance is lower
I had that done after my 2nd was born. He is now 13 years old. And no pregnancies
So I was told mine would be laparoscopically done and would be cut n burned and well they had to do a C-Section cut because of the thick scar tissue from when I had gallbladder surgery in 2012 I had my tubes done in 2014 and I ended up with filshy however I spell it clips ! Where the c scar is I have nerve damage . Never got pregnant after but I guess when they put the clips in it was for a option to take out and get pregnant again easier
Actually just got told my tubial was considered unsuccessful and that if I wish to prevent pregnancy consider my partner getting snipped or birth control so it is possible but not very often. My doctor said I’m her first failed in the 17 years she’s done them especially with the clips being put in during a csection.
What about if the tubes were cut ?
They showed the tubes to me as I wanted to see them but I am worried I’ll be pregnant again. I have five kids! I asked for imaging to be done to confirm there is no way but the doctor declined and said having them removed is good
Got pregnant really quickly after tubial.ihad a miscarriage and didn’t know i was pregnant. Then had another surgery. Dr said 1in 2000 get pregnant with tubial.the last surgery he said 1in a million. 34 years ago. No more babies
I believe it depends on how you get it done, if they just tie them then it can be reversed. But I had mine cut, burned and then tied. So there is no chance of me ever having that reversed.
I got one about 17/18 years ago , have never gotten pregnant but I guy the clamps put on my tubes and was told that it’s about the same as using a condom or birth control
I had my tubes burned after i found out that my baby was in my tube it was the best thing for me
Sure can!! I had a tubal pregnancy 1995 after I had tubes tied, burned in 1979. I was 1 out of a million the doctor told me. They had 15 minutes to save my life.
I’m not sure I. 2009 I had a tubal scared I might be able to still be able to get pregnant I hope not (sometimes).
My youngest sister was a pregnancy after my mom had her tubes tied
Yes, I know someone who got pregnant 10 yrs after having their tunes tied. She has a 23 yr old, a 20 yr old and a 10 yr old.
Yes!!! And I have a 13yr old to prove it.
I think it depend on how you get them done. My doctor says that they are actually taking mine out. If you get them burned or tied I think there is a risk of them growing back together.
I got mine tied but I hope I get pregnant and be able to carry it to full term I regret getting them tied
I had mine cut, & fused in 1992. No pregnancies since then. I was told that if I were to become pregnant, it would probably be a tubal pregnancy.
Sometimes! It happened to my sister, after 15 yrs.she had a girl.
Very low chance, but always possible. That’s why I had my doctor… cut, tie, and burn the ends to make sure
Yes… And after the 10 yr mark it is said to be less effective.
Mine were cut, tied and burned 13 years ago and never had a problem
I had mine done in 2007 and got pregnant and miscarried twice since then.
This has always been on my mind itll be 8 yrs in nov since mine
Had it done after my second kid at age 24. Didn’t regret it, and it worked.
Yes I am pregnant now with my 4th child and my 2nd pregnancy was a tubal. Birthed my son after that and am now pregnant again
Very much so. Many more docs are just removing tubes now
About 15 of my cousins are tube tied babies.
I had mine done in 2014 and never had any scares or anything.
I had one done in 2011 clamped , and then had a tubal pregnancy in March 2019.
2006 I have had my tubes clamped and no pregnancies
Had mine done in 2008 so far it’s working
The chance is really low and survival rate is lower, but there’s always a chance
Had mine done is 2017 and no pregnancies here
Yes ma’am! My son is eight and is an absolute miracle!
I got my tubal done almost 3 years ago and haven’t had any issues yet.
I have to say no. I’ve had one and it’s been 6 years and I’ve tried to get pregnant since. I regret getting my tubal. I should of listened to my doctor.
As a L&D nurse I can say, yes
I had mine in 2019 during my cecarean, cut and cauterized & we good so far
Yes. My mom got hers cut tied and burnt then got pregnant
Yes, and you should mist def.see a doctor asap
Yep you can, my “after” son is now 27
The chances are extremely slim After a successful tubal.
But as with all live there is a will there is a way.
Yes. My aunt had her 9th baby after her tubes were tied.
Yes, but it is not likely.
Yes! I did 10 years later
yes you can but it is rare
10% chance I was told and I know a person who did
Successfully… no. At least not nowadays.
You can, but I think it’s like a 7% chance. I had a total hysterectomy at 28. Best medical decision EVER
Had mine done 2017 no pregnancies
I have my tubes removed but I’m only 3 months pp. so far it’s working lol
Nesha Baker see g even getting yur tubes tied dont fully work f.s wea fuct lol
I wonder of getting tubes removed will fix me lol
I had mine removed
Always a chance I think but mine were cut tied an clamped 11 years ago no pregnancy thank goodness I already have 7
Yes, was pregnant with twins back in August but lost them
Yes ,My daughter After her tubes were cut have a last baby
This thread worries me. Lol. I was going to get mine done after this baby now im scared
Angela Michelle Vasquez
I hope the hell not.
Yes. I’ve had a client that it happened to. She had a healthy baby girl, they went back in and tubes were still tied; they had no idea how she got pregnant.
My tubular baby is going to be 15 this year. I had a hestirectony after she was 6 weeks old to be 110% sure I wont have anymore surprises after her
My sister has had a tubal ligation and got pregnant and miscarriaged…got pregnant again had a baby girl and has had 4 pregnancies since all ending in miscarriage…I just had my tubal ligation 2 yrs ago and so far it’s done it’s job…I think it depends on the method
YES YES YES AND YES. had my tubes tied in 08 got pregnant with twins in 2019. After 5 years the % of failure goes up. I have a friend that has an 17 year old born after a tubal. And my mother had 4 kids after 2 tubal. YES it happens more often than not
Of course. I also know of a friend’s mother and aunties that had their tubes tied and ended up with ovarian cancer.
Yes u can but most likely wouldn’t b viable !! I had read some stories and asked my MFM dr as I was getting one done when my baby was born ( he came in sept ) as my MFM dr said “when u cut any living tissue it tries its hardest to reconnect and heal, it’s rare but it can happen” !! it doesn’t happen to me
I want to come back and read this! I have 4 kids, partner was booked in for snip last year but then… covid! And now I’m thinking we both need to be done!!
I had my tubes completely removed and the doctors told me and gave me the paperwork saying there is only a 2% chance of getting pregnant
I had my cut and burn when my son was 8 and never got pregnant again
I’m certainly not an expert on the subject - I’ve had my tubes tied for 5 years and no pregnancies. But I had a coworker who got pregnant and her tubes were tied.
it depends. I had a tubial ligation where they completely removed the tubes so there is absolutely zero chance of pregnancy. But if your tubes are just tied then yes there is a chance of getting pregnant and an even higher chance of a ectopic pregnancy.
One of my biggest fears! Love my 5 year old twins and 4 year old but no more please!
This is why I had my tubes taken out and an ablation to my uterus. My body my choice. But yea you can If that’s all you had done
Yes. I had a tubal pregnancy after getting my tubes tied.
I had my tubes completely removed and was told there is less than .5 % chance of getting pregnant again
I’ve been told after10 years there is that possibility. I’ve heard there is a possibility after a vasectomy 10+ years a man can actually impregnate a woman I don’t know if that is true but what I’ve been told.
If the doctor does it right you won’t get pregnant
I was told I had a 1 in 150 chance of getting pregnant after having it done
The chances would be really slim anymore. They dont just tie the tubes anymore, they like burn them shut or something.
Yes. That’s how I had my last baby. I had a tubal litigation and still got pregnant
Yes I got pregnant after and had to have a hysterectomy because another pregnancy would kill me.
Mine were fully removed so no chance of having g a baby but if cut tied or burned every year it goes up 1% of having a baby
Yes. Your best bet is to do a Salpingectomy if you want the 0% chance of getting pregnant again.
Had my tubes removed! Going on 4 years now
I had my tubeal ligation in 2014. They told me There no chance of pregnancy as they took my tubes out
Is any birth control 100% effective? NO.
It only lasts 7 years
I had an ectopic pregnancy rupture after my tubal.
Yes you most definitely can!!! Had my tubes tied in 2012 and had another baby in 2015 and 2020… so I have five children but they are all blessings
It didn’t happen to me.
Had mine in 1982, no more babies after that
I had one done after my last kid of 4 in 1999. No pregnancies here!
My friend did!!! She had twins after hers.
It’s very very rare,it has happened b4,as Dr get better at the procedure the chances of getting prego, is very very slim, I was told it’s 99.9% effective nowadays then it was even just 5 yrs ago. Thats what my dr tod me. I am getting mine done may 15th.