Can you get pregnant on MIrena?

Has anyone gotten pregnant with the Mirena IUD in place? My last period was only three days long and to be honest was really only like heavy spotting. I have the same gut feeling like I did when I was pregnant with my first, but I’ve been too scared to take a pregnancy test


I mean, that’s the only way you’ll know :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s possible. Rare, but possible. Give it a week and if no period, test.

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Meee! It moved and I didn’t know.

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It’s not impossible, but your periods could slow or stop with Mirena and some of the symptoms from the hormones can mimic pregnancy symptoms.


My friend did she has 1 year old twins now. No birth control is 100%

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May I ask how long you’ve had the mirena? I know it’s possible to have very light to almost no period with the mirena

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I’ve had the mirena twice and stopped having periods completely after 6months to a year of getting it

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It’s so extremely rare I doubt it. The mirena messes with the flow of periods. It’s probably that. Unless it fell out theres almost no chance of getting pregnant

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If you think you’re pregnant take that test because it is imperative that if you are it is removed IMMEDIATELY. Less than 8 out of 1000 women get pregnant on mirena but it does happen. No BC is 100% effective.


No offense but if your scared to take a pregnancy test STOP having sex


Anything is possible!

My periods slowly disappeared on the mirena…

I’ve had two and not once did I get pregnant

I know someone who got pregnant with mirena. Had normal pregnancy/delivery. Told her it was gone after having the baby but found out over 7 years later mirena still there and had to have surgically removed. Take a test or talk to your doctor. Not something to mess around with.


Its definitely possible I’d go to the dr immediately though cuz it can cause the embryo to stick to the IUD itself or cause your body to abort it naturally

Take a test to be positive. Birth control is not 100%. I got pregnant 4 yrs and 8 months into my iud. But mine had moved during mommy and daddy escapades. :flushed: ultrasound showed a month later i got pregnant the day before it was removed.