Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?

I know birth control isn’t a 100% guarantee but has anybody getting pregnant and carried with nexplanlon? The only symptoms I don’t have that I did with my first was morning sickness and tender nipples and the closest thing to my last cycle was spotting for 3 days


I just got my 3rd nexplanon removed and yes it will give you symptoms to make you feel pregnant it’s also not un common for them to give to quickening feelings sometimes but never came up pregnant…its annoying but I wouldnt think to much of it…

It’s just the nexplanon. I have not yet found a single woman who got preggo on nexplanon and I am over 15 different mom groups and other private groups.
I’ve been on it almost 3 years and have all of the preggo symptoms I did with my daughter usually when I’m about to start my period


Thank you for posting ! Same thing happening with me!

Its the Nexplanon. I would get checked to be sure. I’ve been on it almost a year and haven’t gotta prego yet. (Knock on wood)

It will mess with your periods and make you feel pregnant, but I never got pregnant while having it.

Its your birth control more than likely. It releases hormones that can mess with your cycle, cause nausea, cramping, sore breasts, etc.

I have nexplanon and this happens to me from time to time as well and I’ve had it for a year and a half and never pregnant

I’m on my second nexplanon almost year 6 of having them and it happens sometimes, usually every couple months.

I’m pregnant and I have the nexplannon. It migrated a few weeks after it was put in and cannot be located/removed at this point. 22 weeks along with a healthy baby girl :heart:

Any thing is possible. No birth control is 100%. I would go get a blood test to make sure.

I had nexplanon & had pregnancy symptoms all the time! I had to test every once in a while to make sure but my doctor said they can cause your body to think it’s pregnant.


I’ve got pregnant on pill injection and the bar lol xx

Yes!! I was on bc for 2 out of 3 of my babies. Depo for the first. The implanon for the second.

I’ve had 3 Nexplanon implants and test every few months as I also sometimes get symptoms that mimic pregnancy. I have no periods. The mood swings can be intense. Sore sensitive breasts. Nausea. Insomnia. Food aversions that come from nowhere. Thankfully non have ever come back positive whilst using this method of contraception. X

Nexplanon made me feel pregnant all the time I swear. Especially the nausea part.

My opinion is that no matter what kind of birth control you use if you get pregnant it’s because God meant for you to have another one he knows what he’s doing and he wouldn’t put more than what you can handle on you

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Nexplanon gave me crazy pregnancy symptoms randomly throughout when I had it!

You’re not crazy!
I had my husband take me to the ER about 2 months after having mine implanted bc of my crazy, ongoing pregnant-like symptoms!
** My IUD was implanted 9 months post-partum.

Symptoms were:
-Full/tender breast like I had when I was pregnant
-fluid retention/seemed like 10lb weight gain
-nausea accompanied saliva build up and horrible vertigo.

Long story short, I was not pregnant; they did an ultrasound at the ER and sent it to my OB for a follow up. It was perfectly implanted and my body was reacting to the new hormones…:crazy_face:

I would call your OB and try to get in to have a scan of your IUD! For a precautionary and to put your mind at ease! Best of luck!

You can get pregnant with any birth control there is no 100% birth control except having no sex. lol

Ive had it abt to be 3 yrs never got pregnant rarely have periods & not too many side effects but ive heard of ppl having horrible side effects & having to get it removed. Everyones different


Nothing is guaranteed, but I had early pregnancy symptoms nonstop after getting Mirena. I had it taken out after a few months because there was no improvement, and I was miserable. All the symptoms went away within a couple weeks of removal.

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I didn’t but what I did get was weight gain and uncontrollable sobbing over inappropriate things. Thought I was losing my mind.


I got pregnant on it. BUT, I got pregnant because the nurse at the doctor’s office told me it’s effective immediately and that was NOT correct. My husband came home a week later and I got pregnant that week he came home after having it placed. Every doctor I have asked about this has told me that you should wait a month just like any other birth control for it to be effective.

I didn’t get pregnant, but I had nexplanon did not get pregnant on it, but the symptoms you are describing sounds the side effects I had before I got it taken out early. The side effects were hotribl for me.


I had this for about a year and a half. I had to get out taken out. I had every side effect you can possibly have on that and my doc couldn’t Believe I didn’t complain about it sooner. Took it out immediately for my health. Please don’t wait. Make an app. What you are describing is only a few of the symptoms I had. I also miscarried on this as well. So it is possible. And it was well into having it. I’m not trying to scare you but please get to the doctor.

I personally would call your doctor either way. You could be but you also could be pmsing or just side effects. If they are just side affects that do not disappear I would have it removed.

I had it in for 5 years and didn’t get pregnant. The side effects suck.


You can get pregnant on any kind of BC. It’s not likely, but can happen. However, the side affects of nexplanon absolutely suck. I didn’t even last 3 months on it…or any kind. But everytime you get or switch BC, the instructions and/or Dr should tell you that it’s not 100% effective and to use extra protection.


I have a friend who had the implant at one point and she gained pregnancy symptoms while on it. She later found out that it was the birth control messing with her hormones. That could be what is happening with you. Although, most antibiotics do decrease the effectiveness of birth control. My doctor always tells me that when I have to take an antibiotic for whatever reason. So, you very well could be pregnant! I would schedule a trip to the doctor either way!

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I’ve been on it for 8 years & so far no more babies :slightly_smiling_face:

If it breaks in ur arm defiantly. My oldest child was conceived with it in my arm but it broke in half and it sucked

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Yes, you can get pregnant on any birth control. There isn’t a 100% effective birth control.


Since you haven’t had a period in quite some time, maybe you’re just pmsing and fixing to start. I didn’t have a period for six months, got one period, didn’t have another one for three months, then had another one and kept getting them after that. Your baby isn’t isn’t one, so your body still is not adjusted

I had those symptoms and then turns out after so many months with no period I got mine. It was a light period like spotting. Make sure you can still feel your inplant in the arm as a whole. Take a test to put you even more at ease but those symptoms sound normal. It takes a whole year for your body to get used to the implant some people’s body is quicker.


I’m currently on nexplanon. I was recently in the same boat, even had two faint positives on pregnancy tests. Went and had the blood work done, everything came back negative. I’m ready to rip this thing out!

I mean it’s possible. I’ve used Nexplanon 3 times and never got pregnant and been on antibtiocs plenty of times. Those seem like extremely bad side effects. Take a test to be certain bc nothing is 100%. Good luck mama.

You can get pregnant on it, know someone who went through the same thing was on antibiotics for 2 weeks and bam next thing you know she was pregnant… Antibiotics are known to mess with birth control and make it less effective

I only had a period 2-3x a year. I ended up getting mine taken out after 2 yrs because I felt like this all the time. I probably took a pregnancy test every 3 months and was always nauseated, sore boobs, cramped and had headaches. Never got pregnant while it was in place but felt similar side effects regularly.

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I’ve used the nexplanon 4 times and kept them in 3 years this last one 4 years and I’ve never gotten pregnant. Nothing is a guarantee but I’ve definitely had pregnancy symptoms with it

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Ok coming from a mom who has gotten pregnant several times (11) and used so many types of bc, I used the Nexoplanen, I was great on it, however the side effects is what caused me to stop. Headaches, crazy menstrual cycles but sometimes nothing, bloating, moods, etc. It all depends on the womans body and hormones and what they can endure. We are all different. Im fertile mertyl. But I did not get prego off the Neplexon! Haleluahua

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With nexplanon antibiotics do not affect it. I was on it and got it taken out because of all those symptoms. I had it for almost two years and had horrible symptoms like that all the time.

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Those types of birth control can make you have symptoms. Grab a test when you can and when it’s negative ur body will get the message

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Unless you practice abstinence or have your uterus removed there is always a chance you could get pregnant. Always. You should ask your husband to pick you up a test on the way home


It’s not 100%. Anything is possible.

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Ive had symptoms since i got it from time to times in the past 2 yearsish. Tested neg every time. Im sure its possible.

There’s always a chance
I had to take mine out after 5 months from side effects

No contraception is %100 guaranteed.


Breastfeeding=crazy amounts of hormones…nexplanon= crazy amounts of hormones …my guess is the “symptoms” u are experiencing are from the crazy amounts of hormones going through ur body.

Yes you can. No method of birth control is 100% effective aside from abstinence.

Nexplanon is infamous for pregnancy symptoms.

Call you Dr. to have an exam and test.

It’s not 100% but I had so many problems/symptoms at the beginning and toward the end of having the nexplanon. I had no periods with mine either , but weigh gain sore boobs and at the beginning sicky feeling and headaches. Roll on the day when men can take more contraceptive measures lol :joy:

Any antibiotic can make birth control non effective or effective its effectiveness so they say to use extra protection whilst taking antibiotics. Plus it takes a while for your body to get used to birth control as well so could be it getting set into your system

You can ALWAYS get pregnant on birth control.

Yes you can get pregnant on any birth control the only way you can’t is by not haven sex.

Hormones getting the best of you or you might be pregnant

Look up the effectiveness…

I was 5mnths pregnant when I found out my nexplanon failed. They dismissed all my symptoms as symptoms of the birth control and I even had negative pregnancy tests. They only did an ultrasound when I swore up and down there was movement.

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I was on it for 4 years- I’d go months without a cycle then when I did get it my symptoms were very similar to pregnancy symptoms. There were a few times I could have sworn I was pregnant- but wasn’t lol I was so happy to get it taken out, I’ve never had a birth control mess with me as bad as Nexplanon did! Good luck momma! :purple_heart:

I had nexplanon back to back for 9yrs and it was the biggest mistake I ever made. It sounds like you’re having all the side effects but I would take a test to be certain
I suffered with literally every side effect known to the drug but just didn’t realise it was that

You can get pregnant on birth control
You need to see a doctor to see if your pregnant or having side effect

You can get pregnant on anything… condoms, tubes tied… nothing is 100% effective

Birth control is not 100 %

All forms of hormonal BC have at least 1% fail rate. The antibiotic known as Rimactane or Rifadin can reduce hormonal BC effectiveness. Other meds, like Tegretol, Dilantin, primadone(anti-convulsants), some oral antifungals, Antiretrovirals, and other meds, as well as some herbal supplements can reduce Hormonal BC effectiveness.

Order a test on Amazon, it will be at your door by dinner time :crazy_face:

Antibiotics and any birth control obliterates the effectiveness of said birth control

You can get pregnant on any kind of birth control. The most effective methods are 99% effective with perfect use.

I’ve used it and it’s predecessor for about 10 years off and on. There are times it can make you feel pregnant. But as a safety precaution contact your ob and go in. It is very rare but you can get pregnant while on it, and if you are steps need to be taken immediately for your safety and the babys

I had the same symptoms on the Nexplanon. Take a test to ease your mind. Hugs!!:heart::heart:

Yes my 2 year old is proof. But symptoms on nexplanon can be terrible mine were all over the place

Yes I have an 11yr old as a result

I have the implant also and I had a lot of crazy side affects for about 6 months but went away. But if it helps ease your mind take a test and call your OB

My daughter has this. She has this because every pill she tried gave her headaches. Migraines. She is also on Topomax twice a day. I believe your feeling side symptoms. Take a test asap. Call your doctor.

It’s less likely than getting pregnant with a tubal so :woman_shrugging:t2: but it can cause pregnancy like symptoms. Take a test. Call l doc.

I’d definitely take a test its definitely possible I fell pregnant with my son on the implant x

It is possible if you may think you are id take a test. Ive been on it since August 2020 and i get symptoms to but definitely not pregnant. Symptoms maybe be. Sore breast, headache, triedness, hungry more ect.

Might be good to check with your health care provider for complete and accurate information. It’s still great that people are willing to share their stories and experiences.

So, I’d definitely take a test if I were you just bc of the antibiotics and all, but I’ve been on it since 2018 and headaches are a common side effect, as well as I haven’t had a real period since the month I went on it. They also say on the website that nausea is occasionally a side effect.

Idc what any doctor says, I firmly believe any antibiotics cancel birth control out.

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It’s definitely possible but not likely! I had pregnancy symptoms the entire time i had it, mostly around the time i would get my normal monthly! First step is take a test!!


Maybe but you can get pregnant on the shot it turns out. Nexplanon offers more protection and IUDs offer the most but I wont get one of those lol

All birth control has a failure rate. So take a test.

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The only birth control that is 100% effective is not having sex unfortunately :sweat_smile:

I would abstain until you find out

I got pregnant with my second child because i got some throat infection and the doctor prescribed me antibiotics… at the same time it can be side effects of the birth control method that you are using, definitely a test and a doctor appointment it’s what you need.