very possible you could get pregnant, my mother got pregnant when I was 2-3 months old and my brother is 11 months younger than me
My aunt got pregnant while breast feeding. Son born in January and the other son born in December.
It’s a total myth that you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding. Babies are the result of unprotected sex
Yes you can get pregnant! But ita normal not to have a period when breastfeeding.
Definitely possible. I got pregnant when my son was 8 weeks old!
FYI you can get pregnant while you breast feed it is just less likely
If penis enters vagina, babies can happen. Cover the stump before u hump to at least try to prevent it if u don’t want another. U are super fertile after having a baby
I have two 10 year olds… and they are not twins. It’s very possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding.
It’s still possible. Not as likely, but still very well possible.
My nurse told me that’s a lie also told me just bc your breastfeeding doesn’t mean that your not ovulating you could go a few months and not have a period but your still very much fertile and still can get pregnant.
Really… oldest m ugg th ever
very possible … breastfeeding does not prevent you from ovulating, you can ovulate and not have a period and breastfeeding generally stops your period, I got pregnant with my son during a time where I was not having periods as a side effect of medication, my son is 11 months now and I breastfeed, I haven’t had a period since March 2017
I got pregnant while breastfeeding. Its an old wives tale.
Did you have sex?
Yes. You could be pregnant.
My SIL has 2 girls 11 months apart!
Actually you’re more likely to get pregnant while breastfeeding / soon after birth
My dr told me for the first 10 weeks of exclusive breastfeeding if you meet certain criteria there’s a 98% chance you won’t conceive. No period has returned, and you aren’t going more than 4 hours in between emptying your breasts.
But i’ve heard many women’s personal testimony that they conceived during this time so truly the only way to know is to take a test like 2 weeks after the unprotected sex occured.
Possible. My mother had me Aug 84 my brother was born July 85
I CANT with the questions on here lmao Did you have sex? You can get pregnant!
You can ovulate without a period while breastfeeding.
I did this with four kids lol I’m going to be honest I didn’t get pregnant with three after giving birth and breastfeeding and no periods but it happened with the fourth kid so sometimes you are good sometimes not if you don’t want a kid don’t chance it
Unprotected sex = possibly pregnant
My daughters are 11 months apart because you are WAY more fertile after giving birth.
I conceived while I was breastfeeding.
Always possible going umprotected. Always.
You can definitely get pregnant.
My question is, doesn’t your OB tell you this, AFTER you have a baby???
The craziest thing I see more times than ANYONE SHOULD. “I haven’t had my period yet so I can’t be ovulating” y’all do know that you ovulate BEFORE your period starts, right? Soooooo you sure as heck can ovulate and get pregnant and never see a period. And breastfeeding is not a form of birth control! You can and will get pregnant while breast feeding. Speaking from experience (though I knew it was possible)
Breastfeeding is not a form of birth control at all
Are younger women/girls REALLY not being taught all this?! Did you do the deed? Yes! Regardless of whether or not you used protection, there is still always a chance you’re pregnant (moreso if you didn’t use protection)!!!
You are more likely to get pregnant after having a baby. Even while breastfeeding.
The answer is yes. Yes, you can still get pregnant just because you are breastfeeding. in fact, anytime you have sex you risk getting pregnant.
My girls are 10 mos.and 11 days apart…it can happen …
U can still get pregnant either way
When you exclusively breastfeed, (no supplementing, no pacifier) you USUALLY do not ovulate. Nor do some women have a period until they quit breastfeeding. However, this isn’t 100% and youre not necessarily know when your going to start ovulating. So yes. Its possible.
Any time you have sex, ESPECIALLY without protection, you 100% CAN get pregnant.
Nope Booby feeding will not stop that from happening.
Yes, you can get pregnant while breastfeeding, even before getting your period back. It’s also possible to not get your period back for a long time while breastfeeding, my son was 15 months old before I got mine back.
Definitely more fertile I fell pregnant pretty fast there’s 11 months between my two
Yes you can and especially after you just had the baby you’re prone to getting pregnant again
Yep… you’re more fertile after having a baby especially the first few months- I know quite a few people who’ve had back to back pregnancies Bc of this reason
I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child, when my third was 12 weeks old. Yeah breastfeeding was not birth control for me
Yes you could be pregnant! After my 3rd (was only breastfeeding her at the time) I already knew that breastfeeding wasn’t a form of birth control but the hubby & I slipped up 1 time & didn’t use a condom, hadn’t been to 6week check up yet so no birth control yet & I got pregnant… If I had not lost the baby he or she & my youngest would’ve only been around 10 months apart… So anyways yes… speaking from experience here lol you could be pregnant…
I got pregnant 3 months after having my youngest who is now 10 months. I was breastfeeding. I’m due July 3rd it’s very possible
You can get pregnant having unprotected sex, no matter what. You’re way more fertile after giving birth.
You can still get pregnant
I got pregnant while breastfeeding without having my period it’s definitely possible. You ovulate before you star your period and are especially fertile right after pregnancy.
What is the first thing we learn…
Unprotected sex can result in pregnancy!!!
You can def get preggers
I was 6.5 weeks postpartum, still bleeding, exclusively breastfeeding AND in a progesterone only pill. My children are 10.5 months apart! So yes, you can always become pregnant. If that’s not he plan, use some kind of protection:)
Anytime you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant!
You can get pregnant obviously but I did hear it’s not as likely if your breastfeeding. I had unprotected sex with my husband a few times after the birth of our son and he actually came inside me like a dumbass and luckily I didn’t get pregnant Haha got my IUD a few 2 months after birth. Just be careful not all are as lucky.
Breastfeeding does not prevent pregnancy
There’s a very high probability that at your pp appt you will not be going on bc because you’ll be pregnant.
If u have sex and your not on any birth control there’s always a chance to get pregnant… My husband had a vesectomy alittle after our second son was born…we got pregnant again very soon after. (Purposely)… My 2 youngest kids are exactly a year and a week apart.
If you had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.
Breastfeeding doesn’t count as contraception
Yes u can and could be pregnant may need to be checked
You’re joking right!! Let me yell this from the rooftops breastfeeding is not birth control!!! If you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant take a f****** test
Your grandmother was wrong. Unprotected sex leads to pregnancy!
You’re too old to not know the answer to this. You really shouldn’t be having sex or kids without this basic knowledge. Smh
Yup, more fertile than ever. You won’t get your period for a very long time, or until you stop breastfeeding
First of all breastfeeding does not prevent you from getting pregnant and it is not birth control that is just an old wives tale. If you had unprotected sex I would definitely recommend you taking a test two to three weeks after unprotected sex. Cuz anytime you have unprotected sex there is a possibility of getting pregnant especially a year 2 years after having a baby you’re extremely fertile during that time. That is why it is extremely important to use condoms every time you have intercourse and if you truly don’t want babies I would recommend even when you get on birth control which you should do it soon if you don’t want to get pregnant right away but even if you’re on birth control I would still recommend that using condoms because with those two things put together you will definitely not get pregnant until you’re ready to. If your not pregnant if your breastfeeding you will not get your cycle while you’re breastfeeding if you’re one of those women that don’t get your cycle While breastfeeding and even if you stopped breastfeeding it may take a while for your periods to regulate.
You could be pregnant, but also you might not be. I didn’t get my period for almost a year after
Anytime you have sex, there is a chance of pregnancy. With or without be/condoms.
Yes you can be pregnant. My kids are 10 months apart and I was breastfeeding when I conceived (though I did not think it was a form of birth control)
My period came late and I breastfed for a little over a month. About the unprotected sex, go and have the dr do a test. My last 2 are 1 yr and 2 weeks apart.
I got pregnant 2 1/2 months postpartum while exclusively breastfeeding and using condoms. My sons will be exactly 1 year apart. You could definitley be pregnant…P.S…your grandmother is wrong
Unprotected sex means yea you can still get pregnant.
im tired of seeing these posts. if you have unprotected sex u could be pregnant. test if u wanna know for sure no one here is a psychic
Yes! Yes! Yes, you can get pregnant.
You can possibly be pregnant yes
Breastfeeding doesn’t work as contraception.
It would take me a good year to have a period and I never used any protection, now once I had that first period finally I usually got pregnant again right after it so it did seem to keep my body thinking I was still pregnant
I was breastfeeding and got pregnant
Yup! My daughters are 11 months and 2 days apart…
If you don’t know maybe you shouldn’t be having sex it at least use protections
I think grandma just wanted another grandbaby lol
Yes u could be with child, have you not heard your dr say,no sex for 6 weeks so your body can got back to normal. Read again and again.
A lot of woman don’t ovulate during breastfeeding especially before 6 months. And that would be exclusively breastfeeding. However every woman is different and you can for sure get pregnant before you have even had your first period back
It’s possible. I have a 6 year old who was born April 3, 2013 and a 5 year old born April 2, 2014
It’s always possible, especially until your period returns and is regular again. The frequency and timing of your baby’s feedings can affect the whole scenario of breastfeeding being birth control. It’s not an effective method. Use condoms or something until you see your doctor.
Yip had a friend get preggo, and just thought her period was taking ages to come back, her body hadnt quite recovered so she had a few complications.
Why do people get on here and ask DUMB questions unprotected sex equals pregnancy
Yes you can get pregnant
I breastfed my daughter believing I couldn’t get pregnant I now have two daughters and their 10months apart so good luck