Can you go into preterm labor at 15 weeks?

Might be a dumb question but can you go into preterm labor at 15 weeks? This is my 2nd baby, 5 years later & I didn’t have these issues with my son, I did go into preterm with my son at 24 weeks but not 15. I’m having stomach pains & tightening on my left side, I have pain & pressure at the top of my vagina , & my buttcheeks & lower back hurt. Diarrhea as well this morning, at work till 1pm tho


Go to the hospital or call your doctor just to be safe

sounds like miscarriage to me

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Best to get yourself to the hospital if you have a history or preterm. They will check you over and give you peace of mind

ER IMMEDIATELY!!! It could be something as simple as dehydration or something more serious. I miscarried at 14 weeks many years ago. It’s not worth asking FB doctors.

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Please go to hospital. Prayers being lifted.

Definitely possible I went into labor at 14 weeks the doctors didn’t even consider that’s what was happening and then 30 mins later my water burst and had him. But you could also have a uti which would make you have contractions definitely call your ob asap!


Sounds like you could be having a miscarriage. Hit up the emergency room let them check you out. 

Leave work and go to the hospital.

Sounds like a question for the experts. I’d call my Dr or go to the ER for answers

That would be a miscarriage

A&E or if serverly pain or blood ring 999 or U not Ur usual self xx

Miscarrage at 15 weeks nothing hospital will do sadly.

15 weeks would be a miscarriage

Hospital ASAP. You need to see a doctor.

Oh no not good need to call your Dr asap

Living with a viral infection is one thing I found awkward because I know there is a cure somewhere which we are not been told about but grateful for been free with the help of at. :point_down::point_down:

This early is more than likely cpnsidered a miscarriage since the pregnancy has reached the point of viability yet

Yes, you should call your OB

??? Why are you making Facebook posts! Go to the hospital ffs

You need to go to the hospital to be safe

Yes, it is possible but baby is not viable that early so it would be considered a spontaneous abortion (aka miscarriage). Best to go get checked out by a doctor if you suspect something is wrong.