Can you have period like bleeding while pregnant?

Has anyone ever gotten a period and still been pregnant? I had what I thought was a period, but ended up only lasting two and a half days and was very light or mostly brown, like old blood (sorry tmi). Should I test or is there any other reason it could have been this different? I’m also still having period like cramps and have been done with it for two days now.


This happened to me my 1st month pregnant and I’m now almost 6 months pregnant.


Some women do have what seems like periods. Sometimes throughout the pregnancy. Since your cramping prob should make an appt

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I had spotted on and off for three days tomorrow I’m going to see if I still am or not

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Implant bleeding most likely. I had it at 9 weeks. Very common. If its bright red or a lot go get checked but light brown/orangish can be normal of it’s only a few days.

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I had that kind of period with my 4th child I waited 3 wks n tested positive

My friend had it her whole pregnancy and didnt know she was pregnant until like 37 weeks


Could be implantation bleeding, i had spotting my first trimester,36 weeks pregnant now

Could be implantation bleeding. Happened to me with my first

I had “periods” my entire first trimester for all 4 pregnancies

Girl i had no period for almost a year… And got pregnant… Anything is possible

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I had my period for 4 months with my first and 3 months with my second

my xs sister was still getting while pregnant she didnt even know she was pregnant at time.

That’s how it was with me. I waited for my next period before I tested just to make sure I didn’t get my hopes up. Im 35 weeks. If I was you, I would test just in case.

I had a period every month until I was 8 months pregnant. I had no clue I was pregnant till I felt the baby move at 8 months. My periods rarely last 4 days and are very light with no cramping. Gained no weight until the last month. I literally had one month to prepare. Thank god she came out perfect. She is now 5 almost 6.

Yes all four of my pregnancies one i lost due to a severe kidney infection that almost killed me my periods are irregular so when I would have a regular period then the next month I have one for about three days and it’s so light I can only use a pad and don’t have to change it often and then I tested like a week after and I was pregnant every single time