Can you have strep without a sore throat?

Has anyone’s child had strep with out having a sore throat? My kids have had very minimal stuffy noses for a couple days and have felt fine but today I happened to look in my daughters mouth because she said her gum hurt and I noticed her tonsils are all white! I checked my other daughters tonsils and hers have white on them too. We were around kids who had been on antibiotics for strep so I’m thinking they may have picked it up from them. It’s just surprising to me that their throats don’t hurt


My 3 year old ended up with strep and had no idea it was strep until he popped a rash and we had him tested.

Yes! I get strep multiple times a year and have since I was little. I have never once had a sore throat.

When i get strep, i never have a sore throat. There’s swelling, redness and fever but i don’t feel any soreness unless it’s really really bad. My children are the same way.

My 3 year old had strep a week after I had it, and also had a different infection in his hip he had to be admitted to a childrens hospital for and he obviously got it from me but he never complained of his throat hurting

Yes. My son has gotten small rashes and then finger tips start to peel. I had no idea that could be strep.

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My two just tested positive last week for strep with only symptom being a runny nose for a week or so. The only reason we even went to dr was because my 5yo said his ear hurt and I presumed it was an ear infection. They talked me into testing for everything and sure enough, strep it was. He had the white bumps but never complained of sore throat or had a fever. Literally just a runny nose and a little cough.

Yes! My daughter had it and said her throat didn’t hurt at all!

My son had strep over and over again when he was little and he mainly had a stomach ache. Watch for scarlet fever. Every time he had strep it turned into scarlet fever.

My son does quite often. He will have a fever and what appears to be sinus issues.

Yes. My son tested positive and his throat never hurt. He had a headache, cough, and sore ear.

My daughter tested positive today for strep and RSV. She didn’t show ANY signs of a sore throat. Just runny nose, cough the last few days then the fever hit today. She has been drinking perfectly fine so I’d say yes they could have it!

I had strep throat about a month ago. Without a sore throat. Only reason I went to the er is because I couldn’t swallow and the right side of my neck was swollen.

Yes mine didn’t have anything but a stuffy nose. Strep presents itself multiple ways.

Yeah it could be, I had strep and my throat was white, best to get them checked out in case they need the antibiotics, good luck

My son has had strep 7 times in the past year. Never a sore throat. Only fever and he usually vomits once.

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The doctor told my mother-in-law that the worst type of a throat infection was the one that does not hurt.

Yes. Not everyone presents with a sore throat. Stomach aches are often common as well.

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Yes my son had it seven times last year and his throat only hurt once. It can also cause vomiting.

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Yes. You could also be a carrier and have no symptoms at all, my sister was a carrier and brought strep home to me several times as a child and now I live with 2 carriers and my son and I have gotten sick with strep a total of 9 times in the last 2 years. But if the people you’re around have been on antibiotics for over 24 hours you’re not getting it from them, after 24 hours of antibiotics you’re able to be around others without infecting them. Also, white spots in the mouth and tonsils can be from multiple things, including oral yeast infections, it’s best to take your kiddos to a doctor so they can figure out if they’ve caught something bacterial and need antibiotics.

yes- my kids have had it numerous times with no complaints of sore throat

Strep is very visible as a rash on the tongue, ULCERs on the throat, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. It doesn’t usually have a stuffy nose at all. This would suggest it’s more likely to be tonsillitis.

That’s not strep, take them to the doctor…

Absolutely. My kids had just lost their appetites and complained of stomach pain and I took them to the Dr and turned out they had strep. I always check their tongues now cause if they have a white tongue they have strep. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: hope your Littles feel better soon!

Yes you can have strep in your ears you can have strep as a skin infection you can also have strep pneumonia

Pain is also subjective, because we don’t all feel it the same.

I used to get strep all the time and never had a sore throat. Although my stomach would hurt. Anytime I went the nurse with a bellyache she would check my tonsils and sure enough they would be inflamed with big puss pockets :face_vomiting:

Yes you can my daughter and family are going thru this strep with no sore throat

You are no longer contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics. If you are concerned take them to the dr