Fan Question
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I am wanting to breastfeed completely by pumping. This is my third baby but my first time trying this!
What is everyone’s experience with this? I’m mostly needing to know what happened while in the hospital because I know your supply may not come in for awhile. Do I have to formula feed until it comes in?
If you start pumping right away colostrum will be fine it’s just as if you were breastfeeding same idea just pumping instead of feeding directly
The more you use, the more you make! So pump as much as possible.
You can eat oat meal to help your supply and make sure you stick to a schedule.
I did it for 10 months. You have to keep a consistent schedule regardless of what your doing. I fed my daughter colostrum and kept formula in case milk didn’t come in on time.
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If you want the best shot at success breastfeed and pump in the first week nothing helps bring your milk in like baby. Also baby’s saliva signals your body to tailor your milk to baby’s needs.
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Pump right away they can syringe feed. And lots of skin to skin contact.
I exclusively pumped with my first, absolutely no problems. It worked well for us! Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t keep your supply up if you EP. Just keep a.good schedule, drink A TON, I MEAN A TON OF WATER. If your supply is dipping or you want to pump more to stock up, get some mother milk lactation tea, they sell it at walmart! Eat oatmeal or bake some lactation cookies. You can pump a bottle and have it ready for him when he is ready to eat, since you can leave BM sit out for hours and have it still be good. EP is really convenient if you get into a good groove and have support😘
I did it! My daughter never latched even after seeing 3 lactation consultants. It’s hard but does have advantages and disadvantages. You have to pump frequently. Like every 3 hours even at night. But the baby will go longer between feedings if you bottle feed the breast milk as apposed to breast feeding, which helps get a night time routine going! Make sure the hubby is on board because washing your supplies is an endless task that hubs will have to help with.
I had to end up exclusively pumping with my first. Just pump as often as you can & store the milk in the Fridge to get your supply up. I even would pump between feedings. The more you nurse/pump the more milk you will produce.
Colostrum is easiest to get out by hand expression, since there’s so little of it it is easy to lose a lot in the pump itself. Syringe feed till your milk comes in. Make sure to get on a pumping schedule! I pump every 2 hours during the day and every 4 at night. 6 months going strong and over 900 ounces stashed away definitely doable but also very stressful and hard! You got this mama!
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Let baby nurse the first week to get your supply ip, I pumped for my daughter and she nursed one side while I pumped the other to build up my supply and made 4oz and 2 oz bags and when she turned 4 ish months I added 6 oz bags to the stock pile. But get your supply up by nursing her that first week.
I also found out I got more milk with a manual pump than a electric one
Also you have to squeeze your boobies around to help get all the milk out as well, even if you have a great pump💁
If you pump the colostum will come out. Hospitals have pumps you can use
I exclusively pumped with my first, for 14 months. It was really hard. As far as in the hospital, I know you don’t want to BF but atleast try to get the baby to latch so your milk can come in. Try to stay stress-free about it and have alot of patience. Your supply will probably dip 3 months in and you can male your own lactation cookies, oatmeal and having a pint of beer will help (the next morning) asparagus also helps alot. Stay hydrated. Make sure you get a really good pump and replace the flanges and parts every couple months because they will get worn down from the constant pumping. Try to stick to a schedule too, and if you can try to get ahead in terms of feedings so you don’t have to pump for each feeding, a crying hungry baby does not help milk production. IF you want to supplement with formula then do it while in the hospital but make sure the baby gets your colostrum too. Good luck mama! Its hard work but totally worth it! OH! Make sure you have a nice comfy relaxing spot to pump, and find a good show to watch while you pump
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I did it for 6 months. Pump as often as you can and store it. I had an oversupply and was super fortunate. I syringe fed in the hospital and by the time I was home we were able to switch to a small bottle.
I couldn’t latch my son due to him having too strong of a latch, I pumped for the first month no issue. My supply was crazy! I had to pump every 2 hours to avoid getting engorged. I started at the hospital and went until I got sick and stopped producing a month later.
I breast fed in the hospital and the switched to EP at home. Drink an absolute fuck ton of water all day long, lactation tea was also a savior. I pumped every 2 1/2 -3 hours a day. It was a lot, I often pumped in the car (mine was battery powered too) I was pumping around 60 ounces a day though so I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
It’s possible but definitely takes the drive to do it.
Make sure you either rent a hospital pump or get a good one
You have to stay on schedule and pump often especially early on when you’re going to be regulating your milk supply. You’ll be changing your pump parts frequently make sure you learn to Pace feed and you’re going to want a very slow flow nipple for whatever bottle you use.
Feeding baby with a bottle tens to cause overfeeding which stretches out their little tummies and causes moms supply to not be enough so you must be very careful not to overfeed.
You’ll want to speak with a lactation consultant ASAP and have one that you can ask questions to breast milk while nursing changes for the baby’s needs but when pumping you don’t get that same change so I’m not sure how the amount of milk needed would change because breastmilk and formula are very different it’s never the same amount for each.
Breastmilk is digested much easier and quicker than formula so you’ll be feeding more frequently smaller amounts. I highly suggest looking into a strictly pumping group on here. Good luck Hun!!
When I had my son, I didn’t make a lot. I pumped in between feedings. It was really frustrating bc after pumping on both sides for almost half an hour, I wouldn’t even get an ounce. But eventually, i started getting more and more. I started being able to get an ounce on each side and then an ounce and a half and so on until I could fill a whole small bottle. So just be patient if it doesn’t come in for a few days. Also drink lots of water and the most important thing is don’t let anybody stress you out. I was stressed out the first 2 weeks with my in laws who instead of helping me, were getting on my nerves. We had a problem one day and they decided they weren’t going to come over anymore bc I was “ungrateful”(they were there every single day all day, they sat there gossiping instead of actually helping me with the baby, brought over a huge Tupperware filled with chicken soup and expected me to eat that for the next 3 days for breakfast lunch and dinner, and other problems). The following days after they left, I noticed that I producing more each day. So don’t let anybody stress you out. You will probably be feeding them formula once in a while but eventually, you won’t have to. Best of luck