Just wondering if any mommas out there pumped at 22 weeks and stored it for the baby on the way?
Your milk doesn’t come in until baby is a 2-3 days old. You get cholsterum first. I reccomend taking a breastfeeding class through your WIC office or hospital. It can be helpful. I failed with my first. Much more successful with the support I recieved with my 2nd.
No. Pumping early can cause you to go into labor. The first bit of milk is actually colostrum and very beneficial for baby. Milk comes in a few days after birth. So just wait until after baby is here.
NOOOOO!!!, Pumping that early can cause preterm labor, not only that your milk doesn’t even come in till after the baby arrives. Right now is just colostrum building up. Im 26weeks and my boss just started leaking.
No. You can induce labor.
I think you need to get some education through classes… you’d benefit a lot from them because they teach a lot about when to start pumping and what not
They do recommend to pump your cholsterum before baby where I live (Canada) but like a week before you can just sqeeze it out not pump needed . I didn’t known this and when my daugther was born in need cholsterum for her in the NICU but sadly had none due to labor but the week before had a tone.
No. Can trigger labor, and you’d just get colostrum which baby doesn’t stay on for long enough to make it worth it.
Are you currently breast feeding? I know moms who have breast fed throughout pregnancy and pumped. I wouldn’t start pumping if you haven’t been breastfeeding until a few weeks before you are due
My consultant told me that if you pump to pump at 39 weeks or more. All you will collect is colostrum. You won’t get milk out until your placenta is detached and baby has 2-3 days of feeding. Some people’s milk comes in faster. But you really don’t need bottle after bottle of colostrum.
Are u currently a breast feeding mom? U can pump and save some if u are already breast feeding a child. If not i wouldn’t do that. And of course, u should really ask your doctor about this
No definitely not it can cause you to go into early labour but later in pregnancy 36/37weeks you can hand express/with a syringe and store in your freezer but only do this once you have spoken to your midwife xx
No pumping, if your leaking or uncomfortable hand express just enough to feel comfortable. If you are leaking you can get breast shells that sit inside your bra to collect what you leak to freeze.
Nope it can put u in early labor they don’t recommend pumping until after the baby is born
I pumped 2 weeks be4 my kids were due and it was fine
Baby never came early
No I’m wondering why ??
Not recommended. There is no need to start storing before baby is born
Id say after birth. Plus to save on pumping i used to freeze my extra that way I could get a break.
No!!! Pumping can cause early labor!!!
Pumping can cause preterm labor from what I understand
22 weeks is a bit early. I was told not to start until 34 weeks because of the risk of preterm labour. I definitely noticed Braxton Hicks from pumping when I was pregnant with my first and with my 2nd I was breastfeeding the whole time, but both were induced 2 weeks over lol.
I wonder about colostrum if it will still come in when the babies born. I’ve read things on this page about woman breastfeeding while pregnant and breast feeding both after woundnt that take away from the infant. Not being rude seriously curious
You shouldn’t could cause labor
No pumping the first milk is like gold and the baby needs all the nutrients from the colostrum( yellow concentrated milk you get when you first start). My babies were all preemies and it was very tough but they are very healthy now. Talk to your doctor about it.
Nooo… i leaked early with my second pregnancy (25 weeks) and my OB said not to collect it.
Ask your doctor. It can cause premature labor
Nooooooo. It can cause uterine contractions which can put you into early labor. Also, I wouldn’t (I ain’t saying you can’t or shouldn’t) pump at all until baby is 6 weeks. Nursing is all about supply and demand. So when baby eats, then you also pump- you are sending the signal to your breasts that baby isn’t getting full and you need to produce more. Which is GREAT if you can keep up a pumping schedule and make you a nice freezer stash. But if not, it’s real easy to mess around and get an over supply which turns into engorged breasts and you risk getting mastitis. Let me tell ya, once that happens it absolutely feels like fire shooting from your nipples. No joke. Majority of moms quit nursing if they get it because it’s just so painful. I got it with my second child and I remember that pain to this day almost 8 years later. So after baby has established good nursing habits in the first 6 weeks, that’s when I go for the pump when I’m ready to start a freezer stash. I used a hand pump for quick relief if I absolutely had to when I was engorged to relieve a little pressure.
No!!! Pumping can cause early Labor!!!
I’m going to assume your doctor told you not to, but you came here looking for someone else who says they have done it and everything turned out ok.
Its not even milk yet at that stage anyways, its colostrum…but it can but early labour sooo i wouldn’t.
No no no! First off, you aren’t actually producing milk at this point, as much as you may think you are. Second, nursing causes the uterus to contract-which is the last thing you want at 22 weeks. Just. No.
Absolutely not. It’s dangerous.
I’m pp 7 weeks and ANY early pumping can cause early labor with hyper contractions, its very dangerous for you and baby
Question: if nursing causes early labor, how do moms that are still breastfeeding a child while pregnant do this?
Your aren’t producing milk yet at this point. You will also go into pre mature labour!! Just wait till baby arrives!!!
Yes. I started the second I found out I was pregnant.
No. A mama can tantum feed because her body is used to breastfeeding but going into it so early can cause you to go into early labor. Do it closer to your due date and when your full term. I was going to do it with my rainbow but didn’t have a chance to because I had her 37w4d.
No, usually your milk comes in after giving birth.
NO. The first bit of milk needs to be taken in by the baby first thing. It’s called colostrum. It’s do much more beneficial that just regular breast milk.
You can use milk catchers but it’s not recommended without dr approval to pump. Pumping causes contractions which can lead to preterm labor. Milk catchers are just half orb bra inserts that go over your nipple and catch drops no suction at all they just catch drops you drop through the day. Remember milk has a time limit do not collect at the end of the day collect every 3-4 hours
That is a no mama. Wait until you are closer to your due date
That is to early. Right now your just producing colostrum and your only going to produce about a tsp per feeding in the first few days. There is no reason to try to pre stock your freezer.
It may induce early labor.
Too early, but you seriously should speak with your doctor about this.
Some studies say its ok as many mothers nurse through pregnancy but its definitely not something you should do just because. You won’t produce enough to amount to anything. It can also cause you to go into labor
I always leaked massive amounts of colostrum after 20 weeks. I collected it and just put it in my deep freezer for later. I used all of it for diaper rashes and things like that. I wouldn’t pump though. Definitely can send you into early labor. I did start pumping around 38 weeks because they wanted my baby out before I was due. I’d say at least wait until 38 weeks and always consult your doctor first.
I was still breastfeeding when I became pregnant with my second son, it put me into labor to have him nurse. I wouldn’t do it. I would talk to your doctor too.
Talk to your OB. Some women are safely able to pump small amounts with a manual pump, but everyone is different so its best to consult your doc to see if they feel it would be safe for you to pump a little.
You could easily send yourself into preterm labor. Not a good idea!
Nipple stimulation releases pitocin which causes the uterus to contract. This is what causes sexual excitement during sex and can cause labor to start. Sometimes nipple stimulation is used to induce labor before any artificial pitocin is given.
Don’t rush what nature intended to come naturally with child birth. Enjoy every moment you can becoming a mother… before you know it, that 1st born baby will be weaned by 1 and celebrating their 30th birthday alone in their apartment because they have the covid! cherish every moment… don’t rush life.
Pumping can cause contractions and labor. You wouldn’t get much anyway as your body does not actually produce milk until you give birth. It’s best to wait!
I did not “pump” during pregnancy, but I did nurse my 3rd child while pregnant with my 4th (and last) child. I nursed until 3 months before my 4th was born. I had no problems with contractions/preterm labor.
No. It could throw you into labor.
Definitely do not pump.Everyone is right that it could cause contractions and pre term labor.There is no need to store prior to the child’s birth.Your child will get all he or she needs once they are born
You wanna save that fresh gold that comes out right after baby for the baby.plus if you pump you’re ganna trick your milk to change to older than what your child needs at the time your milk changes with time.also it can cause pre term labor I wouldn’t recommend it
My friend did that and was ts it can give you early labor
No. Will cause contractions!!!
Not good to do. Pumping could cause the uterus to start contacting.
I waited until after delivery. I think my milk came in on the 3rd day with both of my children.
NEVER. Besides, the milk does not come in until AFTER giving birth.
You don’t get milk until after the Colostrum. Don’t know how long that will remain fresh. That’s the most important part of Breast Feeding.
Dont do it let your body do everything natural
No dont…the new baby will need the colostrum from the initial feedings
Don’t do it. Nipple stimulation will cause contractions.
No. Pumping will cause a surge of oxytocin to be released and can cause pre term labor.
Pumping when pregnant can cause premature labor
If you were already nursing it would not hurt but no if you were not, preterm labor.
Don’t do it preterm labor
Pumping can induce labor. So no, don’t do it
No!!! Doing that can cause premature labor
Yes, you can pump at 22 weeks. People will tell you it’s dangerous and shouldn’t be done, but that’s not necessarily true. Mothers nurse through their entire pregnancies or start pumping early all the time and it’s perfectly safe. Consult with your midwife to be sure, but if there are no other concerns or complications you should be able to pump during pregnancy. Starting a storage early is helpful.
Pumping while pregnant, like others have said, can cause preterm labor.
The difference with some women nursing when they got pregnant and continued with no issues, is their body was already accustomed to it.
I actually had to stop pumping before I could try for baby #2 as I had constant contractions with my first baby after 30 weeks. So there was concern of preterm labor.
If you dont want to take the word of strangers online, please speak with your doctor about pregnancy related questions.