Can you pump during pregnancy?

Ladies who pump during pregnancy were you told to stop? Went to my ob today and they said I needed to stop because it will start causing contractions. I also did not just start pumping have been doing it for a year now. How did everyone stop? I hate the feeling of my breast being full and wake up with my shirt completely soaked in the morning. It drives me insane. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks.


…except it will actually cause contractions. Smh.


you need to quit unless you want to go into labor.


Yes it can and why have u been pumping for a year now

It is fine as long as you have been doing it already. Many women nurse through a pregnancy. It’s no different.


If you’ve already been pumping it’s fine. I wouldn’t start of you weren’t already but continuing is fine.

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Your OB tells you to stop, simple. Stop. Get a milk collector cup thing. I think it’s called a Hakka or something off amazon.


Check with a LLL leader or a lactation consultant if you want though.


A medical professional told you to stop but you’re gonna turn around and ask a bunch of strangers on the internet?.. lol


It amazes me how many ppl are tell her she’s fine to continue when a licsened medical doctor told her to stop :joy: what is wrong with y’all? It’s dumb to even ask the question when your doctor already told you to stop. You’re coming to a bunch of ppl that have no clue what they’re talking about over your OB. Just dumb :woman_facepalming:t4:


Any nipple stimulation during pregnancy causes contractions


Is it worth the risk of going into labour early?? My answer would be no…


Your OB said stop. Stop. You will have contractions and it can lead to preterm labor or possible miscarriage. Do not ask the goddamn Internet.


If your doctor said to stop, stop. Usually it doesn’t cause issues but if your doctor is concerned then you need to listen to their advice. Similar to when women are put in pelvic rest. Orgasms cause uterine contractions which are typically fine, but if you have a higher risk of pre-term labor they will tell you absolutely no orgasms.


You risk oversupply and many problems as a result. Listen to ymthe trained medical professional you chose.

If you want a second opinion go see a different doctor to get it. Don’t ask a bunch of random women on Facebook…


If you’re unhappy with the advice your OB gave you then I’d definitely seek out another medical practitioner for advice, but Facebook isn’t a good idea to get other opinions. We don’t know if you’re at high risk for preterm labour or if there’s a reason based on your health that means you should stop or if the doctor is just outdated in his opinions. You need to see someone with the experience and knowledge to help you based on your own medical needs.
Good luck.


This page is getting ridiculous… why go to a doctor if you’re going to turn around and ask FACEBOOK?! Lmao seriously, use what’s left of your common sense… geezus :woman_facepalming:t3:


All right to all you people telling her she must follow her doctors recommendation. Here’s the thing, a lot of doctors are old school. They have theories based off their education and they are not alike. I had a pedi tell me I had to stop breast feeding my newborn and give her formula… because she had jaundice and it would clear her system out faster …There is no proof of that, and I refused. There were docs in the practices that both agreed and disagreed with his thoughts. I continued to breastfeed.


Your breast are also connected in your reproductive system.
Believe it or not.
And when your breast feed it pulls the uterus helping to rid the belly fat.

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You’re never supposed to pump if you’re pregnant it will put you in early labor :woman_facepalming:t4: how long have you been pumping for it to cause you those issues but yes let’s ignore a medical professional


Also what’s your pumping is just colostrum anyway stop being so selfish go get some breast pads


Please stop pumping. It’s not worth going into early labour for. If you don’t like the feel of soaked tops and bras you can always put some cabbage leaves in there to help dry them up a little x


I would get a second opinion. As far as I know, breastfeeding is fine as long as you are not at risk for preterm labor, so I assume pumping would be the same and unfortunately doctors are grossly undereducated on natural things like breastfeeding… BUT we are talking about your baby’s well being, so you should seek out alternate medical advice before proceeding.

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I nursed (not pumped) through 2 pregnancies. I was told the same thing. It never happened.
You can still nurse. But… If you feel contractions, stop.
I felt some towards the end. Crazy but my milk dried up while in labor and turned into colostrum as soon as I gave birth. Both times.


Omg… The straight up ignorance in these comments is sad. Ask a lactition. A lot of Dr’s don’t really know a lot about breastfeeding sadly.
And a lot of women don’t either. Based on these comments.


Yes it can cause premature labor usually in your first trimester it’s fine but if you are further along like toward the end of your second trimester into your third trimester the risk of going into premature labor is higher if your pumping or breastfeeding. You can use cabbage leaves to help dry your boobs up. Crush the veins in the cabbage leaves (if you don’t crush them it won’t work) then put them in the freezer until they are really cold but not quite frozen and put them in your bra covering your whole breast (both breasts) and leave them until they are not cold anymore then repeat. It will start to dry up your milk.

Stop and wear breast pads in your bra

I would say consult your dr agian n I’m sorry these other moms are being rude… u were just asking a question n don’t deserve to be talked down to… Talk to our dr about it Ik some women who have nursed while pregnant but it’s not recommended I also recommend u going to breast feeding group on fb breast is best is what I am on for when I have my child n try to breast feed agian. But agian talk to your dr or lactation specialist.good luck dear❤️

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I’m 32 weeks pregnant and currently nursing as I read this I’ve never had contractions from it though but I’d stop if I were you at least until you get a second opinion wrap yourself in a towel or get breast pads for now your pumping is probably causing an oversupply which is why your still getting so full you leak

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UPDATE :boom::boom: it has come off as unclear as to what I was asking I was not asking for advice on if I should continue but more on advice how to dry up faster and how to make the process of stopping not so uncomfortable guess I should have been more clear


None of you are listening to what she’s asking !!!
She wants to know what can make IT MORE COMFORTABLE FOR HER TO STOP??? Good grief. She’s only posted it 100 times


I’ve heard recently that lettuce leaves put on the breast can dry up milk supply


Tylenol will help with the soreness, and a heating pad or a cold pack might help, I wish I could give better advise but it’s been over eight years since I’ve been pregnant

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Decongestants such as Sudafed also cabbage leaves.

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Cabbage leaves in your bra

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You can take benadryl to help you dry out and it’s safe to take during pregnancy.

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Answer is “Husband” :wink:

Consult a lactation specialist

Keep pumping but slowly start to decrease…naturally you will start to lose quantity as you get farther long (around 7m). And you’ll know when to slow down and when to pick back up once baby is here. The plus side is that you’ll have good milk supply right away :person_raising_hand:

I don’t know how many times a day you are expressing milk. Firstly I would cut down. Just express a little when they get sore. (Only a little) the less you express, the less you will produce. After a few days your breasts will be a lot less full, and a lot less painful. Then give up completely, and follow other people’s advice as I’ve not heard of these remedies. Good luck

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Anything that is used to clean up sinuses will help decrease your supply. Don’t stop right away. You’ll end up with mastitis and in a whole lot of pain.

I breastfed my daughter for 10 months, got pregnant again, stopped when my daughter was 10 months because my doctor recommended not nursing past 20 weeks of pregnancy, risk of premature labor. I’m also high risk though…but not for any premature labor issues, not sure if that makes a difference. Honestly it’s easier to just get it over with quickly. Just stop completely, it will be painful for a day or two and then it will be over. Soak up a bunch of nursing pads, I’ve even heard of people using newborn diapers in their bra lol… Lay down a thick towel or something like a disposable bed pad underneath you while you sleep for a couple nights.

The best way to dry up and I had to do this with my daughter because I was leaking up to a year after I was done breastfeeding I literally had to bind my breasts I put up with it for a year until I had my doctor suggests binding it’s uncomfortable and annoying but it works use an Ace bandage or a couple of sports bras and keep them tight remember the sound of your baby crying or just a smell of them can trigger your breasts to want to produce milk it’s different for all ladies but my first kid I couldn’t get them to stop with my second I wouldn’t make enough for him to eat good luck to you but I suggest binding

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People need to learn to read. She asked how to stop the supply not if she should :roll_eyes:

Slowly decrease pumping , keep bound in sports bra. Only express enough to feel slight relief. The more you pump the more you make. It should be gone before 2 weeks…

She didnt ask if she should continue or not guys. Re-read the post again before you comment. Yall sound stupid. She asked how to make it more comfortable for her to stop. :roll_eyes:

hot showers or warms towels on your chest and hand express milk. Ive heard that cabbage leafs can help too.

Pumping can bring on labour

Unless you’re breastfeeding a child, there is absolutely NO reason for you to be pumping before baby. The most important part of breastmilk right when baby is born is the colostrum which comes out immediately after birth and by pumping pre-birth, you’re fucking that up. Also, YES, it can cause you to go in to labor. Nipple stimulation is what causes it.

I suggest just stopping cold Turkey. Yes, it will hurt for a day or 2 but it’s the fastest way to end it. When I stopped breastfeeding, it took 3 days, maybe 4, for it to completely stop.
You need to completely stop, not wean yourself down. Weaning is not stopping. It’s continuing to do it, but less. It doesn’t matter how often or not you do it, the act alone is what can cause labor.

Just stop cold Turkey, use some cabbage leaves, and suck up the pain for a couple days.

Cabbage in your bra! It’s so weird but it feels nice and it works.