Can you start breastfeeding again after stopping?

Is it possible to re-start breastfeeding after stopping for 4 months? Tips/tricks? Has it ever been done before?

Had my baby in February and pumped and BF for 2 months then had to stop for personal reasons.


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yes, it can --I would contact your local La Leche League for help

If you are still producing milk then yes.

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Relactating is possible. It is hard work though. Pump or breastfeed every 2 hours. Stay hydrated. Water, body armor, Gatorade and oat milk helps. Brewer’s yeast tablets can also help. You can get them on Amazon. I took 3 in the morning and 3 at night.

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My doctor started me on a pill

Talk to your doctor. They should be able to help.

It is hard work. I just went through this. So hard, but it’s worth it. If you’re willing to put in the hours and effort, then give it a try. Lactation consultants are great.

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I did! My oldest went on strike :joy::joy: 3 months later I started using a pump with him latching as well and it came back…

You can restart lactation… it’s even possible for a woman who has never given birth to induce lactation if she wants to breast feed an adopted newborn. Start pumping might take a few weeks… but stick with it and it will happen. There are also supplements you can take

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you start breastfeeding again after stopping?

Definitely! Just start pumping like when you had a newborn! It’ll take time but not to much!

Yes. Get in contact with a lactation consultant.

You can, but be prepared for many days without any milk producing at all.

It’s possible, not easy but possible. Talk to your doctor about it.


For real though, I believe there is a medication to get milk flowing. I have a friend who is an adoptive mom and she breastfed.

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