Has anyone just had a feeling you were pregnant or thought you were but the tests kept coming up negative? I get waves of nausea sometimes out of nowhere and I’ve had on and off cramping a little bit past few days.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you still be pregnant with negative tests?
False negatives are a very common.
Check with your doctor, it could be other problems - -
My mother tested negative for being pregnant with me until she was in her second trimester.
I did with a few of my kids. My HCG levels with 3 kids had been VERY low in the beginning. But I have had healthy babies. Drs just had to watch it close because it can result in miscarriages as well.
Hcg level probably isn’t high enough to read go see doctor for blood test or maybe wait another week and test again but blood test more accurate
You can believe you are and not be. The mind is a powerful thing.
You’ll know for sure in a few months…
Hey false negitive test for 9 months here !! So when I was pregnant with my son it never once showed up in urine or blood only way we knew was through ultrasounds doctors are still confused till this day why my very healthy baby wouldn’t show up he’s now 5 …. I also didn’t show as he was in my back the whole time till 8 months !
Yes I didn’t read i was pregnant on a test till about 15 weeks.
Only blood test worked on me but being constipated can cause the same symptoms.
You might also just have a UTI.
I had negative test until just before I was 30 weeks went to the doctors in the end cuz new i was pregnant i had no belly all periods and didn’t even feel moving but new in my heart i was. They sent me for a scan and there was my baby girl happy as anything completely healthy. All tests done was negative x
I tested negative 2 days before I was scheduled for an endoscopy and colonoscopy and all of a sudden boom a blood test registered me approx. 4 weeks pregnant
I’ve met people it’s happened to. But also, if HCG is too high urine tests can show as negative because of the hook effect.
I’m in the same situation! My period was supposed to start last Tuesday and I’ve been getting negatives every time I test. I have some pregnancy symptoms so I’m super confused
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My test was negativefor 2 months until my 3 months.