Can you still get a period and be pregnant? I’m cramping so bad (worse then ever) & my boobs have been so sore && i’ve been Sooooo tired. I have 3 kids already….
Yup, it’s possible. I did before. Bc of that, I didn’t know I was pregnant for 7 months!
You can, but its something that you need to discuss with your provider to make sure that this is what this is.
No you cannot have a period. A real period means that the lining of your uterus has shed and that would mean you are not pregnant. The only way that could technically happen is you have two uterus. You can have bleeding that happens throughout the pregnancy. Pregnancy and period symptoms are pretty much the same. Keep an eye on the bleeding and talk to your actual medical professional.
Yes. My great grandmother did and had twins
I still have mine and I’m 7 months along.
I had my monthly for a few months as well when I had one or 2 of mine
Amanda Dean , I know people that have had thier cycle the whole time, they were pregnant , so not sure where you get you info
I had breast and nipple tenderness for a few weeks and then it disappeared and I was not pregnant. If you are having bad cramps you are most likely not pregnant or experiencing a miscarriage as it is possible to miscarry at the time your period is due. Low vitamin D this time of year can make you tired. You are probably not pregnant. Also bad cramps and bleeding can make you tired