Please no bashing. I was wondering if it’s safe to take my 5 month old son camping?. I don’t want to go but my husband insists we should go with his dad, sister and niece and nephew. I’ve never been camping before. I’m also breastfeeding and worried my son won’t sleep because he doesn’t even take naps in unfamiliar places. I’m also worried if he cries all night because my father in law has a bad temper like my husband and everyone will be miserable. Any advice would help. Thanks
Its safe, but don’t do anything your not comfortable with!
Oh momma I took my 3 month old camping, took a pack and play and he did wonderful. He actually slept awesome because he wore himself out being nosey.
Yes! go camping, take that baby camping!
My best friends camp all the time. Non stop during summer. Both her boys grew up at the lake every weekend. She started at 2 months.
At least he’s not walking…lol…took my one year old camping… hahahahahaha lasted a night…the fresh air might help him sleep… can’t hurt to try…if baby is cranky just say you wanted this
I was 2 weeks old the first time I went camping lol
We took my son camping at 3 months old. He did great for the most part.
My daughter was months was 4 months old this past memorial day when we went camping.
Try to take things that are familiar with you like their blanket and keep to their schedule as much as possible
Do what you feel is right, in situations like this I’d take a separate car that way if the baby wont sleep or someone gets upset you can leave with the baby
Only go if u really want to. It should b ok
My 6 month old did great last year when we took her
I took all 6 ofmy children camping…we loved it.
I’d be more worried about the men with bad tempers more so than camping.
I started going camping after I was born lol. I loved it so much . Literally some of the precious memories I have with my grandparents & family
I’m taking my baby camping for the first time next month. He’ll be just shy of 3 months. I also have a 6 and 4 year old so it will be interesting by fun I’m sure.
If it’s in a camper you’ll be fine. I did it with my daughter when she was a new born. There’s heat and plugs your good lol.
We took my son at 3 months for the first time. Everything will be fine
Go camping and take the baby with you! You will love it!
Get them some earplugs for the older and take your son and have fun
Honestly, if you’re not wanting to then I wouldn’t. You’ll more than likely be stressed because u don’t want to be there and baby will be cranky because it’s unfamiliar so I don’t really think it’d be fun. That said, as long as it’s not deep woods or anywhere crazy it should be fine to take baby
My son started early 6mnths but no one was grumpy not a great environment to b stuck in
camping is safe but if you feel like your gonna be miserable don’t go.
I would love to take my 6 month old camping, but it’s hot where I am now and even I wouldn’t be comfortable. Night might be tough but your baby will SO enjoy the outdoors!! Give it a chance, you might love it too!
We started camping with Marie at 2 months. She was fine! Take along a pack 'n play and you’re good to go.
Its safe. My parents took me when i was just 3 months, my one sister at 5 months and the other one at 3 months. Will be taking my son shy of 2 months in october.
a 5 month old can go camping… might be a little more stressful preparing for it but I went as a baby and lived
I took my one month old camping last year. We had a great time and it is honestly easier when they are little. They sleep more and do less than when they are bigger.
If you dont feel comfortable going then tell your husband that you dont want to go and then stand by your choice but dont stop him from going
You’re mom, you know what’s best. If u dont feel comfortable dont go. You have 18 years to take your kiddos canping.
B sure he has ac and a pack and play
yes take them camping. babies love the out doors and will probably better then you think. and if it doesn’t don’t go again and use it as an example. but if you honestly don’t want to then don’t… baby will feel your stresses too I guess. might unsettle him more
So first yes it’s definitely safe one thing to remember is to bring a net of some type to put over the pack & play if that’s what you use for Bugs. Another thing I want to bring up is you said your Husband and your Father In Law both have bad tempers I would remind them that your son is a baby and that babies cry sometimes for no reason. Getting angry and upset will do no one any good because your son isn’t old enough to express his emotions which leads to crying. Also if your not comfortable going tell your husband that you would really prefer to stay home this time that he is more then welcome to go and you know he would enjoy it but you would rather wait a little longer to take your son Camping.
I went as a child with all my cousins and it was the best experience but I was also old enough to remember it.
My daughter was not even a month old an we took her camping like 3 weekends ago I think it was fine I just fed her in the car so not to wake anyone
If you don’t want to go, don’t go. No is all the answer you need You couldn’t pay me to take an infant camping lol
An the fresh air knocked my daughter out it was amazing she actually seemed to enjoy herself .
Camping is the best teach your baby young how fantastic camping is , grumpy father in-law can bite his bum
Just remember they wanted you to go so if the baby cry’s they should totally understand and not give you any trouble
Stay home! He is to young to go camping.
Its totally safe if you’re mindful of your surroundings however if you aren’t comfortable then nobody should force you to go. I wanna go so bad but I’m not sure my 4 month old and I would be able to keep our rhythm camping. She gets very fussy and has trouble sleeping and stuff too.
U can it’s safe. It’s just kinda pointless if you intend to have fun lol baby wont sleep well
Why would you get bash for asking if its okay to go camping with your 5 month old?
I grew up camping every weekend and those were my best memories. We camp as much as possible but we have a trailer and our kids love it too. It can be a little hard with babies but it’s so so worth it.
I’m taking my two month old camping for the 4th. Bring a bug net to cover the pack n play. I also use sun screen. I’ve heard it’s not advised to use sunscreen until 6 months but my doctor said it was fine so we use an organic sunscreen.
Just tell him you don’t think the baby will tolerate it just yet. If he wants to go let him.
My son was 3 months old when we took him camping the first time. He had a blast. It was actually easier to take him when he was 3 months than it was when he was 3 years old. Lol.
Not to young fresh air is excellent
I’ve taken my kids camping as babies. It’s not so bad. Just make sure baby stays cool
If you don’t want to go then don’t go. I don’t like camping did it twice before I had my baby. Now that I have her I doubt I will go.
I took my 3 week old camping lol. She was fine. Just set up a pack and play or small bassinet. It’ll be fine.
My son was the same way so when it was nap time and it didn’t work in the tent I put him in the stroller and walked around until he slept. In January we want on vacation and I was soo scared he wouldn’t want to sleep or feed he it was soo unfamiliar but I had no problem what so ever
Camping would be fine. Just worried about men with bad tempers. Your raising your child around them? Do not go.
Camping is awesome and safe to take your baby. Like anywhere else you need to be mindful of your surroundings. My kids have actually slept better when we have been camping. They have always woken up multiple times through the night but do not wake up at all while camping.
I spend all my times in the woods with my babies went camping when my first lo was 5 weeks. The fresh air will be good and she will pass right out. Nature is good for the soul
Camping is really fun but probably spend most of ur time trying to make the baby happy up to like age 3 is really hard to camp with as they get older its easier
I wouldn’t take a baby camping personally. I wouldn’t even take a toddler but that’s just me.
My daughters first camping/float trip she was 6 months.she did better than some of the adults lol but shes loved being outside since she was about born pretty much.
If YOU don’t want to go, then don’t. Your baby will feel your anxiety during your trip, and it will probably not be enjoyable.
It depends on you and your baby. If you don’t think it’ll be a good idea then don’t go. But if you’re not going to I would tell your husband to go ahead and go have a good time
I wouldn’t go. Even aside from the bad temper and all that the baby isn’t going to be doing anything except sweat and cry. He can go. You and the baby can stay home.
I would tell them to go and I’d stay home with my baby
We took our son to the beach went camping at 1 month
Well it’s defiantly safe but I wouldn’t do anything that your not comfortable doing … if u think u are going to have a bad time more then likely that’s what will happen so maybe tell ur husband to go and have fun that you and the baby will stay home n get stuff done around the house
My mom always tell the story of taking my brother camping at about 2weeks old. Lol but she loved camping a new baby wasn’t reason enough to stop her
Just be upfront with everyone before y’all go “If y’all start to complain about a cranky baby, remember y’all wanted this! Either help, or shut up!” Lol that’s just me though.
Sounds like a recipe for a bad time
Girl if you haven’t gone camping ever, with a fussy 5 month old it’s not the time to start. We love camping, and I have gone a ton since I was a small child. But even an experienced camper with a young child is difficult. Tell your husband he can go himself if he really wants to go. Or you could go visit for a few hours and go back to your comforts of home for bed.
We all (family of 7 siblings) started camping at 5 months old. My advice is bring a playpen, and extra crib sheets, during the day cover the top in a fitted crib sheet, it will both keep the bugs out and keep the baby in the shade
No reason he can’t. Sounds like fun! He may like the outdoors.
Is it safe to take a 5 month old camping?? Yes
Anything else you mentioned you will have to make the call.
Years ago I came home from the hospital with my newborn , packed up all the kids and we spent the whole summer camping…Kids had a blast…baby nursed and slept well and the ranger came by our site everynight to have coffee and talk. Was the best vacation for all ! Have fun!
We took ours camping at 4 months she loved it. The fresh air and everything
If it’s not something that you as a mother feel comfortable doing, then just dont do it. Especially if it will set off someone’s temper.
Me and my sisters were camping mad young. I would totally take the baby with me. Would it be crazy, yes, but getting them out in the air and the sun (as long as you are safe) is never a bad thing!
Should you go camping if you are uncomfortable and worry your baby will be uncomfortable? No. Not at all. Baby comes first. Regardless of what anyone says
I wouldn’t go I’d stay home with baby and tell him to go
Do what you feel best in doing. You’re the momma you know best for your baby and your family
I took my 2 week old baby camping for a week it was great we had a blast
With the heat an insects I’d say won’t be enjoyed by you or your baby.different places an the heat would be hard on the little one.prayers if you deal with bad tempers no one should Exspect a baby not to cry or get upset if he or she does
It’s camping! It should be a great time. Nursing a baby shouldn’t put a hinder on anything
We took my son camping for the first time when he was 2 months old. He loved it.
Your father in law and husband need to chill with their temper, babies cry…they can get over it and help out.
You and baby are still adjusting to a new lift together with routines and such. I wouldnt go for that reason.
Camping isnt bad, and everything is what you make it to be. Babies feel your stress and worry and will react to that bu being fussy and crying. So if momma isnt happy, baby wont be either.
I took my kids camping when they were small (about 6 or 7 months) and they slept better in a tent then they ever did in their beds lol
Stay home with your son
I would say no. You don’t want the baby a bit up by mosquitoes. You don’t want to ruin the fun for everyone else. Just tell him maybe next time. Hope he has fun
Camping is a wonderful family activity. Mosquito nets or something like that is a must for babies!
The crying all night is real possibility. Do what you need to honor your baby’s needs, Momma.
There are many camping seasons to come.
Yes. Lots of people do it. We started camping with our kids at 4. That was more because of finances then anything. I will say you won’t ever learn unless you go. I would compromise and go some place close to home so if you and baby need to you can just go back home.
Yea! I take my kids canoeing at 5 6 months old camping all of it. As long as your prepared for anything and able to do it there’s no set age limit. My grandma was born on a camping trip lol
I took mine while she was still oxygen dependent. She was 5 months old. This is something we enjoys as a family. Camping can be a challenge with all age kids. Might as well start them young.
Have camped with a 1 mo old. Can be done but you know weather or not you are comfortable with it and or how comfortable the babe might be.
If you are not comfortable don’t go because the baby will be fussy the whole time because you are uncomfortable. Also it may affect how your milk flows
Dont go if you aren’t comfortable. With that being said I have camped with all 3 of my kids at that age and it was fine. We had to cosleep though because it was a but cold at nighttime.
Lie! The doc said he is too young.
Don’t go if the situation is too stressful for you. It is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. And you never know, sometimes nature and fresh air during the day is just the thing to help bub sleep at night. My son has always slept better after being outdoors a lot. X
First took my son camping at 2 months. He did fine. Had a friend whose kids didn’t handle camping well until they were 5ish years. It’s about the kids readiness.
Yes! We used to take our kids, when they were very young. They adults now.
Camping is safe for all ages. With kids I wouldn’t go way out in the middle of nowhere but a campsite is fine to me
Do what you think is best!
I like to think of it like this… what do you think it was like back in the old days before electricity and modern convenience
My oldest was camping, out on the boat and even horseback riding with me at 3 months old.
However, all of us are different and if you’re uncomfortable doing something baby will be as well.
May be best to skip the trip or just join them for a daytime and sew if you’re comfortable if not go back home
Do what YOU want, not what others insist. You’re the mother, trust your gut feeling.
I took both my kids. One was 4 months and one was 2 months. They were great campers!
Try it and if it doesn’t work go home before everyone else
No way would I take a baby camping in this heat or with the a holes you described