I had a tubal. Well 9 months later my uterus wall has thickened. They said i have to shed it. By shedding it . They said birth control can help shed it because of the hormone in it helps shed the uterus wall.
Has anybody taken birth control while breastfeeding?
Anyone have this happen after a tubal?
I would disagree. Go see an alternative medicine practitioner. If its hormonal there are herbs and tinctures you can take to help heal your body.
It’s been a while since my pregnancy/ breastfeeding but I took pills during breastfeeding that only had progestin
Mini pill is safe while breastfeeding
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It’s very normal for doctors to regulate cycles with birth control. It is safe to take the pill while nursing.
I have. It works wonders.
I took BC when I breastfed… my doc proscribed me a certain kind that wouldn’t affect the baby in any way.
I had my tubal in 2010 when I had a c-section with my daughter. My wall thickened (about an inch thick) about 2 years ago and made me have a 14 day cycle instead of the normal 28. I had to have a d&c done in January 2018 then an endometrial ablation done in April 2018 and since then I haven’t had a period.
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They have birth control you can take while breastfeeding that won’t affect baby. Pill form though.
I had a tubal in 2015 my uterus thickened in 2018 had a d&c and edometrial ablation done in august 2018 and a IUD put in haven’t had a problem since
If you don’t get periods at all when not on any birth control yes your uterus wall will thicken and that’s what can cause cancer…if you are on birth control and don’t get periods your fine because hormones in the birth control keep the walls from thickening at all…that’s what my doctor told me when I questioned the possibility of my nexplanon stopping my periods
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