I’ve found do what is right for you not other people. Someone is always going to say something
Talk to your doctor never get medical advice re babies from Facebook as no one commenting knows the medical history.
Just make sure to pump before smoking or wait two hours after smoking to feed the baby
The doctors I talked to advise against it. In my state it is legal but I know 2 families that have lost babies to cps for partaking.
It’s something you should ask your dr about and your state laws bc if it’s illegal it’s not worth cps getting involved
I did with both my babies and they are perfectly healthy. Do what works best for you mama. Obviously just don’t smoke in the house, that’s where you can get in trouble.
I to smoke and used to always have back up milk . I did smoke but I would wait 2 hrs before i breastfed my son, if he got hungry within that time I would get the milk i had stored then replace it after 2-3hrs again. I’ve smoked with all my kids there fine wild children that drive mama crazy lol. I would pump and breastfeed it’s good to have back up milk for your activities smoking , drinking ECT.
I pump and breastfeed and I also smoke cannabis regularly. Nothing abnormal with either of my babies.
I took the same precautions as I would if I was drinking. I would have milk stored in the fridge and freezer and would pump and dump. After 2 hours I allowed him to breast feed. Most the time I would just smoke during the 3 to 4 hour stretch at night.
I’ve had multiple Dr’s tell me that the amount of medicine that makes it into breastmilk is minuscule. Not specifically for cannabis but for meds in general. I was prescribed a muscle relaxer for issues and I was worried about taking it and was told that. Also had surgery and worried about the anesthesia and was told that again
I smoke everyday and breastfeed my 10 month old! she is amazing and way more advanced then my older babies, ND a chunky monkey I have my card and it also illegal in my state, but I’m part of a canna mom group amazing and a lot of heavy like 2 grams a day moms have tested their pee and babies who breastfeed pee and babie is always nagtive cannabis is natural found I’m breastmilk “so no it doesn’t get your child high” this is so false and Its horrible when people say it to scare moms when they are probably out here drink a body of wine a night and breastfeed. There is. Chance for second hand so I never smoke around my kidos
Lol no ? Everything u take or drink goes right 2 the baby
I live in California, my doctors were okay with it and now I have the healthiest 9 month old baby. It’s okay to smoke.
There are cannabinoids in breastmilk whether or not the parent partakes or not. That’s what gives baby that “milk drunk”
Should this even be a question… seriously…
You should be fine. Not enough passes into the milk. But if you’re concerned treat it like drinking and wait two hours after consuming or pump/feed first.
I used weed my whole pregnancy and during breastfeeding
He’s 3 now almost 4
He’s a happy boy who enjoys life
Look for these groups for support #BreastfedCannababies #CannaMommies they’re both great support groups for mommies who use cannabis while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Don’t listen to the pump and dump. Less than 2% will go in breast milk. There are a lot of negative people out in this world, don’t listen to them. You b aby not theirs.
Have you looked into THCa? Pain relief benefits of TCH without the associated high. Unless it is CBD that you predominantly use.
i started smoking again when my son was 4 months old!! i was breastfeeding and i exclusively breastfed for 14 months !!! i smoked the entire time once i started again and fed him ALL the time, even right afterwards. i never did it while he was around (we used the pens, and i sometimes used flower outside)
my son turned out perfect, hes smart, and has NEVER been sick in his life other than one time last year and hes 3.5 now!
he weaned off me naturally at 14months
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Yes i did x5 kids no issues. Your breastmilk has endocannabinoids in it regardless of smoking…
I would talk to your doctor
Yes you can, my daughter is turning 8, perfectly fine, healthy, clever as can be and besides, there’s studies to back it up, just a bit hard to find as people tend to judge really quickly without wanting to know the facts
Your baby will be perfectly fine
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If you use it you baby will use it to
Please join a support group for moms that smoke.There are so many people in this group that really won’t give you a good answer but what is good for them not you. I don’t bf, just advice
Also maybe she doesn’t want to ask her doctor if it is safe. If by chance she wants to see if it’s safe by asking, check and see if delta is legal in your state and from there if it is try delta and see if it helps you as much. You can get that in a vape or the bud itself. It’s legal in Georgia and I switched from the real thing to delta to be on the legal side of things because so many people are quick to call CPS.
Look into research studies and join a support group!
To be honest asking that question on here you won’t get your answer you want. Personally if u have been using medicated weed before pregnancy, and during. It will be fine after. Your baby will be fine. Forget what anyone else says. I know this. As for the 1s that haven’t done this and only go by the paper. DO WHAT KEEPS YOU AND UR FAMILY SANE. just no human made drugs. Weed is a herb. Make sure no other drugs have been sprinkled over it.
Do what you want. It’s best if you do tbh.
Look up cannababies. Theres a ton of research and stuff thats super interesting. I would say make sure u have a pediatrician that is either open to it or not against it.
Everyone has an endocannabinoid system.
Your breast milk naturally produces many of the same cannabinoids.
I have 2 boys. One I used cannabis while pregnant/nursing, one I did not. The cannabis baby is a mild tempered, straight A student. The non cannabis baby is a spaz I’m no doctor but I say use the cannabis mama. Your baby will be fine.
If it contains THC, definitely not. THC alters brain development and really shouldn’t be used until age 25 (when the brain is done developing).
If it does not contain THC, ask a doctor or pharmacist.
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everything that goes into you goes into your baby when you nurse
I would think it would be ok, but I would consult the baby’s Doctor I’m sure they would have a better view as to wether or not to do it. Wishing you nothing but guided words as to or not to.
Yes you can. They did a huge 25 year long study in Jamaica with mothers who used varying amounts of marijuana while pregnant. It turns out that the highest apgar scores and smartest, most creative kids came from moms who smoked alotta weed!! You can look it up urself.
l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18358 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info. https://superdollarpay122.pages.dev/
why did u stop using it in the first place - it woildn’t of hurt the baby!
Cbd oil is best as there is no thc in it.
I did with my first and she’s healthy and happy, and I probably will with my second too.
I smoked all through my pregnancy and well bf and my boys are 100% fine growing like weeds people cant believe they were only 4lbs at birth (only due to the fact i had twin to twin absorbson syndrom not due to weed at all) drs told me to smoke because it helped my anxiety i ended up with post partum psychosis (again not due to thc) and was put on lithium and was still even still able to bf if i chose to so my poi t with that is if you can take lithium and still bf and dr said it was better to keep smoking then to stop ( so Baby dont withdrawal) you will be ok i know many people who have smoke during and after and babies are fine and growing fine im not saying it cant cause issue’s im just saying from experience and from friends and family’s experiences i have never seen anything bad happen infact kids seem more calm and happy even now and they are 4 good luck momma no judgment here
There are natural cannabinoids in breastmilk, I don’t think it would make any difference
I always used it for my pain but completely stopped while pregnant and didn’t start again until I was done breastfeeding, I was too scared about her brain not developing right. Her Grandma smoked weed while pregnant and I will say my daughter’s dad has a lot of issues, not saying it’s all from the weed but who knows
Yes smoke all day, everyday. Definitely no affects for any of my kids. If you wanna smoke, do it.
Hash oil feels just as nice on back for pain. I rubbed it on my back.
I did and she fine as can be
I smoked for nausea, pain, and anxiety. My son has never had any health issues and he’s 5. In fact his IQ is higher than average.
I have nothing against it for pain but talk to your doctor for peace of mind. All the best.
There is natural cannabinoids in your breast milk, I have. I actually started to par take again right before bed when your milk production slows down. Or when I was going to get my period if was super helpful, I swear it makes my let downs come faster and helps production when I am at a low point.
Cbd oil is best for pain relief depending on what type minimal to no thc
I do t recommend it only Becuz my nephew is now developmental delay and autistic. She used oil and rubbed on belly for a fibroid that was causing her pain. Meanwhile made her very tired all day and not able to function. And she was nursing. Not pumping and dumping. Of course it wasn’t intentional to harm child but I feel it did. By the time we figured she was doing that we told her to stop immediately although by then child was already 4 yrs old. I was Devastated that it affected him and I do think nursing a child till 4 yrs is way too long anyway… may have decreased any chances of him getting exposed if he didn’t nurse. She should’ve chose her health and herself , if she was in that much pain. ( kept postponing surgery) not nursed to play it safe. He’s 5 and hardly speaks. He would only roar and not respond to name. He still uses diapers and is very sweet boy. He has been progressing and speaks a bit more now.
I think if u really need cannabis then u need to look out for your health and used it to manage pain. Although I wouldn’t smoke it near children. There are other ways to ingest it in your system. Stop nursing all together or pump and dump. giving it enough time to leave ur system before u nurse.
I find it alarming that people trust big pharma over natural drugs given to us by the earth. There’s a reason it’s illegal. And that reason is to keep big pharma rich and people sick
Talk to your provider. Depending on your state, there may be consequences.
Swimming in a pool every am will stop your back pain!! It will strengthen the muscles in your back while relieving any pain!!
You can look up Dr. Melanie Dreher and her Jamaican Study of cannabis during pregnancy. I know you’re more concerned about breastfeeding and she will go over when they tested the babies 1yr, 3yr, 5yr (not sure the exact timeline) after birth. I would think the mothers that were using cannabis during pregnancy would continue to use postpartum. This is probably the only one unbiased and somewhat longitudinal study on moms’ cannabis use.
I personally have always used cannabis while pregnant and also breastfeeding. I am currently breastfeeding my third baby and he’s 9 months old. None of my children were delayed.
There are records of cannabis being used during pregnancy and post partum in ancient Chinese texts over 4000 years old.
You know what I don’t take? Tylenol (acetaminophen) I haven’t taken it for over 20 years after I witnessed my mom having to get liver transplant from the damages it did.