I pump a lot and I’m also going back to work, I’m used to using cannabis as my pain relief for my back pain (I have spine scoliosis) and sometimes my back pain can be pretty bad after I finish a shift. I’ve also used it for my anxiety. My husband is a huge advocate for cannabis and uses it as well for his CP but it worried it may have an affect on our babies. Please no bashing, was just wondering who has used cannabis while breastfeeding and what affect it may have it had on your children?
Hey momma, congratulations to you on your little bundle. I consumed edibles and did smoke cannabis while pregnant and breast feeding pumping. My dr was aware of this and really didn’t say one way or another about advising.
My son is now 4 and is brilliantly smart, he met and exceeded all weights and measurements and never has had any development issues.
In my personal opinion I feel it is safe, there are groups available for cannabis using moms that are great safe spaces as we both know many judge hard when it comes to consuming cannabis.
Best of luck to you.
Yes. I had issues with my supply because I didn’t stay hydrated well enough but many people find it helps them relax and actually increases their supply. Take your meds, momma.
Just asking your Dr…
Yes there are plenty of support groups for canna moms and babies. The same people saying it’s not safe… will pump their brand new baby full of poisonous vaccines though.
A lot of doctors recommended medical marijuana, during pregnancy even… It’s not going to harm your baby. But it will help you.
Girl I smoked weed my entire pregnancy and both my children still tested negative at birth. I doubt breastfeeding will have an effect
I used while I was pregnant and breastfeeding and my children are fine.
I think it’s completely up to you. And none of our opinions are going to matter. But I definitely think you should talk to your doctor about it because in some states they’ll tell you not to breast-feed if you use cannabis. But again it’s your baby and your body… ask your dr
I did but I couldn’t produce very well with my 2nd.
My vote is a yes, feel free to reach out if you wanna chat further about it!
Thomas Hale is Professor of Paediatrics and Assistant Dean of Research at Texas Tech University School of Medicine. He is also founder and Executive Director of the Infant Risk Centre, a national research and call centre advising pregnant and breastfeeding mothers on medication safety. He holds a Ph. D.
I smoked the whole time I was pregnant, with ob’s consent, and after and my daughter is advanced for her age… I would get sick every time I ate, wasn’t gaining weight, and at times didn’t have an appetite, the meds he tried me on for nausea/vomiting and to gain weight made me sick as well. It was the only way for me.
Ask your Dr. personally I wouldn’t. And I use for recreationally.
It will sadly head straight for the fat in your milk. You will potentially cause permanent neurological issues. I asked a leading expert on cannabinoids and he said definitely not.
And it turns out, based on the findings of several major scientific studies, that human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, which are actually extremely vital for proper human development
Smoke ur weed mama it won’t do no harm
Your kids will be fine.
I smoked while pregnant and breastfeeding with both of mine. No problems whatsoever. I had to and doctors recommended it for me.
My opinion yes! Feel free to reach out. I can’t eat I can sleep I’m 7 weeks and sick all the time. I did while I pumped with my nicu baby and he is 4
I wouldnt do it myself personally anythin u have the baby has the same as in ur belly i wouldnt chance it but its up you
Unlike vaccines ( mind you I’m not an anti vaxxer) it is the most natural pain remedy in the world. I have used it for damn near 20 years have 4 kids and guess what I have my oldest who has a 4.1 gpa and just got a full academic scholarship to college, 2nd oldest just signed early to go to the Navy (following in mommas footsteps) my middle I smoked my whole pregnancy with she was my healthiest child has straight As and Bs and then my youngest has down syndrome I was in late 30s we knew it was high risk and I did not smoke while pregnant with her nor could I breastfeed I just didnt produce until about 4 months after she was born and I started smoking again. Yes my drs we’re aware and even nonchalant about it because it does not have any harmful side effects on the baby whatsoever. Better you use cannabis than get strung out on pharmaceutical poison just saying
Yes. My OB actually recommended it.
Short answer is yes.
You’ll be fine, most of those who see what they claim are effects of usage are not considering the millions of other factors that come into play
If it’s legal where you are I’d talk to your doctor first. That way they are aware and can give you advice on it.
I did, my kids are a okay.
I smoked while pregnant and breastfeeding. They’re my cannababies.
Did it with all 3 of my kids pregnancies, and breastfed them all as well. Better than man made pills they wanted to give me. They’re all fine and growing perfectly
There are studies showing that when a woman uses cannabis while breastfeeding that actually none of it gets to the baby. Also… a friend of mine years ago before it was even legal was told by her doctor to smoke cannabis while she was pregnant because she was losing so much weight and it was the only thing she could do that would keep her food down and have her baby grow and her baby is 12 years old now and more then fine
Blahh blah blah plenty of mom’s smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol while breastfeeding, if those children turn out fine then so will yours. I suggest doing it after your breastfeed your child so it had time to dissipate before the next feeding.
I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13985 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.
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As we all know, there’s a difference between THC and CBD. Try the CBDs & see if that helps. There shouldn’t be any harm. Otherwise, try the edibles.
My doctor actually tried to push breastfeeding on me even knowing I was concerned over my weed prescription an how it would affect her , they said so little to none goes to the milk that it’s really not that concerning . She gave me papers / pamphlets etc on diff info an stuff about moms who continue to breastfeed while smoking . I personally just couldn’t breastfeed , if I could of I would have though . If you want too go for it . My Doc actually did recommend it .
All the pot heads say yes…
They prescribed me oxy after my c section. If that is safe for baby, so is weed.
You do you ma’am
Doctors know nothing about affects of weed and anything baby related, but they will push Class C drugs on pregnant and lactating women. I wouldn’t smoke ounces while breastfeeding, but some here and there won’t hurt.
I’m a canna-momma, I’m also a huge advocate for cannabis, I’m obviously not a doctor, but from the conversations I’ve had with my doctor & my own research, I don’t see a single issue indulging while breastfeeding
I swear they’ve proved that alcohol or anything else doesn’t go into your actual breast milk, well not enough to actually do anything? I could be wrong
As long as ur not smoking huge bong rips over indulging it should be fine. I did in moderation all of my pregnancy and my son was perfect. It was the only thing that could keep my morning sickness in check n was also Dr ok’d
It’s totally fine. There’s not much actual research because testing on babies is unethical
Everyone’s body is different.
Doctors will prescibe xanax while youre breastfeeding… cannabis is not the issue.
Breastfeeding Cannamoms is a great support group to join!
Check out the cannamamas group!
My kids are now 18 and 15 and they’re honors students. They’ll be fine.
Yes absolutely! Everyone has an endocannabinoid system; Cannabis won’t hurt the baby just as it won’t hurt you. A small amount is going to transfer, enough to give the baby a good appetite, help keep the cortisol levels down to relax, and help that baby sleep. People have a lot of opinions so go with your gut but if I have another child, yes, I’ll definitely breastfeed while consuming.
What happened to “we don’t post anything about smoking, drinking or drug use while pregnant or breastfeeding” Mamas Uncut you can’t even follow your own community guidelines! What a joke!
I dont see why it would be…I believe if anything is in the milk it is minimal and its for your pain the prescription drugs doctors give you are worse
Yup. Your breastmilk has natural cannabis. Just like the drinking thing… if you can drive you can nurse.
Smkoe if you mustt. Prob just a little tho i wouldnt go crazy
There are cannabinoids already in breast milk.
I’ve never breastfed but I did use regularly throughout all 3 of my pregnancies and not one of my boys had any negative effects.
Just to be safe I’d use only absolute minimum THC or no THC if that can be guaranteed.
I had to use Kratom powder and breastfeed I just pumped and dumped everything fit two hours and then then feed baby and I would try to get some milk pumped when I could while I was in the dumping stage for my son i acutely blew my back out during my last baby’s delivery
I have 3 children and smoke all during my pregnancy & breastfeeding and two are extremely good artists and the other is a nurse so I think the baby will be okay with moderation
There is so much back and forth when it comes to this subject. If I were you I’d find the most credible studies I could for both sides and start seeing what real researchers have found. We can give you all our anecdotes (experiences) but if you’re this concerned you should be looking at people that did actual research so you can make an informed decision and feel at peace with that decision.
Ask your obgyn or pediatrician
They’ll be fine. it turns out, based on the findings of several major scientific studies, human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana.
My niece smoked her entire pregnancy as did many of my friends and also while breastfeeding. They all had healthy babies and most are grown now and in advanced classes in school and have never had any effects. These people saying no, don’t do it, are probably ones that think cannabis is a street drug and is addicting. Which we all know it not true. There are so so many medical benefits from cannabis. I would keep on smoking as you do now and if you still have a concern for it, speak to your dr.
I did and my daughter is super smart
No need to smoke it. Just get the full spectrum oil drops to maintain your endocannabinoid system. Don’t listen to those who wish to separate the thc from the cbd, full spectrum (rso) is the whole plant extract, decarboxylated (heated) and thinned with a carrier oil. Essential nutrients for you and your babies.
I smoked my entire pregnancy drove myself to the hospital in labor pulled over and smoked . Breastfed both my kids ,they both full of personality and smart as hell . Neither have any health defects …
Yes. Especially if you’re not a heavy user. Your body only provides your baby need. But most importantly if it helps you be a better mom and doesn’t harm your baby then go for it. Be prepared for lots of backlash though. I used cannabis occasionally for my nausea when I was pregnant (yes I tried multiple medications first and) and a lot of people, uncluding my nurse judged and made me feel really bad at the time, but after lots of research and talking to other moms, I haven’t found any scientific proof of it harming your child or delaying them. In my situation I was losing nutrition faster than I gained it bc I threw up constantly. Nicotine has had worse affects on babies.
So honestly , do your research and go with your gut.
Good luck
I was told by lactating nurses you will have a very sleepy baby.
CBD would be fine. Skip the thx bit to be safe if possible
Yes. I had edibles while pregnant for the nausea.
Take your meds mama! #PlantsBeforePills
I’m not offering an opinion either way, but if something did happen to your baby for any reason, they will drug test you and use that against you. Just giving a heads up as a precaution.
Join this group! Its all for cannababies! Breastfed Cannababies
I did, my daughter is absolutely fine and extremely smart. Only down fall is I did start to dry up at 12ish weeks, but there was also some other issues with attaching.
You’re good to go momma♡ did it with all 3 of my babes
Breast milk has cannabinoids in it already, go for it.
Babies shouldn’t ingestTHC. Period. I’d speak to a dr rather than people on the internet when it comes to the safety of your infant…. Moreover, if an emergency happens and you rush that baby to a hospital they will do a drug test and there will be charges pressed against you. Better to try a safer aternative such as Tylenol or forgo breastfeeding. You wouldn’t roll your child a joint at 2 years old, breastfeeding is no difference. Anything that passes into your bloodstream passes through to your baby. No judgment just facts.
Cannabis is good for humans. I would only say pump or feed the baby first then smoke
It doesn’t transfer through breast milk. So your good.
CBD, however, is legal and safe.
Thc binds to fat and thus stays in your system for much longer than say alcohol. And THC is found in breast milk of those who smoke/use edibles.
Personally, I have no issue with cannabis use in general but I don’t think people should be exposing fetus’, infants etc to it in a way that it enters their system. There just isn’t enough actual evidence to say it won’t cause adverse effects in the short or long term (I literally do not care about anecdotal evidence from your sisters friends aunt that smoked and breastfed with 8 children and now they’re all Harvard trained scientists with awards).
I’m not against cannabis use but putting into babies system I am
I smoked with both of my pregnancies. Doctor was pro cannabis. He said it’s not the cannabis it’s the chemicals they put on them growing it that are harmful. He always said just in moderation. My boys were extremely smart. My first could read words by 18 months and my second was in gifted classes. It is a God given plant. So, many great things this plant can do for health issues.
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i do and it’s perfectly fine!!
This is a doctor question. I do believe there are safe variations but you need to ask a physician or a pharmacist.
i smoked it while pregnant, every morning because it is the only thing that helped with my sickness. i didn’t breast feed so i can’t say about that.
I used it through my whole pregnancy I wouldn’t have made it through the morning sickness without it
I believe they have test kits for breastmilk for thc! If you’re questioning it.!
I know some Dr’s are against smoking while breastfeeding but some also say as long as you aren’t smoking while feeding the baby you would be fine.
I did for my first and he has always been healthy and reached all developmental milestones with no issues. I plan on using cannabis again once I deliver my second while breast feeding as it helped me to eat enough for my supply and helped with my PPD.
Absolutely! Just make sure you are staying very hydrated. Drink plenty of water while smoking, Vaping, taking edibles etc. You got this momma.
I didn’t breastfeed nor know much about it
But my 4 year old has CP
Also just drink water lots of it that’s my only know on that tbh
Make sure your legal or some Karen could take your kids for having cannabis in their systems stay safe my friends.
Cannabis is safe during breast-feeding and pregnancy. But Just smoking or vaping not edibles. It metabolizes differently when you eat it.
I smoked it to help with morning sickness, but at my baby’s birth they tested us both for drugs & I only got to take my baby girl home because we passed
Wait 2 hours after before pumping or feeding.
Thc can affect your supply, but as long as you’re staying hydrated you and baby will be fine
It should be in the rules of every advice/support group that if you have NOTHING HELPFUL or any ACTUAL ADVICE that you are not allowed to comment y’all are arrogant
If it’s legal in your state go for it. if not, I wouldn’t risk it
I have my medical card but I’m worried about my new baby being taken away so I have quit. When I talked to my ob about it he said I shouldn’t smoke because no tests have been ever done to test the affects on the baby and nobody should do something they don’t know the affects on their baby (these are his words not mine) but it’s totally safe to get the covid vaccine. I didn’t understand because that hasn’t been tested either
Trust me. It won’t do anything to them. To make the cannabis kids are usually smarter.
I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13099 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.
SEE MORE HERE…>> https://LifeStyle227.pages.dev