Cheap homemade Halloween costumes?

Hey mommas so my son who’s 10 is gonna be scissors for Halloween and his dad and I are gonna be paper and rock, we’ve reached a bit of a dilemma because my son doesn’t want to go to school as 1/3rd of a costume in fear people won’t understand that he’s part of a set and doesn’t want to have to explain to people wha going on (he’s autistic) he wants to wear a different costume for school but I have 4 kids and just those costumes almost broke the bank so I don’t wanna be spending too much to get him another one does anyone have any ideas of a cheap make at home costume for a 10y old boy???


A box. Cut arm holes. Paint it white with dots on it. It’ll be a dice.

A box. Cut holes in it for arms. Paint a circle on the front, tape or glue socks to the door. He’s a washing machine.

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Cut holes in a dark garbage bag for arms & legs. Just leave it wrinkly around him & go as a raisin with an empty box of raisin bran. Maybe cut head and arm holes & just baste the open bottom and cinch it a bit so he can go to the bathroom.

Do the same with an orange garbage/leaf bag & stuff it & he’s a pumpkin, but not good for bathroom breaks.

Classic ghost from an old white or thrift store sheet.

Tourist: Loud shirt, shorts, socks with sandals, straw hat (optional), sunglasses and draw a camera on cardboard and hang it from strings or shoelaces around his neck. Go to a local attraction and get a map or flyer about the place to stick in his pocket. Have him pretend to take lots of pix. You can even make him look sunburned or put visible zinc oxide on his face.

Surfer: Bathing trunks & T shirt, puka shell necklace or shark tooth necklace from dollar store or draw a shark tooth on cardboard, cut it out & hang it on a string around his neck. Make a big cardboard or poster board surfboard, have him wear sandals. Extra: yellow temporary hair spray to add blond highlights.

Old TV: My daughter went as an old TV once. We put a box over her head with the “screen” cut out of the front, glued or stapled tulle or mesh for the screen, drew on knobs with sharpies and covered the rest of the box with aluminum foil. He could also do this and be a “talking head.”

Zombie: Will he tolerate makeup? Cut the bottom of old pants off in a jagged way, rip up an old white T-shirt (maybe Dad has an undershirt he’d give to the cause; bonus it will hang off your son). Makeup to create open wounds, blood, gray face, sunken eyes & have him walk stiffly with arms out saying “BRAINS!”

Bruce Springsteen: tight white T-shirt, jeans, red bandana around his head & draw a guitar out of cardboard on a strap around him—maybe you can take a removable one from a gym bag or purse. Have a nametag that says Bruce or Bruuuce! You can probably find an inflatable microphone at the dollar store. Or copy the look of whatever popular male rockstar he likes.

Inside Out: make front and back sandwich board out of cardboard/posterboard and staple ribbon to go over the shoulders. Color one of the emotions from the “Inside Out” movies & cut the contours.

No idea. I lucked out. My son wants to wear a banana suit for the 4th year in a row. :woman_shrugging: Here for the cool ideas tho

Sports jersey and have be a football, baseball or basketball player

A plaid shirt and cowboy boots and hat cowboy.

Overalls and a farmer hat farmer

A sports shirt, a hat and whistle - coach

Super hero costume cape … Ghost… clown … Sport player.

Look at all his clothes and see if you have anything from the 90s or 80s even!

Zombie. Ripped up old clothes colornrippsnwoth red marker for blood roll in dirt add Zombie looking make up to fave day of.

We are very tight this year so all my kids are zombies we will be a hord


Look on Pinterest,loads of ideas! :jack_o_lantern:

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You can always check marketplace, there’s a lot of people selling costumes and some you can get for a deal. Zombie is always a good one cause it’s clothes you already have just torn up. You ll also want something he can sit down in for school

I bet if you explained this to the school coach he could find him an old uniform and equipment.

Try to go to Goodwill or Salvation army and find some camouflage stuff for army guy or military guys.

Again if you want to go cheap like a second hand store, Mario or Luigi just red or green or yellow shirt with overalls you can make the hats and glasses, also a clown if you get some bright clothes and face paint.

Thrift stores or homemade,I never spend big money for costumes.Google ideas with your child.

A grass skirt from the party store and some old clothes.