What’re some good christmas gifts to get for your babies under 1?
A push walker, a indoor ride on car, a few toddler toys that make noises (but things bubs can learn from- like a toy phone with numbers/buttons, etc)
I usually also get a big present every year for outside, so I would even look at a swing set an buy a baby swing (swing set will last for years)
Out of everything my kids got at that age, they only cared about the wrapping paper lol. Just get the little one some things they need, maybe a learning toy or two, and a book to read to them.
Any type of sensory toys, toys with lots of lights and stuff that moves. Also bath toys such as the bubble crab and things like that
Music and interactive toys
the boxes and wrapping paper
Alphabet/numerical stacking blocks, board/cloth books, fun teethers, teething bandana bibs, small xylophone or keyboard for music.
Teething toys and clothes for the following season
He’s one for peeks sake. Give him and yourself a break.