Every county has their own holiday schedule… if u can come to a different agreement in a civil way than do that but…if not…check with the county ur court case is through and they will have a holiday/vacation schedule already made out for u.
We have 50/50 & we’re supposed to go by the guidelines per court but, we’ve decided together to split holidays. Like Halloween his dad had him Saturday & I had him Sunday. His dad had him yesterday for Thanksgiving & I’ll have him this weekend instead of me having him Thursday- Sunday. We like it better & it works for us. Christmas we’ve not quite sorted out yet.
If it’s open for discussion, I’d say ask the child what they want.
I have 50/50 custody of my son, he’s with us one week and his dad the next and so on. We just always talk it out and figure out what works best for us, it’s never the same. Some years we’ll get him half the day then they’ll get him the other half, depending on the holiday and our plans we sometimes spend a holiday all together, then sometimes like this time, we had my son all day yesterday for Thanksgiving and then we took him to his dad’s last night and they’re doing their Thanksgiving today so they have him all day today. We’ve done Christmas like that before too, where they’ll have him all Christmas day and we’ll have our Christmas not on Christmas day and just pick a different day
For my son we haven’t heard from his sperm donor in 7 years so he’s with us for every holiday. As for my step children we travel to my step childrens house for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we all spend the holidays together. My husband’s ex and I cook dinner sometimes her mom helps. She and I have become friends over the course of mine and my husbands relationship and marriage
We live 3 hours apart ( each way ) he got them thanksgiving day. I get them next year. But I get them Christmas Eve til Christmas noon and then get them New Years . Not ideal but better than other options
We do holidays together on the day of, and then our family ones separately
We usually plan before hand…we have done a few days before the holiday the kids stay at their dad’s and then half the holiday and meet up and get the kids and finish it out here at home…we also have done where they start the day out here and finish the day at their dad’s and stay a few days…we usually act grown enough to make plans prior to whatever holiday…but the past 3 years their dad hasn’t been interested due to his new wife…but I still make the plans with their grandma…but that way everyone gets to be involved and love my babies on every holiday instead of spending a holiday every other year without them completely…I don’t think I could handle that…so we split the day itself and won’t ever have to not have my babies involved or their to love on during the holidays
As a child my parents would split thanksgiving and Christmas
They’d switch off at 2pm
My dad always got the earlier time and my mom the later time. Depending on who’s day of the week it was depended on whether we woke up at my dads and stayed til 2 and came back around 8 or so that night or my mom dropped us off early in the morning and then we’d go back to her at 2pm
I celebrate the 24th and he gets her the 25th… Thanksgiving I get her one year he does the next
We do a 2 or 4 pm exchange (whichever we decide on) but the mornings are rotated. I.e. Easter they wake up with dad & come to me at 2 (for an extended family event) then Thanksgiving, I had them the morning of and they went to dad’s at 4 (so one can do Thanksgiving lunch & the other dinner). Xmas eve I’ll have them until 4 pm when they will go to dads and wake up there then I’ll get them back at 4 pm.
We each get half of the day he gets mornings i get nights depending on our work schedules if it doesn’t correlate we switch I get mornings he gets nights. That way we both get to have them on the holidays
Thanksgiving – We ate EARLY and I only pushed my Youngin’s to eat enough to hold them off until they got to their Fathers to eat. They could get in trouble if they did not eat what was considered a (FULL) meal there.
Christmas – My Youngin’s would stay Christmas Eve with me and get up in the morning and open their presents. Then we would go to my Mom’s and they would (again) eat lite. Then their Father would pick them up and they would go over to his Mom’s to open presents and eat.
New Years Eve/Day – They stayed with whoever was supposed to have them that weekend. At my house I would buy each of us one of those Sparkling Juice Bottles from the grocery store and we would stay up drinking our Bottles of “Wine” as my Son used to call them!!
Easter – Myself and my Mom would have an Easter Egg Hunt. All the Family, extended Family and close/closer Friends. INCLUDING my ex-Husband and his Wife and Youngin. My Daddy and (step)Mom would come and we would All have a Wonderful Day.!!
We still share Holidays. Thanksgiving and/or Christmas at my Son’s. Until Covid, we were still having Easter Egg Hunts for all our Blessed and Blended GrandChildren at my place.
We are doing it that he’s at my house on the eve and beginning of the holiday until lunch, then he gets the second half of the day and the night, until he is old enough to choose/Santa isn’t real to him anymore. I only asked that because I know his dad is SUPER busy and not really up for all the “magic”. It works for us.
My son has his daughter for holidays either on the day of or we arrange a day around the holidays to celebrate. Sometimes it’s a few days after the holiday. Which works for our family. He co parents with the baby mom.
We do a half and half, like thanksgiving odd years I have second half, but get first half Christmas….this way we each take turns waking up with them on a holiday
I have primary care(full custody with visitation) our agreement and what works best for our children are , Halloween we switch off(if he chooses). Easter day they wake up with me and I have them until 3, their father takes them from 3 to bedtime(if he chooses) christmas eve I have them til 3, he gets them from 3 to bedtime(if he chooses), christmas day is mine, but, if my children want to see their father and their father wants them I wouldn’t stop them from going after our family meal. Boxing day is his day( if he chooses). New years eve we switch off( if he chooses). Mothers day is mine, fathers day is his if he chooses. Thanksgiving, if he wants them, I arrange to have my dinner before they go with him or when they get home. They are with me for their birthdays most times unless they ask to go with their father and he agrees. I never mind this arrangement because I want to spend as many holidays as I can with them for as long as they want me. Being primary parent I really don’t get a say if he exercises the agreement or not. This works out in my favor, I want to spend as many holidays as I possibly can with them!
My parents split when I was one. Growing up we did two Thanksgivings (the same day) then my dad no matter who’s day it was got us Christmas eve(with my dads whole side of the family) when would stay that night with him wake up early do our stocking and our big present from dad. Then he would drop us off at my moms and we would spend Christmas day with her. Easter was my moms favorite holiday so my dad if it was his weekend let her have us for most of the day
How about both of you spend the day with the child/children? That will make their holiday that much better.
Me and my sons father coparent without the courts we split every holiday in half and rotate what time of the day every year like for example Xmas I had him in the morning last year he will get him in the morning this year and I’ll have him in the evening
One year I get my kids Christmas Eve until Christmas Day around 3pm then the following year my ex gets them the same.
I do my kids go to their dads like the day before or the day after for like Christmas or Thanksgiving
Like for Christmas my kids will be at their dads the night of the 23rd and most of the 24th so they can still have christmas morning with them
I get them back for bedtime on xmas eve
Other holidays we kinda switch off on
Brest fast with moms dinner with dad
One year we get them first half next year we get em s3cond half christmas day and easterday the same aslo aswel as fathers day and mothers day
Christmas Eve and Mother’s Day with me - Christmas Day and Father’s Day with their father … every other holiday depends on whoever’s weekend it falls on.
The kids go to their dad’s family’s for Thanksgiving day and we have our dinner on Friday (the day after). This is nice for me, because I can relax on Thanksgiving and if I am out of something on the day I make dinner, the stores are open. I do not shop on Black Friday.
For Christmas, we alternated who had them on Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning. One year I would have them from Christmas Eve night to Christmas afternoon. He would then have them from Christmas afternoon until the next day. We would switch the next year. Now that my kids are older (the oldest is over 21), they decide for themselves where they will spend Christmas morning and evening.
Other holidays were never a major issue. I always had them for trick-or-treat, because I buy the costumes and was the only parent who was willing to walk with them. He tried to make Easter a big deal; however, the kids did not want to go to church so they told him that they would stay with me.