Could I be having a miscarriage or could it be something else?

I have been bleeding and clotting since Wednesday night, I am almost six weeks pregnant. I was sent to the hospital last night because I had blood work done, and my HCG levels were still very high. They did an ultrasound and pelvic exam and found that I was, in fact, pregnant, but they couldn’t find a heartbeat or a yolk sac. They told me it could just be too early to hear a heartbeat. Monday, I have to get more blood work and another ultrasound. Other than a miscarriage, what could this possibly be, they keep telling me they can’t know for sure, but I feel like I already know the answer.


It could be what has happened to me I was spotting took a test said I was pregnant and went to the hospital they did blood work and a ultrasound same thing as you my levels were high but my ultrasound was like yours so we waited I kept bleeding then they did test and my level went up but again no baby no yoc sac. Well I can’t remember what it’s called but the lady told me it’s like your body tricked itself into being pregnant or something but there was never a baby that developed or anything hopefully this isn’t your case tho. Good luck!

It’s really hard to say. With my first I bled every day, heavy too, for my entire first trimester. She’s a healthy and happy two year old now. None of the doctors had any answers as to why it happened, but it was a lot of appointments early on to keep track of things. They told me as long as the bleeding isn’t accompanied by cramping or pain, that I should try not to worry.

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Might be a subchorionic hemorrhage? I had one at 12 weeks with my son. It was terrifying but he’s a healthy happy toddler now.


I bleed everyday for 30 weeks started at 4 weeks ended at 34 weeks when I hemorrhaged. I had placenta previa

Vanishing twin syndrome
Subchoronic hematoma
And a lot of women bleed the first 12 weeks also


I had placenta previa! Bleed all the darn time …could be that

This happened to me 1995 and I stayed pregnant. But in my 6 month they said after I deliver they have to go in and make sure the baby that didnt make it is out. It was my first time of hearing I had two babies. I chose not to tell anyone.


Could be a subchoronic hematoma. I had bleeding and cramping around 6 weeks. Dr said it was the start of a miscarriage…mainly bc I was 44… Well drs arent always all knowing. It completely resolved and heres my healthy baby boy that was born in April.


It might be a blighted ovum.

I’m so sorry I hope you figure it out. You did the right thing of going to the hospital. Sending you lots of prayers hope you figure whats happening.

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This exact same thing happened to me in February. I was almost 8 weeks when I started bleeding. Ultrasound found no yolk sac or heartbeat. I had an early term miscarriage (blighted ovum). My hcg levels continued to rise even though I had no fetus. A blighted ovum is an empty dac where it implants but a fetus doesn’t form. My levels rose for a month and a half before I was prescribed pills to help my body miscarry. I tried to do it naturally but my body wasnt recognizing it. Honestly, from the time I found out I was pregnant I felt something was wrong and knew that’s how it would end. I still cried and cried and held hope until the second ultrasound where they confirmed it was a miscarriage. I truly hope this isn’t the case for you. But if it is, keep your head up and know that it happens to 1 in 4 women. Theres always someone to reach out to. And there isnt a SINGLE thing you could have done differently to change it


Did they do a repeat hcg? They need to do a second test 48 hours later to see if the numbers are increasing appropriately. That should tell you if it’s a miscarriage or not.

I’m sorry clotting is not a good sign. If you HCG level is above 2500 there should be a visible sac and heartbeat

I have a bicorunate uterus (heart shaped) I had a period every month my entire pregnancy. Basically my pregnancy was on the right side of my uterus and my left side never got the memo that I was pregnant so it still produced a period every month. Super rare, but it could be too.

I got preggo back to back had 2 miscarriages then preggo again same bleeding heaving etc was trying to cancel dr I was early no heartbeat etc went back 2 weeks later still bleeding & boom my rainbow baby just turned 3 mths

Have them check for Factor V Leiden…I had same symptoms and ended up miscarrying due to this. Find out now so you don’t have to go through it again. Easy fix if you do have it…a shot a day while you are pregnant.

Sounds very similar to what happened when I had an ectopic pregnancy, HCG levels were high but no sign of a pregnancy on the scan, I had to go back every other day for blood tests, my levels continued to rise but when they scanned again they saw the pregnancy was “stuck” in my Fallopian tube, I had to have a surgery to remove the tube. Hopefully this isn’t the case for you and all goes well though, Good luck xx

I am praying for you, a miscarriage is a terrible thing. I hope it is not, but my feeling is, if you feel it in your heart you know your answer. :pray::heart:

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Idk what it could be, but praying it’s not a miscarriage

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Thank you everyone :heartpulse: I have a 9 month old, and this was definitely not planned, but the thought that its my fault due to getting pregnant so soon after having my first. My HCG levels were around 16,000 when I got tested Friday, and i will get tested again Monday. Thank you for all your advice and thoughts :pray:t3:

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It all depends what you mean by your hcg levels are very high. If they are higher than 6-7 weeks and there is no heartbeat or yolk sac then chances are not good for a healthy pregnancy. But if they are below that, it’s perfectly normal to not have either yet. Really your hcg levels could have been repeated 2 days later to see if they are rising appropriately. There are lots of mommas that bleed when others don’t, there’s no rhyme or reason to it. Praying for good news on Monday!

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Sounds like ectopic pregnancy

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Twins?? Maybe you lost one.

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I had the same thing and I had to go to hospital every week for 3 weeks to check for heartbeat and just before my third week I miscarried I understand how u must be feeling right now It’s a horrible confusing time I wish u all the best and hope u and baby are ok :two_hearts::two_hearts: xx

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i had this but was actually pregnancy with twins. they are now 8. only way to know is go back in a week.

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Try your ob I was 5 weeks and 5 days and they seen a tiny dot (baby) and a little flutter which was the Heartbeat
Praying for you honey💕

Clotting is never a good sign and at 6 weeks you should be able to see a yok sac I think you are having a miscarrage just because I have had 8 and I been through this before.

Either a false pregnancy or a miscarriage. I just went through this but it was the second for me.

I’m 11w4d and I bled at about 8 weeks. They said it was bleeding after intercourse. Keep your head up!

Subcorionic hemorrhage. I bled 6w until 18w when it healed.


Could be an ectopic pregnancy, be careful , if you get lightheaded, weak , or have persistent abdominal pain, go straight to the Er and tell them to do an US and look at your tubes

I had that, was convinced I was losing the baby. I bled heavy for almost 5 days clots pain the lot, I was just over 6 weeks maybe nearly 7. HcG level was crazy high for my gestation, they didn’t visualise the baby on external scan but did on internal, they did say I must have been further along than 6 weeks as typically wouldnt see anything. Baby is now 2 i pray you get the same outcome

It may be an anembryonic pregnancy meaning you’re pregnant but there is no baby- everything else is there but no yolk sac. This is what happened to me when I first got pregnant. It’s still heartbreaking and you still have a miscarriage. Prayers for you :pray:

I was pregnant recently & had a sac with no baby. Found out at 9 weeks there was no baby. We held out for two weeks because my sac was measuring at 5 weeks so they thought I was earlier. Waited 2 weeks & went back 11 weeks for them to confirm that there was indeed no baby. It’s been 2 weeks since we started our healing!! Praying for you! :pray:t3:

Im very sorry you have to go through this I hope you have someone to talk to because this is very hard. I had one 21 years ago and it still hurts to this day. I will be praying for you and Inpray ot is not a miscarriage.

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It does sound like a miscarriage, unfortunately. I’ve had two. My first when I was 17, I’d gone into the Dr because I was bleeding and having pain, they said it probably wasn’t serious and to just relax and call if I passed a clot bigger than a quarter. I found out later that they knew it was a miscarriage the whole time but lied because I ‘was so young and they didn’t want to upset’ me :disappointed:

I had early bleeding… it was a cervical hematoma … thankfully it resolved itself after a couple of weeks & my baby is now 15 months. I’m currently 9 weeks pg but no bleeding… every pregnancy is different

With my last child. I started bleeding at 6 weeks. I went to hospital and made them do an internal sonogram. They found a heartbeat. So I was relieved. And most likely the bleeding was from a cyst. And I bled off and on for months

You could also have an ovarian cyst. That is how they act up. I have had that happen and had surgery to remove the cyst. Sending prayers.

I’ve spotted during beginning of my second pregnancy, freaked out, but everything ended up ok. So I wouldn’t lose hope yet. About 25% of women have some spotting with pregnancy. I would call OB tomorrow for f/u.

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Sorry hon it’s a misscarage my daughter went thru the same thing last year but has a beautiful daughter that will be 1 the 5th

God bless you and get you through this :heart:

Prayers that you are going to be all right.

:sleepy:Doesnt sound good hun

Praying for you. :heart::pray:

My ex wife had this happen. Turns out she was probably pregnant with twins and one spontaneously miscarried.

Some women have a “period” throughout their entire pregnancy. There is no way to know for sure until all of your tests are done or an ultrasound confirms it in the next couple of weeks

I had a normal period with all three of my kids the first month I was pregnant but no abnormal bleeding or clots. I also had a miscarriage at 12 in a half weeks which was really awful I had severe bleeding and clots when I miscarried.
I hope everything will be ok with you.

At 6 weeks it could be too early to see anything even if the baby is healthy. I’m so sorry you have too worry like this. I won’t lie. It COULD be a miscarriage BUT it might not be so best bet is to unfortunately wait for further testing to confirm. I’m sorry I wish I had better advice!

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I bled quite a bit early in my first pregnancy and it stopped. At an ultrasound later in my pregnancy they said baby was far smaller than it should be so they moved my due date back and said I got pregnant after I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. My hcg levels were always high through the entire pregnancy. Into my second term, I finally lost the baby.

Unfortunately, it’s possible it could be a miscarriage. It could also be something else. Make sure they rule out a tubal pregnancy. If you keep bleeding, go back to the hospital and get in to see your doctor.

I had a hemmorrhage while pregnant with my first. Ended up having some complications and he was born at 26 weeks, but he will be turning 4 at the end of this month and is a perfectly happy, crazy little boy. Keep your head up, and try to take it easy until you can know for sure. :heart:


I had a situation like this, although the emergency told me he was 99% sure I miscarried after a internal exam, then a week later I had to get it checked with another ultrasound but no heartbeat, 2 weeks later I found out I was pregnant with a healthy baby, turned out I had twins and lost one, my boy was born healthy! Hang in there, hope u haven’t miscarried! Best of luck! Xxx

Definitely could be a miscarriage but could also just be what they call a “threatened miscarriage” I had one with my second and was bleeding really badly but baby was fine. Unfortunately, you’re just going to have to wait and see x

I bled with both pregnancies, my second one I bleed for 14 weeks :grimacing: I had low hormones or something, I honestly can’t remember what caused it, just remember the suppositories I had to use :see_no_evil:
Don’t want to give you false hope because there is a chance you could be having a miscarriage, but hopefully you’re experiencing what I did and everything will be ok. Best of luck.

I experienced this with my third pregnancy and carried a healthy baby to full term. I’m hoping the same for you! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

I had “periods” and clots while pregnant with my 3rd. My first pregnancy was a miscarriage so I was terrified but i stipped bleeding around 6 months and had a health baby boy! When they say every pregnancy is different they mean it.

I bled a lot (like a heavy period) on and off during one of my pregnancies a lot but it was because my placenta was previa (over my cervix) so it might not be a miscarriage

Usually you cant get a heartbeat to pick up til 8 weeks, sometimes 10. Call OBGYN tmrw (tech. Today) and tell them whats going on. I never bled through my pregnancy so i cant offer more advice than that. Im sorry sweetie, i hope you find answers quickly. Xoxo

I lost mine at 6 weeks the hospital kept telling me not to think negative but I already knew it was gone there was nothing on ultrasound im sorry if this is the case for you

I personally had my period the first 3 months the first time I was pregnant so it’s not unheard of but I would definitely see a dr soon as possible

Some bleeding is normal, not hearing the heart beat that early is also normal just wait until your next appointment things may change

I also bleed during my first trimester. More than likely I had missed carried a twin

More importantly why are you asking strangers on the internet instead of calling your doctor or going to the ER?

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I had this too and mine was, as they couldn’t see the fetal pole in the sack, I really hope this is something like the ladies above had had and been fine. Wishing you the best

They will have to check your hcg levels again to see if they have increased or decreased. That’s the only way to know at this point

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Mske them do a vaginal ultra sound make sure not in tube. That will also puck up a heart beat sooner

Call your OBGYn your going to get a million versions from ppl on here what it could be . Ask a dr or in be go back to the ED

Awwww…whatever the out come…all the best and good luck. You’ve done everything you should so just keep positive till you find out the results. The less stress you have on yourself the better chance of survival for bub. Fingers crossed, big hugs and lotsa love from someone that recently miscarried at 8 weeks. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

You should be waiting to see the dr… thats it…

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I bled at 6 weeks pregnant and it was a hemorrhage of some sort. Stopped bleeding after a day and everything was fine. Hoping for the best

Sadly so… shouldn’t be bleeding at 6wks

My second pregnancy the sac grew but I miscarried within the first couple of weeks. I didn’t officially have a miscarriage until week 10. My hope that its not the case but my thoughts are with you xx

I’m praying for you honey please be ok your aunt Karen loves you