Could I possibly be having a girl?

I’m no help. All three of my pregnancies were different. The first and third were the most alike and they were different sexes; nausea but no really throwing up… my 2nd was absolutely horrible; pre-eclampsia, couldn’t hold down food, and breach and it was a boy that required an emergency c-section. 1st was a girl. Last 2 were boys.

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I had two girls and they were completely different pregnancies … so now matter what you think, it is random!

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Yes very common 4 girls I have 2 girls and had morning sickness with them both… my last girl it was 12 hours of sickness… then 7pm hit I could eat whatever I wanted…no sickness with my son

Boy i was sick, daughter was great… didn’t know what was going to have would love what ever GOD gave me!!

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Well I have two girls and two totally different pregnancy my first I had no morning sickness or nausea but my second I got was sick and nausea was 24/7 … i do hope you get your little girl though … if not it’s still a blessing wishing you all the best mama

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Every pregnancy is different. Symptoms are not an indication as to whether you have a boy or a girl. You will be able to have your ultrasound in a few weeks.


I was sick my entire pregnancy with my babygirl. I couldn’t eat nor did I have an appetite. I puked almost everyday until 1 week postpartum. She moved around like crazy and I felt her kick very early. Every pregnancy is different but you can see which symptoms are most common with each gender and then also what you feel like your having. I was 99% sure i was having a girl before they told us. Good luck mama :blush:

I was sick in my first trimester but I also didn’t know I was pregnant until almost 10 weeks along (had my gall bladder removed while pregnant and they said the side effects were missed periods and nausea- so of course I didn’t think anything of it) so my symptoms were partially from the surgery and partially from being pregnant.

And I know the questions - “didn’t they test you?” - yes they did but it was so early along in the pregnancy that it didn’t show up on any tests apparently. All I know is I have a happy, healthy and beautiful baby girl now that is adored by everyone she meets!

All 3 boys i had very little nausea. The only female pregnancy was INTENSE all day morning sickness. I didn’t get out of bed for 2 weeks. It was a huge difference for me. :woman_shrugging:


4 girls, 1 boy and felt great every time. My third I had lite sickness but also had a lot of stuff going on personally… No way to know accept an accurate sonogram

Every one is different however with both of my boys all I had was a headache for 2 weeks and then nothing. With my daughter I was sick all day every day for 4.5 months. Even water made me gag! This time I’m almost 14 weeks and have all the same symptoms as with my daughter so I’m also wondering if it’s another girl.

One pregnancy I was sick as a dog, felt like crap whole time, my skin was awful, gained a ton of weight, tons of anxiety, and depressed lots of crying, had a girl. Next pregnancy I felt fantastic, no sickness, was so happy all the time, my skin was great, gained less weight, thought for sure it was a boy, nope another girl. So who knows :laughing: think each pregnancy is just different.

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I’ve only had a girl but I was so sick with her it wasn’t even funny. I would be throwing up all day and would almost never stay all day at work because I would just be in the bathroom puking the whole time. Baby was healthy, mama was not lol. It’s made me seriously question whether or not I wanna go through it again to give her a little sibling lol

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I was opposite. I was sick all day, every day with my daughter. I could tolerate oatmeal and crackers. Later on shrimp. I lost weight while pregnant with her. I would see a fast food bag. Didn’t even have to smell it, just see it, and I was sick. My son was the opposite. He wanted a sausage egg mcmuffin every day, sweet cravings were off the chart. If I could see it, I ate it.

With my first born I had no morning sickness, was a great pregnancy.
2nd pregnancy, I had really bad morning sickness, all day long, all the way through pregnancy.
3rd pregnancy I had morning sickness for a few weeks and got really ill at the end.
3 different pregnancies, all 3 Girls x

That is how I felt and yes I’m having a girl but I honestly thought I was having a boy so I feel like you can’t judge the gender by how you feel Bc every pregnancy is different

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I had two polar opposite pregnancies and both were girls. :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t think the way you are feeling is a result of the gender


I was extremely nauseous during my entire pregnancies with both of my girls. I don’t have boys to compare. I threw up though. A lot. Especially early on. Later in my pregnancies, it was more being nauseated and having horrible heartburn. I lived on Rolaids. Don’t believe the myth though. I had the worst heartburn with my youngest and she came out pretty much bald lol My oldest wasn’t that bad and had a full head of hair.

I am still experiencing that in my second trimester and I’m having a boy… I’ve lost weight because my appetite has disappeared! I’ll feel extremely hungry at night but can hardly eat.

I have 4 sons. Each pregnancy was very different. I was convinced with each of my last 3 pregnancies they were girls but they were all boys. Thankful for 4 healthy sons.

I had hyperemesis, morning noon and night, all 3 of my pregnancies. My daughter’s was slightly less than the boys, it actually calmed down a bit in the later months. Then the little precious Angel gave me migraines, and she still does lol.

I was sick my whole entire pregnancy with my son. But when I got pregnant the other 3x I new they were all girls because I didn’t get sick not once during any of them. It all depends everyone is different

Every pregnancy is different I have one girl I was sick the first trimester but not groggy or off feeling i carried lower with her
My second I had a bit of morning sickness very tired and felt off the 1st trimester and felt great the second trimester the 3 trimester I got very big and very uncomfortable I had alot of amniotic fluid when my water broke it literally was relieving until my contractions started i carried very high with him
My 3 little boy exstreamly sick exstreamly tired foggy feeling no energy and he killed my back and pelvic bone I carried low with him

My first 2 was boys and my 3rd one my daughter, I don’t have no sickness with my 3rd one while with my boys was always sick. Everyone is different.
Good Luck

It all depends on the person and the pregnancy. My mom ‘knew’ I was going to be a boy bc with me was opposite of my sister and with my boys I had morning sickness but currently 33 weeks with my girl and have not had a single bit of it

With my daughter I had zero symptoms. I was a week shy of my 2nd trimester before I even knew I was pregnant! With my son I knew 4 weeks in. I was sick constantly! I couldn’t even make it a mile up the road to work with out stopping to throw up! I was drained constantly! I told my every one its a boy. Most didn’t believe me cause of how I carried him when I started to show.

My boy was so easy never got sick felt great & gained 21 pounds he was 8 lb 15oz, 14” head & shoulders labor sucked & was long emergency C section then came my girl I swear I knew I was pregnant the day after she was conceived I was sick I mean puking sick every day my whole pregnancy! She was little & vaginal delivery!

With my daughter I had no appetite. I ate pb&j. That’s about it. But my doctor told me not to worry because she would get the nutrients she needed regardless. Stay strong mama you’ll be ok!

Yeah I agree I had 2 boys one I was so sick like border line admitting ( I wore motion sickness bands to slo the sick parts roll my 2 Nd I was not sick but he was on my siatic nerve do I say symptoms or extra morning sickness doesn’t define

I’m 23 weeks in my third pregnancy. I have one boy and one girl and now pregnant with a girl. I didn’t have any symptoms with either of both of my pregnancies. But with this one…I had a morning sick and now I have to be on bed rest because she wants to make her appearance already.

Every pregnancy is different but I had terrible morning sickness throughout with my son, but my daughters was less short lived. If you really want to know you can have a blood test through sneakpeek gender testing. You can do it right at home!

I have 2 boys and a girl… with 1 of my boys i had nausea bad didnt want to eat much the other boy really had no symptoms… my girl though i was sick that first trimester like instantly felt icky… threw up several times had a fever felt like i had the flu and the whole pregnancy was basically complication after another… i call her my drama queen lol

I was sick as a dog with my girls I vomited every day until I delivered, with my boys I hardly had any nausea past the 1st trimester and I craved meat and condiments! I never liked tomatoes and pickles until I was pregnant with my first son and I would literally sit and dip pickles in ketchup and eat them. Makes me gag now thinking about it lol

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I have one girl , I was sick my entire pregnancy even up to day of delivery at 39 weeks . I also had horrible heart burn even a drink of water would set it off , but it’s all worth it !!

I have 3 boys… Each one was totally different… 1st one I was sick 24/7, couldn’t even go outside… 2nd I probably could’ve gone a whole pregnancy of not knowing lol… And my 3rd I was sick, in so much pain with dislocated pelvis, sciatic nerve pain, and heartburn… With my 3rd I also craved weird things like laundry soap and coins… I thought for sure he was a girl. Lol.

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With my son I only had minor sickness. With my daughter I was looking for any remedy to help!! Those preggo pops helped a lot. Good luck!!

With all 4 of my kids (3 boys 1 girl) I never had any morning sickness. I could have sworn this last pregnancy I was having a fourth boy but was happily surprised when my doctor said girl at 14 weeks gestation, and confirmed it at the anatomy scan as well. I’ve determined that nothing during the pregnancies I’ve had helped make it easier to determine gender of my beautiful children.

Three sons and only had morning sickness 1st month of my first pregnancy! Always felt great! Nails and hair grew and only gained about 20 lbs each time! Son number 7 1/2 hours labor, number 2 44 misreading biggest baby and easiest and number 3 in 20 minutes! Made to have children!!

My first two were girls, and barely had any sickness. My third baby was a boy, and my doctor had to prescribe me nausea medicine which I had to take daily. I was so sick the whole pregnancy.

Well… on my fifth pregnancy I thought I was having a boy bc I was much smaller and had no morning sickness or headaches throughout. I had 4 daughters and the pregnancies were all the same. But, it turned out, I was blessed with another beautiful girl. My sixth was a beautiful baby girl too…:two_hearts::blush:

Bad puking for all 4 babies lol. I wouldn’t rely on that kind of stuff everyone is different mama maybe a chinese calendar you could check out also some people say they’ve been spot on with all kids

Before I realized i was pregnant with my daughter, i felt like getting sick when my ex was cooking farm fresh eggs. I couldn’t stand eggs my first trimester. Abd I got morning sickness. It was mild but it was there. I didn’t really have it with my son.

Yes. Two of my 3 pregnancies I had 24/7 morning sickness. Both are girls. Just my experience, tho. Best of luck!

I was sick with my boy, and couldnt leave the kitchen… seriously I ate like a cow! But I was very mellow.

With my girl I was not sick, I ate normal, but i was HIGHLY EMOTIONAL.
Which i had alot of stress that lead on some of it… but I was not myself AT ALL with my Daughter!

Not necessary, could be because of a lot of factors, age, health, etc. My sis and I both had difficult pregnancies in the terms of nausea and general health. But she has a boy and I have a girl.

Take it from an experienced Mom, my kids are in their 30s now, every pregnancy is different, you cannot go by past pregnancies, the only way to tell if you wanna know is as soon as your OB says you can see (if you wanna know)is just look at the sonogram, my husband and I never wanted to know, I had 2 girls and when I got pregnant with my 3rd I felt sure it was a boy so I picked out boy’s names and like I said we didn’t want to know so when the time came Surprise!!! A girl!!! So you see if you really want to know, get that picture or just be ready for either one, never speculate, many blessings to you!!!

I was all day sick with my 1st daughter for the whole pregnancy, I had really bad morning sickness until like lunch time for the 1st trimester with my 2nd daughter and I had miner morning sickness for about the first 5 weeks with 3rd daughter who happened to be a twin which was a boy! So maybe there is something to it!

I think the answer to this is, every pregnancy is different. Can’t speculate the gender of a baby based on mommy’s health.

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All my pregnancies and symptoms were so different. I thought for sure my second was a girl, because I was so sick. Nope 3 boys :blue_heart:

My first was a girl and I literally threw up all day every day til I was about 20 weeks lol my second is a girl and I was only slightly nauseous occasionally

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I have 3 girls 1 boy with my son I gained so much weight, craving like crazy and just an overall feeling of being sick. With my girls I had more energy, no craving or anything really didn’t gain very much weight at all. But that’s just my experience with my pregnancies everyone is different. I never with none of my girls had any morning sickness or really anything negative.

All myth. I had hardly any naseua with my first which was a girl. Then I was very sick with my second which was a boy. And I was the sickest I ever was with my last child which was a girl. Only thing that proved true was the heartbeat. My girls were between 160-170 BPM. And my son was 140s

Son #1 sick during 1st trimester
Daughter #2 never sick at all, only heartburn towards the end
Daughter #3 (currently) sick around 4 weeks and still sick at 19 weeks!

Gender doesn’t really matter.

I never had morning sickness with any of my kids I couldn’t drink coffee for the first three months had no flavor but with my third I couldn’t eat hotdogs everyone thought it was a girl I had 2 already even the dr thought so he was a boy the first one in my family in 54 years

I felt sick with my 1st boy. My next 2 pregnancies I was perfectly fine, occasionally sick and I had boys again. The pregnancy after that sick, again and i had a girl. #5 sick all the time, boy again. It was very different in each pregnancy but its not guarantee that you’re having a girl.
My 1st and my last 2 were the worst sickness and back pains.
If you’re looking forward for a girl, best of luck and hope you get your girl. :slightly_smiling_face:
Its all myths, so dont believe everything you hear.
Like I said, every pregnancy is different

I was sick with my daughter for 9 months but with my son didn’t even know I was pregnant so maybe it a girl good luck

I was so sick the majority of my pregnancy with my daughter. If I fulfilled a craving I’d get sick if I tried to have it again. I couldn’t stand the smell of meat cooking. I also had to fake my “glow” with makeup. Lol! But with my son I was great good skin, my hair was full and shiny, my energy was through the roof!

I had horrible morning sickness for 4 and a half months when I was pregnant with my daughter and my pregnancy with my son was the exact opposite. I only got sick with him a couple times, one was because we got stuck in traffic for 3 hours and he wiggled his way up to my stomach somehow lol anything else was caused by heartburn

Every pregnancy is different. I had light nausea with my first daughter but only threw up a few times like once a month. With my second baby , I vomited until my 2nd trimester and was exhausted. She is a girl too . I didn’t throw up with either of the boys but I was really sleepy and I had had Diabetes with my last son . So, it doesn’t really mean anything one way or the other.

Ohhhh I feel you I have 2 boys and 1 girl the last one was a girl. I was sick the whole 9 months throwing up until my water broke. Couldn’t keep anything in. When I went to the doctor and confirmed it’s a girl . Nauseous all the time heartburns they never stopped. With the boys I never had that only with the first trimester I had all the symptoms but then it stopped.
So I feel you

I had 2 girls and then a boy, I was slightly nauseous for only a couple days each but that was it. They were all 3 basically the same but I will say this… my gut feeling was spot on each time so maybe follow your gut…

I have 3 girls and had very different symptoms with each :woman_shrugging:t3: though I didn’t really have any morning sickness with any of them.

All 3 of my pregnancies were completely different and I had 3 boys. My last I had horrible morning sickness and heartburn and thought maybe it’s a girl but nope…another boy

Every pregnancy is different so I really don’t believe there is a way to tell. I had 2 boys and prayed for a girl and 7.5 years after my miscarriage I finally got pregnant…i was happy to finally be pregnant and but still we all wanted a girl…there was yet to ve a granddaughter born. We were shocked to find out it was a girl. Now she is 6 months old and a dream come true. I can’t tell you a difference as all 3 were so different. I can tell you want a girl and I hope you get her! There were a lot of girls born this year!! Congratulations!!

I was sick EVERY day with my daughter but not sick at all with my son.

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I have 4 girls - never had morning sickness. Lol each pregnancy will always be different. Good and bad. Chances of you having a girl is still 50/50.
Hope you feel better though :heart:

I have a 4 year old boy and pregnancy with his was awesome, super easy I’m now pregnant again and thought the same thing it’s a totally different pregnancy but turns out I’m having another boy lol

I had almost a perfect pregnancy with my son aside from major pelvic pain and heartburn.
My daughter i was sooooo nauseous in the beginning. I stole my husband’s seat one morning and told him i either sat down immediately or i throw up :joy:

Not for me…I have 2 beautiful daughters and my pregnancy for both were easy as pie…I ate all day with both…didn’t have any morning sickness with both

Each pregnancy is diff… I only feel tired easily and would go to bed by 8:30pm. Appetite is really good throughout entire pregnancy. But my mother instinct is accurate, before gynae reveal baby’s gender I already knew is a gal or a boy. Or perhaps it is just coincidence? :smiling_face:

It’s common for moms to be sick with one gender and not the other. But it’s also common to just get super nauseous for an entire pregnancy regardless of gender.

Same with my girl. Except I was constantly tired in trimester 1, nauseated in the second one. Never really puked with her, just severe bad dry heaving.

I have 6…my first and 4-6 were girls and the pregnancies were TERRIBLE… they seemed to get worse as they went my last one was so bad at 27 weeks I got admitted for severe pre eclampsia …had her 2 weeks later!! When I was pregnant with my girls I was so sick that I constantly lost weight…that became the way people knew I was pregnant…it was sad…

3 girls and every pregnancy was different. One I had no issues during pregnancy but horrible delivery. 2nd high risk pregnancy and easy delivery. 3rd one nausea, semi high risk pregnancy and easy delivery… I thought for sure my 3rd one a boy because she was so different than the other 2…

I had two boys. A year apart. Both pregnancies very easy. Bloated a little more with second one but that’s it. 8 years later had a girl. So sick the whole time. Had another girl another 8 years later. Worst pregnancy ever.

First had every symptom out there it was a boy my next child no symptom at all n hardly ever gained weight n yes it was a boy every pregnancy different but whatever you have congrats

My first I didn’t have any nauseous or anything, just super tired. This one nausea, super tired, headaches, food aversions, all kinds if stuff… both girls.

I was sick for the first 5 almost 6 months of my pregnancy with my daughter​:upside_down_face: she’s my only child. I threw up 6+ times a day. I looked like a skeleton with a baby bump​:sweat_smile: I hated pregnancy with a passion and I’m not sure I’ll have more kids… But I’d do it all again just for my baby girl​:smiling_face::purple_heart:

I was so sick with my first a girl … my second not nearly as bad and nowhere near as long second was a boy … but say all pregnancy are different…

I have 3 boys now. My first 2 where the same pregnancy. I’m sick but just in a short period of time. 3rd one came, I became a picky eater. I hate meat. All I want to do all day is drink water or sparkling water and eat fruits and vegetables. Then I thought I would have a girl but come to find out it was another boy.

I have two girls. First one I was never sick or nauseated. Second one, I had the worst morning sickness every day and got sick several times. I don’t think gender matters. Every pregnancy is different.

My 3 daughters I was sick almost the whole time. I had to force myself to eat… Then 85%of the time it came back up anyway. I felt nauseous about 90)% of my pregnancies with all 3​:unamused::sleepy:

With both my girls I’ve had morning sickness since before I took a test(that’s usually my first sign Im pregnant) I throw up everyday. I’m 37 weeks along now with my second girl and I’m still throwing up like 3 times a week. And Im not a fan of food at all. With my son I had none of that.

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The more pregnancies you have, the more sensitive your body becomes to the hormones… that’s why you’re getting sick. At least, that’s what my Dr told me.

I have had a girl and a boy. And with both I had the same symptoms. No sickness what so ever. The only different was my cravings. With my daughter my first I wanted nothing but sweets. Chocolate milk and ice cream. And with my second my son I wanted salami like no other but also ice cream lol

All 3 vomited thru the whole pregnacy but my 3rd one wasnt right away like my other 2 it started like around 3m so i said yay its a girl but nope troing up for everything started and i said ok nvm its a boy and i was right i saw his thingaly before the nurse told us what we where having :joy:
But it felt weired cause suppostly little kids can also tell what ur having and my know 5 yr old would be so attached to me he would say its his baby sister in my belly so he litterly cried and screamed at the nurse telling her kids to that it was a boy lol so i have 3 boys and im still in for the girl but maybe in 5 yrs

I had no symptoms whatsoever with my 1st. I have every symptom in the book had all day sickness on and off until I delivered. Both girls!

Two boys. Sick as a dog for 5 months with both. Threw up literally all day Actually went to the hospital with the first i was so sick.

Every pregnancy is different. I have 2 boys 3 girls. I was most sick with my oldest who is a boy, and the youngest who is a girl. The 3 in between were just a little sickness here and there. I did break out more with the girls though!

Ive had 2 girls and 1 boy. All different. My son was first. Sick all day of i didn’t eat within an hour of waking up. Usually had to have dairy to make me feel better. With my oldest daughter, she was the easiest. Had some heartburn and aversion to some foods and smells. My youngest i was tired all the time. No real problems with eating. She just drained me.

My daughter in law was just diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravidarum
Also called: HG. She did not have it with her first pregnancy (boy) but has it with this one (also boy) you just never know !

I’ve had two boys. Was sick as a dog with my first, only occasionally at night with my second. Think it’s luck of the draw but hoping for you it’s a baby girl this time :slightly_smiling_face:

I had the worst morning sickness with my girl. I figured out that sugar triggered it (mind you, she’s 12 and totally fine with sugar)

With my son i did not have morning sickness at all and no cravings. I did eat sweets but the usual since ive always had a thing for sweets. With my 2nd pregnancy i loved tacos de chicharron and as far as i know no morning sickness but i had a miscarriage so i didnt know what i was having. With my daughter i had nausea through out my whole pregnancy and like you i couldnt eat in the day only at dinner. So i would say girl based on my pregnancy.

My pregnancy were the same 1 boy 1 girl. Girls heartbeats are faster than boys. If it’s above 150 then it could possibly be a girl. That was the only difference ( besides b/g). My son heartbeat was always around 130-138

I was like that with my girl AND my two boys. So :woman_shrugging:t2:

But I’ve heard there is something to a pregnancy that is way different from previous pregnancies being a sign that it’s a different gender.

Either way, that’s miserable, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and I hope it lets up soon, so you can feel somewhat normal. :heart:

I have 3 girls. No morning sickness, no heartburn (heads FULL of hair), worked til the day I delivered with my first and third (was SAHM for 2nd).

Ancient words from my mother" it doesnt have anything to do the gender. It has everything to do with how much you are at ease with your pregnancy"

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Pregnancy hormones doesn’t care about the gender. My daughter threw up ALL the time with her daughter. She would have to pull over to throw up. She was so so sick.

I had that with my daughter. I almost never actually threw up but I was so nauseous and gagging I couldn’t eat until late in the afternoon then all I’d do is eat. But when I ate I got nauseous to. It was weird and I lost a lot of weight.