would deff say its because the birth control came out something similar happened when i stopped nuva ring and got my iud removed
Probably just getting your paragard out. I didn’t get a period for a month after getting my Mirena out earlier this spring.
Literally get a blood test why are you asking Facebook?
Pregnancy test?!?
Get a pregnancy test done …
Facebook isn’t a pregnancy test. If you wanna know go do a test
TTC= trying to conceive
Take a test. Then you would know. Simples.
Sounds like you’re TTC to me so you should have pregnancy tests stocked in your home because social media cannot accurately determine if you’re pregnant or not.
Get a pregnancy test?
]why post go get a drugstore test.
Omg, does admin actually read these before posting
Go take a pregnancy test…
Get a pregnancy rest
That’s it, I’m deleting this page
Dumbest post I’ve seen on this page lately
Put your big girl pants on. Take a prego test or go to the doc.
Maybe instead of wasting time writing this, GET A PREGNANCY TEST.
I say wait a week or two and test then if your period hasn’t came. Sometimes taking out birth control or switching birth controls will change your cycle!
I just don’t understand the whole “my boyfriend and I are TRYING to get pregnant.” Why would you try to get pregnant with someone you’re not married to?
Honestly it can be anything. There’s no way to tell we’re not doctors. And I’m not trying to say that to be mean but it seems like a lot of people like to come to Facebook to see if they’re pregnant. Anything can happen at any time. When you’re dealing with birth control like that, it could just be your cycle messed up. That’s just how it goes. You can call a doctor and get a blood test done or you can take it over the counter pee test and wait a little bit. So I would do that to confirm before anything. Because none of us are going to know. And you’re going to get some people we’re going to say “You’re pregnant yay exciting!” But they don’t know and you might not be so you’re getting incorrect information from people just because they want to be a cheerleader to you, if that makes sense. I mean people will post their pregnancy test on Facebook and there’s nothing on it. And people say “oh it looks positive to me! I can barely see a faint line but it looks positive!” And then come to find out that it wasn’t positive. So you have to be careful what you post on here because you’re going to get yes and no’s and it’s not going to help you get to an answer.
Just…go get a test? I’m not trying to be a snark, I promise, but why spend all the time calculating the days and events, when you could just go get a pregnancy test? Or see your doctor? Good luck to the original OP
Well, since the consensus of the Facebook pregnancy test unit is a bit fuzzy, I’d suggest taking a test. Might sound old fashioned, but sometimes the best thing you can do is put down the damn phone, use your head, and go buy a pregnancy test. Or go to a Dr. A real one.
If you are having unprotected sex then there is always a Chance you are pregnant…
It’s probably the hormonal shift from getting the IUD removed. You can always test to be sure but I doubt it
Go get a test done the dollar store… Duh
Just take a test. Pretty simple.
If you don’t know, take a test. Always. Take. A. Test. If it comes back negative and a missed period is your only symptom wait a week or two and take another one, if it’s still negative go to your local OBGYN.
It’s probably hormone changes but honestly just go get a test.
When I got pregnant with my son I’d only had sex once in the last 2 months. Only takes one good shot
I had my IUD removed and was 1 week pregnant 2 weeks after that so it took 1 week
I got pregnant while on birth control and wearing a condom…. So take a damn test
Go see a doctor. FB cant Possibly know if your pregnant.
My goodness!
These posts aggravate me just go buy a pregnancy test. The internet is not a fortune teller.
Get a period app and record your new cycle starting from taking birth control out. Ignore past cycles. You will start to ovulate in the next few months. Good luck!
Oh and most likely not pregnant just your hormone changes from removal making ur period change a little.
Why don’t you buy a pregnancy test. It would be faster than reading all the answers on here
Quit planning around ovulation just freely give him sex and it will happen my wife stressed her self so hard she started missing ovulation but once we quit trying bam she got pregnant
Could be, I would test. Me and my partner only had sex 4 times that month and according to my chart it was no where near my ovulation time. Turns out I ovulated a week early and ended up pregnant. I’d bet it’s the iud tho. I didn’t get periods with mine but when it got taken out I remember being in so much pain, for me the withdrawals from the hormones was worse then labor (I had the marina and it only lasted 2 years before causing me chronic cyst)
Take a test. It could be from the removal
The odds are low since u had birth control in.
Go to Walmart. Spend .88 and it will tell you.
Lol omg is this page real ?? It can’t be ?! Girl go get a pregnancy test lmao
Could take a while after to conceive dor hormones to balance out I was the same after i came off mine no harm in testing in case
Anything is possible. I got pregnant the day my period started. Wasn’t on my period when I had sex. But anyways. I ended up pregnant. Just go get a test. I use dollar tree brand.
I mean…you could take a test:woman_shrugging:
Give it time if your anxious could take a little bit or go Walmart get cheap test I had a test at the clinic come back negative and went to Dr later and dam if I was not pregnant .
You had unprotected sex? You might be pregnant lol see a Dr
Yes you are pregnant. No you are not pregnant… Go get a pregnancy test and you will know!
Could be your hormones trying to regulate after getting it removed.
Modern technology has created a thing called a pregnancy test. It’s super cool too, you just need to get it pee on it and POOF your answer will appear in about 3 minutes
If your unsure about being pregnant at anytime simply take a test there’s no harm done by peeing on a stick. At least this way you can get the best prenatal u can.
I’d just test each morning
Almost every comment missed the entire first part I guess. Birth control isn’t bullet proof. That first, late period that wasn’t heavy as normal could have been implantation bleeding. You’re period not happening on time right after removing birth control is normal by itself. But also as people keep pointing out, go take a test and find out. No one on here can actually know if you are or not.
By now you should have taken an at home test. I don’t see how I can help you by guessing at this point.
They sell pregnancy tests at $.99 only. Buy a weeks worth and test daily. If positive, have your GYBN confirm it
Ummm hears a grand idea, take a pregnancy test
Just test. Usually after stopping birth control it can be off. It’s best to wait a couple cycles to et you body even out.
Take a test. Could go either way. I want to say unlikely from the 2 day late period as you were still on birth control. But also being 5 days late AFTER taking it out could mean positive. I took out my implanon in Sept & by early December I was already 7 weeks pregnant, this was in 2020. Wishing the best for you & that you may have the results you want. Just don’t stress too much, as it really can affect your chances negatively when under a lot of pressure
Take a test?? That’s why they have them
My cycle was super weird when I first got mine removed
Pregnancy tests are a thing. You should try one
Also how do other women pinpoint exactly which day they got pregnant? Like sperm survives up to 7 days in your body… and I had way too much sex to know which session resulted in pregnancy
Take a test but honestly birth control is going to cause that to happen too. Very common.
I use to be extremely fertile. I was seperated from my husband because of his job for 25 days. We had sex on the 28th day after my last period started… yup, I got pg. The nurse told me that some women are just like that. And that was over 40 years ago.
Well, you just have an interesting story to tell you doctor/nurse when they start guessing your due date. It goes on your last last period and I never keep track of mine so when I was there I was like “hmm. I know i had one. Then I didn’t ”
As someone who got her paragard removed because she was 6 and a half weeks pregnant. Always test when a period seems lighter. I had a super light, 3 day period. Then was late for my next period when I peed on the test. That second period after the light one never came but I had taken the test and blood test by then so I knew why. Lol
When I got my paragard out it took me 8 months to get pregnant, but everyone is different it may just be your hormones going back to normal you should take a test if you really want to know.
Take a test, but I did get pregnant on birth control and had bleeding for 3 months around my period time just lighter.
You should test to be sure, I really don’t know why anyone would have to ask this question, when it’s so easy to buy a test
It took me one time of having sex after my Paraguard was removed and I was pregnant. (It was literally the same week I had it removed)
To ease your mind for now, do a test to check but definitely follow up with your OBGYN
Take a test or go to the doctors it could be so many things including pregnancy x
I’d get a test to confirm if you were pregnant or not. & Ovulation starts, typically, 12-14 days after your period… some woman can ovulate 6 days after but you are most fertile 1-2 days out the month(from what I was told, but every woman is different, I say) Me, I apparently don’t need a period to ovulate. Conceived two babies without periods (as the Dr said their only conclusion was a spontaneous ovulation because I wasn’t having periods til after my second child & I don’t have any medical conditions or hormonal imbalance, at least none that they could find )
& Implantion bleeding is usually 1-3 days with light spotting, typically lighter than your period… Me, however, bled every month I was pregnant til I gave birth at 22 weeks with my first son but none before (I didn’t get a “missed” period, my body has a mind of its own) my daughter, I didn’t have periods either, none during pregnancy but after I had her, I bled for 3-4 weeks pp then after that I have “normal” periods every month…
Every woman’s body is different… So no harm in taking a test & it’s okay to be still learning your body… there’s a lot of shamers in here & don’t let that discourage you…
I’m assuming your trying to conceive. Best advice I can give is to have fun with with it & not think too much about it…
I tried for 2 yrs to have my first son, after he passed away I waited 1 year, had two more miscarriages, then when I gave up trying, I conceived my daughter 2 mos later & now I have two healthy children, 5yr old & 1 1/2 yr old.
I mean it’s possible you got pregnant end of July, as some ppl do still have periods or light periods. If your following your ovulation with temp etc and it’s accurate you wouldn’t be pregnant from the time you had sex on 8/28; so either you got pregnant with the IUD at end of July and had mild spotting or ……you are not pregnant…. And late because of IUD removal. But if you are pregnant a test should tell you by now whether you are or not.
I’m not a doctor tho. Just a mom who has had many pregnancies.
Why put so much personal info out when you can go buy a test, which are cheap, and find out for yourself
Ya’ll are fuckin rude I see some people commenting their own similar experiences and maybe that’s all this person is really looking for. Damn people calm down.
Dude…pregnancy tests are 89 cent at walmart. The internet isnt gonna be able to tell you shit when it comes to whether or not youre pregnant. Also Paraguard has no hormones so no, its not that. Next time just make a doctors appointment or piss on a friggin stick like the rest of us
There’s an answer to your question right at your fingertips. Get a pregnancy test
Pretty sure it’s just the iud. I had the paraguard and had weird periods after getting it removed
I would think it had to do with your paragaurd. Your cycle will be unpredictable for a few months
Lol I’m dying why not just take a test ?
Take a dollar store test!! Same ones Drs office use!! Best of luck
Are you a animal just take a test or go to a vet
It’s called a pregnancy test buy one
If you had sex, you could possibly be pregnant.
Just keep your private stuff private we don’t need to know all that shit,period!!!
You go get a damn test.its that simple
Why do you not ask your doctor or get tested instead of asking us on facebook. Smh…
As long as it took to type this here, you could’ve made an ob/gyn appointment.
Take a test…none of us are doctors …
I hate the pregnancy questions. How are strangers online supposed to know? Take a test and if you’re still unsure go see your doctor.
See your Dr not face book
Yes you are probably pregnant…
Take a test… problem solved
Dummest. Post. Ever.
What the FUCK is S**