From what I’ve heard paragard removal can cause irregular periods & light bleeding. But being late 5 days is a sign of pregnancy. I would wait like a week maybe two so that way if you are your levels can get up and will show positive on the test!
Go get a pregnancy test?
When in doubt, take a test.
It could be from removing the IUD but you need to get a test.
By the time you finished writing and posting this you could have gone to the shop and got a test
Most likely your BC re regulating your hormones
Go to Dollar Tree and buy a test. No one on fb can answer a question about what’s going on with your body.
Anytime you have intercourse you could in fact be pregnant. Also ovulation doesn’t last 7 days . It’s only about 24 hours so you are most fertile the couple days before and couple days after ovulation. Are you tracking ovulation? Or testing for it? You could have ovulated later in your cycle than you realize also.
Go to the doctor
Go get a test
Stop asking people on facebook
Some people will ask the internet the most basic of things…
I feel like I need to leave this group. Almost every post I see is something that can be solved with common sense…
Um take a test. Literally no one on here can tell you if you are or not this is the stupidest post I’ve ever seen.
Get a test anythings possible
I had the same problem last week. Went to the doctors to be told my iud wasnt there and i was pregnant. Went for ultrasoumds etc and found out it was an eptopic pregnancy. Get checked out.
Yes, you are pregnant anndddd…its a boy. Thank you for helping me figure out my psychic powers
So you’re already been trying too conceive before getting out you bc? Take a test but most likely from getting out your bc and hormones regulating! Nobody here can tell you whether or not your pregnant
I got my period ( totally reg one) for the first month I was preg with my oldest
Take a test. The light bleeding could be implantation bleeding.
I had my period for the first 6 months with my first two and had period for 5 months with last two
Wow some of these comments are pretty rotten, shame on you for being shitty and ignorant… I’m sure she just wants to know if anyone else ever experienced what she’s experiencing… and I’m also sure she knows that she needs to take a pregnancy test!!!
People are rude. Ignore it. I bled frequently with my first. Even made trips to the hospital to make sure I wasn’t miscarrying. Get a test and take it when you first wake up.
A test kit will tell you what you need to know very fast.
Take a test or go to the doctor.
I’m not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened
Did you have sex? If yes you could be pregnant
Your body is re-regulating from getting your BC out. Take a test for the peace of mind, but I’m banking on your hormones just trying to readjust
Yeah, get a blood test at a Dr’s office.
Getting off bc can mess with your cycle.
So can stress, hormone changes (which happens every few years), etc.
If you’re actually trying, start pre natal vitamins. That can help.
Did you have sex? Same answer for both.
First off. No one here can tell you if you are pregnant or not. We can give you our thoughts, which is basically nothing.
Second, you probably should have been told this when you got your paragard put in and taken out. Birth control can totally mess with your hormones, thus mess with your period.
Third. If you feel and or ever suspect pregnancy, TAKE A TEST. Or schedule an appointment with your obgyn or health care provider.
Lastly, it is always best to take a test or schedule an appt for anything regarding pregnancy or health. ALWAYS BEST. Not google. Not making a post. Not asking a bunch of stranger who can tell you a million different things about your this and that
Seriously? How would we know? Get a test, anything can happen
Probably most likely not pregnant but again we have no way of knowing
It could be bc of the removal and or combination of period too. Your best bet is to take a couple at home pregnancy tests to see for sure. If you had a period/ some bleeding wait a few weeks so the test will be more accurate. Good luck!
We can’t tell you if you’re pregnant. Take a test
So, a woman comes here looking for advice. And everyone chooses to be an ass. Gosh, take a chill pill and if you’ve got nothing nice to say, look in the mirror and say it to your damn self and stop projecting.
For the poster
Anything is possible at this point babe. Hormones could be adjusting to your BC being removed, or you could be pregnant. Give it a few days, if still no period, take a test.
Get a pregnancy test strip and check yourself. We can’t conclude you are pregnant over an internet post.
I had a lighter period when pregnant with my second born for two months before they stopped. Entirely possible you’re preggo.
Yep, you’re pregnant
Please take a test and FYI when you had paragard in you likely didn’t ovulate since it’s a birth control. Also taking paragard out might of messed up your whole cycle for a little bit. But u did to take a test to be sure but unlikely you are
Lol is it me or does it seem like the op is scared to say the word “sex”? “We had s**”… “we didn’t have it again”… “we barely had any”…
You don’t ovulate for 6 days, it’s just a one and done thing each month. You have fertile times but you only ovulate once. And if you ovulated somewhere between the 13th and 19th, it is impossible for that egg to have still been waiting and viable by the 28th. Also, at 5 days late, it would be so so rare not to have a positive test result. It’s much more likely that this is all your body attempting to reset after coming off birth control
I wasn’t on any birth control but my periods are pretty regular and did the same thing when I found out with my first. It was just a little lite. Lol but I waited for the next month before I took a test. I wanted to see how that time of month was going to be and when it didn’t start I already knew.
You could possibly have been pregnant from before the light period, if in doubt do a test
Your “fairly light period” when you’re used to heavy periods could’ve been the egg settling into your uterus. When I became pregnant I had a light “period” which I later found out wasn’t a period but actually the egg settling. I’d take a pregnancy test just to be safe.
I would just take a test but i would say no, stopping BC can def delay your period
Do you have a Doctor or hospital you can go check up ???
I got pregnant the week after i had my paraguard removed
Have a test could be because you’ve had device removed
I would take a test but I didn’t have my period for 3 months after I stop birth control and than I found out I was pregnant when I was spotting three months after being off birth control and I thought I was getting my period. And I wasn’t 3 months along I was very early. I apparently got pregnant right before I was going to start my period again after getting the birth control out of my system.
You want to make sure so take a test and then still go to a OB / GYN because with any IUD if you get pregnant while using it you can get an etopic pregnancy. This is life threathing and must be removed ASAP .
So you must find out either way .
Written by an RN
Easy go get tested. I didn’t know we had so many doctors on here.
I didn’t even bother reading this.
Go take a test. My gawd.
Best to probably take a test to see, because you never know. If you are, congrats! If not, just keep trying! hope everything works out exactly how you want!
When I was pregnant with my son I had my period on and off for 2 weeks straight I would bleed one day then nothing the next day an so on and then I missed my next period so went and got tested found out I was 8 weeks pregnant by that time so it could be possible just get tested for ease of mind
Take a test or go to Dr.
Just take a test. That’s the only way you’ll know.
If you’re not sure, take a test??
I think she asked this to see if someone has had a similar experience. Jesus you guys are ruthless lol
Could be the iud removal. My doc warned me that getting it out could cause a delayed period. It us also on their website. I ended up getting mine 3 days sooner than expected… but its not likely you are pregnant. Take a test if you’d like but it isn’t likely given your fertility dates.
I’d say it’s most likely hormonal changes from the removal of your contraception. Give a another month or so to let your body get back into rhythm before trying.
Otherwise just get a pregnancy test to be sure either way
Buy a test that will confirm one way or the other
If you are pregnant best thing to do? Ask facebook
I mean… I’d wait a couple more days and then test. Because it would be pretty rare to have an inaccurate result by 16 days after you last had sex to even conceive. But I have heard of stories so I mean… Doctors visit if still no period for a week? I mean, that would be my move.
Take a pregnancy test they are cheap! Quick way to get your answers without it being so public
Just take a pregnancy test….? Like I’m sorry but why are you even getting on here just take a test and find out this is dumb
Once the egg is released you are fertile for 24 hours, that window is a guess from an app based by your data on when your fertile window could happen. You could have ovulated later than that date or not yet. Have you tested yet? Sometimes you won’t get a positive test for 9+ days after a missed period based on when you ovulate and when implantation happens
Why are you putting this out there for everyone else to know your business??
I’d personally be more inclined to think it was the removal of your parqguard.
But definitely do a test
If you are 5 days past your period then take a test it will tell you but chances are that is the iud removal. It takes a while for your body to regulate itself after removing it.
Get a home pregnancy test and check yourself.
Why ask on here, no one can tell you if you are or not…
I’m so confused as to why this question is being asked on here. Go take a test or go see your OBGYN. lol. Good luck to you though!!
You only ovulate during a small 1/2 day span. The other days are “fertile” days meaning if you do the deed during the frame it will help. Honestly just sounds like your birth control messing you up. Also will have an easier time conceiving if you learn how your body works
Girlll wait to take a test!! It could of course be very likely.
This pages is fucking stupid these days. People posting all their dirty laundry and asking stupid questions this post was the push I need to unflollow, thanks.
Nameless Network Admin, stop approving this shit. Not enough drama in your life since Covid started???
If you’re having sex… even while on birth control there’s always a possibility.
It’s always cute when a person misses their period and asks everyone for permission to go to dollar tree and buy a pregnancy test.
Take a test… I found out at 5 weeks with my son and only 3 & 1/2 weeks with my daughter…
You could take a test and find out…?
Deja de estupid…s y ve con un especialista y vea tu ritmo y dias blancos de ovulacion y si estas mal tu periodo esta mal es algo raro pero lo es yodos dicen cancer ovario ve y revisate y deja de publicsr tus pende…as
See a doctor. Take a pregnancy test. How would we know?
Best bet is to just take a test. If you are late it’d show
I think it’s the paragad…. But go get a test and good luck!
Who knows. Just buy a test.
Go get a test instead of asking for opinions.
I’d say you couldve spent 10$ and you would’ve known by now
You literally just got your birth control taken out. It takes like 6 months to a year for that to get out of your system.
Did you ask a Magic 8 Ball??
Why ask us? Get yourself a test or go to your doctor
Go get bloodwork done as well as take some tests
Go do a pregnancy test and you will know for sure.
Take a home pregnancy test
Don’t ask the internet, take a test…
Get a test. You don’t need fb for that.
I would take a pregnancy test. Just to see.
Take a test to see because anything possible
Pt test early morning as soon u wake up first urine
There’s literally tests you can buy that say if you’re pregnant or not, how on earth are strangers on the internet gonna know more than a test specifically designed for seeing if you’re pregnant or not