Could my 5 day old baby have jaundice?

It’s definitely very possible. My son was in the nicu and his jaundice went away and came back till he was about 1.5 moths old

His levels could have gone up but not enough to be critical. My son had severe jaundice and had to be checked daily. Feeding, to flush any out, and some good ol’ fashion sunlight will help bring it down.

Remember a newborn can’t wear sunscreen until 6 months. I wouldn’t but him in direct sunlight but a nice sunny room, it will do the trick.

And never feel bad about calling the pediatrician with questions!

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Yes, I had to go once a week to check my babies eyes until he turned a month, They ended up clearing up.

My son passed his jaundice tests the first 3-4 days after he was born, left the hospital on day 4 and had to come back on day 7 after his birth because he was getting a little yellow. Turned out he did have jaundice, but didn’t when he was born. His got really high very fast and had to be in a 76 hours UV light incubator with blood tests 2-3 times a day. Doesn’t hurt to get him checked out as if he does have it and you don’t fix it, it can cause brain damage.

He could have some jaundice but if he passed the tests its nothing to worry about. Let baby absorb some sun and.ask your.dr

Yes. My son didnt have it before we left the hospital but after he did.

My son was cleared the day we took him home… the next day his pediatrician checked his bilirubin and it was 14! If you think your little may have it … get to the doc immediately! Jaundice is scary stuff and can be very dangerous for your little! My little man was under the lights for 24 hours and then he was fine. The doc did tell me the more they eat the more they :poop::poop: and it helps the bilirubin go down(jaundice)

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Take him to dr. That’s their job. Body can change quickly. Don’t hesistate when it comes to babies

My daughter was jaundice after I had her and she was fine when we left the hospital. I stated noticing yellow in her eyes too. All I did was lay her in her bassinet and let the sun hit her while she napped. It was gone like two days later if not the next day.

Its possible my daughter had to go back at 4 days old stay a week in UV

my son has it after 3 days in the hospital. It is possible.

Put his crib by the window and have the sun shine in while he sleeps for a little while each day :heart: Good luck Mama :heart:

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Lots of indirect bright sunlight! feed feed feed to flush the kidneys!

My baby passed the test at the hospital before being released. When she got checked at her 1 week check her levels were extremely high and she had to be admitted to the hospital to be under the lights and to be monitored and checked every couple hours. They almost transferred her to a different hospital because they were going to do blood transfusions. If it goes untreated and its high it can cause brain damage. Also there is such a thing as breastfeeding jaundice. A lot of people don’t realize how serious jaundice can be. If in doubt take your baby to be checked.


My daughter had it after coming home and was hospitalized for a week and a half, Under lights. Go to the hospital and have him checked.

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Yes my son had high levels of jaundice when he was born. They say it peaks around day 5 or so. They told me to put him in the sunlight everyday in just a diaper. I also read online to just do that for 20 min to am hour at a time.

Both my sons had a little jaundice when born as they were both over due one 8 days over due and the other 5 days just make sure baby is getting sun light and keep an eye on him should go away on its own :blue_heart:

At 4 days I toom my son in for a check up. His eyes were a little yellow so we tested his blood and his jaundice was so far we almost had to fly to Oahu. She called me on my way home and had me go straight to hilo hospital and he went into the light machine for 2 days. Then he was fine. But honestly, He looked good to me the whole time so I was tripping out that I didnt notice.

All 3 of mine were. My first we were in the hospital for 2 day. When we got home Dr. Called saying got your butt back he had jaundice. We had to go back in the hospital 5 more days.

Yes it’s normal. My son passed the test but when he came home he got really yellow. I had him buy a sunny window and it went away quickly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Call dr it would be on safe side

I would get a doctor’s check up if you’re worried! My first daughter got jaundice really bad a couple of days after we left the hospital. We had vitamin d drops and were laying her in the sun, turns out supposedly something in my milk was not reacting right with her, 2 days under the bili lights and formula she was fine.

If you think so give the baby lots of sunlight

My daughter had it for about a week and a half. She was born in January so it was hard to get her that sunlight. And they also had us give her only formula for awhile.

My son was found with it 7 days after. Take him in and let them do the graph test thing on him the quicker they find it the quicker it is to deal with chick. Sending loves to u xxx

The skin would be orange/yellow not babies eyes. 3/4 of mine had jaundice. Give vitamin d drops and take baby in the sun if possible as much as possible

Get him some sun. If it isn’t major it should easily be corrected this way. My daughters bilirubin levels went up after her first test and kept going up from there. We brought her home with slightly elevated levels. We were told to put her near a window to get her some sun. I would still give the dr a call- they may want to check and monitor it.

Get him some sunlight. IF he is it will help it.

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Put him in some indoor sunlight in his diaper, move his bed over next to the window for a couple hours, and let him soak up some vitamin D. You should have a checkup soon, ask about it then if it is this week. If his checkup is not this week, call his pediatrician and ask for an appointment asap to check.

Strip of lay in front of window with direct sunlight for 10 min 3-4 times a day

Yeah my baby girl was admitted back to hospital when she was 6 days old for jundance, the whites of her eyes were yellow. It was due to poor feeding. She was only taking 2onz, she ended up having to have a feeding tube down her nose and was in hospital for another 6 days

Every baby has a little jaundice, usually it’s nothing to worry about and goes away on its own. Make sure he’s eating a lot so he can poop out all the toxins. If it gets worse after a few days I’d ask the doctor to check the levels. Both of my babies had jaundice pretty bad, but it usually goes away by 6 weeks in most babies.

If it doesn’t go away in the next two months time, let them run test on him , on his liver.

It is very common for jaundice to appear within days of birth. The suggestions mentioned are all really good. I would definitely at least call your doctor to see what they say. Here is a link about jaundice and what is normal.

My daughter had it but they still sent her home and made us go the day after bringing her home to the doctor. We went everywhere other day for almost a week. They made us use this light blanket on her after the 2nd visit

Take him out in the sun, not the burning hot sun, outside where he can get natural light. Check with doc

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My 5month old was a little jaundice at first too. She was on the low side though and ended up not having to do anything, it cleared up on its own after about 2 weeks

Sitting in indirect sunlight completely naked is the best solution for a mild case of Jaundice.

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Yes it’s very common and easily treatable. Pho’s bilirubin levels are too high they will give treatment in hospitals and if needed have you come back for additional or tell you what to do at home.

Completely normal. Just go outside a couple hours during the day and lay with him on the grass in the sun.

Call your pediatrician that’s what I would do. My daughter went home with a little bit jaundice. They said it was likely to go away on its own just it was so little and it did. But the dr can always recheck if you are worried

Yes it’s possible just try to get as much sun safely as possible, and baby vitamin D

Yes very common my oldest developed it 2 days after leaving hospital but it was gone again within a week

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Find a window at home where TONS of light comes in. Put your baby on a blanket, strip down to a diaper and lay him down.
Sunlight helps break it down in their system.

You need to take him to the doctor for a bilirubin test. That will determine how bad his jaundice is and what course of treatment to do from there. My son was jaundice and if not taken care of it can become a major issue. Please don’t use Facebook as your doctor and contact your sons pediatrician.

Yes my second and third both had it. I was so scared and worried after my second because I’ve never felt with that and they both passed the test before we came home. But we just put them in front of a window with naturally light coming in and in less than a week they were doing great

My son has has all of his tests, he’s 15 days. The whites of his eyes are a little creamy color but I think it’s because he’s new. They are really yellow yellow. And if the baby’s eyes are yellow his skin would be to. I would definitely have your doctor recheck. I hope everything is fine🥰

Also sunlight. I know they are new and it’s scary to get them in the sun, but indirect sunlight will help.

Yes. Common. Probably mild and nothing needed. But I would take him to dr just incase… He’s a newborn so it can’t hurt to get him checked again :woman_shrugging:

It’s not uncommon for babies to get jaundice, even ever so slightly. Most of the time it needs no real treatment but definitely keep an eye open and definitely follow up with your pediatrician.

Take his shirt off and lay his belly in the sun,( he was inside on my bed, sun coming through a window) that is what my dr told me after i had my son.

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Yes. Typically they the levels will get higher and then start lowering. What i did with my daughter who had moderate jaundice was put her bassinet next the the window so some sunlight could help her. You can always call your doctor if you think there is something that needs to be checked into.

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Sit the baby in direct sunlight (safely of course) My son had jaundice, they sent us home and told us to put him in sunlight everyday until it was gone. It took about a week and a half.

Put him in as much direct sunlight as poasible. Its VERY common. Get him some sun.

My first son had jaundice for a week after he was born. They let him go home after 7 days. The first 3 he was in the hospital then they tested and he passed. We took him home for just that day and had to take him straight back where his levels were high. Four days later he was able to go home. They advised me to set him in just his diaper by a door or window so direct sunlight could hit him. He was perfect and jaundice free after that. He was also 3 weeks early.

Jaundice is not just for a day or two it can happen anytime there is an abnormality in liver function.
Call your child’s doctor.
It’s important they be seen to determine the cause. Most often its nothing a little sunlight wont fix.
Sometimes it’s a little more than that. My youngest was jaundiced due to hypoglycemia.

I would definitely check with your doctor, bit my sons eyes had a tint of yellow as well the first month and was completely fine. It’s totally normal, but you can’t always be sure.

Can someone tag an admin? I messaged the group but it looks like their end didn’t receive it yet as the check mark hasn’t turned blue yet!

yes its common,if you are breastfeeding that can also sometimes cause it but i wouldnt worry it tends to go on its own

Very common. Give his doctor a call, they’ll probably want to test his bilirubin levels.

Could be possible… But the older they get by every 12 hours they can have a higher levels and still be safe… Let the baby set in the sun light. But not directly

Let him spend some time in the sun for a few days. That should help otherwise chat to his doctor x

My dr told us to put her ivy a sunny window or a walk when it’s not to hot

My son got bad jaundice about 5 days after being born he had to go under the blue light for 24 hours and then get blood work for 3 weeks after to make sure it was gone

Yes my son had it couldn’t tell until we were outside put in sunlight make sure baby eats more I had to supplement with formula also went to only breastfeeding only… his wasn’t bad did have Dr visits they poked his foot :sob: and checked his weight

Babies can get jaundice later even after they’ve passed the test. They should have plenty of wet/soiled diapers and sunlight helps. If your baby is breastfed i would recommend some vitamin D drops. If formula fed vitamin D is supposed to be in the formula. I would schedule baby another appt just to be safe

Are you nursing breastfeed babies tend to get a little jaundice bc mommas milk hasnt came in a little sunlight will help a whole lot but I am no doctor so if you are worried call your ped. To make sure all is well good luck momma

Some babies do develop jaundice after a few days. No direct sunlight helps but call dr to get retested

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Get him checked. Jaundice can have serious health risks if not treated or allowed to worsen. We were all that overly worried momma. Call the doctor, she wont judge if it is or isnt

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Mine didnt test positive till day 5. Make dr apt and put baby in sun as much as possible until then. Not direct sunlight tho. Dont burn him

It is possible and usually occurs within the first 5 days, but not very concerning. Jaundice is common actually and it does not mean baby is unhealthy. The liver is still maturing and isn’t able to filter out the bilirubin from the blood (in utero the mama filters it out for the baby). Some simple blood tests to make sure the bili is on the decline is usually all that’s needed. Feed, feed, and feed as peeing and pooping filters it out. Let them hang by a sunny window for about 30 mins at a time. Your doctor will screen the levels, and in a worst case scenario phototherapy is needed. 2/3 of my babies had jaundice, 1 needed phototherapy.

Lay your baby in the son in the window in his chair or bassinet for a bit every day it helps my daughter was jaundice and that’s what they suggested I do while home with her

My son had a little jaundice after birth. Every morning I’d take him and sit next to an open window for natural sunlight. It helped a lot.

Yep put baby in the sun.

Ya both mine got it around day 4 ish… ring your PHN ir doctor they will do the checks to see if you need to go to hospital for further jaundice count, don’t leave it or treat it your self you need to check is it a high reading or low x

Probably but nothing to ocnceern yourself with. Especially if you are breastfeeding - will be more likely then. Just let him have some sun through the window as much as possible.

If you think so take baby out in sun. Until you can get a dr. Visit. I would make a dr. Apt.

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Dont out the baby in the sun. Theres two types of jaundice and you could make it worse. If your child isnt losing weight and is soiling a number of diapers then just call the dr. If your child hasn’t eaten and isnt soiling diapers then I would go to a walk in or er.

You should have a 7 days check up coming up expose him to the sunshine :sun_with_face: thru out the day 15mins and than take him on ur check up but if really worried call his doctor. I was worried being a first time mom too they understand .

It can. Sunshine :wink: is your answer. if you’re truly concerned take him in to be seen

Put the baby baby a window

Honestly I feel like after two negative tests I wouldn’t worry about it. Sometimes parents/in laws say things out of concern not understanding that it sends a newly pp mom into panic. If you are concerned make an apt or wait for next apt. People did that to me when my baby was a newborn and i had to learn to ignore it, because im sure in the beginning my pediatrician thought i was crazy :joy:

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Put him in the sunlight

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Take your son to a hospital and have him seen by a Dr. My daughter was in the hospital for 15 days because of jaundice. Please have him check out. Good luck and God Bless your little one

Yes, they said my daughter was fine and then when we went to her checkup at the doctors days later they said she had it.