Could my babies gender be wrong?

Old wives are absolutely the last thing to believe over having a baby their completely inaccurate


I’ve heard it could be wrong when the dr tells you it’s a girl. I don’t see how it could be wrong when the dr tells you it’s a boy.


Legitimate question but what is the harm in waiting to find out after you’ve had the baby? I personally think it’s more of a surprise that way. I can’t get behind the gender reveal thing


20 weeks is the average time when genders are evident, but an ultrasound tech can you see as soon as 15 weeks in some cases. Old wives tales are not predictable.

It is much more common for someone to be told they were having a girl but ended up a boy because their “parts” can be hidden in ultrasound.

Congrats, boys are great! :blue_heart:

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Yes gender can be wrong through blood test or ultrasound. Nothing is 100%

I knew my first was a boy. I just knew. With my second I sort of knew I was having a girl as the pregnancy was different.

I would say trust the professionals but yes they also can be wrong. A friend of mine was told her baby was going to be a girl low and behold it was a boy. I wouldn’t say it’s incredibly common to happen but also not uncommon

My daughter had two ultrasounds and it said she was having a girl,(this was her third child) they told her that until she had him,this was third boy,but three and a half years later she got her girl

There is always a possibility of them being wrong, however slight. I personally know someone who was told boy at numerous scans, they had a girl. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Girl, never ever believe an old wives tale! Every wife’s tale told me girl but I’m having a boy. I had a gender ultrasound at 13 weeks and confirmed by blood work. Lol you’re having a boy


I don’t know why you’re confused. Most ultrasound techs are told/taught NOT to confirm gender unless they are AT LEAST 90% positive of the gender. Anything less and they will tell you they can’t see or get a good enough shot and ask the Dr. to schedule a repeat. If you are convinced they are wrong I suggest asking your doctor to do a blood test or order sneak peek kit online. Most people nowadays can pay for a 3D US on their own and have a gender check done as early as 11 to 13 weeks. At least here in WA state. I would not trust old wives tales. Just because a family member told you something, well that wouldn’t be enough for me. My ex father in law swore up one way and down the other that my ex husband and I would not be having any girls since there wasn’t any girls in their family born in over 92 years. Both children I had with him are female. :woman_shrugging:t3::sweat_smile::100:

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I was told I was having a boy my whole pregnancy. My baby shower was for a boy and 1 month before I have my baby I find out it’s a girl! I was so disappointed and sad because I had the idea that it would be a boy. That was almost 17 years ago. It happened to me.

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I had a friend years ago that her daughter was told she was going to have a boy after already having 3 girls … well she git into a car accident and she kept asking how her son was ( even had its boy baby shower ) they doctor told her that if she is carrying a boy then she had one hell of an accident because it knocked the peepee right off her son … so yes Ultrasound are not always right either


You can get blood work done. My daughter found out for sure at 10 weeks

Cant trust anything but old wives tales. 1st child they said was a boy all threw pregnancy. Well guess what popped out a girl. Yup old wives tale was right drs was wrong


With your doubt I would get a blood test done.


My son was suppose to be a girl. I had many ultrasounds due to complications. Lola appeared to grow a penis at 8.5 months

I remember driving with mil and I told her it’s a boy she’s like no no we have seen so many u/s it’s a little girl

When for a u/s it was our normal doctor and he said wow looks at those family jewels, he said three boys in a row gotta try for another girl

I was having a girl up until the day I had him…talk about not prepared


They knew my son was a boy by 16 weeks. :woman_shrugging: he opened his legs for the camera​:rofl:

My ultrasound tech said boy it wasn’t until I was 7-8months I found out girl lol you never know

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That’s why I never found out ahead of time with all 6 of our babies.


relative of mine’s scan showed she was carrying a girl up until her very last scan … when she delivered a baby boy he came home to a pretty pink room with a still shocked mother lol​:upside_down_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Those old wives tests are not a medical scan. A sonographer and Doctor no more than your grandpa.

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Go get a outside sono done it’s not that expensive and they can look again for you

Now a days those ultrasounds are very rarely ever wrong especially after the 20 week mark but those old wives takes are at best 50/50

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I’ve had 5 kids, all the old wives tales for mine were wrong but the sonogram was only wrong for 1 of my 5.

Don’t believe old wives tales they can constantly be wrong. You go by what the doctor says. And on and ultrasound with a boy you can DEFINITELY tell :joy: I’ve had 2 boys I know for sure haha

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Every old wives tests I did with my daughter told us she was a boy and the ultrasound said boy as well lol. When she was pulled out during my c-section all my husband and I heard was “it’s a!!!.. girl??” Hahaha we laughed so hard but wouldn’t change a thing lol. Next one was my son who had a twin sister who we lost at 23wks . He was called a girl in the ultrasound and again everyone laughed when he came out a boy lol. I got two wrongs

Am I the only one who still wants gender to be a surprise🤔we only found out what both our kids were the day they were born

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Dude you’re having a boy…deal with it :joy:
Science is much more reliable than “old wives tales” and can determine sex by week 16


If it’s been confirmed a boy that’s not going to change. Now there have been cases where some have been told they are having a girl and then that changes to a boy close to birthing time. Due to slower development in the womb. But no you are having a boy.

Boy or a girl does it really matter?

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They told me girls with both of girls I was hoping they were wrong but nope my kids were not shy with their parts and my boys I got the blood test for both my boys and at 20 week they were not shy to show off their parts either

I knew from ultrasound with both my boys at 13 weeks.

I guess gender disappointment is a real thing huh


Believing tales over science? :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


What do you mean “gpa did 1 of the tall wives”? What does that mean? U/S is usually accurate. It’s based on human judgement though. Sometimes the image is misinterpreted. It doesn’t happen often though.

Lol yup! You should believe a “wive tale” over years and years of medical research :woman_facepalming:.


I was told my first was a girl … then the next ultrasound he was a boy … the tech was shocked and was like idk who told u it was a girl … :joy: I was like you did last time

Oh it gets worse. My brother was born the nurse told her it was a girl. The doctor corrected her. She insisted she was right. Later the doctor visited my mother and said they sent the nurse back for more training.

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Its is TALES for a reason science is much more reliable
I found out my baby’s gender at 15 weeks and that was accurate

Did the sonographer not tell you that it isn’t 100% accurate, with my first I got told I was having a boy my gut feeling told me I was having a girl so I came up with just a boys name gave birth to learn I should have gone with my gut instinct as I had a girl thankfully I got all neutral clothes second one I was told I was having a girl and my gut feeling was telling me I was having a girl

Oh girl, an old wives tale is just for fun and not at all accurate. I’d say the ultrasound is correct and it’s a boy.

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Poor kid. You’re already telling the world you’re disappointed in him :pleading_face:

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So trust the old wives tail or medical science? Hopefully your kid ends up smarter than his mother. Please don’t breed anymore


I had ultrasounds for both of mine at 15/16 weeks and they were both correct:)

20 weeks is when they tell you if it’s a girl or boy… everything is fully formed by then. I went at 16 weeks and they were still able to tell me the gender. But at 20 weeks it’s a for sure thing there’s no doubt in that


They told my Mom I was a boy. Big surprise when I came out a girl. Which wives tale did your grandfather do? My Mom always did the ring above the belly on my me, my sister and our friends and was never wrong

They told my mom I was supposed to be a boy and popped out as a girl. Mind you, that was 23 years ago though.

Yes it could be wrong but it is unlikely. Have them check again at your next visit. I was told if it looks like a hamburger it’s a girl. If it looks like a snail, it’s a boy.


There’s always a chance that a te g missaw something on an ultrasound…but it’s môre of q chance that your grandpa’s diagnosis is the wrong One.

The offer a blood test well before 20 weeks that could have told you

My husband’s cousin had 3 ultrasounds during her pregnancy and all 3 said boy. Surprise, surprise she had a girl. Science can make mistakes.

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My first was a girl until I was 38 weeks they did ultra sound to check fluid low and behold he was a boy…my water broke the next morn…we had all girl cloths the room was pink everything we had was for a girl and we had a boy the day after they told us they were wrong the hole flipping time. Grandma and dad scrambled for 2 days while baby and I were in hospital to get boy stuff

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My sister was told girl, until 32 weeks and she had a blood pressure issue. Did and ultrasound and bam! I have an 11 year old nephew now. Everything was pink :joy:

Old wives tales where wrong. Told me girl had a boy. My ultrasound was right for all 3 kids at 16 weeks.

I was told i was having a boy at my first scan, she said she shouldn’t really tell me as it’s quite early but he’s a boy. It was right

My daughter had an ultrasound and was told she was having a girl. Turned out to be a boy.

Trust in God for a healthy baby. Whatever it is I know it will make you happy.


I had a DNA test at 11 weeks and an ultrasound a little later and both were accurate. For reference I have 4 boys and 1 girl, and wouldn’t change a thing. Be happy that you have a healthy baby.

Found out with youngest at 15 weeks. I’d say yours is a boy

Do they do the blood test where you are to check for DNA abnormalities/ chromosome problems? I didn’t even ask for it, they just automatically do it here, with both of mine in fact. They did it at like the 13/14 week mark and the chromosomes are obviously what told us what we were having… blood tests are ACCURATE! Lol and then the ultrasounds came after and proved it… but ultrasounds can be hard to tell, I mean they aren’t GOD they just try to read it to the best of their ability. Maybe they see a dingaling, maybe it’s the baby’s thumb ya know… who knows. But the blood test that I’m talking about is :100:! Praying for healthy baby, whichever sex he delivers to you :slightly_smiling_face:!!! :breast_feeding:t2::mask::poop::crossed_fingers::footprints::baby::health_worker::pregnant_woman:t2::luggage::ambulance::hospital::hotel::stethoscope::basket::teddy_bear::gift::tada::shopping::package:

Do you not have an ultrasound picture from that apt she could
Give back to you? Old wives tales def can be hella wrong lol…

If the you did the blood test before there’s like a 0.1 of chance to be wrong. Idk about ultrasounds because with my boys i just did the blood screening for sex and any diseases

My niece had an ultra sound , was told was definitely a boy , I told her it could be wrong and she insisted it was correct, day of birth beautiful baby girl,

I found out the gender via genetic testing at 11 weeks.

All my ultrasounds were correct but my mother was told I was a boy and I worked with a girl who was told she was having a girl but had a boy .

The baby is probably a boy. The ultrasound tech (if it was found out via ultrasound) is usually right. I’d go with what the professional thinks until proven otherwise. Most old wives tales are fake, very few are backed by science.


The old wives tales are not accurate at all I’m pregnant with my 4th and all of mine had a mix of right and wrong of the wives tales


You cannot predict the gender of the baby based on your stomach, what you crave, how your belly sits. Any of those “Wives tails” are all nonsense. If you had an ultrasound done and they said it’s a boy, it’s most likely 99% a boy. Sometimes they miss it, but the next ultrasound they do, the baby will have grown and they can check again. But Stop listening to wives tails. They are not helpful, and shouldn’t be confusing to you since you had a doctor check the babies gender, not a family member on google.

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Does it matter be great full

Hell the doctors told my mom I was going to be a boy so she prepared for a boy. At around 8 months she went to a psychic and she told her she was having a girl. My mom got mad and told her it was impossible. I came out a girl. I guess anything is possible

Do the blood test…100% accurate

I tried ALL the wives tales and they all said I was having a girl and I had a boy. They are just that, TALES! Now ultrasounds are not always correct either. Your best bet is too get another one closer to 30 weeks or do the blood test. The only other thing that was accurate all 3 times was the Chinese calendar. Its been right for all my friends also. But again, not a “trusted” source.

Blood test, I would say probably accurate. My niece had blood test really early and it was correct. Ultrasound could be wrong. Usually they are pretty accurate but my best friend was told she was having a boy, got all boys stuff… had her baby and a girl. She had to get all girl stuff lol.

Both my boys were right though thru ultrasound