So I just had my gender reveal party. Supposedly I’m having a boy. But I’m only 23 weeks, and the gender was told to my revealer when I was 21 weeks. Could there be a possibility that my reveal was wrong? My grandpa did one of the tail wives revealed and said was going to be a girl. I’m confused. My next appointment won’t be until June. To find out if it was for sure a boy
It most likely isn’t. Why do you think that?
Genetic blood test and an anatomy ultrasound can determine the absolute gender
It could be wrong, but I’d believe a scan over an old wives tail any day.
You are having a boy. That’s pretty plan to see on an ultrasound. I learned what I was having at 16 weeks.
once in a while they can be wrong but 21 weeks they can definitly tell the gender meaning thats not too early 18 to 20 weeks is standard
23 weeks would show if it’s a boy or girl.
I found out through ultrasound at 16 weeks and it was right. I’m sure it’s fine. It’s not that common to get the wrong gender anymore. Wives tales are just that- tales. There is ZERO factual evidence to support any wives tale as being right with predicting the gender. An ultrasound is going to be right most of the time as long as it’s read properly.
An old wives tale doesn’t determine gender.
What kind of test did you do? I mean there’s always a small chance it could be wrong but my ultrasound at 14 weeks we seen a male part, genetic test says boy and 2 ultrasounds after all say boy. I’d be pretty pissed if it was a girl after all that
Old wives tales are just that. I wouldn’t rely on an old wives tale. 6 living 1 angel forever 35w6d. I have 5 girls and 2 boys. All were different yet similar. As long as baby was showing the gender is super easy to see at 21w. Do you have the ultrasound pic to confirm?
Soooo you are think the old wives tale over the anatomy scan…I mean I guess there is always a chance they could get the gender wrong but i doubt it…
Had a private ultrasound at 15 saying girl, confirmed at 20 week anatomy scan that it was a girl and I gave birth to a girl so there’s a good chance you’re having a boy. By 15 weeks genitalia is done developing
Usually the ultrasound at 18 weeks is pretty vivid and accurate. At 21 weeks…definitely would believe the ultrasound
Advanced medical technology vs old wives tale hmm.
Ashleigh Buckley didnt this happen to you with wrong gender?
Congratulations, you’re having a boy.
U didn’t do a blood test?
All the “old wives tales” said my first was a girl but he’s definitely a boy and again they all say I should be having a girl next month but the ultrasound 100% shows another boy
Most likely a boy, do you have a picture of the ultrasound? its pretty easy to tell the difference, im sure the group can help with that
Don’t believe the old wives tales I did a lot of them and everything pointed to me having a girl…went to my ultrasound appt and you could see clear as day I was having a boy!!!
I was 18w 5d when I found out I was having a boy.
In this day and age sonograms clearly see sex.
Your gonna believe an old wives tale over medical technology? Your having a boy!
Old wives tales aren’t accurate lol neither are the scans they have faults…but if your questioning it just have another 1 done or do blood work
its 2021, might not be either gender since we have like 3354 of them now
Boys are pretty obvious on the ultrasound😬
No girl. You’re having a boy.
the old wives tales for both of kids were of the opposite gender.
Shockingly, the medical ultrasounds were right though!
As a mom of four boys, it’s definitely a boy! They can tell pretty early. I found out all of Mine were boys as early as 14 weeks. Definitely accurate, as bad as I didn’t want it to be, I still had hope for my little girl
Usually once you see the boy parts, its a done deal…sometimes they can be wrong about a believed female who later “reveals” itself as a boy.
My drs told me I was having a boy. Well he is a she…
I was told with 3 ultrasounds that my first was a boy, well we were sure surprised when I went into labor and here SHE came… she wore blue for a while lol…
Three kids later and I’d believe the anatomy scan over old wives tales any day…
Know someone who was prepped for a girl and had a boy… in 2019 so it can happen
I had a friend who was told hers would be a boy…
She went and got totally boys stuff…
Even fixed up nursery
And she had a girl…
Ultrasounds are definitely accurate especially at 21 weeks. They’re called old wives tails and they are all fake. Just for fun.
My doctors said girl. I was very shocked when baby came out with a penis
more often when the scan is wrong its the other way around (they couldnt see the penis) I’ve known people who prepped for a girl and had a boy
I had early ultrasounds before 19 weeks n they was wrong but the true anatomy ultrasound 19 to 21 weeks was always right…i have 6 kids
My entire pregnancy I was told I was having a girl…i had a boy
I’m sure it’s a boy…I found out at 18weeks.
Wives tales are just for fun. They’re not accurate. You have just as much of a chance at them being right as you do at them being wrong. Definitely go with the ultrasound
It happens but it’s rare. I used to do ultrasound. We can see a lot. Lol
My “boy” was a “boy” until 34 weeks
I found out at 13weeks. Boys show quicker. Accept the news. Love him.
I was told in all my ultrasounds with my last child it was a boy:rofl: mother of three already but the day I went into labor ALL I HEARD WAS AWW SHES BEAUTIFUL! SHE??? WTF! I never wanted a girl lol. But I’ll never change God must have wanted me to have a mini me:woman_facepalming: And omg if she ain’t 10 times worse
They can definitely be wrong and a “boy” ends up being a girl. My parents were prepared for a Christopher but got me instead Haha. However, don’t believe the old wives’ tales. They all said I was having a girl, my son begs to differ Haha. Overall I’d say trust the doctors, it’s definitely less likely for them to be wrong if they say boy. Not impossible, clearly, but not as likely.
Scans performed by medical professionals are more reliable than old wive’s tales. That being said, there have been cases of surprises happening. Babies can absolutely hide their privates in ways that can lead to a delivery room shock. Still, the scan is most likely not wrong.
Depends on how you did it, ultrasound or blood work
Did u do all the test to check for down syndrome etc at like i think 13 wks? If so those actually tell u boy or girl… or go see ur baby in the 3d/4d ultrasound.
I found out at 10 weeks I was having a boy On an ultrasound
I found out at 15weeks through an ultrasound that I was having a girl. They can tell pretty early. With that being said…mistakes can be made. With my latest (10mo) I found out at 9 weeks through a blood test.
Maybe twins or u miscarried n it’s showing that one
Didn’t have an ultrasound done but my boyfriend was right about us having a girl, his mom tried to tell us that I was going to have a boy and that’s the only time she’s been wrong on the gender of a baby.
My 18 week scan they told me boy, but my 20 week scan they said girl. Then I had 2 more scans at 22 and 24 weeks and they could not determine a gender. I ended up getting the blood test. It was a girl.
There’s always a possibility of it being wrong but it’s much more likely the ultrasound was right and the “old wives tale” is just an old wives tale.
No just sounds like you don’t want a boy
My son was supposed to be a girl… so ya.
I was 22 weeks when I found out my baby was a girl. My fiance thought that it was a boy. But, when she was born, sure enough she was a girl
Ultrasounds can be wrong, I have a friend who was told up until she delivered a girl but it’s not super likely usually.
My son was born in 2011 and the whole time I was told that I would be having a girl! I had to buy an outfit for him at the hospital gift shop bc every thing was pink!
They told my mama I was most definitely a boy…
Why is your next dr appt not till June? That’s 3 months away
Why don’t you just call the doctors office to confirm?
You are having a boy then. At 21 weeks you can tell the gender by an ultrasound. It seems more like you don’t want a boy.
Old wives tales don’t determine anything, all signs for those were pointing girl but I’m having a boy, pretty hard to miss a penis in a 20 week ultrasound
If you see a hamburger it’s a girl if you see a hot dog it’s a boy lol that’s how our doctor used to explain it. It’s very rare that a scan at 21 weeks would be wrong
Nothing is 100% until baby is born and you can see for yourself
If you can afford it there are places you can go pay to have an ultrasound done to find out for sure
Old wives tales are just those. They’re tales-myths lol
What is your babies heart rate range?
Y’all know 100% once he or she comes out
Could there be twins a boy and girl?
They were able to tell when I was 19 weeks & 3 days. They were correct.
I found out at 12w and confirmed at 18w.
Sounds like your experiencing gender disappointment tbh.
Uhm.? Do you just not want a boy? Geez. Old wives tales are not accurate.
This made me laugh so hard
Unltrasounds can be hella wrong. When I went to birthing classes for my daughter, a couple was told they were having a boy but she came out a girl. Only time you’ll know for sure, is when they pop out
All my old wives tales said girl and I’m having a boy welcome to the “Boy Mom” club…buckle up
I don’t mean to laugh at you but let me get this straight:
You had an ultrasound and was told that you are having a boy. Your grandad did some old wives tales trick and told you it was a girl and you’re confused? At 21 weeks you can DEFINITELY tell what’s between the baby’s legs. I would go with technology.
At 21 weeks it’s highly likely to be right. Btw its okay to have gender disappointment, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I did with my second baby knowing he was my last.
Sounds like you have gender disappointment. Which is okay! I had it with my second daughter (we wanted a boy). But we wouldn’t change a thing now! Its okay to be disappointed and it will pass!
Get a blood test if you’re not sure. They aren’t wrong. But ultrasounds are really very clear.
Up until I was almost 6 months… I was told I was having a boy. Had to have an amniocentesis done by a different doctor and found out I was actually having a girl!
None of that stuff is true… Must be a first right mum. Those are literally for fun… Otherwise, two of my girls should be boys.
I was supposably a boy and my male cousin a girl. But technology has advanced a lot since then.
Are you really going to believe an old wives tale over the doctor? Lol
My 2nd boy was supposed to be a girl until they saw later in the pregnancy. It happens
Yes they can be wrong seen it happen twice with friends they have gone out and bought the stuff for a boy and it’s been a girl
Old wives tales are definitely not accurate. But, unless you did the blood test there is always a chance that they got it wrong during the ultrasound. I’ve known people who were told one gender at am ultrasound, and the opposite gender at the next. My cousin was also told she was having boys her first 2 pregnancies, both times she ended up having girls.
All those tales said I was having girl nope it was boy. I mean yes you can have recheck but likely it still be boy
Wives tales are almost never correct. According to wives tales, my first and second should have been girls. Nope. Two healthy, happy, beautiful boys.
At 23 weeks, it is incresibly easy to tell via ultrasound what the sex of the baby is. It sounds to me like you’re having gender disappointment. It’s normal if you had your heart set on one gender in particular. You can have another and try again. And I promise…once they’re here, you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
I was told at my ultrasound I was having a girl and he came out a boy
Sometimes you just know… they told me I was having a boy and I told them they were wrong… told everyone not to buy boy stuff… people wanted to argue… until she was born… I told y’all so. I think the whole gender reveal thing is beyond overrated.
My sister had 3 ultrasounds that told her she was having a girl. Bought a bunch of pink stuff and was prepared . About a month before her due date, she had one more ultrasound and revealed that it was actually a boy:open_mouth: she tried to return or exchange whatever she could but a few months had passed already so it was hard. My nephew had to come home in a pink minnie mouse car seat:joy:
Sounds like denial. You wanted a girl. It’s understandable. Don’t feel bad. But stop denying it lol
16 weeks they can tell
Sounds like gender disappointment, which is totally ok. I was so hoping my second child was a boy(both my bio kiddos are girls) until the ultrasound, turns out she was a girl…I cried so much I had the ultrasound tech apologising to me that she wasnt a boy…but she came out a beautiful healthy baby and I love her so much, wouldnt change my baby girl for the world
At 21 weeks you are more than far enough along to see a penis on an ultrasound. It’s a boy lmao