So my little one stays with a family member while I go to work, I pack snacks, and tea for him but recently he’s been having stuff like chocolate spread sandwiches as well as his tea pudding and snacks he’s only 16 months and I feel his body is too small for all of it, he’s also then kicking off at home when we come home and I don’t know weather that’s because of all the sugar or am I doing wrong?
Its honestly the best thing I’ve ever done. My son is 3 and he was so hyper active the tantrums was a nightmare. He would get hurt constantly. One day i really had enough and just stopped all sweets chocolates to fruits instead. He didn’t get upset as much as i thought he would. Every time he asked i would say that the store stopped selling sugar. He is amazing the difference honestly. More calm more patient no more tantrums. His like a different child. I personally think a child doesn’t need sugar especially at a young age. Fruit has enough sugar and is healthy.
Does the tea have caffeine in it. Could be it
Change the food to healthier snacks and you’ll find out
Sugar n food dyes in all the snacks kids eat these days promote this then they go to doc n the just want to drug em
All the garbage they have access n the sugars n fake sugars.are not helpful to anyone
What kind of snacks are you providing? Why are giving a 16 month old tea?
Is he kicking off because his missed you all day and is acting out in his safe place