Could this be my period?

I just gave birth four weeks ago. I had bleeding for three weeks. It stopped for one week and bleeding again. Is it my period or bleeding from birth still? I have cramps as if it’s a period, so I’m not sure, and I really can’t remember when I started my period after I had my other kids.


Could be a mix of both Bc your body is still healing and getting back to normal could take up to 6 weeks to get back to somewhat normal

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Could be either or both really the body is sill adjusting after birth i had a little cease for about 2 days where i thought id stopped but sstarted again x

It could be either one! I had random bouts of bleeding up until the 1 month mark, but no cramping. At 6 weeks my period came, and lots of cramps. I would call your OB if you’re concerned! They can always see you before the 6 wk check if you’re worried.

My period always came about a week after I finally stopped bleeding. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Agree with the other 3 comments,definitely could be both,the cramps are probably from healing and everything trying to go back to normal

Mine happened same as urs and lasted 7 days like normal period, stopped for three weeks then again for 7 days, was my period starting so could be urs x

With both of my kids I got my period a week after I stopped bleeding (I think I bled for 6 weeks, got a week break, and then started my period :grimacing::grimacing::upside_down_face:)

Yes it’s normal … That’s your period ! Just had a baby and what you are saying happen to me as well

This happened to me and was my period despite exclusively breastfeeding :unamused: after this they were pretty much on the same cycle as before… I’m sure the bleeding after a baby can ease off then come back heavier and seem like a period or take longer then the few weeks it’s supposed to… I knew mine was a period because the bleeding turned bright red again :weary:

I bled for almost 6 weeks straight from birth and then got my period a week after my pp check up. But every one is different

It could be either. Give it a week and see how it goes. If it stops like a period then it’s a good bet that’s what it was.

Uh id recommend to keep a eye on it if you just gave birth and still bleeding alot something could be wrong my aunt had baby’s and keep bleeding heavy and went into the doctor’s and they said if she didn’t get there when she did it would have been bad if your in that much fear id go to doctors

You are now being healed from that disease in Jesus name Amene

Hey i’m just a teenager, but from what I know, it’s normal to get your period for one month after birth. I have a dad who was a nurse, so he tells me what’s normal and what’s not.


My period didn’t come until about the six week mark I would start and stop consistently. It usually meant that I was doing to much. If I took it easy for a day it’d stop the next day…

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I had my son last year and the same thing happened to me… Doctor said it was my period, so it could be yours

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The exact same thing happened to me! If you’re truly concerned, you can always ask your OB. But from my experience, it was just my cycle starting :slightly_smiling_face:

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With my first I stopped bleeding after a week, 3 weeks later i started my actual period.
I fell pregnant with my 2nd son 2 months after giving birth to my 1st.
With my second My bleeding lasted 3 weeks, 2 weeks after that I got my period.
With my 3rd baby I bled for 9weeks l, stopped for 2 months than I started my period cycle.

I only bled 9 days after the births of my boys (3 of them) and had a period just 4 weeks afterwards. Everyone is different. If you have cramps I suspect it is a period

Same thing happened to me. My postpartum bleeding stopped around 3 weeks. But then came back and I also had what felt like period cramps. I called my OB just to make sure everything was okay and they said more than likely it was my period. They said your period can return as soon as 4 weeks postpartum

I’m 7wks postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding and just started my period 3days ago. I bled for 5.5wks after birth. I was told because I exclusively breastfeed it could be months to a year before my period would start. Called OB and they said it’s normal it’s all based on individuals and there hormones after birth.

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Yep this happened to me stopped and came back :slightly_smiling_face: I’m also not a doctor just my experience - quite normal to bleed on and off for up to 6 weeks

Talk to your doctor asap.

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Same thing happened to me. It’s probably your period x

I got my period at 4 weeks after both of my kids were born.

Could be either, it really depends on your hormones. You know your body best. Does anything feel abnormal in any way? If not, its probably just your first period. But if anything in your instincts is saying go to the doctor, then go to the doctor. Trust yourself. And congrats on your new baby!

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I was bleeding for 4 weeks then overdid it and hemorrhaged then bleed for a few more weeks

Call doc. But as long as it’s not an abnormally heavy flow, should be good. But I’m not an OB :wink:


I bled 3 weeks stopped a week then got my period

Go to your OB Just to make sure.

I would definitely just ask your doctor🤷🏼‍♀️

I bleed for 3 weeks stopped stopped for a few day spotted for a week then had a cycle at 13 week post with my first.

Second I bleed for almost 5 to 6 weeks the. Didn’t get a period till the baby was 6 or 7 months

How about talking to your doctor???


I bled off and on for 8 weeks. However whether or not you breastfeed will make a difference

Definitely could be your period now. You’re still healing and recovering. Your body is slowly adjusting and regulating itself. Give it time. Talk to your doctor at your check up

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Most likely still after birth bleeding but if you are worried and really want to put your mind at ease id call your drs office in the morning.

My bleeding just stopped after 3 weeks post birth too and I’m cramping like I’m getting my period in a week or two. But if it’s bright red/new blood I would say period and if it’s the really dark red/brown blood then post birth blood.

I bled for a month. Ended up having a D and C. So call your doctor.

I had my period 3 1/2 weeks after giving birth, I was pussed, lol!!!

Make sure you’re taking an iron supplement.

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My last birth in September, third kid, I bled for six weeks on and off. I’m breastfeeding though so no periods. It was just after birth bleeding BUT I had a c section.

It varies with everyone… I have a friend who bled for a year after she had her daughter. Some only bleed for a short time then start their period again shortly after both. If you feel weak or not yourself I’d contact your doctor just to be safe but otherwise I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.

I got mine 6 weeks pp

I got my period around 4 weeks post partum with all 3 of my kids

It is most likely still postpartum bleeding.

Quit asking on hear and get to your Dr. and ask him

Talk to your Dr now people on facebook can’t answer for health😏