CPS is coming to talk to me after I give birth due to my past: Advice?

Dude they have no reason whatsoever to even be talking to you. Tell them you are getting a lawyer and you are willing to pee for them that’s it don’t sign anything don’t tell them anything as long as your baby and you have no drugs in their system they cannot do anything know your rights


If you are on suboxone, methadone, or subutex you are not clean. 4 years on this?? It’s meant to be a step down, weaning process to get you clean. It’s literally a synthetic form of your drug. They probably want to check in with you because you are still an addict and now taking it while pregnant your baby is also addicted and will face terrible withdrawls. Please work yourself off these drugs and clean up.


I have never done any kind of drug or anything except smoked some pot back in the day. But my cousin & her husband had CPS called on them cause one of their daughters has cystic fibrosis & wasn’t gaining weight like she should of been. But cps did drug test & my cousins husbands test came back positive for meth or something & the reason why is because he drinks one of them 5 hour energy drinks (2 a day) some energy drinks come back at narcotics. You can YouTube energy & urine drug tests. It’s insane. So whatever you do to be on the safe side don’t drink any of them.


Coming from a former active user of pain pills and what ever pill I could get. Wean yourself. Don’t cold turkey it. If you cold turkey as I imagine you’ll hurt you and your baby

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CPS is there to make sure you have a good clean home for you and baby and that you are managing well with the new adjustments of being a mom! Totally okay and nothing to be stressed about as long as you are doing exactly what your doctor is saying. It’s common for them to be concerned with a history of using but if you are clean then i promise you are fine


Sincerely don’t think that you have a problem!

Fucking GO Mama!!! Your gonna be just fine :kissing_heart: you’re doing it legally, and obviously with prescription. Just make sure you’re following it, and baby is healthy and doing well. They’ll close the case once they see your not endangering baby. Best of luck

if you’re clean you have nothing to worry about, continue your sobriety and enjoy your new baby


You shouldn’t be taking nothing if you’re pregnant should think of your baby and if you are you should stop taking it no matter what drives you vote you are only hurting you and your babies stop and be with God


I read these and I swear ppl are so judgemental and when you throw God into it that is wrong not because I do or don’t believe in him but your passing judgment which only God can do. Even if you sin you repent and ask for forgiveness. Don’t take God’s word and use it to harm other. Remember the 10 Commandments, if not I suggest you open the good book and reread the material.

As for you hun, you are making an effort to change your life and the baby’s life. So of the things I have read is sound advice from knowing ppl who have experienced these situations. A friend that went through it says you don’t have to let them enter your home. CPS trys to intimidate ppl, but don’t worry cause as a citizen of the United States you have the right to retain an attorney or consult one for legal advice before you speak with them. Also, you can look up online your rights with dealing with CPS. Keep taking steps to giving yourself and your baby a better life and make positive changes in them like I believe your doing and you will be just fine. So just stay strong n believe in yourself :blush:


They must have their reasons, they dont show up for no reason, may just be protocol to follow up with subsequent births, or maybe someone has called them and made you out to be an unfit parent, which they have to investigate

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I work at a hospital with a high Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) rate. Where we work CPS is called to investigate all mothers taking Subutex or Suboxone as a just in case measure. I’m sure your doctor has explained this, but Subutex during pregnancy can cause withdraw symptoms in baby after birth. CPS is only coming to talk to you to make sure that Subutex is the only thing in baby and your system and that you have a safe place to take them home too. Since your clean and taking your meds as prescribed it will be an open and shut case. And they will offer you plenty of other resources! They are not there to be against you just to make sure you and baby are safe.


I was on subutex and they didn’t come all they did was drug test my baby and she was perfectly healthy.

I’m about to give birth going thru the same thing as long as you have an active prescription for it cps only does a home check to make sure you have everything needed.


They did it to me too. I had 2 home checks and he closed the case. They just want to make sure your in a program, that you have a safe home for a newborn and that your a fit parent and they will leave you alone.

If you’re clean and have stayed clean then don’t worry. They can ask to check the home but you really don’t have to let them, but if you are on those other drugs still then they can still impact baby and it means your not completely clean yet and could easily relapse. You need to get clean from all this mess to be truly clean and until then you’re at risk and they will still watch you closely. They aren’t looking to just take your baby from you but you can’t have baby and be doing these drugs at the same time and not expect them to come check on you.

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My son was taken for 5 days after he tested positive for vicodin when he was born. Problem? I was given it legally and they were giving it to me while i was in labor. I had to go to rehab at 6 am everyday, have my house checked daily and had to drug test everyday. I was unfairly targeted and my son was born with no addiction and had no withdrawl. It’s the world we live in


I was had this happen after my son was born. I found out I was pregnant as a very active addict. I tried going cold turkey but the withdrawal and stress almost made me miscarry. I ended up going to treatment. It’s standard protocol for cps to be notified when any baby is born on subtext, suboxine, methadone, or any other drug. This does not mean you have an open case. An case is only open when there is reasons to be open. This will just be an investigation and as long as everything is ok things will be fine. And great job getting and staying clean


I would allow them to visit in hospital, and then one home check like they will ask and maybe a call to your doctor/babies doctor just to prove you have nothing to hide. And then kindly let the worker know it will be the last visit without a court order, simply because most people know what CPS is about, and the stress isnt needed. (This is allowed, dont feel rude when you state it) Because there will be no child concerns found, they will be forced to close the case. If they don’t have a case that can look very bad on them in court to a judge and they could almost get in trouble, not to mention a waste time and money in the courts eyes. Also please google your rights. There’s absolutely no reason to be scared of these people. This is your child, and you seem to be able enough to take care for your child. CPS is only around for child protection concerns. Just think about the familys they probably see regularly, and have too see regularly, compared to you. Youll be fine. Just dont let them take advnatge of you to try and get you to volunteer an open case and making it come off as extra “help”.

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Very standard… dont believe these judgemental ppl. Youre doing good, mama!


Just be honest and real with them if your prescribed your subutex and Have not done any other substances they will check you’ll be all set they just follow up don’t lie to them and they’ll go away its standard i think

I had a case with CPS because of my depression. It was a precaution since a local mother had killed her kids. It was an ok experience, my case worker was awesome, the parenting classes were not bad (I was a first time mom so I did learn some things). She even brought me diapers and gifts for my baby. Just be respectful, sign yourself up for parenting classes that are CPS approved and do what they tell you. I got the case removed from my record like 6 months later. Good luck!

Just because they come visit doesnt mean there is an open case. Now in MN all babies are drug tested when born. It started a few years ago.

Why do you take subutex? I would be afraid of it hurting my baby! Scary


They will do a home check doesnt necessarily mean theyll open a case, have ur home cleaned with food but anytime anything to do with drugs they will do a home check… all my kids had dirty urine for pot because of my seizures but once they see pot wasnt an issue in my home they left never opened a case

They will just check on you and baby. It will be fine.

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Congrats on being almost 4 years clean!


I’ve had two cases with cps. I think you’ll be fine.

They’re going to talk to you and evaluate your answers. They might set up a home visit to make sure your home is clean and all that good stuff.
If you’re doing what you’re supposed to do I dont see you having any issues.


If youre not doing anything wrong then you shouldnt be stressin it :roll_eyes:


First, the likelihood of your child going through withdrawals is extremely slim. I work very closely with a doctor that specializes in suboxone/subutex and many many patients have gotten pregnant and had no complications with their babies. 2nd, there are tons and tons of hospitals that are not fully educated on the medicine (I have talked with docs that had no idea what it was) and each place has a different protocol. The hospital where I live keep your baby in the hospital for 92 hours, just to be safe and someone comes and talks to you. This does NOT mean you have a case against you or that you have done something wrong. The hospital wants to know you’re in a good head space and they discuss some of your past- usually not extremely in depth. but be cooperative, dont freak out, do what they say to ensure they know you are fit to go home, and you will be fine. Cps also does not normally do home visits because of this.


Question. If you’ve been sober for all these years, why are you on Suboxone? I’m genuinely curious


You do not have to talk to them. They are not your friend… Do not trust them and honestly I’d get a lawyer to ensure my rights didn’t get trampled.


U can pm me and nothing happens as long as ur doing what ur supposed to . After I have ur baby a case worker from the hospital will come see u and then cps might come to ur house but they never did for me

The best advice I can give you is be honest with them. Tell her you had been on a maintenance suboxone plan with significant clean time and your doctor switched you to subutex due to your pregnancy, you are taking it as prescribed and clean. They aren’t going to knock you for doing things the way you’re supposed to be doing them, and they aren’t going to hold it against you for taking a prescribed med that the doctor told you was safe to take. Congrats on your clean time!

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Just get your home cleaned up and be honest. They might want to come by and check the home out and make sure it’s safe for baby.


Be honest, make sure you have everything for the little one and you should be fine … I had a CPS worker show up in my delivering room 2 hours after my son was born all because my obgyn office lost my medical papers from another state so they thought I wasn’t taking care of my son or my self during my pregnancy… CPS will literally find anyway to be in someone way for no reason …

Where i live they open a case for about 90 days and close it after they see youre doing well. They typically do a home visit. Maybe some random drug screens. But it may be different in your state.

I would speak with doctors regarding any step down period your baby may have to do- that should be your priority. And, be aware that your own needs may be need to be adjusted after delivery as well. I always told my clients (I was a methadone/suboxone clinic counselor for many years prior to having my daughter) that the choice to be open with cps was their choice but in the long run the more open you are the quicker it goes and less legal paperwork is involved. They will test you and baby for illicit substances (which it sounds like you are on a prescription so you should be fine). They will ask to speak with your partner and other support network. Home visits are typically scheduled if your initial tox screening shows prescription only ( as they don’t like to mess up dr apt and the like). If I was in your position I would definitely try not to be afraid and to utilize any resources they offer (sometimes they can help with diapers and other baby requirements if you ask). All of the above can vary depending on state so I’d suggest follow up with your prescribing dr, support network (if you have a sponsor), and OB.

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They Will only open a case if your baby tests positive for illicit drugs otherwise they have no reason to do home checks or anything like that

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They are going to do a check of your home, make sure u have a crib or bassinet as the baby has to sleep alone. Make sure your home is clean at all times as they just randomly show up!


They did this with me. They do go the home as well. Maybe a week after you have the baby. It’s open and close case. If everything is copacetic

I understand being nervous about them whether your doing anything wrong or not. I’ve had them called on me a couple times just because of some folks that didnt like me. I was still pissed off and nervous because I always felt like any little thing they would try to get you for. But they dont want to take your kids or anything of that nature. Idk why your getting a visit , but just comply and do what your supposed to and itll be over with quick. Good luck to you!

I had cps come to the hospital for a surprise visit with me. I used to smoke weed and when I found out I was pregnant I quit. But my first lab showed it in my system. So one lady came and talked to me. They had the baby out the room doing something he needed and my ex followed the baby. All she did was ask me a bunch of questions like why I showed positive, I told her and she asked why I smoked and I explained it helped with my migraines and other body pains I go through daily. She asked if I smoked during pregnancy and I told her as soon as I found out I was pregnant I quit. She said they would test the babies first poop for anything drug wise and if it was clean then nothing would happen further with the case but if it wasn’t then they would have to open a deep investigation and case. I’m assuming from the fact there was never a case against me that they figured out baby was clean and so was I.

First and foremost breathe and congratulations on getting and proactively staying clean.

Second just keep your home clean and they’re likely just checking to make sure it’s okay for the little one & you have necessities. Running water, working stove, clothing, formula, a fridge, crib/ bedding situation .

I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I do not even know you and I am so proud of you and I know many others here are proud of you as well. You are gonna be just fine, get through this stressful thing and then just enjoy your new baby, you are gonna be a very strong and wonderful momma :muscle:

I’m sorry your going through this, but being on subutex or suboxone isnt being clean in my opinion. Cps will just monitor you once you have the baby. Make you take parenting classes, do urine analysis, and home visits. Usually if you jump through all their hoops they will be out of your life by the time baby is 6 or 8 months old.


Girl you are doing great. Don’t listen to anyone who says you ain’t clean. Yes Suboxone is a drug but it’s used to make you stay off harder drugs. If you have a scrip the while time cps will be in and out. You can pm if you want to talk.


I also hope they didn’t fail to tell you that the baby will have to stay in the hospital extra days too. To make sure it don’t withdrawal and they will score the baby and if the baby score too high it will go to NICU to be out on something to help it. Min of 10 days. Also keep in mind you will need lots of help with the baby. A baby being born addicted to Tex is hard as hell and I can promise you’ll never want another til you are off it.


Everyone is saying to keep your home clean for a home check. And while they are right, just remember as a new mother, you will be exhausted. Your home will not always be tidy, and that’s okay. It does not have to be spotless. You only have to show that baby is safe and taken care of. No broken windows, working heat, have the necessities on hand (formula if you aren’t breast feeding, diapers, wipes, etc) the CPS workers never “want” to take a child away. Their job is just to examine the living conditions and make sure the child is safe. I am a foster parent in MD and I can tell you, I have had workers come to my house and it look like a zoo, they don’t care if you have clutter or if you have a sink full of dirty dishes. As long as there is nothing that could harm the baby, they won’t think twice about your credibility as a mother. Depending on your state, they may have you participate in drug or parenting classes. This is just to ensure that you have the resources available to you to be the best mom and stay clean. Do not freak out about it. It’s just a routine thing when the system knows you have had a drug addiction in the past.


I had cps come to my room after I delivered because I have a history of depression and was on medication because of it. Dont let them scare you. It was an open and shut case. I never saw them after I left the hospital

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I’m sorry. Cps is horribly invasive, and they hardly ever do they’re job properly


It’s not considered an “open case” in the same way that it would be if you were on drugs. They basically come and make sure you have everything you need. Give you resources if you dont. And then after around 45 days the case is closed and you’ll receive a letter in the mail. It’s not as scary as it seems! I just went through this and am about to go through it again. Dont get of subs unless you speak to your dr first! And also be aware that your baby may have some withdrawal symptoms but theres no way to tell the severity.

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Yes they do home checks I know someone who went through this a few years ago and they followed them home from the hospital and went through every room checked for food in the house even checking their medicine cabinets and just be truthful and straightforward with them about everything

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They will come once maybe twice to your house if everything is okay. You have a dr prescribing them to you and as long as you have what you need for the baby and running water, electric and blah blah blah you’ll be fine, may have to do a drug test or two but again prescription should be no problem

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It depends on your worker, situation, and how willing you are to work with them and not draw it out

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As long as u have a prescription and are clean for other substances you’ll be fine…as well as a safe place with food for your child

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this is normal. And as long as you are clean from other stuff, you will be good. They will do a home visit, the social worker in the hospital will also talk to you. Be honest.

I dont know if your aware of it but suboxone is the same thing as heroine it’s not exactly being clean, NO judgment, just saying😩


I work fir a doctor that prescribes Suboxone/Subutex and none of our pregnant women were talked to by CPS that’s odd to me unless someone reported you but it could be state to state. I’m in MN

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If your Not doing anything wrong dont worry bout it

Most of the time with NAS babies they dont open s case if the mom had clean drug screens. And if they do open a case it doesnt stay open very long. they just might wanna check your home.

They may do a home check (just to see if baby has their own bed) and they’ll drug test you and confirm you don’t have anything in your system. If you’re clean I wouldn’t freak too much… like someone mentioned above, BE HONEST. You’ve got this.

Just good luck Honey I’ll say a prayer for u. I’m to old to know . I care tho.

You don’t have to open your door to them unless they have a warrant. I wouldn’t answer my door. If you’ve been clean this long and passed every drug test… this is harassment. They can do a wellness check at the hospital. If your baby is born healthy without drugs in their system…
They have no reason to open a case for prescription medications. Particularly because you are under the care of a DOCTOR through your pregnancy.

If you’re taking Suboxone then you’re not clean. Good luck


Same thing happened with me… they just got to come see u, and make sure ur very aware that drugs is bad… they might come look at ur house, to make sure u have what u need for baby, and that’s it. U don’t have a case open, it’s just because u have prior history with them. Don’t worry!!:heart:

Just be calm and honest.

Sounds like they’re concerned with your past and just want to make sure you’re ready to have the role of a parent. Regardless of the situation though, I would clean your home spotless and figure out anything else that you need that you don’t have and get it in your house before the baby arrives. But that’s just my two cents! Congratulations on the little one and best of luck mama! :heart:

They have no reason to open a case if you have been clean with every test and baby is clean when born. Dobt worry mama nothin will happen :heart:


I know people who were on Suboxone or Subutex while pregnant and CPS never visited them. Not in the hospital after delivery and not at home either. Usually CPS visits if you fail a test. So since you haven’t, they shouldn’t be coming to see you. I think maybe the Dr worded it wrong…if you went into deliver your Baby and you tested for anything besides the meds you are on and if your Baby tested positive then they would have CPS see you.
They won’t open a case against you bc your past. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine


Show them that you have been clean for four years and tell them the truth. As you have done nothing wrong they should have no reason to be in your life.

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If the only thing you test positive for is prescribed by a doctor and within normal levels they won’t do anything. My baby was born and tested clean with no drugs in her system but I tested positive for opiates (prescribed) I just showed my prescription and that was that. Never heard from them again.


I had a situation like this but different. CPS came and talked to me just last month. It’s routine. Nothing to fret about. They will remind you that if something happens or you’re caught with anything in your system, no warnings. They will take the child.
It’s not an open case. This is their reminder visit.
They will ask you questions. Make sure you’re in right mind. Ask about your past. That’s it. Probably 30 minutes at most.
Just be honest and open. Don’t try to hide info.

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Honestly if you are clean and in a good state don’t worry about it. They will ask you questions about the state of mind you are in they will make sure you have a safe place to take baby after being born etc… if you are stable and in a good place answer honestly you’ll be fine. Good luck congrats  and congrats  on 4 years clean! I personally know it is hard But totally worth it!!

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Dont freak momma CPS came and talked to me because I moved out of state and couldnt get my prenatal records. Never failed a drug test so you will be fine, if they have any questions refer them to the doctor who prescribed the medication to you.

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I had cps come talk to me cuz I was abused as a baby and had to be taken away and adopted out

Ok so I was on Subutex with my daughter. So I can’t promise the same outcome but my social worker was THE Sweetest person ever. They are mainly there to make sure that the baby doesn’t have it in his/her system…and if they do, they make sure you cooperate with the treatment for it. They’ll send off a fecal sample (poop drug test) and that’ll tell them kinda where they’re at and what they’re looking at. My daughter’s was negative even with me taking it 2 times a day. DO NOT STOP TAKING IT OUT OF FEAR! I tried to taper down thinking I was helping and in reality it can cause preterm labor and can put the baby in distress! Thankfully I found that out not long after I started trying and I stopped and resumed normal dosage. Not sure how familiar you are of the risks and all but I know no one ever had the same answer when I asked bc reality is, it’s still being studied to know all possible outcomes. But it can take several days for a baby to even begin to show withdrawal symptoms. Not all babies do tho! Mine never did however prepare for them to keep the baby minimum of 5-7 days due to the delay and it’ll all depend on her tests and if they show signs of withdraw Upsetting yes…but it’s ultimately for the baby’s best interest! It was frustrating! Mainly bc no one was up front about that when I’d ask. But my daughter stayed 5 days with no withdrawal symptoms. Good luck mama! Do not let anyone treat you like shit either! Stand your ground! They cannot do anything to you for taking subutex. It’s prescribed. So just be honest and let them take care of you and the baby and you’ll be home before ya know it! I think they told me if the fecal test is positive they follow up shortly after you’re home but it’s not a big deal at least according to the social worker I dealt with. Alot if the process tho depends on the hospital so yours may have a different protocol! Good luck mama!

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I feel strongly that if you have X clean time and no new cases, clearly it’s your medical staff on some level of another that had that visit happen. CPS doesn’t just do drop ins on outdated criminals with zero reason. If you were never on drug “control” methods before your pregnancy and never tested positive during it, that’s a specially targeted situation. I would refuse admittance to them into my home or hospital room, and any contact, even visually, with my child without a court order. Stand your ground no matter what. They are here to protect children from harm, but that does not on any level give them a free pass to violate your rights as a parent. I live in a drug abuse infested community, it’s common place to have kids taken from parents… I was never once even tested for drugs with an open admission to my dr of several rehabs and X years clean.

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Run… find a different hospital to give birth at…

I have adhd and I’m bipolar. I never hid it from my doctors. When I gave birth to my son I had a social worker come in and discuss it with me. They didn’t open a case just let me know that the stress of having a child can cause issues. For my situation it increases my chances of postpartum depression. I would assume for you they want to discuss that the stress may entice you to relapse and to make sure you have a support system in place.

If you are clean now, not in an abusive relationship, excited about this baby you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Many times social workers are referred for extra support and to make sure the baby and or you are going home to a safe environment. That’s all. That’s their job. And it’s the job or health care professionals to refer when there is any chance of a mom and baby being in danger, to cover all bases. They will see that your past is just that, your past. They refer to social work for many reasons, like people above mention (depression, a teen pregnancy, low income, etc). Try to look at them as a support and that it’s simply their job. Congratulations on the baby! I’m sure you’ll be fine.

No advice but great job being clean!! Have family members fighting addiction who refuse help.

It’s just a check in as long as dr knows all your fine. Your clean no case will be opened

I think they just wanna make sure the baby will be in a safe environment. Just be honest with them. That’s the best thing you can do and as long as you have been clean and stay clean, they shouldn’t be an issue. Just stay calm and focus on having a safe birth. If you stress too much, it may make things harder. Congratulations by the way :heart:

4 years on the meds is prob why …
not really clean until you get off the meds … they are a crutch . I was only on soboxone 6 months , and tapered from there . 15 years clear of my addiction … good luck :v:

That’s so messed up I’m sorry! I don’t think they should be allowed to do that.