CPS is coming to talk to me after I give birth due to my past: Advice?

I’m 32 weeks pregnant and was on suboxone about a year before I had gotten pregnant. So my doctor switched me to subutex. They failed to mention that CPS will be coming to talk to me in the hospital and I’m totally freaking out. I was very upfront with my doctor about my past(working on four years clean this Feb) and haven’t failed any drug test with them. Just CPS freaks me out; I’ve never had any cases with them. I’m just wondering what’s going to happen? With them coming to the hospital, does that mean they opened a case against me? Do they do home checks? Any advice and experiences would be great to hear. Its really stressing me out.


This has not happened to me as I don’t have children but it did happen to a friend of mine. They will just come by and take a look around, make sure it’s clean and safe and leave. It should be a one time thing :slightly_smiling_face: so don’t stress


Well you’re not clean you traded one drug for another. And they just ask questions if your clean and sober and stable you have nothing to worry about


They are possibly coming to offer you help to stay clean; most if not all hospital births involve a drug cocktail that can trigger so maybe they’re coming to be on your team, not against you. Use the resources wisely for you and baby.


Subutex is a narcotic your putting your child at risk for withdrawals. Just because there aren’t studies done saying it’s bad for your unborn child doesn’t mean it’s safe to take while pregnant. I’m wondering why your doctor hasn’t discussed with you getting off the medication.

There is no telling what CPS will do just depends on your state that your child is born in. You can expect to be drug tested and I would assume a home visit. But you never know with CPS

Be careful my kids were in CPS dont fully trust them. They’ll seem to be on your side then flip the script took me 2-1/2 years to get em back.

As long as there is nothing in your system that isnt prescribed you’re fine. Bc it may be a baby withdrawing they get CPS involved and as long as they dont feel a need to open a case they will not but they have to make the report.


Don’t sweat it just give them the doctor number and keep it moving. Its prescribed.

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As long as you and baby arent positive for any substances or medicines you’re not prescribed; you’re gonna be fine. Just have a clean suitable place stocked and ready for you and baby. Cps will come buy and do a house visit they’ll make sure they do a walk through of the house and see where the child will sleep ask you some questions you’ll sign a paper they’ll leave

They’re only doing a well check up nothing to freak out about ,

The doctor may be some kind of mandatory reporter, but I’m so sorry he betrayed your confidentiality like that because it seems like you were reported on your history and assumptions which doesn’t seem right being that you’ve been clean for 4 years. On the other hand, it could be just because you’re on a med that could possibly make you test positive for something. I also agree with Marla.


Anytime CPS is called it requires home checks and school checks.


It’s an investigation they dont come out unless they’ve received a report. Explain the situation give them your doctors name to follow up with and u should be fine that is also depending if the baby was born positive to anything. Just have them follow up with your doctor and anyone else who can vouch for your sobriety
Good Luck…


Don’t do anything not prescribed by your doc and you’ll be fine.


Kristin Fisher has it right.:arrow_up:

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Well. It is very much so an open case. They will see you in the hospital and check your before the baby is released. If all is well the case will be closed in 30 days. The baby will have to be tapered off the meds after birth and will be very cranky. They want to make sure that the baby will be safe n you can handle everything.

I believe you will be fine as you mentioned you have four years sobriety and on doctor monitored medication. I will pray all goes well. If CPS has any issues write them down and take them to your doctor. There is no proof of baby being addicted or you testing dirty other than prescribed medication. I’m sure this is a regular mandatory CPS check. Sending you calming and positive vibes and prayer.:heart::pray:

Prayers for you and your baby :heart:

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You have the right to refuse to see them or talk to them. U have done nothing wrong.

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They may give you a drug test but they will definitely test the baby. If you’re clean don’t sweat it.


the same thing happened to me she just going to ask you a few questions and make sure you haven’t came up dirty and that’s it is only a one-time thing


Every pregnant women is now tested when she comes to give birth. He is telling you so that you aren’t surprised. Just be honest and let the nurses know when you go in to deliver. Have all your documentation available and proof that you are in an outpatient program. Otherwise the nurses will assume you are using and report you and it will be way more drama. It is standard.


Home check, drug tests, make it a routine to expect them

CPS really isn’t a big deal. They want to make sure you stay clean. Not only is a newborn very stressful, and that can cause relapses in some, but breastfeeding releases oxytocin and that can be problematic to some. Personally, I had a legal addiction and the only way I overcome it was because I had children. They helped me find more strength than I ever imagined.


As long as you’re clean and the baby doesn’t test positive for drugs then I’d say there’s nothing to worry about .


If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be scared… And since you have needed some form of a drug to help with you staying cleaning for the past 4 years (even while pregnant), probably why they had to get CPS involved


My advice is to, no matter how scared you feel DO NOT AGREE TO TAKE ANY OF THE SERVICES THEY OFFER. Initially it seems as it you should do whatever they need you to in order to not lose your baby or babies. Once agreeing you are forced to maintain goals to appease this system that apoears, to me at least, impossible to reach and often without even saying…as your taking all these classes and urinalysis’while they have already begun an adoption process. Me personally, I have always had a very loud and vocal personality. My first encounter I followed all rules and ran myself ragged trying to make sure.i didn’t lose my child. My next child and encounter i was approached but knew I was absolutely in my right mind and did not let them in my home and refused any and all assistance they “offered” and they were adament with these offers. A few weeks later I received a letter stating they had closed the case.

Any thing to do with cps des Dss is a fckn nightmare ! Run


They will check your home, make you pass a drug test and not let your baby leave the hospital till you do. Happened to me. You’ll be ok

confidence… Good job/ 4 years clean. u can Cerntainy. Handle 1**** appt*visit or??? I got THIS​:smile: :baby:

My daughter has mental health issues and not only had a birth alert but nurses reported her while pregnant.
Develop a plan with how you will deal with stress etc. Your support system etc. The worker just wants to be sure you and baby are safe.
Try to remember they only want baby to be safe.
You have overcome adversity before, you’re strong enough to handle this.
Also… you catch more flies with honey, so be pleasant

If u get it from a doctor ur fine they might do a home check different states are different but as long as you got everything and alll u will be ok DNT stress ma

I am in no way judging you or your situation, just being honest. CPS is getting involved because your baby will be born drug dependent. Subutex is safer for the baby but is still a highly addictive substance. Be prepared, he/she will likely spend time in the NICU detoxing from your “medication”.


In my opinion Dr.s are keeping patients on that for to long…that’s a taper drug, what 3 months tops. A year later, you are still on it? Either you’ve tested dirty along the way OR your Dr. is just keeping you hooked. I’m sorry you’re going through that…and your baby also.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounded like she was currently taking the subutex while pregnant… no offense but even if you’ve been clean for four years in February (congratulations btw!!) you’re still on a substance - the subutex- which is why the doc reported… it is a mandatory thing, and it is based on assumption. But the assumption he clearly had was that you’d relapse or weren’t being honest about having been clean for so long. Which just makes him an asshole for assuming such things.

Just be open and clear with cps.


They’re going to give you a hair follicle- it goes back 3 months. Be sure to stay clean and tell them how youbplan to stay clean after you have the baby.

If you’re clean for four years, I don’t understand why they’re coming. That usually means someone called them for the check.

Routine check I smoked weed before I got pregnant so it was still in my system I was smoking heavy didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 5 months stomach wasn’t showing but anyway before I could bring him home CPS came routine check in they say cuz I smoked but she was nice it was nothing serious she left went to my house checked it it was good next hour we was home funny part tho I had to hurry up and call my momma when CPS left me and tell her not to fire up her morning jay :joy::joy::joy: that lady was on the way

So sick of the government & the way they invade ppls lives.


Congratulations on your progress. Please understand getting pregnant while on these drugs makes your baby born dependent, a rough road for your baby that they shouldn’t have to go through. Please understand just because these drugs are prescribed, and yes they are to help you, they are highly addictive. Some people stay on them way too long hanging on the fact that they are prescribed. When On too long, they can open you up to other situations. The doctor is a mandated reporter and the hospital and nurses need to know what your precious child’s situation is , so as to provide the best care. A new baby can be a very stressful situation. As you know a recovering addict can fall fast in these situations. Gather your support, stay informed and leave hurt feelings out of it. You are on a journey and must stay on your best course. Becoming dependent on these drugs for recovery is easy and common now. Don’t stay focused on that they are prescribed. Four years off what you were addicted to, is too long to be on the drug that helped you off. This happened to a loved one, and they fell backwards from being on too long . Stay focused , be truthful , you just had the most beautiful blessing. Make a strong plan to come off your subutex, do what you need to and care for your child. They should not have to go through withdrawal. Good luck, God Bless.


Not true. My daughter was taking methadone (pre-subutex) and the father alleged she abused child by taking legal prescribed drug. Soon as that didn’t get traction he filed papers claiming we were drugging the child. We haven’t seen the child since he was two. He’s 15. He was given permission to move to California and basically cut ties immediately

The hospital I was delivering at called me and asked me if I did street drugs they’re just double checking to make sure the baby is in a safe home …and theyl L probably check your blood prior to delivery

and after and I think if something shows up the hospital reports it

Yes at this point they have already opened a case against you. And yes they can do home visits income and see you.

Why was CPS called in the first place. CPS was called on my grand daughter and when the baby was released from the hospital CPS took the baby and placed her in Forster care. and my granddaughter wasn’t on drugs

I dont understand why…if…you have been clean …for 4 years do you still need a drug supplement…its still a drug no…how long does the system keep feeding one drugs…after…they say they are clean isnt this just making her codependent on another form of another drug…they are checking on her for a reason that’s all I’m thinking …confuses me hence why I asked…


Highly CONFUSED… 4yrs clean/of those 4 taking a a prescribed narcotic for almost 2… and to think CPS wouldn’t be involved and to really say your clean… there is no difference between buying it on the street vs prescription from a dr other than the FDA regulation as well as your insurance paying for your addiction. Also the length of time on a prescribed supplement narcotic to detox from a street drug says enough in and of itself. My suggestion is while your baby detoxes pray you get to keep the child and detox yourself. Least of your worries is an agency caring for your child more than you have. Goodluck

At our hospital it has to be reported but if you are prescribed the medication and follow your doctor they shouldn’t do anything. They will test you and the baby and as long as nothing else shows up you should be ok. I will suggest trying to breastfeed if possible, it helps the baby with withdrawal

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A co-worker of mine went thru this exact thing!
They kept her baby for 2 weeks to detox & checked the mother before she could have her baby back

If you have nothing to hide there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. They might ask for proof of medications. And all that but you will be fine and so will baby. They will be testing the baby and watching how he or she does. A long with testing you. The baby may go through withdrawal symptoms. And they have to as mandatory

Maybe consider getting off the meds? Addiction changes your way of thinking and by thinking you need that medication only leads cps to believe you are still an addict that could go for something stronger after the baby is born. God bless you hun… I hope you beat your addiction once and for all. Sounds like you are truly trying to make a change… Change your thoughts… Change your life! I know it isn’t easy… Nothing in life is easy, but if your determination is stronger than your addiction you can and will make it out of that negative need frame of mind.

Fear of the unknown is to be expected… Be very afraid their system is broken… They took my great nephew away from my Niece maybe 1 month after he was born…:triumph::triumph::triumph:

All of you that are starting out with no offense are a trip, you are doing a great job staying off heroin and the doctor is keeping you from dying because you can if you stop it all, continue to do his treatment and when CPS comes into the hospital answer there questions honestly that goes a long way. I asked a friend of mine who works for CPS and she said that there going to test the baby’s stool to check for heroin and other drugs and the levels if your taking what the doctor prescribed you they can tell if your not, if you are it will be okay if it comes out correct. They will want to check the stool again to make sure it’s out of the baby’s system and then monitor you with a plan to work with your doctor to make sure your eventually working on getting off the medication to help you stay clean off STREET drugs. Keep up your hard work your baby is counting on you.

I don’t mean to be rude, but you aren’t clean if you are taking a drug. You shouldn’t be taking that during pregnancy, I don’t care if it’s supposed to be safer. You should not be giving your baby any drugs at all, period. Your child needs to to nurture them while they are living inside of you. The baby can not survive without you. There is just no justification for giving your baby drugs.

You dont have to talk to them at all. I’d get a free consult with a lawyer tbh.


Usually a social worker doesn’t get involved unless their has been a valid reason to do so. I haven’t ever heard of one getting involved otherwise.


Just take your subutex bottle with you. My friend went thru it and they just made sure she was in a program and getting it legally. Baby did have withdraws tho


Congrats on baby and being clean :heart::heart::heart:

If they are coming to talk to you , you more than likely have a case against you. If you are still taking subutex and pregnant of course they will be involved. It’s a narcotic. Your baby will more than likely go through withdrawals.


Hospitals usually will test baby (most times you won’t even know).
Cps May ask you to take a test. YES they do home checks. Anytime they come out they are to investigate, that can include things like seeing where baby sleeps or will sleep, seeing that house is safe and clean, making sure you have food…Things of that nature.


It’s to make sure you’re not using and that your baby isnt born addicted and that you’re both healthy and getting the help you need

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Do everything they ask. Answer all their questions. If they say U.A. then U.A. Show them you are a loving, caring mother and they will leave you alone


answer only the questions asked Do not volunteer anything . if u have a script take the bottle and proof of getting it legally with u to the hospital


Non using for 4 years, so you were on Suboxone for three years prior to switching off during pregnancy. Why so long? That’s probably why. They may see you as a risk since you’ve stayed on something to wean you off so long.


After four years you need to stop taking anything, even Subutex. Your baby is gonna go thru withdrawals.


Just a question but if you’re almost 4 years clean why not wean yourself off of all narcotics now? Since I’m sure you were put on suboxone to stop from using other things and now its been 4 years you should try… And if you do it now that would probably look good for your case and so baby doesn’t withdraw when born.


There is so much bad advice here. First, your cooperation only makes you look better! If you’re not taking anything illegally you are fine. They only talk to you to make sure your baby is in good care. They may do a home visit but again it’s nothing to worry about as long as you dont have pills laying around or other dangerous substances. A clean home, clean clothes, food and sleeping area is typically what they want to see. Take a deep breath. You will be fine. CPS does everything to keep children with their parent/s. You may need to take classes or counseling but otherwise you should be just fine. And it doesn’t mean you have a case, investigations are normal.


When I had my son, I tested positive for PCP, now I’ve never done drugs and Im epileptic. CPS was called and she talked to me, asked a bunch of questions and that was it. We were able to prove my seizure medicine caused a false positive. They’re just going to ask you questions, make sure your plan is to stay clean and be a good provider for the baby. Just be honest and let them do their job.


As long as you have a valid prescription and the babys umbilical cord doesn’t test positive for any other drugs, you have a stable and safe, clean living situation and havent failed any tests while pregnant you will be fine. In my state it is also a law that any one on any sort of maintenance CPS will be called. They shouldn’t open a case and you should be fine. If you have any questions feel free to PM. Congrats on your sobriety!!


Absolutely do not try and get off subutext without speaking to your dr and most likely going to a detox if that’s what you want it’s nobody’s business but yes they come and talk to you and test the baby and if the baby and you are only on that and you have your prescription you will be fine !


Why would you still need to take something if you have been clean for 4 years


Usually they will drug test both you and the baby in the hospital before they send cps out, so expect drug testing for you and bebe. If they do get involved they will want to do a home check and may want you to do drug testing for a couple months.
Me and my baby both had clean tests from the hospital but they sent someone to do a home check and I had to do pee testing for 2 months before they would close the case. It was because before I got pregnant I had a medicinal marijuana card.
The pee tests are supervised so be prepared to have someone watch you pee. As long as you dont pee positive for any other substances it should only be a couple home visits over the course of a couple of months, expect the urine testing twice a week though.
Their goal is to keep baby if mom if at all possible, so dont worry about baby being removed unless you’re doing crack or something.

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Cps always has to talk to new parents in the hospital it’s protacal


If you are not doing drugs or on the run from the law and if you don’t have a open cps case then you should be fine


If they come to see u yes they open a case. They have to check the baby and make sure you have a crib, running water, electricy, food in the fridge and they usually close it.

If you’ve been clean and passing drug tests, you shouldn’t have anything to be worried about. Be honest, compliant and upfront with them and all should be good.


I can only imagine how scary and anxiety provoking this is for you . Just do what they ask and if everything’s in order and you guys have a safe environment for both of you …they will be in and out of there . Breathe . Congrats


Im a cps worker. You are fine. It will be an in and out welfare check. Doctors flag you and call it in months in advance. New babies add a lot of stress and CPS will offer you services and support. You can politely decline. Its voluntary


I was prescribed hydrocodone by my obgyn due to preeclampsia headaches and preterm contractions. The hospital drug tested me and the baby. I took very few of what i was prescribed, and the baby’s test was clean. They still had to notify dcs even though the meds were given to me in the hospital.


If your still passing drug tests,your not abusive or neglecting your child you should be okay. And they will do home visits as well.

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I had this happen to me,was prescribed subutex and klonopin,the case worker seen I had valid prescription passed all my drugs tests while pregnant she asked me a couple of questions turned around walked out…case closed in less than 5 mins!its procedure a baby born addicted they have to b involved for a min


They will open a case on you but will close it after 60 days as long as you pass their home checks and follow their parenting plan

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If your in the clear then your fine!! Generally they don’t come out for no reason tho. But some genuinely care

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As long as your clean & sober there should be nothing to worry about!!! :grin:


Why are u taking sub if you have been clean for 4 years?


To my knowledge, of there’s no open case and no complaint, you don’t have to talk to them. Perhaps it would be good to consult with an attorney.

If you choose to talk to them, inform them that you’re clean and have been for years. Don’t volunteer more than that. And don’t let them touch or hold your baby.

How did they even know you were expecting? Did your doctor break confidentiality?


Everything will be just fine

I have seen it over and over. They will visit the hospital, check to see how much time you have spent with baby (nurses write it down everytime you come), they will do a home check and make sure you have a place for baby to sleep, food, stuff for baby. Case closed! Dont panic! I think every single person panics when meeting CPS and thats normal. It just means you care. Feel free to message me if you would like!


Dont avoid them, just get it over with, if you avoid them it looks like you have something to hide.


My sobriety date is the day I found out I was pregnant. I had been doing everything I knew to do to be open and honest with the doctors about everything but it made me feel so awful. Like they thought I was going to be a bad mom based off my past. I completely relate to how you’re feeling. I don’t know if they’ll do a home visit or not. Just be compliant and everything should go smoothly. As long as you have legitimate proof that you’ve been taking the necessary precautions for the safety of your baby, you’re fine. You’ve got this momma​:heart: I’m 19 months sober and every bit as good of a mom as anyone who chose to walk differently than I did. Don’t let the nasty comments get to you, either. It’s really easy for someone to judge from the outside looking in, but have never walked in your shoes before. Much love momma​:heart::two_hearts: congrats on your time and your sweet baby!! I hope all goes well for you both​:blush:


I’m literally going through this now. Its protocol for them to notify CPS because its a controlled substance. My doctors didn’t tell me about CPS getting involved until way after we decided for me to continue with subutex treatment. Not a lot of people agree that were clean and sober because we’re using what they call a “crutch” but this stuff gave me my life back. It gave me a chance to be something beautiful and someone i could be proud off. I’m scared as hell too about CPS getting.involved but the way my OB explain was its no big deal, ive been very up front as well. Also may be a lot of people don’t realize when you go.through subutex treatment it is mandatory for you to be in therapy(at least in MI) to the people saying she’s gonna relapse, y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. I got on suboxone after I had my son because of what I was sent home with and I was scared of it becoming a habit again, so my doctor and I decided it would be best to start suboxone. Idk what the point of me telling random strangers All of this since I’m sure I’m gonna get jumped on but please please dont worry.


First of all congrats on being clean and secondly congrats oncthe new baby. Just take a deep breath and relax mama they just have to follow protocol but you should be just fine, keep you head up all will be ok.

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She is clean from her drug of choice… Shes getting a prescribed med from a doc instead of buying who knows what on the streets. Still addiction but its different. Alot of docs refuse to wean if pregnant. I’m here to say, good job girl! Addiction is the devil and you taking prescribed, monitored meds is better than you taking anything off the streets. You got this! Congrats on not taking your drug of choice for 4 years because that is hard to do when an addict.


I’d honestly just let them do their investigation while still in hospital. If baby comes back :100: clean other than what is prescribed, then they can leave their investigation at the hospital. There’s no need for them to go inside your home. If they push for that, get an attorney first.


They will just make sure you have a script for them. And not abusing them. You should be fine mommy. Good luck

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Yes, they can do home checks but they will do a face to face visit with you first and actually talk to you and tell you as to why they are even trying to get involved. And you being on the right track should not be a reason as to why they would even be bothering you. That’s not right. I could understand if you weren’t clean and were showing concerns. I just dont understand. And don’t be nervous just be up front and tell them that you are on a good path. You shall be okay! :heart:

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Sorry but subutex does not equal clean. :woman_shrugging:t2:


All of the judging is so sad! Especially for people who do not know her or her situation.


Nothey will just chit chat. And see if you’re currently clean. As long as you test clean up they won’t do anything. Not sure if it shows up the same as using opiates however… They also will probably speak to you about coming off of it as well because it’s not meant to be on for that long.

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One of my family members went through this, cps comes to the hospital and makes sure you have a script and talk to you routine. The baby when he was born had withdrawals not severe or concerning to the doctor. And he came home after 3 days if you have any questions you can pm me

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