Custody question, who can be around my child?

My daughter is 6 months old today well I moved in to a new place Sunday. Me and her dad split and he already has the girl he “didn’t” cheat on me with staying there. She is not the type of person I want around my daughter. Honestly I don’t think he should already have any female around my daughter. He has cheated in the past and with her to while she had a boyfriend. She is actually his ex like they was each other first everything well they broke up because she kept cheating well we get together and she has a boyfriend. This girl has been posted all over Facebook where this mans wife caught her texting her husband it has been four years and he couldn’t even grow up for his daughter. He is the type that gets tired of something and moves on to something else. Even his family has told me he does what he does to me bc he knows I’ll be there to always take him back. Well I’m trying my best not to be this time. But sorry none that probably really makes sense but back to my problem is there anyway I can control this girl not being around my daughter? Like really don’t want that behavior around her. Yes I know she 6 months she may not notice but it’s still the point it’s to early for either one of us to already be bringing someone around her. He says I have no say so on what he does while my daughter is with him. I try to like write stuff down and is agree on stuff and then get a lawyer to type it up but he wouldn’t even do that he just think we should do what he wants. I guess my question is… is there anyway I can stop this girl from being around my child? Especially this early…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Custody question, who can be around my child?

So generally speaking you can’t control who he brings around your kid on his time. Unless you can legitimately prove to a judge that she is dangerous. But that won’t stop him from bringing the next one around. You could try putting it in the custody agreement through the courts where say you can’t have any new significant others around for the first 6 months of the relationship. Which would go both ways. A judge might not want to do that but maybe you will have one that will. Go to court and get the agreement there and stick to it.


Nothing you can do. Get over him. Move on with your life. Be happy.don’t worry About who he see s .you can’t control it and you will just make yourself miserable trying to.


As much as you want to control who can bring who around your child you can’t I know it sucks I went threw this years ago. Try not to worry about what he is doing and just focus on yourself and baby (ik easier said then done). If your concerned or from what you said his way or no way id say go threw court and go from there, you got this mama.

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Nope nothing u can do really

Do you have a legal custody/visitation order? If you don’t then you don’t legally have to let him see her. It isn’t held against you like many people say. Like my ex was told you’re not obligated to provide the child unless he obtains a court order. If you have a legal court order petition the court for a parenting time restriction. You need a reason. My ex’s ex simply said I was mean to her :roll_eyes:. If he doesn’t currently have rights but applies for rights get a lawyer. There’s a lot you can put in the order for the emotional health of the child. Like * he can’t say anything negative about or to you or have anyone around her that says anything negative about you. * You need to be together a certain period of time or be married before introducing SOs. * First right of refusal meaning neither of you can leave the child with a non parent without asking the other parent first.

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Nope not a damn thing.

You sound super bitter.


Nope, nothing you can do. Its his time with baby so you have no control who he has around during his time. The judge told me that my sons father has every right to do what he wants and be around anyone he wants while on his time. Even with my sons father’s awful past. I have no choice or say in anything. He currently lives in a sober living place and has another guy staying in the same room with them. I think thats highly inappropriate so does his DR but the judge didn’t care.

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So when you get a boyfriend and your daughter’s father says he doesn’t want your child around your new boyfriend then what are you gonna do? Are you going to do what he asks of you? Or you’re going to be a hypocrite?

And also, you keep saying MY daughter. She’s not just yours. She is his too. He can parents how he sees fit. Time to move on and leave him alone.


There’s nothing you can do :sweat_smile: it’s not your business

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She’s not a danger to the child so not really anything you can do. So you don’t like her, okay. You’re going to have to get past that, get over him and move on. You can’t control who he sees and he can’t control who you see. You honestly sound like your just not over him and mad at her so you want to keep her away. That’s not how it works. Also, that’s not just your daughter, it’s his too. You need to address it correctly and not make it all about you. Stop acting bitter, be a grown up and move on. Show yours and his daughter how to behave and be strong. Not jealous and bitter.


In the custody thing like this, the judge will straight out tell you what happens at each others houses has nothing to do with the other parent unless they are unfit or in danger. Not to be mean but sounds like you want to control who he sees and unfortunately you can’t.


Go to court and get it done thru the court system

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Its not up to you to decide who he sees. If she isnt a threat towards kids suck it up. He doesnt have a say who you see. And if he tried to tell you no you wouldnt listen either.


I don’t want to get your hopes up, but you do indeed have a say so(to an extent) who he does bring around the child. From what you stated, their relationship is toxic. If there are concerns of arguments & vulgar behavior in the presence of the child, then you need to address it with the father. If you are planning on going to court, it needs to be brought up in court.


No, unless she had child related cases in the past that are not good. You can’t control what you child does or who they see when he is with their father. And vise versea. Unless that is a dangerous person in the eyes of the court with previous criminal history/child cases… You can not stop the other parent from bribing them around certain people.

What daddy does on his time ain’t your business unless child’s in danger. So unless they have record the judge fixing laugh you out of court.

Everyone whose saying theres nothing you can do, likely hasnt been through such a situation…

You CAN go to court, and have it to where significant others arent allowed around the child until X Amount of time has passed- though it will go BOTH ways, where you both need to follow it.

AND You can, also request that the woman is never alone with your child. A Judge can grant that. (I’ve personally been through it).


You can’t control who he brings around your daughter unless you can prove she or he or they are putting the child endanger just move on

It’s not your choice what your ex does while he’s got the baby unless the child is in danger. It’s not up to you when your ex can start dating again sure it would be nice for him to wait to introduce the child to other women but that’s not a requirement. No judge will agree with you if you bring this to court so you would be wasting your time and money. It sounds like you might be jealous but that’s not ok for you to expect your ex to do what you want because your jealousy. Remember it’s his child just as much as yours and he gets to make decisions also not just you because your mom. If your child’s not in danger then I guess all you can do is talk to your ex and express your wishes but remember he don’t have to do what you want.

As the “mum” in this similar situation, nope nowt you can do at all. As long as dad is on the birth certificate he has as much parental rights as you do and he can have whomever he wants around your daughter as long as he seems them safe. It hurts like hell I totally agree, but I found it easier to have some sort of relationship with her for the sake of my child, we will never be besties but we can be civil and we can talk, work out a Christmas plan, so we don’t all buy the same presents, we can be in the same room together and make damn sure our lil boy doesn’t pick up on hostile feelings. At the end of the day, one extra person who cares about our son is always a bonus.
You need to stop seeing it as what you want, and start seeing it as what is best for your daughter.

You just want control, that’s all it is.

Try and get primary custody and you’ll only have every other weekend to worry about your child, unfortunately that is the best possible outcome that is left for you and your choices

Nothing. Get over it .

Why is everyone stating she can’t control etc… yes momma absolutely can. It’s pretty common in custody agreements that significant others can not be around the child for x amount of time.
So what if she sounds bitter, she just had this asshats kid and he cheated on her, shes entitled to be bitter.

Until you get a court ordered agreement if he’s on birth certificate I’d not let me take your baby. He could keep her.
Lawyer up , tell your lawyer your concerns and take it to court .


Unless your child is in danger you can’t just be " oh I don’t like so and so so no" like yall act like adults and not children. Jealousy and petty shit isn’t okay for the baby

Unless you get a court order saying no one of the opposite sex outside of family is allowed, there’s nothing you can do. Just be aware that if you do that to him the courts will apply the same to you.

Unless she’s a danger to your child, there is nothing you can do.

You need to get a lawyer and a parenting plan. Have it put in the plan no SO around your kid for a certain amount of time.

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He can do what he wants and bring who he wants around the child UNLESS they are a danger. And there really isn’t anything you can do about it.

No maam, you can’t control that, especially if you go through court. We went through court for my bonus baby and our lawyer said who we chose to have him around is totally up to us and mom can’t say anything as long as the person hasn’t been proven to be unsafe around children

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If you go through the courts they will advise BOTH of you that neither is to have overnight guests of the opposite sex. Unless married.

Focus on you and your home… Don’t be this


What he does isn’t your choice. She isn’t just your daughter. She’s his daughter too. He has as much right to her and decisions concerning her as you do. Unless you have reason to believe he would put the child in danger, leave it alone. If you do have reason to believe he would put the child in danger, then file for emergency custody. But you better have proof to back up your need for emergent custody and it can’t be that you think it’s to soon for him to have his new girlfriend around his daughter.

On a side note, everyone makes mistakes, but you knew what kind of dude he was when you got pregnant with him.

At the custody hearing or child support hearing it can be listed that no one can be around the child until they’ve been together for a certain amount of time unless they are living together already.


Should’ve put it in the custody papers to where neither of you could have bf/gf around child until until a certain amount of time being with that person has passed.

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Nothing you can do unless she’s is a threat to the baby. Or has a drug or drinking problem .


All I can say is, is that your are in a heck of a mess and you’d be a complete fool if you took him back again furthermore you would deserve however he treats you knowing what you know.

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Unless there is a valid reason(safety etc), don’t be that person.


There’s a lot of opinions here. Very few are basing their “advise” on real life situations. OP please talk to a lawyer. There’s a lot that can be put in custody agreements that people here will tell you can’t.


Contact a lawyer but I personally dont think there is anything you can do about his gf living with him…Just make sure he pays his support and get on with living your life and don’t ever think of taking him back when they break up

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I’m was looking for a VALID reason for her not to be around your daughter. Like she’s dangerous, abusive, etc… It appears the only reason is because she was a side chick while y’all were together. Please don’t play games when it comes to your baby. I mean I get why you’re upset but one of the WORST things you can do is use your child as a pawn.


I mean I wouldn’t want people in and out of my kids life either, but reading this all I heard is he did this to me, he hurt me, now I need a way to keep my control. I dont think its right for her to be around your kid this soon, but there’s nothing you can do about it as long as she isn’t hurting your child


Lawyer up and request it. Dont let him say and do what he wants just because. Get a lawyer, get custody, get child support, get help with any and all extracurricular activities, all child care cost and especially get help with all medical bills your child may have. And if you guys were living together, get alimony.
And request that the other women not go around your child due ti her being the break down of your relationship.


Y’all should have a parenting plan. Yesterday. A court order is the only thing that has enough teeth.

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I read the whole thing hoping you would say she’s legit negligent but you’re just crazy who cares what she does in her pass time, you need to get over it if he was good enough to lay with he’s good enough to be a partner. And if you keep speaking so low about the decisions HE MAKESAS AN ADULT REMEMBER YOU WERE ALSO ONE OF HIS CHOICE SO WHATS TO SAY about what type of women you are. Obviously not a good one :point_up:


You need a lawyer to get all this sorted out. If you have reason to believe your child is in danger they’ll sort it out through the courts

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Bitter baby mama, he’s right. He can do as he pleases, within limits. As long as baby is safe and cared for.


This is why if me and my SO ever split we have a custody agreement in place stating that no one is allowed to live with us or stay overnight with us when either one has our child until marriage .his dad and his mom did it with him when they split and it went wonderfully and made sure for only consistent stable for the long run people to be around him and of either brokerage agreement they could’ve gotten full custody so it was good they kept it just as we would just so things like this don’t happen .

Nope not unless she is abusing or neglecting her. You need to get over yourself and start coparenting like an adult. You get 0 say about his life during his parenting time. Put your personal feelings aside and move forward with your daughters best interest at heart. Unless she is in danger you do not have a leg to stand on!


Speaking as a paralegal who does family law, unless you can prove to a judge that your child is unsafe being around her I don’t see a reason as to why she cannot be around your child.

It seems to me like your trying to get back at him by keeping your child away and using his girlfriend as an excuse.


You don’t get a say. That’s what a judge will tell you. Unless of course you can prove this person is harming your child.

nope. But you get a say on whether you are gonna let the snake slither on back to you.


Get a court order in place. But unless she poses a threat to you or your daughter you can’t keep her away from your daughter when your daughter is with her father

You have no say over who he can and cannot have around your daughter. His time is his time. Unfortunately even if this girl is no good, it doesn’t matter. Good luck.

He’s right. You don’t have a say in what he does or who he brings around while he has the child unless the child is in danger. A judge will laugh at you if your only reason for not wanting her around is that she’s his ex from before you and he cheated on you.
It’s sounds like just wanting to control him

  1. If she’s not a danger to your child, let it be.
  2. Get some sorta documentation for custody.
  3. I understand how horrifying the loss of control regarding your baby is. Every step you take, do in the best interest of your baby.

You can actually if you file for custody and you can request her/any of his relationships to have no contact with your child unless relationship becomes serious (engaged/married). But be prepared because he can request the same thing from you…


My bf ex tried this with their son went to court and all and there was nothing she could do because I don’t pose as a threat nor have a record she just didnt want her son around me didnt even know nothing about me just because she was madd he moved on and thought she could hold the child from him judge denied it because there was no valid reason but jealousy

If its his time with the child he can do whatever he wants or bring along whoever he wants, aslong as that child is safe. Just like during your time you won’t ask his permission to do something, he doesn’t have to ask you.

Sounds like nothing is in writing and he wants it all his way… make him take YOU to court for visitation … make him put that money where that mouth is I can pretty much bet you want hear from him again

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These people couldn’t be more wrong. What most of them are failing to acknowledge os that this man seems to be on again off again with this woman. How would you feel if your child became attached to a stranger only to have her walk in and out and confuse a infant? I have agreed with my ex that I will not bring anyone into our children’s lives until a year into something. If they can’t wait to meet my kids then they can find someone else.


In all due respect to the sdituwtion and all your comments here, isn’t it 6 months a bit too young to be separated from the mother? A lot of mothers still breastfed at that age… The courts might say differently, I understand that, but I just feel that 6 months old is just too young to be separated from the primary caregiver. They are just too sensitive and too small… Just my maternal instincts speaking. It is in no way to push fathers aside but a full week end and or holidays away at that age just equals to me not really honoring the baby s deep needs. Only my opinion. All the best for you and your baby :sparkling_heart:


You are creating problems … try talking to that girl , you may be surprised, being that girl on the other side was rough for me

Nope. You chose her father now you have to work with it. Just do your best to be a positive role model

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Take it to court and find out. If you were that concerned about your six month old being around his ex new girlfriend whatever may have you, take it to court. Get a mediator involved in all. It is in the best interest of the child which is what they will look at. If you have no idea whether this woman could do any type of harm to your child i.e. leave it alone so she can go have a fling with someone else while the father is at work and so on. You need to make sure that the courts are aware of your concerns the history of everybody involved to get an understanding that this could happen or she could bring someone else into the picture while the father is at work while she’s watching the kids and that person can harm the child because she has a history of cheating. Or even the father. So the history there is noon, make it known to the courts make it none of your concerns.

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In Wisconsin it can be done! Depends on the state,county and judge.

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Does he have visitation rights by the court ?

He can do wat he wants when it’s his time you have no say on his time just like he has no say on your time

Get a lawyer! You CAN have the best interest of your baby & keeping her safe emotionally & physically. But you need a lawyer who specializes in family law. More single parents should care this much! And stop repeatedly taking him back! You can’t say he’s a bad father & then keep taking him back to live with you & the baby.

Yes you always have a say your the full custody parent​:heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation: call a lawyer on your own. Dont listen to these ppl just telling u things call :heart:

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Go to court and have it put in custody that he can’t introduce anyone until 6 plus months or longer.

I’m currently in the process of leaving my husband for cheating/abuse and I for sure will have this put in because we have 6 kids and I’ll be damned if he bring a bunch of different girls in and outta my kids lives.

Nothing you can do. He or she can’t have overnight guests of the opposite sex while in charge of the minor child.

You sound petty. He left you. Not your child. Dont be a bitter baby mama.

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Until there is a custody order you don’t have to let him take her period. Once custody is in place legally then he is correct you have no say in what he does with his time.

If she’s not on drugs, abusive or mean to your kid you need to leave them alone. I understand being cheated on and having a new female around your kids sucks but that’s what happens when you break up. I had someone around my baby at 6 months too and I wasn’t her biggest fan but there was nothing I could do about it and throwing a tantrum about it wouldn’t have helped. Move on, be happy and stop worrying about them.

Keep your baby at home with you.

The court won’t keep her from being around. Only an order of protection against her would do that and you’d have to have proof of a good reason to have one. Cheating wouldn’t qualify.

As long as she’s safe you don’t get a say. You chose to have a baby with this man. Good luck. I hope the best for your child.

shut tf up your just being a nasty B trying to find something that doesn’t fit, don’t make up stories cos your angry at him if he’s a good Dad to his daughter then leave him alone don’t use his girlfriend as an excuse to get back at him and definitely don’t F up his relationship with him and his daughter by going to see a lawyer and making up stories, cos your daughter will end up hating you when she’s older…